Dear friends,
I don’t know about you, but for me, I feel like 2017 has started to fizzle out a bit. It feels rather like a defective firework. All whizzbang at first, and suddenly fizzling out in a rather embarrassing manner. My 2017 seems to be slinking off, its tail between its legs, as we approach the new year. It makes a good change from it kicking me in my rear the past two years! LOL!
I tend to get a little pensive at this time of year, as most people do. We get a little reflective about how we feel the year has gone by, and we are a little apprehensive of what’s to come. On balance, 2017 has been quite a year for me, as I’m sure it has been for you 🙂
On the blogging front, I seem to have finally found my groove again. I’d been battling an on-again, off-again love-hate relationship with my blog and the blogging world at large for the past 3 years. The blogging world has changed a lot in the past 3 years, and not all that change has sat well with me.
Blogging itself seems to be waning. The rise of other social media platforms, notably Instagram and YouTube, seems to sound the death knell for writing. This is something I had been battling, and it is something I hear a lot and see for myself.
Not only is the dearth of writing and reading a concern, but the inundation of advertorials and sponsored (paid for) content has caused the general public to cast a wary eye over online content. I don’t blame anyone because we are all complicit in this. Readers want lively, beautiful and original content. But the creators of this content need to feed themselves. Our voracious consumption of social media, and our adulation of people we only see online has created this perfect environment for sponsored content to grow and thrive. I too have written the occasional sponsored content, as I’m sure you have noticed, as I declare the sponsorship up front. But I make sure it is for brands and products I am confident to stand behind.
I however, confess to being more than a little disillusioned with the scene and I am not alone. Many long-time bloggers have cited this disillusionment as their reason for shutting down their blogs, or for pivoting and delving into other subject matters.
Yet, I couldn’t give this up. MWS had become more than just a blog about beauty writings for me, it was my sounding board, and my home on the internet, where I could sit on my soapbox (standing is hard on the old knees and back) and talk or rant or throw questions into the ether; hoping someone out there shouts back a response.
And that’s YOU! 🙂 I say this often, but I don’t say it enough. I have your comments and your presence to thank, to keep going and plodding along. It helps me to know that someone reads what I’m writing, and that you talk back to me. I don’t mind if anyone disagrees with my views, as long as they do so in a civilized manner, and for the most part, MWS readers are 🙂
So, in 2017, I took back control of my blog and I opted to blog as I see fit even if it might rub some people the wrong way.
- To criticize what I felt was wrong even if it was against a brand I have an affinity towards
- To pontificate against the increased obsession with hoarding makeup and skincare spurred by Instagram “shelfies”
- To dig and pick at a brand for their silence despite withdrawing a product from circulation (which I’ll hereafter call #kiehlsgate 😀 )
- To talk about my experiences and to highlight problems I perceive with local cosmetics
- To strip the glamour and to tell you to always be true to yourself in your pursuit of beauty
While I enjoy trying out new products and reviewing them, there is so much more about beauty and beyond that needs talking about, than just the newest and latest beauty product to hit the shelves. I try to slip in something weekly, to break the monotony and to ensure that MWS is NOT just another beauty blog 🙂
So this year, after 2 very tumultuous years, I finally decided that my blog was where I belonged. And I celebrated my 10 years blogging milestone in a major fashion, because it also was an affirmation to myself for lasting this long in what is a tank full of sharks LOL 😀 I’d like to think I mind my own business. I’m not recognizable, I’m not famous, and I don’t have much of a fashion sense. What I am, is a beauty junkie, just like most of you 🙂
On a personal note, much of the tumult that plagued me in the past few years is still there. It surfaces from time to time, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth, rather like heartburn. I then descend into the pit of self-pity and wallow like a warthog in mud for a while. But I am thankful for friends who somehow instinctively know when something is wrong and send me an encouraging note to lift me; and for family whose antics drive me mad sometimes, but keeps me busy. I can’t keep pets right now (if I do, it’d be a dog – I know the beauty blogging world seems to be inundated with cat lovers, but I’m sorry, I can’t stand cats 😛 ) but little kids (who don’t belong to you) are the next best thing to cuddle up with 😀
So, that’s my 2017 done and dusted. Some ups – placing in the Top 3 for a regional writing contest (not blogging nor beauty related) was a personal highlight; some downs. 2 major losses – my grandmother early in the year and Fiona, a blogging friend, later in the year.
I don’t know what 2018 will bring. But I hope it will be a good year for us all, with fewer downs than ups and more smiles than tears.
Happy New Year, friends and thank you for staying with me through this year 🙂
Paris B
Hear! Hear! to a 2018 that’s more up than down. I often say,”there’s only one way up once you’ve hit rock bottom!”
Happy New Year, old friend. Let’s clink virtual glasses of champagne and toast the old away. I’d be glad to be done with this year too.
You just have to know when you’ve hit rock bottom 🙂 But indeed, things can only look up from now on. Happy New Year and thanks for being a friend and a sounding board when I need one 🙂
Happy New Year to you too!
I have had your blog in my bookmarks (on my laptop and tablet) for about three years now! Yep)
I first stumbled upon your blog when i was looking for reviews on asian skincare and beautyproducts and i found a lot of really interesting and useful information here, in your blog. I discovered many new beauty and fashion things here, which i never had even heard about. and yes, now i am a big fun of uniqlo stuff because of reviews i read in MWS.
I am absolutely not an online or social media person, but i just want you to know that for me, its always a pleasure to read your blog, your style of writing, your humorouse remarks, your ideas and ideas of your readers which they share in their comnents.
So, I wish all of us health, strenght to follow our dreams and a lil bit if luck in our journey named life)
btw, i am from moscow (russia)
Hi Olga, I’m so fascinated to have a Russian reader! Russia fascinates me as a country and I hope to visit Moscow one day 😀 Thank you so much for reading my blog and for telling me that you enjoy it. I am truly honoured to be one of the blogs you read 😀 Here’s wishing you a wonderful year ahead and may you achieve your goals for 2018 🙂 Happy New Year!
Phwoar now that’s a good background to have when taking a photo! 😛
2017 has been a rocky year for me and I’m so glad it’s coming to an end. Onwards and upwards to a better year, I say!
In the times of influencers and social media gurus, I’m so glad and relieved that you stayed true to yourself. And that’s what makes you a truly awesome blogger and pretty much the only beauty blog I follow now.
Have an awesome 2018! xx
Haha It’s beautiful isn’t it? There are many pockets of beautiful places here, I just have to find them 😉 Sorry to hear that 2017 was rocky for you, but on the bright side, it’s almost over in a few hours, and we have a full 365 new days to cock up 😛 LOL Ok, just kidding. I’m hoping that 2018 will be a wonderful year for you, and in your business as well – huat ah! 😀 Thank you for having faith in what I do, even if it does seem like I’m fighting a losing battle, and being in an ever shrinking environment of like-minded people. I’ll just have to do what I can live with, and hope for the best! Happy New Year Tine. Hope to see you again soon!
Failure is the greatest teacher! A very deep and powerful message from the small man.
You have a been a wonderful blogger and there’s only a handful of beauty blogs that I follow and you are one of them. I’m proud that you are a Malaysian. Please continue blogging although I enjoy Instagram, good writers are hard to come by.
Cheers towards a more promising 2018!
Hi Nvie, thank you so much for your support and affirmation of what I do. It humbles me that there are people who are on the same page, and who appreciate it, even if it might be a shrinking number. I am very proud to be Malaysian, and I’m always proud to keep our flag flying high, and it gives me pride to know that we are represented on the world stage of beauty blogging 🙂 Here’s wishing you only the very best in 2018!
Hi, I may not comment often, but your blog is the only beauty blog I trust, I fell into Meteorites cult because of you mostly ?
I like that you voice out what you think and not being fake. Your reviews have always been helpful to me, especially when my skin is about the same type as yours. I got to know lots of nice stuff (the latest one would be scented candles from Lilin+co) from this very blog. There were times that I bought stuff online without trying it first after reading your reviews. Ok fine I would’ve buy them nevertheless but your review kinda increase the confidence level and give me more peace at heart haha. I hope 2018 will be a better year for you. Cheers!
Hi Akmal, I know that today fewer people comment than before, but thank you for leaving this one. It means a lot to me! And I’m sorry for leading you into the wild ways of Meteorites. Ok, I’m not sorry LOL! 😀 Thank you for reading my blog, and for having faith in me. I truly truly appreciate it! Here’s to an amazing 2018 for you! 😀
Happy new year Paris. May 2018 brings you happiness and peace.
Thank you Ina, Happiness and peace is everything I wish for too! Here’s to health and joy in yours this 2018!
Nice blog!
Happy new year!!
Happy New Year Akiki! Here’s to an amazing year ahead!
Yes to more ups than downs for 2018!. 2017 was a pivot for me to really push forward and I may not have said in your comments, but I want to thank you for continuing to write; you serve as an inspiration to me that it’s ok to voice out if something is wrong; that it’s not always going to be just pros, there are also cons, that it’s not all glitz & glamour & lastly being vulnerable and say what you feel. I truly enjoy reading your posts!
Thank you for your comment Bee, and I am humbled! Always be true to yourself, and be rational, and you will be fine 🙂 With everyone painting a picture of a perfect world, I think it is up to us, the minority, to remind everyone that there are flaws everywhere. We just have to be aware of them, and be able to judge for ourselves, not just rely on the rose-tinted images that bombard us daily 🙂 Thank you again for the affirmation of my choice of content! 🙂
Happy New Year, my friend. I can’t seem to remember in what chain of clicks that I stumbled upon your blog, but it is with great honor that I did stumble upon your blog and YOU-you’re such a wonderful, smart, and inspiring woman!
I love that your blog is not all about makeup, that you offer insight and advice-lots of words of wisdom. I so appreciate that! I am glad that love for your blog is reviving. I admit, I was afraid I may not see your entries anymore a couple of years ago! Thanks for staying, friend! I know I am mostly silent, but once in a while, I’ll chime in; and please know that I check your blog almost every day!
I hope 2018 will make all us us a bit happier in whatever way it can. I, too, have taken a big step this year and it’s still uncertain and makes me nervous, but I’m less stressed. I wish you all the best in 2018! I am very sorry to hear that you’ve lost some dear people, but they are always inside you and in a better place.
I await the entries you’ll be posting! Happy New Year!
(I’m so envious of the weather in your photo because it’s 9 degrees Fahrenheit where I am!)
Happy happy new year Z! 😀 I’m happy to have made your acquaintance, albeit online, and I’m happy to know that whatever you have chosen to do this year is less stressful. Less stress is always a good thing! 😀 Thank you for the unwavering support, and a few years ago, I did think of retiring. But when I realised that I could create my own little niche of a beauty blog, that isn’t just another beauty blog, I found some new enthusiasm, because I now know I can blog about anything, not just review a product and tell people to buy frivolities LOL 😀 I hope you stay warm and safe. The weather in the US is utterly bonkers right now!
I put off reading this post until now, only because I try and miss all the ‘New Year fuss’ (if I close my eyes and pretend it’s not happening, it doesn’t right?!). I somehow need more time to contemplate what was (be grateful and appreciate all the things that happened – the good, the bad and the downright ugly lol) and where I’d like to be going (not that we always have a choice in this). My New Year was rocky due to relationship woes, but things are looking up finally!
I for one am very grateful for your blog Paris 🙂 It’s a source of inspiration for me, both in a creative sense but also because of the honest critiques that you give and writing style (down to earth and engaging!). These are so needed in a day and age where we don’t have much time to consider why or how something is done and consumed.
Not only does the payed content irk me on Instagram and Youtube, but the ‘lifestyle’ part of it all even more so. It creates this paradigm of ‘have’ and ‘have nots’. This has always been around, but it’s entered into a new lease of life I think. Showcasing lavish weddings, perfect bodies, perfect faces, makeup which is same same and ‘easy’ lifestyles where hard work is isn’t visible (hard work most of the time isn’t pretty) is an easy trap for longing for something that isn’t real , honest or valuable.
I love ‘beauty’ (skincare, makeup, sensory experiences, creativity etc.) but here is to experiencing it honestly, with humour, flaws and all, and with words! 😀
Apologies if this comment was a little all over the place.
Happy New Year Paris 🙂 xx
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Sylvia. I know how you feel about weighty posts like these, because I too tend to put off reading them until I have the time to properly give it its due 🙂 I’m happy we’ve connected over our respective blogs and interests, and that I can be a source of inspiration 😀 I too tend to agree about the false impressions that are being given online, and yes, making people want unnecessary things. While some people say that it’s aspirational, this sort of lifestyle is only enjoyed by a small percentage of the population. Most of us are normal folk who have the odd luxury product, and who lead normal unfiltered lives and who use makeup realistically, not plastered on our faces with a trovel. I’d like to see more of that. And preferably without being so filtered as to be fake. So, here’s to keeping it real online, as best as we can. Happy 2018 Sylvia!