When I first received the Tatcha Indigo Soothing Triple Recovery Cream, I was elated, and also a little apprehensive. I feel that way every time that I’m presented a product that’s meant to soothe irritated skin, or is touted as being made for sensitive skin. I used to pride myself on having skin like an elephant’s hide – tough, able to tolerate my most extreme ministrations. So, it makes it hard for me to evaluate if a product actually soothes the skin – I wouldn’t know!
One day, all that changed.
It’s been twice thus far, in the space of a few months, that I’ve found myself scratching my head, wondering where the heck I went wrong with my skincare routine. The first time, I figured out that it was a product that was causing my skin to go a little haywire, breaking out randomly, having widespread areas of rough patches. I stopped using the product, and worked on repairing and soothing my then, irritated skin.
That was when I broke out the Tatcha Indigo Soothing Triple Recovery Cream. I needed something that wouldn’t aggravate nor irritate my skin further, and I wanted to see how well (or not) this popular cream worked.
Tatcha is a brand with a very unique approach to skincare, and an interesting story behind it centering on the mystique surrounding Japanese beauty. It takes quite a lot for a brand-new brand to capture the imagination as well as Tatcha has. I think it’s to do with their beautiful aesthetic, interesting story, and for most, effective (albeit pricey) products. I told you about the cleansing oil before this (loved it and finished it, much to my consternation) but today, it’s this cream that so many people love.
As the name implies, the Tatcha Indigo Soothing Triple Recovery Cream is targeted at sensitive, easily irritated, or irritated skin, and does not only soothe, it also contains anti-aging properties. I liked the idea of it containing anti-aging properties. So often, creams aimed at sensitive skins have but one purpose – to soothe the skin and keep it calm. Rarely does it then purport to do much else.
This cream contains Japanese Indigo, a plant that is supposed to have anti-inflammatory properties, and is combined with 3% Colloidal Oatmeal to treat and prevent dry, rough, scaly skin and minor skin irritations and itch. It is this that calms the skin and is likely what makes eczema sufferers appreciate this cream more than someone who has normal skin will. The other key ingredient is Sophora Japonica extract which is supposed to have anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties. The primary purpose of this cream is still to soothe the skin, the secondary effects help strengthen the skin, hence the nod to anti-aging. If you truly want something for anti-aging purposes, this won’t be it.
What these combine into is a fairly thick cream that has a lovely, soothing indigo-grey colour that comes in a luxurious, indigo coloured glass jar. The aesthetics of Tatcha products are quite something else.
I have read quite a few reviews that say the cream is too thick or that it’s too heavy on skin or that it doesn’t absorb. I’m not sure how they’re using it, but you have to understand what this cream is for – it’s for people who have skin that is sensitive and likely to be irritated. Skin like that tends to be rough and dry and scaly (I’ve gone through it twice by now, I know how it can be!), and this cream addresses that, with its slightly thicker texture.
This is why I always say that before you can run out there and buy the newest, most popular skincare product, you must first understand your skin. It’s the only way you’re going to help it.
Yes, the cream is fairly thick, so this would be something you’d like if you have dry skin or sensitive and irritated skin that needs soothing.
You only need a little product, which I find best to warm between your palms, before applying to your skin. This way, the cream absorbs better. I’m not a fan of dotting cream on your face, as it will then feel thick and won’t spread easily. Don’t do that. Warm it up, and press/apply onto your skin.
You don’t need a lot of product, and it absorbs quite easily. While I can’t pinpoint any feeling of soothing, what I did notice was that it helps my skin to calm down and remain calm. So, when I use it in the evening, I wake up with skin that feels significantly less irritated. When my skin was rough and scaly, I used this on its own, after cleansing, until I regained my normal skin texture.
Even after my skin repaired itself and lost the rough, scaly feeling, I still used it, but as a night cream, after my regular serums. In this regard, I personally feel that if your skin isn’t very sensitive, reactive or irritated to start with, you may not appreciate this cream. It feels just like a slightly heavy, night cream, and I would personally pick a cream that has more active ingredients in it, to target anti-aging or hydration concerns.
There is no scent, befitting a product tailored for sensitive skin, and if sniffed up close, as a scent that makes me think of clay.
This Soothing Triple Recovery cream however performs best for those whose skin is screaming to be calmed, or whose skin reacts to other types of creams. You will appreciate how quickly it helps irritated skin calm down, heal and repair itself. At least, I did! 🙂
The Tatcha Soothing Triple Recovery Cream is a rather thick indigo-grey coloured cream that is formulated to be soothing and calming for sensitive, irritated or easily irritated skin. I find it particularly helpful to calm skin that is rough, scaly and very dry, caused by other irritating products. If you don’t fall in that category of skin type, you won’t appreciate the product and would actually do better buying a different product. But if you do have skin that’s prone to dryness, sensitivity or irritated, and if you have the budget (because it’s very pricey) then I think it’s worth a try because it helped me when my skin decided to flare up and turn me into a scaly dragon. Almost.
PROS: Absorbs easily into skin if warmed up first, Soothes irritated skin quite quickly and helps it heal more quickly, No scent, Luxurious packaging and texture
CONS: Pricey, Hard to purchase as the online distribution is also fairly limited, Not meant for all skintypes as people who don’t have sensitive or irritated skin will not benefit as much from this product
WHO WILL LIKE THIS: Anyone with sensitive, irritated, very dry, scaly, itchy skin who wants a cream that can soothe the skin and help it heal
PRICE: US$135 for 50ml
AVAILABILITY: Tatcha (Ships internationally for a fee or free above certain amounts), Sephora
If you’re interested, here is the ingredient list for the Tatcha Soothing Triple Recovery Cream. It was split into 2 parts, so you get 2 images 😛
Have you tried this cream and if you have, did you find it beneficial? Anything else from Tatcha worth trying?
I hear the rice enzyme face wash powder thingy is good, although some people have reported it as being too abrasive. They’ve also recently launched a sunscreen that has gotten a lot of raves. Thus far, I’ve been quite happy with what I’ve tried, but the difficulty getting hold of the products does get to me. The international shipping costs from Tatcha are a wee bit too high!
Paris B
I love this cream. I have a tendency to develop periodically oral dermatitis. This cream always works to decrease redness and help rebuild the skin barrier. I, like you, warm it before application. I have to laugh because it does give my skin a blueish cast.
I love everything I have tried from Tatcha. The only thing I don’t love is the price point.
Ooh I didn’t notice the blue cast! But that is quite amusing 😀 Thus far, I’ve been impressed myself. The products I’ve used do what they are intended to do, but the price and international shipping costs utterly kill me 🙁
Wow! This brand is definitely something. I love the aesthetics. Will check out if Sephora India carries this brand 🙂
If not, you can get it shipped there since Tatcha ships internationally 🙂 I think they certainly did well with the aesthetics and the product efficacy. But the price! ouch 😛
When I had very dried skin that the skin around my lips cracked and my forehead felt so scaly years ago, thanks to a set of expensive unsuitable products, I wish that this soothing cream was around.
Instead, I tried countless products including slatherung thick layers of Vaseline lol
I agree with you – we need to know our skin type and concerns and even though the sale assistant might be knowledgeable. I was years of mistaken that my skin is acne prone, oil combination. But it appears that all those oil combination or anti blemish products only gave quick, temporary result before making my skin so dry and I was clueless on why that happened.
What actually helped me to understand my skin was a brand know more of its makeup than skincare lol I think you know what brand is that haha.
I know how you felt because I was doing the same just a month ago, trying to figure out what was wrong with my skin! Worked it out eventually, but am glad this was around to help me. I place absolutely no trust in anything any SA says, to be honest. They’re just out to make a sale after all! But at the same time, it takes a lot of reading and understanding to know what our skin is like and not everyone has that sort of interest or patience. So that’s why sales people still make sales! That said, BB makes some decent and underrated skincare!
Ahh you temptress! You made me check out their website and currently I have 3 items in the cart! How is this compares to the Chanel 10 La source?
Oh oops! 😛 For me, I find this a little heavier than the Chanel La Solution 10 so I’d use this in the evening and the Chanel for the day. I’ve tried using this in the day as well, but I have to use very little as I do think it’s a tad heavy.
thanks for this suggestion Paris. I have been experiencing really sensitive skin recently and I bit the bullet and bought the discovery set from tatcha. So far so good – my skin has calmed down.
I’m happy to know that it’s helped your skin, Sharm! It was an expensive bullet to bite, but at least it paid off 🙂