A few years ago, after much experimentation, I hit on a planner system that worked for me. It was loosely based on the bullet journal that was very popular then, but which did not work for me. I was actively using planners from Moleskine and Leuchtturm 1917 then, which were pretty pricey.
I use a planner primarily for work and various engagements, so in the last few years, when things were quieter, I fell out of using one.
This year, life has somewhat returned to normal and in early January, I found myself needing a new planner. As luck would have it, I was unable to find any from Moleskine or Leuchtturm 1917 in the market. I guess I was just too late to the party, because most 2023 planners were out of stock by then.
When I lamented about this sad state on Instagram, someone sicced me onto a Kinbor planner. I was intrigued, primarily because it was so affordable! I mean, we’re talking just under RM30 for what looked to be a decent planner with lots of space for to-do lists, appointments and notes.
It’s been about 2 months since I started using the Kinbor planner, and I have to say that it’s a nice one that I’d recommend to anyone looking for an affordable but effective planner 🙂
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