I got my sister to pick up the Sukin Organics Foaming Facial Cleanser on one of her trips to Singapore. Sukin Organics is only found in certain Watsons in Singapore so she had to traipse all over the place looking for it, much to my gratitude!
The Sukin Organics Foaming Facial Cleanser comes in a plastic bottle with a pump dispenser. The packaging looks very “organic” with its brown container and off white label.
This foaming facial cleanser is supposed to be very gentle with no SLS or parabens in its formula. The ingredient list is also mostly plant based so I reckon it will satisfy all vegans.
This foaming cleanser is in a gel form and pumps out clear. One pump is about enough to wash the face. I must say however, that the texture takes some getting used to if you are used to using foaming facial cleansers from other brands. Continue Reading