If there’s one thing the internet has taught us, it is this – there’s always something newer, prettier and more fun coming around the corner. So, we snap up goodies we have our eye on now, but instead of enjoying them, we tuck them away in our drawers and crane our necks, peering into the distance, wondering if there might be something better out there to come.
Or we buy something expensive, or exclusive, and we hug it to ourself and say “I’ll keep it for a special occasion” as we gaze lovingly at it.
This was me. But it’s now 2019 and I have a new life mantra to live by.
I’ve stopped making resolutions for many years. Time was I’d have a list of resolutions which I’d promptly break before January is out. Then, I started making just the one, hoping to stick to it…. till June at least LOL! 😛
In recent years however, I prefer not to make a resolution, which is really just a wish to better yourself, but to pick a mantra to live the year by.
In 2016, I sought to live each day like it was the first day of the rest of my life. It didn’t quite work out the way I planned, but it did help put me in a more positive state of mind.
In 2017, I suggested that we take a leaf out of the beauty world, and sample before committing ourselves wholesale into a new venture. That worked somewhat for me. I dipped my toes into a few new ventures and challenges, and found that some worked, and some didn’t.
In 2018, I sought to slow down. This one worked quite well for me, and in some ways, has helped me evolve into a better, more tolerant person. For someone who used to fly off the handle at any opportunity, it was a big improvement. It doesn’t make me a doormat, but it made me think better about my actions and inactions and their consequences, before striking. I will be carrying this forward through to this year as well, because it worked so well for me.
This year, 2019, my new life mantra is simple – Use it or lose it.
For 2019, my new life mantra is this:
“Use it or lose it”.
Simply put, I’m tired of hoarding and of accumulating things, and of saying yes when I mean no.
I shared a tip recently on how to declutter your life, that basically starts with one single step. Now, I’m taking it one step further.
Like most of you, I have nice things, and I accumulate nice things. A pretty new palette or embossed blush pops up, and I’m busy clicking “BUY IT NOW” on an online store. A new skincare product catches my eye, and I’m all “BUY NOW!”
Then, I receive it, and paw at it and hiss “My preciousssss…..” and then I tell myself, “I’ll save this for a special occasion!” and I tuck it away in a drawer or cupboard. And the cycle begins again.
Now, tell me that you aren’t the same – don’t lie to yourself 😛
Have you ever thought that that “special occasion” might be today? Or that you don’t have to wait for a special occasion to use or even wear something pretty – every day is that “special occasion”! Or perhaps you experience FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out, as you desperately hoard everything shiny and new?
I acknowledge that the fact of my blog’s existence, runs counter to my argument to live in and enjoy the moment. Often, I am pressured to tell you about what’s new, or upcoming, or to tell you about what a wonderful deal that makeup or skincare set is, so buy before it’s gone!
Long-time readers might have noticed that this has no longer been the norm for me. A few years into blogging, I chose to step away from chasing all that’s new and shiny and glittery, and to actively stop asking people to buy stuff. I’m happy if you see something I talk about, and like it enough to buy it or try it. But I don’t want to be that blog with the gift guides, and the lists of things you should buy, and the listicles telling you about all that’s bright and shiny and new.
More importantly, I don’t want to be that blog with the endless push to “Buy it now!”
Instead, I’d like for you to hit that pause button for a while and take a good look around what you already own.
Go on, I’ll wait. Oh you’re at work? Oops! (Don’t let your boss catch you 😛 )
Are you using everything you already own? Do you feel that you can’t bring yourself to use a product, because it will spoil its beauty? Do you put aside masks and skin treats for “a special occasion”? And more importantly, how often does that “special occasion” come around?
I speak from experience, as I’ve been round the block. I’ve squirreled away high-end product samples ostensibly to use for that “special occasion”, only to forget about them when the time comes. Or perhaps that “special occasion” is derailed, for whatever reason, and you don’t have the mood to celebrate.
TRIVIA: I’ve since learnt that squirrels sometimes forget where they bury their nuts and seeds, and these nuts and seeds then grow into trees. But unlike a squirrel, my products won’t beget others, they will only expire 😛
I’ve also bought makeup in pretty packaging, with beautiful embossing and designs, and have been loathe to use them, because using it will spoil how it looks. So, I tuck them away in a deep, dark drawer, and I eventually forget about them until I spring-clean one day and rediscover them.
Then I cringe a little, because I’d spent so much time, energy and money hunting down these exclusive beauties…. only to have them sit in a deep, dark drawer, gathering dust. Unloved and unused.
I have one piece of advise – Don’t be like me. In fact, this year, I will not be like me LOL! Instead be like my 2019 me.
Live in the moment.
Use what you buy and own right NOW, instead of hoarding and experiencing FOMO thinking of what will come.
If you have been given a sample of a high-end or luxury product, don’t hoard it. Go home, break it out and use it. Few samples will transform your skin overnight, like the wave of a fairy godmother’s wand. So, live free in the knowledge that if nothing else, you’ve just turned your rather mundane day into a special occasion! 🙂
If you’ve bought a makeup item in beautiful packaging or with an intricate design, admire it. Take your photos for a keepsake – post it on Instagram if it makes you happy.
And then, use it.
I always maintain that makeup is best enjoyed when used because that’s what it’s meant to be – face paint. Granted, that pretty packaging or design might please the eye, but unless you display it like a piece of art, it doesn’t serve much more purpose than a piece of tissue paper.
Applying this “Use it or lose it” mentality to life, here’s how I’m approaching my 2019.
If I feel like it, I’ll wear something nice even if the occasion may not call for it. I’ll have a good meal, even if there’s no reason to celebrate. I’ll shop in my closet and stash, and if it’s not something I’d use or wear, out it goes.
I realize that because I blog, I will have the opportunity to try many new things. But I will also adopt the policy, as I have in recent years, that if it’s something I’m not interested in (therefore will not use), I will not accept it (therefore I lose it). While I know this will cost me, it allows me to remain sane and not get overwhelmed.
If I’m not interested in attending a meeting or doing something because it is a waste of time or will not concern me, I will not waste my time doing it. I will do the minimum to maintain my obligations, but on a personal front, if it’s not something I find useful, that’s a strike against it.
It may sound harsh and even a little clinical. While you can pigeonhole products and things, how do you pigeonhole people and life? Well, you cannot, but you can use a minute or two to think about your own peace of mind and happiness.
And really, that’s what I’m aiming for – a neater environment and a less cluttered mind, ultimately leading to a happier me 🙂
We’ll have to wait till 31 December 2019 to see how this pans out. For starters, I’ll have to stop visiting Uniqlo and browsing my regular beauty websites! Now, that’ll be a wrench LOL! 😀
Do you have a life mantra to live by?
Might you like to adopt mine? 😀
Paris B
Laura says
I can totally live with this motto! Recently I’ve discovered that yes, those pretty makeup I’ve bought aren’t going to use themselves, so I’ve been shopping the stash a lot and it’s fun (not to mention economical).
Paris B says
Indeed! Sitting there, pretty makeup serves pretty much 0 purpose lol! Shopping the stash is one of the best and most rewarding, although sometimes, the most regretful thing ever! Lol! Good luck Laura!
beetrice says
I’ve actually been trying to adopt the “use it or lose it” already in 2018 – needless to say, the amount of stuff that got donated and tossed out was shocking (and there’s still a LOT to get through for 2019!). this year, I’ve resolved not to buy anything unnecessary and look more at experiences instead. whether this will actually come to fruition in 2019…..we’ll see on 31 Dec 😛
PS: surprised to see me out of the woodwork?
Paris B says
Wah this was a surprise! LOL! I culled a bit last year and it was good especially for the closet. Some clothes I’d been hanging on to “for a special occasion” were just ridiculous LOL! Good luck with your resolution. I’m all for experiences. They are intangible but can bring so much more joy and help us grow more as a person. I’m going to try to cook more. Maybe we should do some bi monthly potlucks to force me to actually perfect my dishes LOL!
Kay says
Hello Paris, Happy New Year!
My theme for 2019 is SLEEP. Chronic sleep deprivation is not pretty I tell you. I am tired of being tired. So I will sleep more and sleep better. Here’s to hoping that by the end of 2019 with better sleep I will be healthier and happier.
I like your Use It or Lose It life mantra for 2019, heck your Slow Down mantra of 2018 also resonates with me. In 2018, I did make an effort to crack open my unused potions and lotions, use up all my samples (because in 2018 the travels I was saving the samples for did not materialise at all…), wear clothes that I had forgotten about or never wear regularly and only buy beauty products if the previous ones had been used up. No more hoarding. Experiences over possessions and all that jazz. In 2019, I hope to make better use of my makeup, shoes and accessories. And get more SLEEP!
Paris B says
Kay, sleep is so underrated so as an insomniac, I am with you on having better sleep this year! In fact, I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in what feels like weeks – it’s impressive how I’m still functioning 😛 Here’s to us living our best lives this year – and with a good night’s sleep thrown in!
Jan Kelley says
Paris, please don’t even say Uniqlo. It is my favorite online clothing source. I have just decluttered my stash. I am not going to buy any new makeup unless it is totally different from what I already have. However, I do use everything. For Christmas I was gifted the Chantecaille anniversary highlighter with the pearls on the top. Yes it is on my makeup table and it’s beautiful. But, I do use it. My attitude is, “why shouldn’t I?”. It’s like having fine china sitting in a cabinet, never used. Why have it.
Paris B says
LOL! High 5 fellow Uniqlo fan! 😀 I swear, I walk into the store, just to have a look, and suddenly, I’m walking out with a bag. It’s ridiculous how little self control I have 😛 Oh, the Chantecaille anniversary highlighter is so pretty! I’m glad you used it because I’m sure it’s even prettier on skin!
Mei Ping says
Happy New Year and have a wonderful year ahead!
Ummm….. care to share how to become a more tolerant person and not to fly off the handle at any opportunity? Want to do so but failed so many times….
Paris B says
Happy new year Mei Ping! Here’s the trick I use, which is really a tried and true one – count to 10 in your head. When you get mad and you want to stab someone, take a deep breath, count to 5 (or 10). You’ll notice that a) you will calm down a little and b) you will very quickly learn to formulate an alternative response or not respond, as it were, in those 5-10 seconds, depending on the situation, that does not make matters worse. It took me a while, but I soon got the hang of it. Sometimes, silence is the better part of valor. Try it and see if it works for you 🙂
Mei Ping says
Thanks Paris! Shall try this. I suppose silence is golden….
Paris B says
Sometimes, it is 🙂 It takes a lot of self-control not to react sometimes, but depending on the situation, it often works out for the better. Good luck!
llemongrass says
Sound advice and something I’m practising religiously now too. When I sorted out my skincare and makeup stash, I found that I had more than 50 lipsticks (all yet to expire phew). They’re now sorted out by brand and colour, all prominently displayed in my acrylic storage hehe, so that I have no excuse to forget about them. Yeah, we shouldn’t be so precious about stuff. A long time ago, I used to keep away precious/super expensive food ingredients which I’d buy on my travels and save them for a special occasion. One day, I cleaned out my pantry and fridge and felt like crying when I found that these items had expired. So now, I tell myself I won’t buy new stuff until I’ve consumed the earlier items. I think we need to meet up more often to remind ourselves of this…and shame each other if we’ve had a memory lapse!
Paris B says
Oh don’t get me started on food!! I’m very ambitious when it comes to cooking (I cook any time, but not at night LOL! 😉 ) and I love trying out new stuff, and buying groceries and snacks from overseas when I travel. When I do an audit of my fridge or pantry, I have so much in there that are expired! I do try to keep it down to a minimum now, but it’s still hard especially when I don’t cook for many. So, maybe this year, if I want to take on a cooking experiment (I aim to perfect Ayam Masak Merah and Nasi Tomato!) I shall have to host some meals LOL! 😀 And yes please to more meet ups! (saves us the cooking LOL!)
Nvie says
I’ve adopted ‘use it’ some time back and stop buying because somethings looks nice. Never keep makeup or skincare for special occasion as they will expire.
As for luxury goods, carry that damn bag and wear those shoes, more so when it comes to jewellery, my motto is reduce cost per wear. That way, I’m happy to know they are being used.
Some may say wow you look like a Christmas tree, earrings, necklace, ring and bracelet, I’m pretty ‘complete’ on a daily basis, but hey, I’m happy! Um, I will never wear an anklet though :p
I never believe in New Year Resolutions, they are only good in motivational books.
Paris B says
Yes! Carry that bag, wear those shoes! Really, who cares what people say, as long as we’re happy with what we have right? It’s not like we’re affecting anyone (except making them feel bad for not dressing up?! LOL) I don’t wear many accessories on a daily basis, but I try to make the effort when I have to put a good face forward. It’s also an interesting thing I noticed, that when you dress up, it’s easier to face people – for some reason, they back down in the face of a well-dressed woman LOL! Useful work strategy 😛 And no anklets for me either – too much like prison chains 😛
xin says
Good mantra! I have stopped buying a lot of things until I need them – and guess what I learnt? I can live with less!
My goal this year would be – trying to reduce the waste & single use plastic/container when I can help it. It’s not easy to carry all the containers and mugs around for ‘just in case’, but I shall try my best. ^_^
Paris B says
haha yes we all can live with less – for now, a lot of it is a “want” not a “need” anymore! And you have a noble goal this year! I tried a few times last year to bring my own containers out to pack food. But I’d always forget 😛 I don’t do straws though – I just don’t use straws so it’s one thing I can give up 😀
Xin says
Haha I have metal straws in my bags, so I’m still using my own straw.
Paris B says
I haven’t gone down that metal straw road yet!
Syikin says
your mantra is awesome -applicable to me (yes i stash pretty things or food until they expired ?) and am gonna add “Don’t buy it till you finish the old one “ to myself when it comes to skincare ?
Paris B says
That’s a good policy too Syikin! I tried to do that once but my eyes wanted more than my face can handle lol! Good luck!
ishi says
…sounds like my ‘eat that chicken skin now, and not at the end’..(before it gets stolen by the hubs/brother/nephew/pops…
Yes … not buying so much and giving the make up i have in my stash lotsa lurve, and those I’ve fallen out of love with I give away.
Paris B says
HAHAHA I love your analogy because it’s so true! (and I love that you enjoy chicken skin too – esp the crispy fried ones!) I actually need to be a little more stern, and throw more things away. Some stuff I own are ancient! 😛