If you’ve ever seen the colour of corals in the ocean, they come in every shade of the rainbow. So technically, a coral coloured lipstick could be blue or green or yellow. But we’d look rather strange walking around with blue, green or yellow lips (beautiful if we were tropical fish, less beautiful on humans, I can assure you) so the most common shade we associate with “Coral” is a reddish-orange.
The Lipstick Bandit assignment this time is to pick a coral lipstick. There was a bit of a debate as to what entails the colour “Coral” but I’ve always associated it with the reddish orange of a coral trout. Ever seen one? (If you haven’t, you’re in for a treat!) I think that’s where the color “Coral” comes from. I picked a coral lipstick once for the summer edition last year so I was a little stumped because as much as I love the bright shade that is coral, I realised I don’t own many. But as I started to despair, as providence would have it, along came a coral delight 😀