We’ve had a very long weekend here in Malaysia the past 4 days, with an additional surprise holiday today, and that’s been boon and bane for many. I returned from my holiday back in my hometown yesterday, and was caught in horrendous traffic along the highway, so I hope no one else is!
As someone with problems falling asleep, travel has always been a hard nut to crack for me. On the one hand, I love travelling. On the other, bedtime in a different room or bed or environment, has always been a bit of a problem, because I have trouble falling asleep. I know I’m not alone!
Here are a few suggestions I have for people who have similar issues, having tried and tested various methods over the years. I’d be happy to know of others, because I’m always on the lookout for anything that helps me go to sleep better, and wake up more rested.
Wear Ear plugs to block out noise
I used to be a fairly heavy sleeper when younger, but now, noise bugs me. I decided to try ear plugs on a bit of a whim, and I never travel without a pair now. You can find ear plugs in the local pharmacies, which I originally used. But I don’t like them, as they are made of a stiffer sponge material, that does not lend itself easily to being inserted into your ear. They are also quite expensive, or I only found them elsewhere.
My ear plugs of choice now are by Hearos, which I bought on iHerb and which you can too. It’s very affordable, at between US$2.50 – US$4.30 for 6 – 14 pairs, which is very affordable. But what I particularly like, is that they are very comfortable and very easy to use, and are long lasting The foam material is very soft and easy to roll and insert into your ear, and it expands and fits your ear canal nicely, blocking out most noises. They come with a handy holder, which I find very useful, and I always make sure it’s in my toiletries bag because travelling with ear plugs has become a necessity for me!
I don’t wear ear plugs to sleep at home, but I do every time I’m sleeping away from my comfort zone. This is especially helpful when you have to share rooms or may have a noisier environment than you are used to – hotel rooms aren’t the quiet oasis they tout themselves to be.
Wear something comfortable to sleep
I used to carry my warmer pyjamas with me when I travel, especially to hotels, because the air-conditioning tends to be very strong. But I learned the hard way, that this is usually compensated by thick duvets provided by the hotels, and I’d end up slowly roasting in bed and barely sleeping while I wrestle to regulate the temperature. So, these days, I travel much lighter. My Uniqlo Airism camisoles are my best friends for travel. Light to wear, lightweight to carry and keeps me cool because I’m sensitive to heat.
Essential oils can help you sleep better
I’ve been facing some sleep issues recently even at home, and in recent times, essential oils have helped me. I usually use a dab of lavender oil on my wrists and behind my ears before bed, and I find it helpful to help me relax. Previously, I used to drop the lavender oil on a piece of tissue on my pillow. That helps too. I find that because these oils are familiar to me, they mask any smells I might be uncomfortable with, and puts me in a more comfortable place, which makes it more conducive to sleep.
I was introduced to Young Living essential oils by a friend, and I’ve been trying some of their oils. While I’m not into the whole MLM concept of sales (I’m not a member and probably never will be), I have to admit that some of these oils are pretty decent. They smell good, and seem to be of decent quality. They can be a little pricey, depending on the ones you pick, but I thought the lavender oil which I use most often, is fairly priced for its quality and quantity. I’m not so sure about the others. They usually come in small bottles which are easy to carry, and if you’re the nervous sort when travelling, can help you relax while travelling as well. I’ve dabbled a lot in essential oils and aromatherapy over the years, so MLM aside, it’s quite nice to have a range of essential oils that I can dabble around with easily. Time was that getting good quality essential oils cost you an arm and a leg, or could only be sourced overseas 😛
I’ve been using an essential oil diffuser at home as well, but it was too bulky to carry around. But that helps me when I’m at home and having trouble sleeping, or just feeling stressed and out of sorts.
I have tried taking melatonin pills which used to help me for a while. But I did not like the dependency on taking pills so I stopped, and returned to trying out essential oils again. I just feel better not popping pills because I’m one of those who’d rather not 🙂
In my case, getting tired doesn’t quite work for me. Even when I’m dog tired, I can have problems falling asleep, so I have to do what I can to help me along. If you don’t have sleep problems, be thankful you don’t! 😛
Do you have any other tips for dealing with sleep problems while travelling?
I also realise that it’s a long weekend elsewhere in the world, so I’m guessing there’s a lot of travelling going on. Did you go anywhere during the long break or how did you spend it? 😀
Paris B
Mei Ping says
I have sleep problem too!! Funny thing is when I was much younger, I was such a heavy sleeper that I’m unaware of heavy rain and thunder in the middle of the night.
Luckily, since I work from home now, I do not need to wake up early in the morning for the rush hour. I wake up a little later which slightly makes up for the lack of sleep.
I’ve tried essential oil but it does not work for me. I’ve sort of accepted this insomnia of mine and have not been trying anything. I actually don’t feel tired at all with about 5 hours of sleep daily but the negative thing for me is my dark circles. On top of it being genetic and with recent years due to insomnia they are EXTREMELY DARK!! Help!!
Paris B says
I’m the same Mei Ping! I used to be able to sleep anywhere in any condition. Now, I need everything to be just so, or sleep eludes me. The worst part for me however, is that I do feel tired if I don’t get enough sleep. I’m one of those who needs a full 8 hours. These days, I may get 8 hours but they’re interrupted so I wake up feeling more tired. Oh and yes, dark circles – don’t get my started! Sigh… For now the essential oils are helping. I tend to overthink things, so I find the scent of the oils help blunt that and help me sleep. Also, no electronics before bed, so no TV, phone etc. I just read and drop off 😀
LeGeeque says
I always travel with my pillow spray by This Woks . I also dab a tiny bit of origins peace of mind behind my ears. As for air-conditioning, I tweak it to what I’m used to. Eg it’s winter now so I’m used to the room being a little colder so adjust the temperature accordingly. I swear by melatonin and it’s my go-to in times of desperation
Paris B says
Oh I’d forgotten about the This Works spray. I should get a bottle and see if it helps me again. I was taking melatonin for a spell. But freaked myself out coz I’m a bit kiasi like that. So now I try to do without. But yes, desperate times will call for desperate measures and when that happens, I break it out. Some sleep, even if aided, is better than no sleep at all.
S says
I have had insomnia for years. Someone recommended Vetiver essential oil to me and I bought a small bottle at Whole Foods. One drop on my big toe (rub together) and I’m usually out in 20 minutes. It’s a pretty thick, strong smelling oil but it works wonders for me.
Paris B says
Thank you for the suggestion! I will get hold of some vetiver and give it a try
Margaret Cheong says
I am very much affected by the quality of pillows, the too soft ones giving me problems. Always a nightmare when travelling. Where is your hometown, Paris?
Paris B says
Oh yes pillows! I actually hate hotel pillows because they can be too soft. And hotel beds too. I’m sensitive to things like that. These days, if the hotel offers a selection of pillows, I try to get a firmer one. But can’t be too firm either. I’m like Goldilocks LOL! 😀 Hometown is in Johor 😀
MamaBugz says
PARIS !! You really could be writing about my sleeping problems this year – I’ve started working in 2 states – shuffling back and forth between Perak and KL and it’s making me look like a wreck – simply because I sleep so badly in hotels – I tried booking the same hotels for familiarity thinking it would help – verdict : not really.
The Aircon vs the super thick and stifling duvets are the other problem – either too hot or too cold ? And waking up soaked in sweat is so bleah!
Then I tried making myself super tired by reading or watching tv till super late – I think that didn’t help coz when I dozed off, I would jump up again simply becoz my heart or my mind is on hyper-drive …… or thinking about CSI ?
Finally … I’m keeping my fingers crossed this will finally work … I decided to bring along my personal pillow ( hangs head in shame) … it worked abit on the first night and I slept well but on the subsequent nights not so well again.
Sigh … I’ll try your ear plugs and essential oil tip on my next trip
Paris B says
Oh dear, I don’t envy you! Actually you know what? I used to carry my pillow with me too! There was a time when I was travelling quite a lot for work, inter state for short trips and I had a lot of trouble sleeping coz hotel pillows really suck. So, I ended up carrying my own. It helps, because it gives your head something familiar to lie on. Nothing to be ashamed about as long as it helps you get some rest! I find ear plugs really help, maybe because they block off sound, so your mind can slow down a little.
And what’s with hotel beds and the innumerable sheets that try to stifle you eh? I’ve learned that less is more when it comes to pyjamas LOL! But I also hear you about sleeping alone in hotel rooms and how freaky it can be. I always leave the bathroom light on, with the door partially closed. I tell myself it’s so I can see my way to the toilet at night, but really, it’s also just to reassure myself if I happen to wake up in the middle of the night and find myself in a strange room 😀 If you don’t mind essential oils, try some lavender, and get some ear plugs. You may find that it helps – good luck! 🙂
ChynnaBlue says
I sleep with an air filter running in my room at home, so there’s always a woosh. I use an app with sounds (rain, ocean, jungle, etc) to help me sleep and I’ve found that using the same sound I use at home helps me sleep when I travel.
I really like the Calm app. It’s a meditation app that also has sounds and has more recently added Sleep Stories, stories read in a soothing voice to help you sleep. It’s not AMSR (which creeps me out instead of calms me), just a soothing story in a calm voice that gets softer as the story is told. I thought it would be counterproductive because I would insist on staying awake to hear the end, but I’ve listened to quite a few now and have no idea how any of them end because they’re very effective sleep aids. 🙂 I think you need a subscription to get the sleep stories and most of the content, but the Calm app has been totally worth it for me. I cal also listen over a computer and have sometimes used Calm.com at work to play sounds in the background when my cube farm area gets loud and hectic.
Paris B says
Ah yes, white noise is supposed to help calm and put you in a state of sleep. I am however, sensitive to sounds so I’m not sure if it’ll help. There was a time when I had the air filter on in my room, but I haven’t turned it on in a while 😀 Thanks for the suggestions for the app, I’ll take a look! 😀
Marina (Makeup4all) says
I was just looking for good ear plugs, thanks for recommending Hearos, will check them out!
Paris B says
Hi Marina, glad to have been of help! 😀 I do like using my Hearos ear plugs very much. They are so comfortable (important!) and soft and blocks out most loud noises. I also like how they come in large packs at a small price! Hope you’ll like them too 😀
BooBooNinja says
Eye mask and ear plugs. The combo works especially well when camping with rowdy friends.
Paris B says
That is so true! I used to suffer through noisy nights in a strange room, when all I could have done was buy some ear plugs and get a good night’s sleep
Jazz says
Ive just started with Young Living and have diffused Lavender and Frankincense and it gives me a really good night sleep. Planning to get Cedarwood because Frankincense is pricey ? Hopefully it works the same ?
Paris B says
Ouch yes! I saw the price of Frankincense and it is staggeringly expensive. I plan to try cedarwood too, but in a different brand, and see if it’s nice. I read that it helps with sleep too.