Is going bare-faced the new makeup trend? A bit of shake-em-up news in the celebrity and beauty world in the past week has to do with the decision of songstress Alicia Keys to stop wearing makeup for her photoshoots, performances and even on the red carpet it seems (you can read about it on the black hole time-sucker that is the Daily Mail LOL!).
I can understand how her stand makes a statement. As a celebrity, she’s always had makeup painted on her, and she’s judged on her apperances. You’d have to have makeup an inch thick, for it to be seen and to photograph well. I can understand therefore why she’d want to stop cold turkey and enjoy her new-found freedom from celebrity-pressure.
Good for her… except it means I’m out of a job if I’m blogging about makeup, and everyone follows her stance, aren’t I? LOL! 😀 So, I want you to weigh in with your thoughts – are you Team Makeup or Team No Makeup? Was there something that caused you to feel either way?
As I’ve oft stated, I started out using makeup very late in life, only when I started working. So, if you’re telling me that wearing makeup will cause you to have acne and break out, I’ll tell you it’s bollocks, because my makeup-free skin was doing a great job going crazy all by itself for the better part of my teen years and early 20’s without any help. Besides, if you clean your skin properly and have a proper cleansing regimen, there’s absolutely no merit to that old wife’s tale. I actually have much MUCH better skin now than I ever did 20 years ago.
Incidentally, I think what really puts people off wearing makeup isn’t so much the act of wearing makeup itself, but how much of it is put on the face. Personally, I feel that this is why some people give it up. Someone wearing thick, mask-like makeup that totally transforms how they look, doesn’t look that appealing up close. I’ve noticed this trend of thick makeup returning, with the rise in popularity of YouTube videos and Instagram that teach how to change the way you look.
Do note that in order for a makeup look to actually show up in a photograph, you will have to pile it on. In a photograph or on video, it may look natural. In person, it’s stage makeup and really has no place in everyday life. Due to the popularity however, people will perceive it as the norm, and draw the conclusion that wearing makeup = thick makeup in garish colours, with fake contours to an inch of your life. It puts even me off!
Yet, I’ll tell you that I’m Team Makeup, simply because I don’t look much different with makeup and without makeup, and I don’t pile it on with a trowel. Let me show you 😀
In this “no-makeup” makeup look, I’m wearing a cushion foundation, concealer, powder, blush, light lipstick, brow pencil and an eyeliner. Nothing thick nor cakey with no contouring to be seen anywhere, and it takes me all of 5 minutes or so. A little more if my brows or liner skills go on strike on that day.
Now you see why I don’t do makeup “tutorials”? I have nothing to teach anyone! 😀 All I can “teach” you is to look like a better version of yourself, sans complicated layers of primer, correctors, foundation, powders, highlighters, bronzers and crap like that 😛 Use them if you like, but don’t think it’s the norm to paint your face like a clown.
So I know what you’re thinking “If you don’t look different then why wear makeup?!”
My answer is this – I don’t wear makeup to look like a different version of me. I wear it because I enjoy it and it helps me look like a better version of me. Who cares if I look the same – I shouldn’t be looking any different with OR without makeup! LOL! 😀 I like how I look with makeup on – I look like myself; just a little more refined. What’s wrong with that? 😀 We talked once about whether enjoying makeup makes us vain and superficial and to be honest, so what if it does?! I think we could all do with a little vanity in our lives.
Besides, when you’re feeling like shit with blotchy tired skin, and have a huge thundercloud over your head weighing you down; and then someone tells you that you’re looking radiant, or that your complexion looks good, without realising you have on a little skintone evening base or a smidge of blush, that lifts your mood almost immediately.
Not all of us are blessed with clear, glowing, radiant skin. Sure, we all strive towards that. I strive towards that, and I’m very happy that the condition of my skin doesn’t tattle on my age. I walk out without makeup all the time. But I’m just as happy to spend that additional 10 minutes to put on some makeup, because I like it, not for anyone else.
So, is going bare-faced a new trend? I’d say no. Do I want the thick makeup trend to die? YES PLEASE!
Are you Team Makeup or Team No Makeup?
To be honest, I don’t think the issue here is really about wearing makeup, but how much makeup to wear. Unless you’re being photographed every time you leave the house, remember that less is more 😉 Ever since I taught myself how to wear basic, simple makeup, I’m Team Makeup all the way! 😀
Paris B
Team Makeup always and forever. I don’t care if someone goes makeup free – great for them. Some friends have tried to makeup shame me… good luck. I love the stuff! 😉
tsk tsk for makeup shaming, but glad you’re not giving in! 😀
Team makeup for sure! I notice Alice Keys too. I thought it’s a trend she’s following when I saw photos of her at MTV VMA.
I only put on full makeup when I go events or meetings. Otherwise it would be just a swipe of powder foundation with a large brush, brows, mascara, blush and lipstick 🙂
I like putting on makeup – good fun to experiment 😀 But these days, my version of “full makeup” isn’t even full coz I skip lashes altogether! HAHA 😀
I wear blush (sometimes), light lipstick (sometimes too, you see how lazy I am!) and brow pencil (everyday). So I am not sure which team I am in! :p
haha I’d put you in Team Makeup coz you wear it! 😉
Team makeup for sure. I only started wearing makeup when I was pregnant with my first. And I’m all for those heavy makeup to die unless you’re a stage performer. My makeup style is always natural (unless it’s something fun for the blog) and that’s how I love it!
Right? I don’t care if heavy stage makeup if your preference (your skin after all) but it pains my eyes to have to see it LOL! 😛 Natural makeup FTW! 😀
Team makeup for sure..i do not want to go around scaring people with my bare face,,at times in the morning, i even got a fright myself when i looked at the mirror! Bad skin, no eyebrow and horrific eyebags. See, i am this kind and considerate to others! haahaa
LOL!! I know what you mean Anne! That said though, my skin really looks at its best in the morning when I just wake up. I’m never quite sure why! Then it goes bonkers as the day goes on so my makeup is to prevent the Mr. Hyde from appearing after Dr. Jekyll has woken up LOL!
Team makeup. For work I ll wear either bb or foundation with powder. For hang out or going shopping I wear slightly more makeup. For special events or functions I ll wear thick makeup but not like one inch thick. But there are times in which I don’t wear makeup at all. Those times r either I m feeling lazy or when my face is suffering from allergic reaction.
Hi Gerrine, you’re the opposite of me! When I’m at work, I wear something more. On weekends or hanging out, I wear a lot less haha! 😀
Team Makeup except on Sunday.
I really don’t like how everything is Kim K makeup trend. It’s way way too much and it doesn’t look at all natural.
I just love how a blush and lipstick transform you. Lord knows this pale face needs it!
Make up for me, is me but better version. Hihi
Never on a Sunday eh, Jue? LOL! 😉 I hear ya on the Kim K makeup trend. Contouring was always there, but never as full blown as it has been in recent times! Good for whoever loves it, but I do hope they realise that when I’m staring, it’s not because of their skills 😛
I put on makeup for fun and if I have time, but I’m fine going without too (I try to always have tinted lip balm on though!). I feel it makes me look a bit better, which makes me more confident. Would be great if I always felt confident regardless, but sometimes I need my outside to project what the inside should be.
I also have great fun playing with colors, especially lippies! Expressing a mood, etc 🙂
I love lipstick for this reason too! It’s so easy to switch up a look and the mood with just lipstick (and most people can at least apply lipstick so there’s no real skill involved – just how I like my makeup! 😀 )
I completely agree with you! I’m in the Team Makeup or to be more precise – in the team “no makeup” makeup. I don’t want to look different but a bit better. I’m 40, have quite good skin but very pale with red undertone so I always need some color correcting and some concealer under my eyes.
To be honest, I never understood the no-makeup makeup look until I worked out how to wear it! When I was younger, I used to wonder why anyone would bother putting on makeup just to look natural. Now that I’m older, I totally get it! 😀
I am on Team Makeup, always been since my days off high school.
I’ve been on various ends of the makeup spectrum, of course, from my old blogging days to where I am now. I’ve always liked to play with colors and I had the freedom to do it because of my elongated days as a student and as a writer (and now I’m back to being a student!)
I think how one does one’s makeup is totally up to the person. On days when I know that I’ll be out for a long time, I will go through the whole shebang: eyeliner, eyebrows, mascara, foundation, concealer, blush, powder, highlighter, lipstick etc. For me it is not how many things you apply, but how you use those things (do I make sense here?) i.e: in light layers as opposed to schlepping everything on.
There will be people who walk around looking like drag queens, but all the power to them if they do so! Similarly, those who sport the no makeup makeup look are equally awesome! All one needs is to experiment and find that little happy spot for themselves and voila! Self expression and self confidence achieved!
Haha are you still doing your bright blue shadows? I remember that to be somewhat of a trademark look of yours when you were blogging! 😀 But you are right – how we wear our makeup is really up to us. I do find however that like dressing, it’s important to fit the makeup to the occasion, and some occasions do call for more dramatic makeup and some for less. We just have to tailor our tools to suit our needs 😀 Looking like a drag queen is fine… just don’t call me out if I stare lah heh… 😉
I’m team ‘whatever the person feels like that day’. If that person wants a full face of makeup, good for them. If they want to go minimal, also good for them. People’s choice!
That’s very safe! 😉 But what team are YOU on? 😉
Haha, I actually am on that team. Some days I want a full face other days I’m just feeling lazy and go out bare!
Hi Paris, It has been so long since I last wrote but there I am, a faithfull suscriber from the northwest of Spain.
Regarding the question I am a bit of both. I am not disciplinated enough to wear make up on a dalily basis, but it is my goal. I love using and wearing make up. I look better I feel better I smile better, why should avoid and advantage like that? Since I was a toddler I would look to beautiful woman wearing make up and felt fascinated about their beauty. My mum did not wear anything but a moisturaizer cream. Make up enhances beauty, I does not cover ugliness or anything like that, so in my opinion there is not room for statement, I understand it, but I do not care much about it. I firmly believe ALL women are pretty, make up is just a plus. You look beautifull… and if you put on a light hand of make up there nothing you can do. Make up helps me to get a bit of attitude. I remember also, that my grandmother would paint her nails, (again not my mum) , so when she was out I would run to her cover paint my nails and look at them with joy, then quickly I woud remove the polish before she came back because I was not allow to do that. Then, there is another point: As we age, make up helps us to not loose sight about our feminity and beauty. I do not dye my hair and I have a lot of grays. When I go out bare faced there is something missing, but if I putting a bit of make up and perhaps a red lippy… Lord! I eat the world in a piece of cake. I show there I am, I am a woman and I am ageing beautifully, I am confident, I do not feel pressure about anything. I am just unique! So you are, my beautifull friends, let us enjoy our feminity and specially smile, smile and smile, and never gossip, it leaves hearts sad.
Love to you all.
Hello Pipa! Yes I remember you, thank you so much for still staying subscribed and reading my blog! <3 I love how you described wearing red lipstick allowing you to eat the world like a piece of cake! That is so true and as I age, I too get what you mean totally about not losing our grip on what makes us beautiful. I think sometimes, the beauty world, in their marketing, tends to forget about the older women who still love their makeup, but don't exactly identify with the young models or celebrities they engage. And a smile goes a long long way - thank you for reminding us of that! Some day I hope to visit Spain - It's such a beautiful country and I love spanish food! 😀
team makeup when I’m feeling fun and/or want stuff on and team no makeup when I’m lazy!
Sounds pretty much like us all haha! 😀 Sometimes, I find that when the lazy bug bites too much, I tend to go too natural for too long, and I have to physically pull myself back to wear makeup properly again. Laziness is a curse! 😀
I have no problem walking out of my house without a stitch of makeup on. I’m very lucky to have good skin and have actually been going base free for about 3 months. But on the flip side I enjoy makeup and my routine is quite simple so I guess I’m for both lol! I also can say that I don’t think I look that different with our without makeup. With makeup I think I look a little more “polished”. I’ve been asked what I’m wearing on my skin lately and it’s been nice to say that I’m not wearing anything at all besides skincare and spf. I think whatever people want to do that makes them happy then go for it.
Hiya Tracy, you are most certainly lucky to have good skin! I had beautiful skin as a kid… and then puberty happened haha! And then I went through a period of neglect before I actually started caring for it properly in the past 10-12 years. Paying dividends now, but am also paying for my folly! That’s where my makeup “skills” come in handy to keep me looking perky when I feel or look like crap haha! 😀
I’m Team Do Whatever You Want with Your Own Face. Makeup isn’t All Yes or All No for me. Most days I don’t wear makeup because I’d rather spend more doing other things. Some days I do wear makeup. I love reading beauty blogs, even though I don’t wear makeup. Makeup is fun. If it’s fun for you, do whatever you want. If it becomes a burden or you feel like you’re not being true to yourself, then act accordingly.
Oh reading beauty blogs was my downfall LOL! But it taught me a lot about how to use certain makeup and to wear it in a more natural way, so I’m really happy that there are beauty blogs out there by real women, and we aren’t just faced with airbrushed faces from magazines! 😀
I’m on a fence here. i don’t like wearing thick slab of foundation. But I do want to look pleasant. I’m a housewife, so my make up is concealer and eyeliner, that’s it. Lipstick for special occasion. I love just going out with sunscreen, moisturiser and my fav lip balm.
You know what? I love your answer because so many women I know who don’t work, stop wearing makeup altogether! I confess that when I work from home, I too tend to go bare faced a lot of the time. But I try to put something on just to keep in practice, when I’m going out. I think it’s lovely that you’re still wearing makeup even as a housewife! 😀
No Makeup League most of the days!
I’m a loooot into skin care, that’s the way I’ve been educated since childhood.
And I love the way my skin looks 1st thing in the morning ;-p ^^^
Still, I’m passionate about makeup (I draw and paint) because translating pictoral technics is so much fun!
Makeup days are whimsical: may it be a neon orange on my eyelids, a femme fatale rouge noir or contouring that looks like skin etc. etc.
Makeup is all about playing and enhancing your features.
So yes to skin pampering 1st and also yes to makeup fest!
The most important to me is to be comfortable in my skin, makeup days or not :)))
Ooh I love how my skin looks in the morning too! No matter how poorly I sleep it somehow always looks rested and calm. Then as the heat of the day irritates it, it looks progressively more complicated LOL! So that for me is when the makeup comes in handy 😀 But like you, I love my skincare too, and that is truly even more challenging, because we can’t experiment as much as we like, unlike with makeup! 😀
I feel a little distressed reading that some women are shamed for wearing makeup. I say live and let live. We do what we like and enjoy.
It’s a form of ritual for me. Skincare. Hair. Very light makeup. Thin base. Concealer. Blush and a super bright lip. Signature look-bright lips. The act of applying lipstick and blotting is very cathartic. It’s a form of me-time in a crazy life. I’d been known to sit in my driveway /garage and do my lips for minutes before I drive off to work ?
You know how it is. Women are our worst enemies! I like a bold lip look too, as you well know. Put on a bold lip and the world sorts itself out. If it doesn’t, it’s ok. You look good kicking ass anyway 😀
team makeup! though i am too lazy to wear them on most days, but when i do, i just like to look better.
putting on blush and lipstick on a weary day does seem to make me feel better and not feel so shitty, regardless whether anyone tells me i’m looking good or not, hahaha ?
Haha Team Makeup but lazy – buck up Plue! 😀 But I tend to agree with you. A pretty blush and pretty lipstick, and you can conquer the world. Or if not, at least look good while the world conquers you LOL 😀
I’ll say Team Makeup. There’s nothing wrong if people decide to wear makeup or not. To me, its the joy of putting it on and being able to have fun especially when you play with lipsticks; let’s not forget that putting makeup is also a form of art.
You are right, Bee. It is art so next time I should tell people that yes, I’m creative – I know how to put on makeup don’t I? 😀