I very recently came across something new to me, in the beauty vlogging world – Anti-haul videos. I haven’t really seen it on blogs, but it’s not to say that it isn’t out there. It probably is. What an “anti-haul” video or blog is, is pretty much the antithesis of a haul video or blog. Instead of sharing what the blogger or vlogger bought (or got gifted), they share what they will NOT buy.
I thought it to be an interesting concept, but I noticed a trend running through these type of videos or posts.
These sort of videos or posts are pretty much made for readers or followers who already own a boatload of makeup and beauty products. It acts like a brake, to make obsessives stop and think, but it is also rather selfish, I feel, for it isn’t terribly helpful to someone who doesn’t own an Ikea Alex drawer full of makeup.
It made me wonder if the beauty blogging/vlogging world isn’t experiencing some sort of makeup fatigue. I sometimes feel it, don’t you?
I feel this fatigue most when the seasonal collections pop up, and when festive gift-giving seasons comes around. Suddenly, you can’t move for gift guides or gift suggestions for all the people and pets in your life. Most of them are chock-a-block with affiliate links – it’s a good time to be making money, for those who have a large following.
I’ve done the gift-guide thing back in the early days. Back then, I thought it was fun. It was a fun way to round up some of the better buys I’d come across in a year, as gift ideas. But it stopped becoming fun when the market got so saturated with gift sets and limited edition sets, and it felt like a race trying to catch up. So, I decided to step out of the race. Made me happy 🙂
Yet, that’s not what I’m on about. What I’m really on about is this – are people experiencing makeup fatigue, that new makeup just doesn’t interest them anymore because it looks just like everything else they already own? Is this feeling being transferred to readers and followers? Do you feel that way, when you read a blog or when you’ve been following makeup trends for a while?
An example of an anti-haul post 😀 “I won’t buy yet another gold highlighter and red lipstick. Christmas. Boooring! I won’t buy another boring old silver-gold themed eyeshadow palette, and that bronzer? It’s too light to be a bronzer. Don’t buy these” Pity, they’re already mine LOL 🙂
This phenomenon would be most felt by someone who owns a large collection of makeup, but who isn’t a makeup artist. Makeup artists use their makeup often, as a tool of trade, so a large selection is normal. But really, a regular makeup user doesn’t really need all the Urban Decay Naked palettes available (how many are there anyway? 5?) alongside all the other limited edition makeup, and 4587 brown eyeshadow.
I confess to often feeling bored at yet another launch of a palette or lipstick. Yes, I’m the one going “Not another neutral palette?! How many does a girl need?”
Yet, I also realise that not everyone’s got a drawer full of makeup. It’s actually not the norm, no matter what I believe LOL! 😀 While brands create the excitement of a new palette or lipstick, they are also catering to those who don’t already have a neutral palette or red lipstick; perhaps even someone starting to build their own makeup collection.
So, while I am personally quite fatigued by the general push to buy that newest and latest makeup palette or lipstick or blush or highlighter, sometimes, a new and innovative product does still stir that frisson of excitement. Usually, that happens with a new foundation or concealer (boring, but they are the building blocks of your makeup!) or maybe even a blush. I know, I have too many blushes to count – no girl needs that many 😛
Personally speaking therefore, I feel that as bloggers, we shouldn’t measure makeup users by our own standards, which are unusual at best. If there is a new neutral palette out, that looks just like the 23498 neutral palettes you already own, you’re the exception, not the rule. Someone out there may like it, and appreciate it.
Some people like cutesy makeup. Some people like pretty packaging. Some people like having lots of neutral eyeshadows and a multitude of red lipstick. I think everyone should be left to form their own opinion about whether to buy or not to buy something. So maybe, we should do away with ALL gift guides LOL 😛
Have you watched these anti-haul videos? Are you still excited by new makeup products?
I watched a couple, but couldn’t quite get into the concept. I understand where a lot of them are coming from. It’s like the counter-point to the “rave rave rave” culture that’s perpetuated on YouTube. Yet, I feel it’s a bit of a disservice to those who are new and who don’t already own 2348 eyeshadow palettes. Some new palettes are boring, I agree. But a makeup newbie may not think so. I still get excited by some new makeup products. I may realise that it is yet another boring neutral palette, but hey, it’ll always be able to find a home with someone out there! 🙂 What do you think, whether as a makeup user or collector or just as a reader or blogger? 🙂
Paris B
1st time hearing about the anti haul vidoes. In my opinion, I feel anti haul videos might b applicable to makeup junkie but not those newly started on makeup. I gotta admit limited edition makeup and those makeup with pretty packaging don’t really excite me as they used to. I throw out lots of eyeshadow palettes including few of my too faced palettes since there are molds on some of the eyeshadow. Mayb I am having makeup fatigue or I m in the buy makeup only when they r finish mode. Haha
Molds? Try disinfecting them regularly after use with 70% ethanol spray so they can be kept longer.
Where can I find ethanol spray?
Eeps! Mold on eyeshadow! A friend told me her Naked palette had mould on it too. Fortunately, although I have some palettes I don’t use often, they aren’t breeding anything yet. Whew! But I’m with you. I think makeup junkies will commiserate with an anti-haul video, but if someone actually wants any information or assistance, it won’t be very helpful will it? I actually find it a little off-putting, from the viewpoint of a makeup newbie, seeing someone slag off products or brands, because they dislike it or because they already own similar products. That’s not very helpful, if you don’t! LOL!
I don’t like anti haul videos too. There’s a lot of new makeup to try, or someone who already have lots but want to try something different. Sure, the limited edition hype is getting out of hand, Mac finally start doing sales due to lack of sales in their never ending limited edition stuff
Yes, limited edition everything is really too much. While I can understand how it reels people in, it’s off putting as a consumer, because realistically, you feel like you can never catch up and then if you’re anything like me, you just give up and look elsewhere!
Erm, the cheapskate me won’t even try to buy makeup cause my skill is rotten. I have been tempted with the contouring and highlight pan fever now but restraining myself. As for skincare, I use them everyday hence they are worth my dollars. But the price seem escalating these days. So another reason to restrain till I emptied off the last bottle.
Aww I was never good at applying makeup either, so in my early days, it was quite disastrous! LOL but as with everything, with practice, it now looks better and I really enjoy putting on some makeup these days, just to look a wee bit better than myself 🙂 Give it a go – these days there are so many inexpensive brands of decent quality that you can play with. Catrice is very affordable, and they make nice stuff. Or NYX from Sephora is decent too!
the anti haul vlogs I’ve seen appear to be more for the shock factor than proper reviews so I take them for what they are. I still very much enjoy ones which properly review why particular products may not be value for money or otherwise perform poorly and (maybe) provide alternatives.
On that note, I -am- experiencing makeup fatigue but I think it’s a combination of 1) I already have 39572 other similar products, 2) there are so many phenomenal brands and formulas out there so there isn’t an excuse for badly performing products and 3) brands now tend to jump on bandwagons and come out with similar products so it takes a little more push to really differentiate particularly awesome new formulas and products.
On point 1, I recognise that I DO NOT need yet another neutral eyeshadow palette, but (and here’s a huge but) I enjoy buying, trying, testing, comparing and reviewing new makeup. I work (extremely) hard for my money and this is one area where I like to indulge, although all the reasons above are pushing me to really focus on excellent products rather than buy buy buy (that didn’t stop me from purchasing the ABH modern renaissance palette (not as great as the Mario palette), the Huda beauty palette (seriously disappointing) and the natasha denona star palette (undecided)- which will be coming in a compare video soon!)
I think it started out for shock factor (isn’t everything on Youtube these days just for that? LOL!) I think anyone immersed long enough in the beauty world will experience makeup fatigue at some point. I did, until I worked out for myself what I liked, what worked for me etc. It helped me enjoy wearing and playing with makeup again, although it’s also made me a more cautious consumer. Always a good thing! I’d heard so much about the ABH eyeshadow palettes. The colours haven’t tempted me enough to buy them yet, as I find them to tend to be a bit too warm, but I can’t help being curious about their popularity! Enjoying yours? 🙂
The mario palette is amazing, great colours and great formula. The modern renaissance colours don’t really show up well on my tan skin, it’s more impressive on fair skin, and that is across the board on anything sort of reddish !!!
It’s the reddish tones that scare me! I don’t play well with red toned anything for the eyes. I’ve heard so much about that Mario palette. Let me go take a peep online 😉 *famous last words* LOL!
I have not watched an anti-haul video myself, but I do realise that there will be writers’ and readers’ fatigue. I mean, if the readers have been following a certain blog for some time and the blogger raves frequently about the latest new launch, it’s kinda boring isn’t it? I sometimes take a break from beauty blog surfing, just to be ‘reinvigorated’
What could be interesting though, is if the reviewer can do a dupe video, be it dupe of past launches or cheaper alternatives.
Oh yes, dupes always get people interested, especially because we all know it’s possible to find alternatives. This is more so for limited edition palettes or products. Actually, blog fatigue is why I prefer reading or following blogs that mix things up a little. Not necessarily turning into a lifestyle blog, but one that has a little more “meat” to the content as opposed to just reviews and harping on new products. I try to aspire to that, although sometimes, with “commitments”, it does feel like I’m on a perpetual review cycle LOL! Gosh, I hope I’m not boring everyone 😛
Not the first time I’ve heard of it. Anti-haul videos are very popular in the MakeupRehab subreddit where I lurk….But then again the redditors there are trying to NOT buy makeup. I think these videos aren’t for everyone, but they’re helpful for ppl who are addicted but want to stop buying makeup.
Hahaha MakeupRehab sounds absolutely fascinating! 😀 You are right, videos like these serve people in that category best. I felt in need of a bit of rehab once. But I got out of it, when I realised that I still enjoyed makeup – I just got a little more discerning about what I truly enjoyed i.e. not jumping on every bandwagon out there! 😉
I haven’t seen anti-haul videos… the concept seems odd to me, if you already own the product and are telling others not to buy it (then is it a review?!). I’m confused.
I like haul videos, but only those filmed by a few select youtubers – because as you said, we are all looking for something different and specific usually (and this is a good thing! I find it painful to watch and so don’t, American bloggers/youtubers). I like to see why certain people have picked a product over others and like to see a more in-depth video (or blog post) showcasing only a few products then a video going on about countless products, collections and gift ideas (I imagine browsing the shops or catalogues/magazines would be good for that…).
P.S. I’m thinking about investing in a Guerlain bronzer for the first time! Any last minute advice? 🙂
Actually, they don’t own the product. They make the video based on what they see online. That’s what had me going Hmm… It’s all superficial, in that sense. I think haul videos are a staple for every Youtuber LOL! It’s probably the easiest to film (speaking from experience) and for some, it allows them to show off without looking like they’re showing off, because everyone expects it! LOL! But the haul video thing was a little spoiled when people started slipping in PR products as part of their “haul”. I mean, if it’s a brand new product, and it’s apepared on 20 other blogs/videos before this, and they’re a fairly popular personality, it stands to reason it’s probably a PR product!
Sorry I’m late, but did you get the Guerlain bronzer in the end? I only own one, Terra Inca from a few years ago. I dropped it and it smashed somewhat, and to be honest, I barely use it. But that’s because I don’t use bronzer generally (being a bit of a dodo at application) But if you do use bronzer, then I’m told that Guerlain’s is one of the best in town!
No, not yet! I’m waiting for a small order to arrive from Poland and ordered a bronzer so it’s now further down my list… BUT I did arrive the Baby Glow foundation (I haven’t tried it yet) and the Meteorite Pearls as you saw on Insta 🙂 Speaking of, do you apply the Meteorites powder using a big fluffy brush, or do you find that smaller brushes pick up and apply the powder better?
I apply using a fluffy powder brush. I go for a diffused look so it’s fine. Smaller, denser brushes will pick up more product and give a more defined result, if that’s what you’re looking for! 🙂
My makeup bff (yes, got such thing one in my world) and I hit makeup fatigue about two years ago and vowed not to buy any more makeup until we could make dents in the stuff we already had. We’ve pretty much kept to it. Every time one of us wondered out loud if she should purchase a makeup item, the other reminds “You only have one face. Where are you going to apply all that makeup?”
But I’ve never heard of anti-haul videos until I read this post!
Aww I love the idea of a makeup bff! Yes, everyone needs that voice of reason, living outside our head as opposed to just living within us, because often, our willpower is weak 😀 So, how are you doing with your resolves to not buy more makeup? Or have you sneaked in something recently?
I’m proud to say that I went through the whole of 2016 not buying a single item of makeup -not even foundation/BB cream, only skincare! And guess what? I still have loads of makeup to last me…and I think I will need to throw out some old stuff. It’s rather eye-opening to realise just how boros I was. #sudahinsaf
p/s: every woman should have a makeup bff(s) 😀
Now you’re making me feel guilty 😛 But good on you Isabel! You’re a reformed makeup junkie! 😀
I still love makeup and limited editions from the high ends, not MAC because just so bored with seeing yet another MAC launch. I skip over them now.
I think blogs are steering more towards life style/beauty posts lately or something else besides beauty, to keep people interested. Anti-haul vids, i just don’t see the point and i will never watch. I also hate the ‘products i regret buying’ vids. Two months earlier same Youtubers where raving about exact same products. Just looking for vids to make because they are running out of ideas and hits.
I fully agree with you Mandy, as to the skewing of blogs to show off more of a lifestyle slant. It’s not easy to keep plugging on about beauty day in day out for years on end, and I can imagine it starts being a little stale after a while. Also, locally anyway, expanding to include lifestyle elements allows the bloggers to expand into other niches, and get other benefits. To each everyone’s own, I guess 😀 I haven’t watched videos on products people regret buying, but I do enjoy reading posts of that nature. But for them to slam a product just 2 months after raving about it is highly suspect!
I’m at an interesting point in my makeup ‘life’ – this year I decided to take blogging a lot more seriously, no longer only reviewing things I got just because I wanted them, but started looking around new collections & popular items more regularly. As a result, I’m always seeing new makeup pop up – and I certainly can relate to the ‘makeup fatigue’ you’re talking about.
Yes, I still get excited about an interesting eyeshadow colour, or a new lipstick formula, but it doesn’t excite me to the point where I must have it – if I really like it, and it makes sense, it comes with me. Otherwise – I just remind myself how many lipsticks I already own (and rarely use).
To me ‘having’ to blog about makeup certainly adds to the fatigue – I know every time I see other bloggers post their daily makeup routines on IG and I stare at it thinking ‘sure, I have makeup on, but it’s only slightly different from yesterday’, and feel that it’s not interesting enough to post over and over again!
Another thing that made me go ‘meh’ a lot of the time is that I feel like the beauty industry is running low on ideas – I primarily use Korean makeup, and while before it was a haven for interesting colours and themes, now it’s starting to look closer to what we’re used to in the West and it’s upsetting.. I remember how excited I was for several ‘special edition’ collections that featured various fun characters (Minions, Power Puff Girls), thinking that the colours would reflect the characters, only to be disappointed by the (usual) shades of muted nudes and pinks…I miss the bold teals, oranges, and colours one wouldn’t think of using on a regular basis!
One thing that did emerge from this is my excitement for skincare – I feel like something flipped inside of me, where 6 years ago I couldn’t settle down over a lipstick, these days I flip my lid when I see a new sleeping mask or sheet mask! I reach for elaborate makeup less often, and instead spend lots of time on my skin…I think for me the fatigue is a phase, as the shift to skincare came in a similar way.
Hi Kathy, thanks for sharing your story. In many ways, I do agree with you that when it comes to colour cosmetics, the brands are starting to repeat themselves. That said, I suppose there are only so many ways to interpret a certain colour haha! I do tend to agree with you about the various limited edition collaborations with cartoons that would have made for a fun interpretation, but in the main, it’s all just in the packaging, which is a pity. Like you, I turned my interest from pursuing makeup to return to skincare and I have to say that that truly excites me. While I don’t use a lot of Korean skincare, I know they innovate very quickly and are very popular. Also, the difference between the Asian and Western styles of skincare is very interesting, both in terms of philosophy and texture. Either way, my skin is loving this shift in interests, and it looks like it’s here to stay! 🙂
Haven’t come across an anti haul video yet but I feel that if they want to review something, they should review about quality. I’ve watched a few youtubers that go like “If you don’t have anything like this, you should check this out. But if you already have, then you don’t need another one” and I think this is a proper way of suggesting people whether to buy or not buy something.
I absolutely agree with you on this one! While we may be jaded, it doesn’t mean that everyone else is! And giving options is always a better review style than just slamming a product you haven’t actually tried 🙂
I have not bought makeup/step into Sephora for almost a year. Mind boggling but nothing about makeup excites me anymore. I am that girl who has 3098845723 eyeshadows and I swear, I must already own most if not all the “new” colours released. Like that ABH Modern Renaisance palette,
I dont even care to own it because I can probably pull out all the colours from my singles collection. Its like they are releasing the same things but in different packaging. Or maybe I am (finally) over makeup??
To be honest, if you’ve been buying/collecting for a few years, you’d notice the cyclical nature of makeup trends and releases, so it’s unsurprising that nothing will excite us very much anymore. But I suppose the difference would lie in the new or different textures and formula, and naturally, the brands are trying to catch the eye of new makeup junkies 😀
I think of it like this: I’m at Sephora eyeing a set of mini liquid lipsticks. The SA tells me that it’s great value for money, great quality, LE, selling out fast this is the last set left. I’m like ngggggh yes I want this and I only have a few lipsticks this is amazing I am so happy.
Enter no-nonsense, honest friend who whispers, “That one’s blue, that one’s bright purple. Are you gonna wear that?” Dubiously, I shake my head. “But the others are pretty shades!” “Even that baby pink one? You hate pink.” Sigh. “Maybe not those…but-look these are great quality okay!” “Maybe, but you don’t know how these’ll wear on YOU, and you’re gonna try 8 at once? Why not try one out in a shade you like first?” With misty eyes, I put the set back on the shelf where someone else who actually appreciates the set can buy it. End story. Hahahaha.
So yeah, I think anyone can appreciate a good smackdown on a product, esp. overhyped/ LE/ heavily marketed ones. Many makeup lovers, new or old, tend to favour certain features. Like I recently really got into lipsticks, so eye makeup is meh to me but I want to buy ALL OF THE LIPSTICKS. Hearing people talk smack about something I want calms the urge down…a bit. XD
Hahaha that makes sense Anis 🙂 That said, I’d be more likely to listen to someone who actually owns or has used it, not just going from an impression. But this really also applies to someone who does have quite a collection already, who would then need talking down. For someone who’s new to the makeup world, they just want EVERYTHING! 😀 I know, I’ve been there 😀
I haven’t heard of anti haul videos! I always believe the market is vast, and there’s always something for everyone. This goes beyond makeup and skincare, that’s for sure. I for one, go through makeup fatigue once in a while. It’s not just makeup fatigue though. Blogging fatigue, routine fatigue, everything takes turns to bore me once in a while. HAH!
I have friends who are still super excited about new makeup, and it’s fun. Some makeup still makes me excited but compared to when I first started, it takes much more before I buy anything new.
I’m the same. It has to be pretty AMAZING before I’d plonk money down for a new makeup item these days. My money is being diverted to skincare now, which is just as scary an addiction! Haha!
I like the anti haul videos. It is like that rational, not makeup obsessed friend saying, you have that or are you going to use every item in that new collection? It also inadvertently turns in to a review of the cons of the product and what is similar to it.
It doesn’t stop me from buying, but the anti haul videos helps me make better decisions.
Thanks for sharing, Jaimee 🙂 Perhaps it’s just that the ones I’ve come across have been rather annoying, so it skews my impression of the purpose of the video. The ones I did watch were mostly slagging off the products, that they hadn’t tried, so that made me pause a bit.
I definitely have the makeup fatigue as I haven’t been interested in any new makeup in a long time. I haven’t purchased any new makeup in ages and even the old ones bore me (except for the staples). It’s not such a bad thing because the money saved from buying makeup went into skincare, which is more important anyway. 🙂
Hear hear about skincare! That’s my newest “obsession” which is a bad thing coz those expire! Doesn’t help that I tend to go for brands/products not sold locally. But hey, so long as skin looks good right? I’m using a lot of my old makeup stuff now, and rediscovering favourites.