Goodness, I haven’t done a blog tag in such a long time that it is almost refreshing to be remembered and tagged by a fellow blogger! Haha! Back in the days when I first started blogging, we’d be forever tagging each other to do these things, but I haven’t done one of these for a while so it’s nice to go back to basics.
Marina of Makeup4all tagged me last week to share a 5 Product Makeup post and I thought it was so refreshing to be tagged, I’d do it!
Essentially, all I had to do was pick 5 products I’d use to do my makeup. It wasn’t hard but it wasn’t easy either because you know us women. We’d have 300 scenarios in our head for what we’d need to doll up for and it’s always that 301st that has us stumped 😛
But I picked out these 5 products on the basis that with only 5 products, I’d go simple and keep my focus on looking flawless. Before you read mine, put on your thinking caps, there will be a test!