You know, beauty trends have a cyclical nature that you never really notice till you’re “in the scene” as it were. When I started blogging back in 2007 the IT product was mineral makeup. Then over the years, interest waned but it seems like it’s never really gone away. Now, Antipodes hopes to bring it back with their version of mineral makeup foundation and powder.
Antipodes, if you didn’t already realise, has quickly become my favourite organic/natural skincare brand for the simple reason that almost every product I’ve tried from them has worked for me. I have this love-hate relationship with organic/natural skincare because for the most part, my skin rarely takes well to them. Antipodes was different and I was happy to have been introduced to it.
But mineral makeup? I’ll be the first to tell you that I’m not the biggest fan of mineral makeup or mineral foundation. I just find them too fiddly, and the colour match for foundation is usually a problem for me. But Antipodes has recently launched their Performance Plus Mineral Foundation and I’ve got a quick overview on what’s new in their makeup line, plus a quick thought on the mineral foundation that I tested a little at the launch.