I’ve just had quite an eventful weekend, with both joyful and sad news that’s left me feeling rather drained. So last night, in an attempt to center myself in the chaos, I picked up the last of my Faith in Face hydrogel mask, and had an “Oh shit!” moment. I’d forgotten to prepare a post for today. Fortuitously, past PB must have had prescience of future PB’s eff-up, for she had taken all the photos necessary for me to rustle up this post in the length of time it took me to indulge in the mask.
I’d bought these Faith in Face masks in a fit of curiosity a few months ago, while browsing in a Watson’s store. I often throw a cursory eye over the sheet mask ranges, just to see what’s new, but without paying a lot of attention to them, for I don’t use sheet masks very often anymore.
But these caught my eye for a few reasons – quirky packaging (reminds you of any brand? Hint: S&G), and the fact that these are hydrogel facial masks. Wait, what?! Hydrogel face masks for just about RM10? I had to try them! 😀