This post is sponsored by and brought to you in part by Nespresso Malaysia. Opinions are my own based on my own machine I purchased 5 years ago
You know I like to cook, here at Chez PB, but my kitchen hasn’t been as active in recent times. What I do most often in there these days, is head for my Nespresso machine first thing in the morning, and make coffee. I may love talking about beauty, but I’m equally passionate about food and coffee. I would be a zombie with a headache, without my morning coffee!
Featured: Nespresso Lattissima One machine
No day starts without a steaming hot cup of the thick, black, bitter brew. The smell of roasted beans. The bitter yet fragrant aroma filled with promise of a lovely jolt of caffeine to wake your system up. Ah…
I’ve owned a Nespresso machine for over 5 years. You may remember seeing it in these pictures. The model I bought is no longer in production, but it has served me well all these years and continues to serve me well. Surprisingly, I get quite a few queries about it, and about Nespresso coffee in general. I know, you can never tell who’s reading your content online! 😀
So I thought I’d share once and for all, why I love my Nespresso machine, and why I think now’s a good time as any to take the plunge, as it were. A tribute to the 5 years I’ve owned mine, and because I can share that Nespresso is running a Long Black Friday promotion with some good deals (and a promo code!) that starts 2 days before Black Friday! 😀
It’s so easy to get the perfect cup of coffee
I once had a coffee machine that needed me to grind my beans, tamp it down, get the water just right, and the pressure just so, to make that lovely cuppa. I enjoyed it, but it was far too much work in the morning, when what you really want is just that shot of caffeine to get you out the door.
The Nespresso machine uses single use capsules. Pop one capsule into the machine and let it work its magic, while you get breakfast ready. No need to fuss around trying to figure out if your water is hot enough, or if you have put enough coffee, or if you’ve put too much water. It is, as I and my friend agree, a coffee machine perfect for busy working people 😀
One capsule for the perfect cup of espresso, topped by the signature Nespresso smooth creamy crema, that gets the synapses firing. You do realize that Nespresso machines make espresso coffees right? That’s about 40ml of perfectly concentrated brew. Perfect to pick you up in the morning and kick start your engines.
If you prefer something lighter, dilute it with more water and turn it into a Long Black. This is how I normally take it, unless I need something strong. If you prefer something taller, opt for the Lungo capsules and make a medium cup (110ml) with just one push of the button.
If you prefer, add in some milk for a latte, or milk foam for a cappuccino, with their attachments. But I take my coffees thick, black and dark like my soul 😛
There are so many flavours to try
Part of the fun of having a Nespresso machine is being able to try the different coffees and roasts they have. You can buy a starter set with all the flavours they have, or taste them and then decide which you like best.
I’ve tried practically all the flavours Nespresso makes, over the years. Some are easier to drink than others, but when I buy capsules, my favourites are the Lungo ones, because I can get a good, big cup of coffee at one go, without having to trot off to the nearest cafe.
Each year, they come up with some new limited edition flavours that always keeps things interesting. You can usually taste the slight difference in these. I remember that I rather enjoyed the orange and liquorice version from 2017. This year, they made a selection with Paris Black, Praline (Hazelnut) and Macaron (Almond) and I had to pick them up to try. I quite enjoy the Praline one – there is a subtle nutty taste that is quite pleasant.
Be as intense or as light as you like
Which brings me to how you want your coffee. Nespresso capsules come in different intensities. I drink just one coffee a day (insomnia problems) so I like to make it count! My choice therefore goes with the intense flavours. I rarely buy anything rated an Intensity 6 and below. It is always Intensity 6 and up, all the way to Kazaar or Ristretto at a whopping Intensity 12! 😛
When I drink Kazaar or Ristretto, I always water it down into a Long Black because it is too intense even for me to knock back as an espresso 😛
But if you don’t want or need anything so strong, or perhaps you take more than one coffee a day, then opt for the lighter ones. They aren’t as thick nor as bitter, and often, you will taste the sweetness or fruity flavours coming through in the likes of Cosi or Volluto. I always keep some on hand, because some days call for a light nudge, while others needs a major kick to the system, before the engine starts firing 😀
Oh, and if you like the taste and aroma of coffee without the caffeine jolt to the system, then they make Decaffinated capsules too.
Nespresso Long Black Friday deals
The Nespresso machines on offer today are far sleeker and in some cases, much more compact than previous models. I roadtested the new Lattisima One, and was pleasantly surprised that it did not take up much counter space at all. It even has a chamber for milk so you can indulge in top quality lattes and cappuccinos right in the comfort of home.
To get your engines running, Nespresso is running a Long Black Friday at from 21-26 November 2018 so you can grab your machine and coffee to help you stay up for the Black Friday sales 🙂 I picked mine up during a promotion back in the day and I can safely vouch that you get the best deals during promotion time.
To find out more, head over to the Nespresso website to check out the array of Long Black Friday offers from 21-26 November 2018. Start shopping 2 days before everyone else! Here’s a selection
- The beautifully minimalist Lattissima One is RM949 with purchase of 100 capsules (10 sleeves) of coffee for creamy home brewed cappucino that rivals anything from your local coffee joint
- Use my discount code “BFPARISB” to get RM20 off Nespresso purchases for the first 50 redemptions made online at the Nespresso website during the Long Black Friday sale from 21-26 November 2018 (That’s like getting almost 1 sleeve of capsules free!) so I’d stock up on capsules if I were you 😉
Explore the world of Nespresso at the boutique
OK, this isn’t technically only for Nespresso machine owners, but for everyone.
Nespresso boutiques are very welcoming to induct you into the world of rich coffee. When you visit their stores, you can discover new coffee experiences by sampling their coffee. This is to allow you to try the coffee, so you know if you like how it tastes, before buying the capsules. I always make it a point to taste the limited edition coffees that they release now and again.
So, if you are ever walking by a Nespresso boutique (There’s one at The Gardens Mid Valley mall in Kuala Lumpur) pop in, and ask to try their coffee. They are usually obliging, and will make you a cup to your taste and requirements – milk, sugar or simply black. This way, you get to experience how the machines work, to figure out which type of machine suits your taste and lifestyle preferences best, and more importantly, which coffee you prefer.
Whenever I go to The Gardens in the morning, I usually pop by for a quick cup, and a chat about their new coffees or to check out the new machines. I also drop off my used capsules for recycling. Each order or purchase of capsules comes with a recycling bag. So pop your used capsules in there and drop them off at the boutique.
If you live far away from a Nespresso store, you can order your capsules online. I used to do that before the store opened up here last year, and have no quibbles with their service. Don’t forget to use the discount code!
Are you a Nespresso fan? Is it time to be one?
I am a big fan of Nespresso, if you didn’t already know. I was so excited when I found out that we were getting our very own Nespresso boutique in Kuala Lumpur! Yes, it may sound a little sad, but hey, I do have a life (and loves) outside of beauty stuff 😀 Now, tell me if you plan to hit up the Nespresso Long Black Friday sales 😉
Paris B
Find out more about Nespresso, Nespresso coffee capsules and machines and Long Black Friday deals at
ok…feeling suaku here. can we add fresh milk in this machine to make milk coffee?
For this particular Lattissima One machine yes you can. There’s a compartment for milk in front (the clear plastic compartment) and you can make latte and cappuccino with this one. For other machines you may need to buy an attachment.
Nespresso fan here, although I am currently straying with trending pour-overs 🙂 I will be looking forward to try the new flavors with the promo code.
I am so hoping for a boutique up north here. Been hearing so much about the boutique experience, unfortunately when they did have a pop up store here recently, and the service was … ahem … I walked out pronto. Also feeling bad about the waste generated, being able to send for recycling at a boutique will be so good.
One question I have is how much do you usually water down, is that through the machine or separately ? I usually take mine with milk, but I am trying to cut down on milk recently.
Aww sorry to hear your pop up experience wasn’t good. I used to stalk the pop ups before they opened a boutique. Decent experience for me with friendly staff who’d make me interesting coffee lol! For me my machine (similar to Essenza) allows the water to run even though there’s no capsule. So if I make an espresso, depending on how intense it is, I’d run another shot of espresso with just hot water. Otherwise you can just top it up with hot water. I’m lactose intolerant so I don’t take a lot of milk so my coffee is plain black 🙂 So it depends on your machine. If it allows to run water through then usually another shot or two of water does it for me 🙂
Ah! Was this the pop up at Gurney Paragon / QBM? I was a bit upset that I missed it as I was out of the country but going by your experience, doesn’t look like I missed much then.
Basically they have a ‘macam tak mahu layan’ attitude. Maybe new staff or temps ? Also, no trying, no promo. How la to enter the market here with this kind of service ?
Well, the pop-ups are at Gurney Paragon again, saw from Nespresso newsletter a few days ago. Hopefully there are improvements with boutique coming soon.
No trying? I thought that was the point of a pop up .. how odd. I might swing by Paragon tomorrow and check it out. Thanks for sharing!
I am SO tempted but torn because ..well, pods…environment…etc etc. #dilemma
The aluminum is recyclable and the coffee contents can be used for fertilizer or compost if you do that 🙂 I do feel a little bad about the waste but I’m afraid I am a little selfish in this regard 😛 Make the leap! I don’t think you’ll regret it 😉
P/s you can pass your used capsules to the delivery when they deliver your new capsules too! Read about the Nespresso recycling effort :!/recycling/capsules-recycling
I’m trying to get my husband out of drinking 3 in 1 coffee, and told him about this Nespresso machine. But the thought of coffee from capsules….. makes me think twice and trice, and that’s why we haven’t get the machine after so long. PB, the content in the capsules are liquid or ground coffee powder ?
The recycling programme is a plus point though.
I believe the capsules contain ground coffee, Bugs. And I totally get your hesitance haha!
I’m not that much of a greenie myself, Paris. I call myself a “convenient greenie” as in I’m a greenie when it’s not too much trouble 😛
I read up a bit on Nespresso’s dedicated recycling programme but find it doesn’t quite work for me because I don’t live in the Klang Valley. But, serendipitously, this bit of news popped up on my twitter feed as I was researching.
It still doesn’t quite address the issue of what happens to the used capsules but might sufficiently assuage my guilt? haha! Interesting though that the last bit in that article refers to the existence of fully compostable capsules!
I cannot believe my beloved coffee demands so much thought! 😀
I’d read that the capsules are recycled by Nespresso into new capsules. I guess it makes sense since it’s all aluminum? Also the pods can be picked up by the people who deliver the new capsules. So there’s no need to actually trek down to the boutique or pop ups 😉 But I get your concerns. In this day and age, it is a challenge to balance convenience and trying to do our bit for the environment! 🙂
Haha I think the balance is being tipped in favour of going for it. Besides, dad does use coffee grounds for his veggie garden! Can simpan for him.
Next big question: Put it at home or in the office? Brekkie at home tend to be a bit rushed on week days. It’s the (requisite) second coffee at the office that I get to savour at leisure. But then, weekends apa macam?!?!!? Decisions, decisions!
LOL! Tell you what. Get one for the office. Charge it as an office expense and write it off. Then get one for home, maybe the smaller one, for the weekend hehe… (I used to do that!) And my capsules are expensed LOL 😉
HAHAHAHAHA! You really are the little devil on my shoulder!
Just sharing the love! LOL! 😉
I’m also crossing my fingers that tthe pop up is a precursor to a boutique here soon!
Hehe tell him 3-in-1 coffee is fattening! I promise it is cos of the sugar and creamer while you can have this one black at 0 calories hehe… 😉 The coffee is ground coffee from selected beans. The amount in each capsule is just enough for one cup.
Nespresso is quite particular about recycling so you can drop off the used capsules at their boutique or pass them to the delivery when they deliver your capsules 🙂 I’ve read that they then recycle the pods into new pods where possible. At least by returning it to them I figure they are the best people to handle it 🙂
It’s perfect for time-poor professionals. I usually buy my pods in bulk and delivery is so prompt. And I’ve gotten freebies over the years as well. A glass here. A set of mugs and saucers there. Free sleeve and so on.
Having said that I still enjoy my routine of hunting for the perfect beans, grind it to perfection, tamp it properly and heat the milk to my liking. It’s the entire process of making coffee that I love as well. That’s my weekend treat when I’m not rushing around like a headless chook every weekday.
I haven’t gotten any cups yet. Boo 🙁 But I live in hope I’ll get it one day! When I ordered online I’d get a few months supply at one go. It made sense for me but now there’s a boutique I sometimes pick up individual sleeves of flavours I like. Given a choice, I’d make a good cuppa with a swanky machine too. But mine seems to be consigned to the storeroom lol!
Having a cup of coffee first thing in the morning is such a joy in life, isn’t it? I have all along been a tea addict. Just about a year ago, I became a coffee addict too. Anyway, this Nespresso machine makes a great X’mas gift. Thanks for sharing.
Good idea about the Xmas gifting! I wish someone would gift me something this fancy! And yes a morning coffee is a must or I won’t be able to function lol
Going non-sequitur here, but those puffs are just calling my name… LOL
I knew curry puffs would resonate far better with my grounded readers than pretty macarons or cupcakes! LOL!
Thanks for the promo code Paris! I have had my eye on a machine for awhile so finally bit the bullet and grabbed one of those irresistible Black Friday deals. Can’t wait for it to arrive.
Hurrah! Happy to hear you scored a deal! I do hope your machine brings you many years of joy as mine have 😀
I have the same machine, and I love it! My mornings are much better ever since I got it. Thanks for the promo code! 🙂
I hope you got yourself some capsules! I’ve been drinking and enjoying the Paris Black and Hazelnut one, so I’m planning to pick up a couple more sleeves before the promo ends