Do allow me a little “syiok sendiri” (loosely translated to “narcissistic”?) moment because look Ma! I’m in a beauty magazine! LOL Yes, it’s been a while, and no, it never gets old.
Thank you to The Malaysian Women’s Weekly for picking me as a “Malaysian Celeb” 😉 Hey, that’s what they say on the cover! “100 Beauty Brands Malaysian Celebs Love” so although I was categorised as a “Beauty Insider” (beauty blogger la 😛 ) I’m pretending I’m a celeb, just like everyone else featured (a celeb no one knows nor recognize LOL! But hey, I’m fine with that!)
If you’ve arrived here from MWW, welcome! I hope you enjoy your visit 🙂
Basically, MWW (Just 1 letter away from MWS – serendipity! 😛 ) asked if I could pick about 10 beauty products that I loved. They chose to feature 6 of my picks – yay! Regulars will be familiar with my picks because I’ve raved about them enough. You might even be sick of them (please don’t be. They are very good products! 😛 )
This is in the April 2017 edition of The Malaysian Women’s Weekly, if you’re interested and no, they unfortunately didn’t identify me as Paris B, but you should recognise the website, even if you don’t recognise my face nor name they used.
And speaking of favourite products, 3 out of 6 on my MWW list made it to my massive 10 years of MWS giveaway! And you’ll be pleased to know that I’ve FINALLY picked the 5 winners 🙂
I know I said I would only announce the winners on social media, but I wanted to say a few words because I felt that this one merited it.
First off, thank you so much to everyone who entered the 10 years of MWS Giveaway. A handful of you entered right after the closing deadline and I’ve had to unfortunately disregard your entries, to be fair to everyone who entered within time; but thank you for taking the chance! A few of you emailed to ask if I could allow a late entry, but I’m afraid that I have to play fair by everyone. I read through every single comment, and I am very touched at what you all wrote. I can’t believe that some of you remember when I wasn’t even “Paris B”! Haha Goodness, I haven’t seen that moniker in a while 😀 Thank you so much for sticking by through the years, and for walking down the winding path I’ve led you down 😉
Secondly, I’m really impressed at how much you have all achieved in the past 10 years. Even those of you who said you didn’t achieve very much. I’m quite sure you did. Achievement is not only measured by academic success nor your status at work, or where you are in a relationship. It is how far you personally have grown in the intervening period, and even if you felt like you didn’t achieve very much, you would have. You’re still around aren’t you? So don’t even doubt yourself, nor think your achievements are less than someone else’s. We all walk different paths but our final destination is the same – to find some personal fulfilment; or in our case, the quest for healthy, good skin and pretty makeup yay! 😉
Thirdly, to everyone who has said you’d like to have tea or coffee or lunch, even if you don’t win the giveaway, I’m taking you up on your offer! LOL! Terrified yet? 😛 But seriously, I’ve communicated with some of you on social media, and in the blog comments through the years. I do feel like we kind of “know” each other and I know that some of you share the same thinking I do about various subjects. I’ve always enjoyed meeting readers, and I have met a few of you over the years, and it’s always been fun. For the most part, I’ve made a new friend, and that’s always nice!
So, if you’re serious and keen, drop me a line (use the form below – No, I’m not going to stalk your entry emails coz I know how we sometimes say what we don’t really mean and hope we aren’t held to account 😉 ) and we’ll do lunch, coffee or tea and we’ll talk beauty, skincare, makeup, blogging and anything else you want to talk about 🙂 I’m usually in KL but try me anyway! 😉
[contact-form to=’[email protected]’ subject=’Let%26#039;s do lunch!’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Let%26#039;s do lunch/tea/coffee!’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]
And finally, the winners. Here are the 5 winners who will each receive the beauty hamper I showed you before.
Congratulations to everyone! I would have loved to send every single one of you a gift basket as well, but as we know, that’s not possible. If you’re a winner, I will be sending out the emails to get your mailing information very soon, so please check your emails (and spam folders just in case). Newsletter peeps, I haven’t forgotten! Your turn is coming right up! 😉 And a handful might get some little surprises 🙂
Thank you again for all your kind words, well wishes and for sharing your achievements with me. I hope it helped you realise how far you’ve come in 10 years, and how much further you can go 🙂
With the 10 years giveaway being so massive, imagine how much bigger it might be when I hit the 20 year milestone! LOL! 😀 God willing, I will – even if I’ll be over 50 years old by then – now that’ll be interesting LOL! 😀
Paris B
Esther says
Congrats to you on the MWW feature, and to the winners of the giveaway! The tea/lunch thing looks mighty tempting, but I’d be a dull convo partner I think. 😡
Paris B says
Thank you Esther 🙂 Don’t underestimate yourself. The offer is always open if you change your mind though 🙂
Amalia says
Congrats to you on The Malaysian Women’s Weekly and to the winners!
Paris B says
Thank you Amalia! 🙂
Beauty Bee says
You are so so generous Paris!!! Thank you!!!!!!
And Congrats on finally making it to celeb status! 😀 😉 That’s awesome! You deserve all the success that comes your way! <3 🙂 Xo
Paris B says
Congratulations Sylvia 🙂 LOL well I am a self-proclaimed celeb hehe… Thank you 🙂
Swati says
Wow!! Congrats Paris. You are on a roll and wish you much more success 🙂 love your recommendations all the time, they work so well for me 🙂 and thanks for your kind words.
And, heartiest congratulations to the winners as well!!!
Paris B says
Thank you so much Swati 🙂 I’m glad you’ve found the recommendations helpful (or also helpful to know what to avoid 😉 )
Victoria says
Congratulations Paris on being featured on The Malaysian Women’s Weekly and I am definitely going to buy this issue :-). Congratulations on all the winners. You gals deserved it 🙂
Paris B says
Thank you Victoria! 😀 I bought 2 copies – the girl at the counter actually asked me “Are you getting 2 copies?” LOL! I guess it’s not everyday someone waltzes in and snags 2 copies of the same issue of the same mag 😀
Michelle D says
Congrats! I discovered your blog when I googled for review on a beauty product. I like your honesty and humour, and always an interesting read. Now you are my go-to beauty dictionary before I try anything new.. and am still searching for perfect skin care. Loving the Clinique cushion foundation you reviewed, and I do find it works better for me compared the Korean brands. Keep up your good work!!
Paris B says
Thank you Michelle 🙂 I’m so glad you’ve found my posts useful and helpful. I’ve been enjoying the Clinique cushion too! It’s actually quite nice isn’t it? 😀
Lily says
Congratulations! The last time I bought a magazine was…. I can’t remember. So many years ago! And yes to blogging until you’re way past 50. I’ll cheer you on 🙂
Paris B says
Haha why not join me and blog till you’re 50 too? 😀 Thanks – I haven’t bought a magazine in a billion years too 😛 But vanity won out this time.
Z says
Congrats, Paris and super congrats to all the winner!
Yes, Paris, I hope your blog will continue for as long as you’re willing and able to do it!
Paris B says
Thank you bunches Z 🙂 I’ll keep going as long as this continues to be fun! 😉
Esther Yeong says
Congrats PB for such a remarkable achievement!! And congrats to all the winners as well ??? you guys are so lucky!
Paris B says
Thank you so much Esther 🙂
Bugs says
You are a celeb. And no you cannot syiok sendiri, coz we the MWS readers here sure syiok with you ! We are the proud readers of MWS, u know.
Paris B says
Aww you are too nice – thank you for joining in my syiokness 😀