Famed perfumer and scented candle brand Diptyque has this year added a new feather to it’s proverbial cap – skincare. I first came across mention of it online but last month, much to my surprise, I came to know that we’ll be getting the Diptyque Skincare L’Art du Soin range right here in Malaysia and it hasn’t even been years since its launch! Gosh, we’re moving with the times aren’t we? 😀
It’s even more exciting to note that Malaysia is making the Diptyque L’Art du Soin skincare range available first, and we’re the first in Asia to have it available in May 2014. Well, until the rest of Asia catches up that is 😀 But it’s nice to be first for once, and not have to stare longingly at overseas launches, wondering when our turn will be.
The introductory skincare range is rather limited for now with just the basics available, and I had the privilege of taking a look at them during the press launch a month back, so you get a quick preview and overview ahead of its launch in stores next week (mid-May 2014 I think)