It feels like just yesterday that I was telling you about the 5 things I love for January and the next thing you know, February is almost over!
So much has happened for me, in the past month! I’ll share with you what I can 🙂
And, we’re in a Leap Year this year with 29 days this February, so today isn’t technically the last day of the month. To be honest, I cannot believe that we’re ONLY in February. So much has happened globally and domestically that it feels like we should be at least halfway through 2020 already!
I do hope that everyone stays safe, avoid crowded places so we keep the virus at bay, keep a cool head, and don’t pick too many unnecessary fights over political matters that are beyond our control. Keep calm, and eat good food! Everything looks and feels better after a good meal 🙂
As always, I’d love to hear of 5 things that you’ve loved in this past month. Think about it for a bit. There’s always something that will lift your day and mood and bring a smile to your face 🙂
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