After 2.5 years of not wearing makeup, and then having to head back into society again (albeit hesitantly), I came to an awful realization. My makeup was only fit for a museum.
All the lovely bottles and powders I had had expired, or were in varying stages of expiry. It was a bit of a rude awakening, I must say.
It isn’t to say of course, that I wasn’t going to use some of the products – I operate within tolerances and I push my luck 😛 – but I saw a foundation in the No. 1 de Chanel range and I thought “I want that!”

So, when the opportunity arose for me to test it out in person, I caved and got a bottle of the No. 1 de Chanel Revitalizing Foundation. It was quite gratifying for me to find out that my shade remained the same! LOL!
It’s also been one of my better beauty buys to date! 😀
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