I previously shared with you some basic tips on what to look out for when buying preloved luxury designer bags, and I also told you that when I receive them, I don’t send my bags to a bag spa for cleaning. Nope, I do it myself! 🙂
I don’t buy terribly damaged preloved bags, nor do I use my bags in a rough manner. I don’t baby them, but I don’t abuse them either. For the most part, my bags are kept clean, and with a little extra care, you can take them a long way and they’ll last you years and years!
I’ve also restored some preloved bags that arrived in a rather poor condition – dry leather, dirty and with marks on them, and with storage odours. I treat them all the same way, and I’ve found that it makes them as good as new; or if not, much better than when they arrived! 🙂
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