I’ve been meaning to share about Natura products for a while, but something else keeps getting in the way, but nothing – and I mean NOTHING – will get in the way of me telling you about the Natura Ekos Murumuru Shampoo and Conditioner.

Regular readers may realise that I don’t talk a lot about hair care products. The real reason, if you’ve engaged with me for any length of time, is that I am very blessed with very obedient hair, with lots of volume, that doesn’t get fazed by my throwing anything at it.
I could use something simple and basic from the pharmacy, or I could go all fancy and whack on brands like Sachajuan, which I had been using for a while prior. Just prior to this, I was using up a giant bottle of Sukin shampoo and conditioner. Decent and good value, but nothing much to write about to be honest 😛
When I was moving on, I fished the Natura Ekos Murumuru Shampoo and Conditioner out of the depths of my cupboard, and within one use, fell in love.
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