Hello friends.
Each year, as the clock ticks down to the final minutes of the 365th day (or 366th in a leap year, if you’re pedantic), I sit here to ponder for a moment on the year that’s past.

As you grow older, the same thoughts cross your mind each year, as each festival looms – “Goodness! The year is just FLYING by!” you exclaim. Each year, you convince yourself that it’s going by faster than before.
I’m afraid that’s what I’m going to say about my 2018 – It’s just flown by.
If I could sum up my 2018 in one word, it would be this – Renewal.
When I started out my 2018, it was with purpose. The years before this had been hard on me, both mentally and emotionally. When 2017 ended and 2018 dawned, I felt like I’d been through a washing machine. I felt battered and exhausted.
So I opened up my missive in 2018 with one piece of advice – slow down. It stayed at the back of my mind. Unconsciously, I did find myself slowing down.
I tried not to react too quickly to situations or news. I closed an eye (and an ear) when necessary, and tried not to pour fuel on the fire. If I found myself getting upset, I forced myself to take a deep breath. It stopped me from saying things I’d regret later, and it stopped my blood pressure from getting out of hand.
More importantly for myself, I slowed down enough for old wounds to scab over.

I forced myself to look forward, instead of looking back. I looked ahead to “What now?” instead of dwelling on “What if?” I forged new friendships while maintaining the old. I forced myself out of my comfort zone and I went on an amazing holiday with a friend.
I said yes to opportunities, sometimes quite recklessly, and often when what I really meant was “Erm… maybe, possibly no…. ” LOL 😀 An example was when I recklessly agreed to go on holiday with my parents to China (I will honestly say that China is never high on my priority list of travel destinations) but I went anyway, and it turned out to be interesting.
But in the process, I found some inner peace. I was sleeping better and I felt a little happier. There were a few incidences during the year that raised my blood pressure, but I soon realized that silence was often the better part of valor. It made other people caper about making fools of themselves, while I kept my own counsel, and that provided me with hours of endless amusement.
Locally, on 9 May 2018, we saw a renewal of our Government. I barely slept in that initial week, when everything seemed to be on tenterhooks as we, as a nation, showed our 60 year old ruling party the door, and welcomed in the unknown. Even on the national front, there was a wind of change, of renewal.
I would have liked to tell you that with this positive mindset I’d put myself in, I’d end my 2018 on a high; but the last 2 weeks of 2018 were hardest on me. It was as if something had to give, and give it did in the most spectacular way.
I spent the last 2 weeks battling a mysterious viral fever that would spike every few hours in a day. I capitulated and saw the doctor only to be told that they didn’t know what it was. So, I rode it out LOL! I’m better now, but my brains have melted thanks to binge-watching Netflix 😛
I also had the scab I’d been growing over my emotional wound ripped off in a most painful way. Just when you think an old wound has healed, you realize that it hasn’t. When you think that people have disappointed you enough, they plumb new depths, and you are left wondering why you put yourself through this washing machine of regret again.

So I sit here today, on the last day of 2018, once again, having picked myself up off the floor, and brushed myself down and telling myself the way forward is this way, and to leave the past where it belongs – behind me.
Through all of this, I’ve kept my blog at my core. The regular readers may have noticed that blog activity has picked up this year, as compared to previous years. I’ve blogged more frequently, and on a wider variety of subject matter than I have in the past.
I’ve maintained a relatively punishing 3 posts a week schedule for most of the year, with few breaks in between. I actually ran a poll on Facebook to ask if I should post less often, or if I could up the ante and post a little more often. The result was a clean 50:50 LOL! 😀 So quite clearly, 3 posts a week sit well with most of you, and that will be something I’ll maintain going forward.
The reason I’ve kept my blog close is simple. It’s my home. It’s where I turn to for comfort and stability, when it feels like the winds of change are turning into a hurricane outside.
It’s given me purpose and helped me find a direction, on days when the needle of the compass is spinning wildly out of control. I know I have 3 blog posts a week to turn out, and I know I have to find the time, effort and subject matter to write about. It drives me and yet, cocoons me by remaining the one constant in my life.
By extension, you may not realize this, but YOU have been my constant too. You who read my blog. You who comment. You who chat with me on Instagram, and you who write me emails.
There have been some dark days, that are made brighter simply because I receive an email out of the blue from an appreciative reader, or someone who leaves a comment telling me they found a tip I shared helpful. It gives me pleasure to know that something I find useful or helpful or beneficial helps someone else too.
I may touch your lives in a more visible way, but what you may not realize is that you too touch mine – albeit in a more subtle way, or in ways you don’t even realize or notice.
So on that note, thank you for being there for me the past 365 days. A new set of 365 days loom on the horizon, and I can safely say that you will find me here at MWS, walking this road, wherever it might lead.
I hope you will take my hand and join me 🙂
Thank you and I will see you in 2019 🙂
Paris B
Happy New Year, Paris!
Happy new year Margaret! Thank you for reading and commenting all this time 🙂
Happy New Year PB! Thanks for sharing about the ‘slowing down’ part and I shall learn from you and practise this pointer from this 2019 onwards ???
Happy New Year Esther! Yes, do try it. It helps avoid a lot of grief and makes you think before you say or do something you may later regret. May you have a more peaceful 2019!
Happy New Year, Paris! May the sun continue to shine brightly in your heart. Whatever you are doing, you look absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for always delivering an enlightening and informative post. My wish for you is for much happiness, wealth and most important, good health in the coming year.
Thank you so much Jan <3 Good health and happiness is all I want for now. I won't be greedy 😀 My wishes for you are the same - that you be surrounded by love, joy and good health and the odd pretty thing as well of course! 😉
You know what stick to my mind about your 2018 posts? The one about people keep asking you whether you sell products LOL.
It’s enjoyable to read about your blogs but I guess this year, I chose to read more your IG and FB posts hehe. I guess because my mailbox keep getting LOTS of emails that I barely able to read any articles posted in emails so browsing through IG and FB posts is more convenient and if I “rajin”, I even go through articles/blogs shared in the posts :P.
2018 is another interesting year for me. I had heartaches, I cried even more and I got through medical treatments/procedures. Heck, I even got so mad one time that it was comical how I react – throwing stuff, leashed out to the person who made me mad and almost did bodily injury haha. BUT there were many good things that when I think about those, hey, life actually more good than bad! I had many first times – joined a running event voluntarily, participated in a singing competition through persuasion by others, had someone “pujuk” me when I was furious – and I made new friends, getting more into social life :D.
I wish for a great year 2019 for you and me!
OMG Fathin, I never want to see another email/post about stupid hair irons again! LOL! 😀 Thank you for still reading my posts one way or another. I do realize that these days, more and more people are turning to Instagram instead of reading blogs, which is why I try to remember to post something there to remind people that hello, I have a blog haha! 😀 I’m sorry that 2018 was rough on you. But on the bright side, it is now past, and there is a brand new year ahead! May it be filled with things that you enjoy, and that you don’t have to throw anything at anyone haha 😀 Happy new year 2019!
Oh PB, I haven’t commented on a blog for, like, 200 years! Thank you for doing what you’re doing because you know I come to you for “advice!” Everytime I wanted to buy a make up, heck, even a facial mist, I though, “Let’s see what PB thinks about it,” no kidding!
I hope you feel better soon!
Hi Pelf, haha rest assured I haven’t been around THAT long! 😉 But thank you so much for still even thinking of me. Gosh, I remember the days of yore when we were all blogging away, and well, look at you now! Turtle conservationist, and doing great things, and me here, plugging on about beauty haha! I hope you’ve found something useful regardless, although I know we are now more disparate in interests 😀 Happy New Year!
I miss blogging, PB! Even now, there’s so much I want to write/talk about, but there is not enough time to do everything! I salute you for maintaining this blog despite having a day job and deadlines and other commitments! Good for you!
You know what they say – time is what you make of it! And I feel like you can help spread the word even further by writing. Then again you probably already do for publications and the like haha! But we do what we can for what we love and enjoy and that’s what I try to do! 🙂
Happy New Year to you Paris, and your loved ones. Yours is the one of the very few blogs that have remained on my reading list across all the years. Wishing you an even better 2019 ahead!
Happy New Year to you Jen! Thank you so much for still reading my blog. It means the world to me that anyone does, in this age of Instagram! 🙂 Here’s to a better, healthier year for us all
Glad to hear that you are on the mend. Here’s wishing you and all MWS readers a happy, healthy & joyous year ahead.
Thank you Shasha, and Happy New Year! I hope we all get the year we hope for, and I certainly hope for better health and more happiness ahead 😀 We need to make that coffee date happen too! 😀
Happy New Year to my dear Paris. Been following you since my uni days (which are years ago :P).
You are the only legit trustworthy beuaty blog that I would go to whenever I would like to try out somthing new. Keep writing Paris! Wishing you a great year ahead dear.
Happy new year Jamie! Thank you for reading my blog all this time – if uni days were years ago, imagine how long you’ve been reading! LOL! 😀 Thank you so much for your trust and I hope to not abuse it 🙂 All the best to you in the coming year!
Such a heart warming and positive post Paris! It sounds like you have a very balanced mindset/outlook and that’s super positive – you don’t have to be raging happy all the time to be positive!
Thank you for enriching our lives by creating the content that you do and by sharing your thoughts with us 🙂
Happy New Year!!!
It was a bit of a mixed bag year for me – as it generally is most of the time I’ve learnt. We have our ups and downs but it is important to not lose sight of the positive, because when we do that’s when we spiral. Thank you always for being there, and for contributing – I appreciate it more than you realize! 😀 Happy new year Sylvia! May it be a wonderful year ahead for us all.
Happy new year 2019 PB!
This blog is honestly one of the few I still check out from time to time and actually, really read an entire post. Or two. ?
Though im not big on social media, even the boring me often spend more time on IG (and sometimes) FB compared to blogs. But I’ll never think of blogs as obsolete. IG stories and posts may be fun & less time-consuming to read but nothing beats honest and in-depth blog posts.
Keep rocking MWS in 2019 yo!
Happy new year Hanna! 🙂 Thank you for still reading all this time. It means a lot to me! I’m not active on FB but IG can be a bit of a black hole when you start checking out other accounts and suddenly an hour has gone by LOL! 😀 It’s a good way to see what’s new at a glance though, which is what I think many people like especially if it’s a pretty picture. Still, I’m glad to know you think blogs have a place – if not I think I can close shop already 😛
Happy New Year PB!
You’ve been a constant too in my life. Since 2008.
I never bought things without looking at your blog. Even candles : )
Have a merry year!!
Hi Jue, did I poison you about candles?! LOL 😀 Thank you so much for your years of support and for reading my blog. I cannot believe you have been there since almost the inception! It means the world to me <3 Happy New Year and may this be the best one yet for you!
There are not many well-written blogs with beautiful photos around since emergence of Instagram. Thank you for keeping your blog alive as I’m one of many who enjoy reading all your posts, be it beauty or travel or just deep thoughts.
There are tonnes of toxic people out there, who cares about them as there are also many nice and caring folks too in this world.
May 2019 be a better year for everyone, after all, it is our lives, we decide what is best for us.
Have a Happy New Year, Paris B.
You are too kind Nvie, thank you so much for the very kind words about my blog! I guess since it’s my home, I have to keep it pretty 😀 To be fair, there are many blogs with beautiful photos out there too – mine seem almost amateurish by comparison. But I think I can most certainly win for long-winded writing haha! 😀 Thank you for being one of the nice and caring folks in the world, and here’s to a fabulous 2019 for us all. It shall be a good one – we’ll make it so! Happy new year!
Happy New Year, Paris. It was great to finally be able to meet you earlier last year. You put a lot of hard work here at MWS and also on IG (I hardly check FB so…) and it shows. Nobody knows what 2019 will bring, but let’s hope it’s somewhat favourable, one way or another.
Ooh you are right, we did get to meet last year, and I’m glad we finally did! 😀 Maybe next time we can meet in Ipoh and you can take me for the good eats 😀 Oh and don’t worry about FB – I don’t check it either 😛 I only keep it alive, because well, people still seem to check it (I thought FB is dead I swear! What with all the privacy fuss, but I think it’s too entrenched in people’s lives by now that it will stay alive for a long long time) Now that we’re into 2019, here’s to a good, if not better year for us all – the future is uncertain, but heck, we can look good facing it 😉 Happy new year Lily!
Sorry I couldn’t comment earlier as I was out of town. Just want to thank you for sharing your inner thoughts and snippets of your life, in addition to your honest take on beauty and general topics.
I wish you happiness, great health, peace and stability in 2019. 🙂 Happy New Year!
Hi Nicole! No, there’s no need to apologize! Thank you for your kind wishes and for always having something nice to say in the comments 🙂 Here’s wishing you a fruitful, productive, happy and healthy 2019 ahead!