I always see these monthly “Empties” posts all around the interweb, but never thought to post any, simply because I don’t usually manage to finish up anything in a month. Yeah, I’m one of “those people” 😛 But I was clearing out my bathroom and dresser over the May Day holiday and discovered some empties, so here we are! Not quite April nor May Empties but enough for a quick update 😀
Pantene Aqua Light Virtually No Weight : Finally, a haircare product that speaks the truth!
I have here a shampoo range that I fervently wish will be available in Asia some time soon. Its not just me. My sister bought this the same time I did in the biggest size available, and she too is wishing the same thing. This wonderful (to us) hair product is the Pantene Aqua Light shampoo and conditioner.
I believe it was launched in the UK/Europe last year, and ever since I read about it on the UK blogs I’d been intrigued. So when the opportunity arose, off to Superdrug and Boots I went to pick this up for my very own. There were a few sizes. I picked up the largest 500ml size because… what if I liked it and had no more access to it?!
Turned out I did. Bah.
Anyway, here’s what I like about this shampoo and conditioner. They promise virtually no weight and this is a lightweight shampoo and conditioner. You know what? Its rare that you meet a hair product that speaks the truth but Aqua Light does!
Voyager Beauty Haul : Because We’re All Voyeurs
So, from this morning’s escapade through the Shanghai Museum, you’d have gathered that that was my holiday destination this past week. It was the festive holidays here, and it was a good time to get away. I didn’t shop much while in Shanghai.
Ok I lie a little. I shopped A LOT but it was all from Marks & Spencer as there was a big sale on, and the prices were so cheap (RMB49 – RM25 for a pencil skirt! OMG! ) I could not resist. So I have returned with a brand new work wardrobe and am very happy for it. I didn’t think you’d want to see a sea of black and grey, so instead this is my tiny little beauty haul.
I only ended up getting the Pantene Clinicare Time Renewal shampoo and conditioner in China – mainly because I’m a little sceptical about authenticity of goods (sad but true fact), and because I needed a shampoo and conditioner while I was there. It worked very well for my hair when I was using it, and I rather liked it, so I do hope to see it here soon.
Pantene Nature Care Shampoo and Conditioner Takes Us Back To Nature
I know we all love things in jumbo supersized packs for value right? A 1 litre bottle of shower gel that costs RM50 offers so much more value than a 300ml bottle at RM20 – ah we can do our math when it counts! 😉 But you know what? I’m glad for products that come in smaller sized bottles. It allows me to try it at a cheaper price, then allows me to decide if I’d like to stay with it in which case I’d invest in the jumbo supersized packs, or if I’d ditch it.
So when I spotted the new Pantene Nature hair care range going at some ridiculous offer price of RM7.99 or RM8.99… or something really ridiculous like that for a small bottle (170ml), I picked up a bottle of shampoo and conditioner to give it a go. I’m nearly done with both bottles so its naturally (hur hur 😛 ) a good time to tell you about it!