I’ve gone from posting once a day (twice a day even!) to weekly, and now, we’re 15 days into a new year, and I have not graced these pages with a post.
I almost feel ashamed at my tardiness LOL!
The truth, and reality is that much has been happening in real life, that has impacted my online presence. I wish I could say that I am learning to juggle it better, but the truth is, I haven’t. If anything, I’ve let the ball drop far more often than I’ve been keeping it up in the air.
While life slowly begins to go back to normal for many of us after the last 2 years of limbo, I have to say that it’s not been so for me. For me, it’s gone off on a tangent, and at this point, I’m not quite sure where it’s heading! Not all of it is bad though! 😀
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