I shared a little about my favourite mop on Instagram Stories a few days ago, and was quite inundated with messages asking me about it and where to buy it. So, I decided I’d share it here, because I know not everyone is on Instagram, and because when I find something useful and very good, I have to share!
Also, as a friend pointed out, we may not wear makeup everyday, but we sure as hell need to clean our floors more often!
This is the brand and mop in question. The Mr. Clean Lightning Sweep & Clean microfibre mop. This is a large piece of microfibre that attaches onto a holder, is easy to wash, and comes with refills.
But why am I so enamoured with this?
Because it makes cleaning floors and surfaces a cinch!
If you ever have had to clean your own floors, you’d know how much of a drag it can be. If you vacuum, then dragging out the vacuum cleaner can be a hassle. If you use a broom, the dust goes everywhere.
I was using paper towels for the floor for a spell. You can easily buy them from Daiso, in one use, disposable sheets. If you know what I mean. I think they’re also called “swiffer paper towels”. But I soon realised that while it was convenient, and picked up dust and hair, it was not very economical nor sustainable in the long run. In fact, it can get expensive, if you use a more expensive brand, and it’s just not very friendly to the environment.
One day, I was at a random DIY store sale (I love browsing DIY stores!), when I spotted the Mr. Clean Lightning Sweep & Clean going for a deal, packaged together with refills. I bought one to try (It was about RM29.90 on offer – RRP RM43 or so – and often comes with 1 refill, sometimes 2 if you’re lucky) and I’ve been in love with it ever since!
The handle and system is plastic, but a sturdy plastic that feels comfortable in hand, and not flimsy. The head at the base swivels so you can get it into corners, and it is fairly flat, so you can get it under tight spaces.
The refill cloth attaches by just sticking it to the base, which has “teeth” and operates rather like velcro. There are no fiddly tabs nor mechanisms to hold the cloth in place. Simply press the base on it, and go about your cleaning. When you are done, tear off the cloth, and wash it. I find that dirt and hair come off very easily, with some gentle scrubbing, and it dries fairly quickly too. Overnight, in my case.
But what made me dedicate a post on my blog to this cleaner, is the fact that it makes keeping your floors dust-free a cinch! I kid you not. You literally wipe this over your floors, and it picks up all the dust and hair, leaving your floor feeling smooth, clean and dust free. I even use this to wipe over flat surfaces, and it picks up all the dust. It helps to keep the house clean between your cleaning and mopping, especially if it tends to get dusty.
I usually use it dry, but you can also use it wet. Wet the cloth, wring it dry and then use it on the floor as a wet mop. I found that it sticks a little (maybe because of the microfibre construction or my floor, I don’t know) so I use a regular mop. But because this is so light and easy to manoeuvre, I do find myself using this more often than I would a vacuum cleaner. Sweeping this over the floors dry, before mopping helps pick up the dust and hair, and makes mopping a faster job too.
I could wax lyrical about this microfibre mop but it would be quite ridiculous to go on. Suffice to say, I love this, it’s an excellent deal, and if you see it going on offer with a free refill, pick it up. I think you’d like this too!
I found mine at Home-fix DIY store, and I recently picked one up for my sister at the promo price of RM29.90 including 1 free refill. Don’t pay more, because you don’t have to 😛 I think you can find this in other DIY stores or maybe even in the household sections of supermarkets too. I haven’t tried other brands, so I cannot comment, but this Mr. Clean brand is the one I use and the one I vouch for 😀
Do you use a similar mop or floor cleaner?
Are you surprised to see a blog post about household items? Don’t be. You should know me better by now – good things have to be shared and this is not just another beauty blog! 😀
Paris B
Timely post. Been looking for a good cleaning tool for the floor as we have a new pup in the house. Love DIY store as well. Not related to your post… love the kitchen wall. Beautiful looking cabinet with nice wall to go with it.
Thank you! When I saw the tile, I knew I needed it for my wall even though the people in the tile shop were sceptical LOL! But it’s my wall not theirs! And this would be a great help picking up the puppy hairs!
That’s fantastic! I have a thing about floors and when I’m upset, I tend to clean the floors. I have a steam mop and I LOVE IT. It gets used everyday and the great thing is it doesn’t streak and it dries almost instantly. Do look into it 😀 😀 😀
Ok steam mop on the radar! 😀
Nice topic.
I used this microfibre mop some 5-6 years ago and got annoyed when doing nooks or corners. Its now gone and I am back to the classic type of mops. I guess this old dog is just too old for new tricks.
That said, I have been lusting for the vacuum robot for 5 years…. and still lusting..
Becoming scrooge like in my old age.
Haha I found it OK for the corners. Granted, I don’t have many corners to get into, and it’s quite slim enough to get into narrow spaces. Oh I can fuel your lust for the vacuum robot 😛 I have the irobot and I absolutely freaking love it! You do have to take care not to have anything on the floor it can “eat” e.g. wires, cloth etc. and if you control the space it vacuums, it keeps the floor very nice and clean coz you can schedule it for regular automatic cleaning. Mine has a problem with the plug now so I haven’t been able to use it for a while, but once I get it repaired, it’s going back into use 😀 I haven’t used other brands so I can’t vouch for them, but I can most certainly vouch for the iRobot!
Daaanngg….. I was quite skeptical of those little ‘brushes’. Does not look like they can ‘sweep’ much, but your testimony….gaaaahhh..need..to …not…troll…robot..vacuum
Oh you’d be surprised at the brushes! They may be little but I think because they spin so rapidly, they “sweep” together the dust quite effectively so it works well in small concentrated areas. Not so much in a big house if I’m to be honest. Best in apartments or rooms
Yes Love it! There is also another one that I picked up from Mr DIY too. It’s similar to the sweeper but this one comes with an attached bottle & spray for mopping the floor. No more carrying a bucket and having to wring dry the mop using our hands. Keep the house clean and good for our hands too… haha.
Oh wait I think I saw that one! Now, I shall have to try it – I think the brand I saw was by Rubbermaid? So, it really does work well and isn’t a gimmick? I saw it being demonstrated to some aunties and wasn’t sure if it was just too gimmicky LOL! And yes, I hate wringing out the mop too! That’s why I use the spin mop 😀
Rubbermaid is the original one (more expensive). The one I bought is the imitation one, around RM30 I think. Works the same the hehe.
LOL I’ll keep a look out then! Thanks Shasha! 😀
Love this post as I’m obsessed with cleaning tools like Monica from Friends. I have a 3M/Rubbermaid version of this but shoved it back into the closet because how do you (easily) clean it afterwards? I shed hair from the top of my head like crazy and feel like I’m standing at the sink picking at all the accumulated hair one by one in the microfibre 🙁 Not my favorite thing to do in the world!
For now I do a mix of Magiclean dry floor wipes, broom, vac plus mop/bucket or Rubbermaid swiffer equivalent, with the squirt bottle built in. Something less extensive would be a welcome change.
Haha thanks for not thinking I’ve gone bonkers blogging about a mop Lena! 😀 I’m not sure about the 3M/Rubbermaid one, but if it’s similar, all I do is after cleaning the floors, I rip out the cloth part and toss into the sink. Then, I use some dishwashing liquid and just scrub it. The dirt and hairs comes off quite easily and I get it clean in no time. Just scrub it as you would washing a piece of cloth, if you know what I mean, rubbing one part of it against the other. I used to do the vacuum and mop combo. But I got very lazy coz of having to drag out the vacuum after my robot died. I plan to check out that mop with squirt bottle thing – I’m guessing it works well?
That makes perfect sense. Will give the microfibre cloths a try again with that technique.
The squirt bottle helps for daily floor clean-ups in the kitchen especially when my husband cooks something greasy! A bit of regular floor cleaner plus water to top up and it’s good to go.
Ooh you got me at kitchen cleanups! That’s the part of cooking I dislike – the cleaning up after that! Will go look for this squirt bottle mop thingy. Last I saw it was on offer. I wonder if it still is 😀
Thanks for this post. Will give this a try as sweeping floors would be much easier with this tool. Your kitchen looks so lovely :-). I didnt realise you still boil water using a kettle over the stove. Lol. I have been using an electrical kettle which just requires you to plug the wire to the socket 😉
It most certainly will! I tried to mop again over the weekend, but using it wet (wring out excess water) and it worked quite well this time! Thanks for saying my kitchen looks nice – it’s the part of my house I was most obsessed with LOL! And yes, I use a traditional kettle because I go through a lot of water (I don’t drink much else besides plain water) and electric kettles a) aren’t big enough and b) use too much electricity. I am obsessed with keeping my electricity bill as low as I can so I don’t have to pay GST LOL!! It’s my little way of rebelling 😛
Hi Paris.. saw this on your IG story, and been thinking to buy this ever since. Last time I brought spin mop from grupon/fave, its only last for 3 or 4 month (the spin spoiled). Now I use the old way to mop after vacuum the floor..
iRobot vacuum / steam mop is my wish list.. ermm.. decide decide..
Unlike other things I try to enable, at least this one is affordable! haha 😀 I’m still using my spin mop that I bought from Cosway all those years ago. It was expensive then (just under RM100 I think) but I think it was better made than some of the stuff you get on Groupon/Fave or even Lazada where a lot of fake or copycat products abound. But these days there are many options. I’ve seen them in DIY stores and they look quite well constructed. I’d say the iRobot is a good investment. I’m not sure about the steam mop as yet, coz I’m worried it’ll damage my laminate flooring. If I had tile floors, I’d probably go for it! 😀