When I was a kid, I used to creep into my parents’ room in the morning, to watch my Mom get ready for work. It wasn’t an elaborate process, as she hardly wore makeup except for powder, blush and lipstick, but she would, in the morning and evening, spend a little time at her dressing table. So, I grew up with the notion that a dressing table, or a vanity table was something everyone had, as a place to put their skincare and makeup.
I later found out that I wasn’t quite on the mark, because I saw that a lot of people actually talked about keeping their cosmetics – skincare and makeup – in the bathroom. I remember coming across a tip in a magazine once, many years ago, that suggested that skincare, in particular, be kept in the bathroom, so it was within easy reach for use after a shower, or washing your face in the morning and evening.
I also recently came across some pictures on Instagram, of people showing off their bathroom shelves filled with their skincare and back-up skincare, and some, with makeup. So, naturally I got to wondering.
Do you keep your skincare and makeup in your bathroom? Should you do that?
Well, I’m going to put it out there and say that no, you should not be putting your skincare and makeup in the bathroom. If you do, I’d highly recommend that you remove it at your soonest opportunity, and if you really care about the stuff you put on your face, to find some space in your bedroom for them.
Humid bathrooms cause skincare and makeup to degrade more quickly
If you didn’t already realise, bathrooms are very humid places. This is true in every country of the world. Where it’s cold, that’s where you go for your hot, steamy showers, that fill the room, and everything in it, with a fine mist. If you live where it’s hot like I do, the air is already humid as it is, and showering always adds water vapour into the air.
Lovely. Now, imagine what that’s doing to your skincare and makeup sitting by the sink or in the damp, dank bathroom cabinets *shudder* It will not react immediately, but heat and humidity from your regular showers (I sure hope they are regular! 😛 ) will cause your cosmetics to degrade more quickly, and for bacteria or microbes to grow and multiply more quickly.
If you’re going to spend all that money on good quality skincare, the last thing you want, is for them to turn on you. Ditto makeup. If you’ve never seen an eyeshadow palette go mouldy, try keeping it in a damp environment for a while and see what happens.
Also, bathrooms tend to be quite bright places, and light isn’t always good for cosmetics either.
Bathrooms aren’t the cleanest rooms in your house
As clean as you keep your bathroom, it isn’t the cleanest room in your house. It can’t be. You go in there to wash away dirt in the bath or shower, and if it’s an en-suite with a toilet (and most are), I think it’s self-explanatory. It’s a known fact that just the mere act of flushing with the toilet lid up can release millions of bacteria into the air. Now, imagine that your skincare and makeup are in that room. Not a pretty thought, yes?
Store your makeup and skincare in a cool, dry place
Ok, so you’ve removed your skincare and makeup from your bathroom. Where should you store them? Logically, a cool, dry place away from the light is ideal. Light and heat can interfere with many ingredients in skincare e.g. retinol or vitamin C products, and cause them to lose their efficacy. You don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on your cream, only to find it does not work, do you?
When I set up my vanity, I pick a place as far away from the window as possible. While I realise that it’s counter-productive to doing makeup in natural light, I’d much rather ensure that my products are kept at their optimum efficacy for longer. If I really wanted more light, I can use a lighted mirror or, simply move myself closer to the window.
I also always have my curtains drawn for most of the day, when the sun is at its strongest, which keeps my room cool. This is a problem when you live in the Tropics as I do, but might be less of an issue where it gets cold. In that case, your concern might be more of damp. So, pick a place in your room that’s cool and dry. Even if you have weak sunlight, I still won’t place my cosmetics by the window 😛
Instead of a vanity table, consider a dresser, chest of drawers or the closet
Not all of us have the luxury of having large and elaborate vanity tables or dressing rooms. Space is a luxury in most modern homes, especially if you live in an apartment or in the city. Vanity tables can take up a lot of space, and if I’m to be honest, not boast of that much space to place your lotions, potions, powders and creams.
So, I use a chest of drawers. I have learned from experience that I prefer to stand to do my skincare routine and makeup, instead of sitting down, so the lack of a chair suits me fine. My chest of drawers is about chest-level, which puts my skincare and makeup at eye-level. Because of what it is, it gives me space in the drawers in which to keep my products, away from heat and light. For me, this works.
If floor space is at a premium, see if you can keep your cosmetics in a shelf in your closet. Doable, if you don’t have 300 blushes (ahem! 😛 ) but otherwise, could pose a challenge. Otherwise, if you don’t have 300 blushes, consider a cosmetics box, maybe, that you can store in a cupboard, and take out when you need it. Your daily skincare could go in a basket or tray that you keep on your bedside table (if its not exposed to bright light and heat).
Personally, the only products I keep in the bathroom are my face washes, shampoo and body washes. I don’t even keep body oils and body creams or lotions in there for the same reason I won’t keep my skincare in there – I don’t want them turning bad. Because I use face and body washes and shampoo everyday, they eventually run out quite quickly, and I think the PH level is unfriendly enough to the growth of bacteria.
The only time I think keeping skincare in the bathroom might be a little more OK, would be if you have a very large, cool bathroom, with your shower and toilet tucked away at one end, and your vanity at the other end with little sunlight, and some dehumidifying contraption that keeps the air in the bathroom dry.
Otherwise, I’m not for it, no matter how much time it saves. Seriously, how long do you really need, and how lazy do you have to be to not want to walk out of the bathroom to do your skincare somewhere else? You still have to get out of the bathroom some time. Anyone that lazy probably won’t care anyway if their product degrades, in which case, carry on! 😛
So tell me: Do you store your skincare and makeup in your bathroom? If you don’t, where do you keep them?
Be honest now! If you do, you might want to rethink things, because it’s not the most hygienic place in your house to keep them. If you don’t, tell me where you keep yours – mine are in my bedroom! 🙂
Paris B
BATHROOM! I don’t have a backlog of skincare so whatever I use, it’s there on the shelf in the bathroom. I either have the heater going (which dries every damn thing in sight) or the fan going when I shower. Once I’m done, I fling the windows and door opened and apply my skincare in my robe. As for makeup, I have the bare minimal that I use quickly in the mornings. It’s just easier during the morning rush. THe bulk of my makeup is stored away in the bedroom.
I do keep the curtains opened, though. I get only the morning sun and there’s a nice tree shading my bedroom so it’s not hot enough to damage anything. Also, toilet and bathroom are separate.
TIP: Shut the lid before you flush. Leave a jar of hand sanitiser in the toilet so you can clean your hands before touching any surfaces. ANd still wash your hands after leaving the toilet. Not a germophobe. What are you talking about? 😛
Aiyo I didn’t think you’d keep yours in the bathroom! 😛 I don’t know, I just sort of remember how muggy my bathroom used to get with hot showers, since the bathrooms I had when I was living overseas years and years ago was all closed up tight against the cold outside. So, everything would be enveloped in a fine mist. Doesn’t happen as much here, as I have more ventilation here, but still. no la 😛 But good that you mentioned bathroom and toilet is separate 😛
Sorry, my skincare is in my bathroom – it makes sense in my head somehow. Hope out of the shower, dry off and faster faster put back all the moisture into the skin! 😛
And like LeGeeque says – shut the lid before you flush!!!
BUT my makeup is in my bedroom.
I think we all need bigger rooms… now, there’s a thought!
We ALWAYS needs bigger rooms 😛 But I didn’t peg you for bathroom storage either! 😛 I mean, I get the ease, but it’s never bugged me before. I shower/wash my face, towel dry, exit bathroom and head to dresser for my lotions and potions. I always thought that was the norm LOL! Never had a fancy bathroom before this either (now it’s more fancy but still not terribly fancy) and I don’t have a bathroom cabinet which might explain why I preferred keeping everything in the bedroom so nothing falls over and breaks 😛
I never was! My routine before, was exactly like yours! But when I moved, it just made sense. Odd, isn’t it? Having said that, my dresser is even more crowded… with makeup! Go figure! 😉
I keep toner in the bathroom for convenience sake because that’s the first thing I use after washing my face. Otherwise I’ll just forget!
That makes sense 🙂 I think toner isn’t as bad as having creams in there. I think! 😉
I love watching my mum get ready too when I was young too! 😀 And you’re right… that probably made me think that all ladies have dressing tables as well! Had to convince the husband that a dresser is a necessity when we were furnishing our tiny bedroom… we NEED to fit one in there by hook or by crook! 😛 Now he loves it! Haha! 😀
I store my skin care products on my bedroom dresser, which is almost always dark and cool since I have black out curtains in the room. Makeup goes into a drybox which i find really helpful to keep my makeup fresh for a longer time! 🙂
A drybox for your makeup! Jenn, you win 😛 But you know when I first moved out, one of the things I made sure I got was a dressing table too! I was only mildly obsessed at that stage, but still, I knew what I wanted. Even got a stool that I never sat on haha! 😀
Vanity table just does not do justice with my makeup especially I have a little boys that just love it if he was in my room all the time.. So I just make use my old drawer and put everything in it.. That also actually is hand grab by my kid.. so the next solution is to put a small shelves to put everything but knowing me who is storing a lot of make up I am still looking for places to put everything. Luckily my bathroom is small so I dont have any place to put the make up in. So most of the time it be in a bag and I just put everything there so that I am able to work the skincare routine in a jiffy … hhehehe …
Oh dear I can just imagine the mess that can happen if he gets his hands on all your stuff! 😀 Putting it in a bag is quite clever. That way, you can actually do your skincare routine anywhere! 😉
I totally agree.
I bring only my cleanser to the bathroom.
I don’t want my powders and compacts to degrade due to humidity and changing temperature.
Oh yes, powders are definitely very sensitive to humidity! I’d keep them far away from the bathroom 😉
I keep my cleanser in the bathroom as well. But that’s about it! I keep it near my sink. My powders, compacts and pretty much all makeup stays in my bedroom makeup vanity.
I think it depends on the space you have? I keep my makeup in the bedroom. My adjoining bathroom is also a walk in closet so everything else is there, including perfume, skincare, hair care… but they’re in their own cupboard. I’m also pretty good with using up my skincare and not keeping backups, so I’m sure everything’s cool 🙂
Yes, size absolutely matters in this case, hence my caveat on those with luxury of space 🙂 For those who do, it would be much more convenient, I agree. But for those of us with smaller bathrooms, I think keeping these things out of there would be the best bet.
I used to watch my grandma applying body lotions and face powder in the living room cos space was a contraint for the elderly back then. Hehehe!
Like you, I only keep my cleansers, shampoos and body washes in the bathroom for the same reasons you have stated. The simple reason was becoz love my skincare to be cooler, so they are placed at my bedroom, under the aircond. Oh, if the aircond ever leaks and causes flood, I will cry.
Ooh my gran had this wonderful ancient dressing table with a mirror that remains bright and shiny to this day! She didn’t have much of a routine though – just Hazeline snow LOL! 😀 Ooh better not jinx the air cond! >.<
BATHROOM! For my skincare.. I don’t really think the limited exposure to humidity would spoil it? My logic is they’re only open when I use it. And if I don’t apply them after I shower I’m usually going to forget to use them! Oops. But my makeup resides on my study table in the study room. No vanity table for this missus! The land in Singapore is very expensive I’m afraid.. Not much room for a separate vanity.
Haha Well, my argument is against keeping it in the bathroom so I’m really biased 😛 But I can understand the economies of space. That said, I never liked having too many things in my bathroom coz of how humid it can get in there, and how hot (it faces the sun) so it’s probably a good thing I don’t keep any of my stuff in there!
I agree that our skincare products plus cosmetics are not suppose to be kept in our bathrooms. Personally I don’t even keep my soap and shampoo in there because I live with my family, sharing the bathroom makes it even more humid ( and dirty). I am not sure how to describe that but usually a layer of mold will grow on the shampoo bottles if I keep them there for a long time. I know it is gross therefore it is definitely a NO for me to keep anything there. LOL
Ooh I know what you mean! Especially if many people use the bathroom, the humidity levels do spike and sometimes, shower stuff left on racks can take on a slimy feel. Very skin-crawling! 😛
I never used to keep skincare in the bathroom until I moved to Hong Kong, where houses are tiny! My bathroom is relatively big and there’s a built in cupboard with many shelves so it makes sense for me to keep my skincare there. The cupboard has a door that I always keep shut and I also put in a desiccant moisture absorber (like thirsty hippo). I also have a dehumidifier running 24/7 in my house and I make sure my exhaust fan is turned on after showering to get rid of the moist air. So I’m not too worried about the humidity issue but I don’t keep makeup or any of my backup skincare products in that cupboard.
Good idea on keeping humidity low. I can imagine that with space at a premium like how it is in Hong Kong, it must be quite a challenge keeping things organized. I don’t know how I’d survive! Haha 😀
Bedroom! Mine is on top of a chest of drawer (chest height too!) and I would just stand next to the floor length mirror besides and get my simple makeup done. No direct sunlight either. Looks like i am on the right path. 🙂
Ah you have the one thing I don’t have – a floor length mirror! I keep telling myself I should get one, but I don’t have space for it so I kept putting it off. But it’s useful to have isn’t it?
I don’t mind both. I don’t have the luxury of having a bathroom in my bedroom so I have my things in my room by default. Only cleansers and toothbrushes in the bathroom. When I’m at a hotel, I do put all my stuff in the bathroom (when there’s a luxurious sink).
Ah yes, non-attached bathrooms would make sense for your things to be kept in your room instead. It’s funny. Even in hotels, I’d shower and then head back out to do my skincare routine on the bed! This, as opposed to standing by the bed as I usually do. Funny how our routines change when we travel 😀
In the bedroom, all inside a cupboard specially for my skincare. Thank goodness I’m not good at makeup, because of that my limited makeup items are kept in a Ferrero Rocher box, in the drawer of the cupboard. And I apply my skincare standing up as well. Tried to sit but it seems if my feet aren’t working, my hands can’t work neither… Weird ^_^
Wah, you can fit your makeup into a Ferrero Rocher box! Hats off to you 😀 You know I started that way – with a FR box of makeup. Erm… I think they mated and had babies LOL 😀 I prefer to stand up. For some reason, sitting down feels weird to me. It’s like I’m not being active or something 😛
I only keep my cleanser, scrub and mask in the bathroom as those are usually used with water i.e wash face before or after applying 🙂 The only makeup related in the bathroom is makeup remover which is not actually makeup, haha. So the majority of my skincare and makeup are all in dry environment – my bedroom 😀 Can’t do anything much about humidity, though – maybe keep those products in fridge? 😛
I agree about the hygienic reason – even toothbrush should be keep away from the bathroom but I don’t do that as I might end up forget to brush my teeth every morning and before bed, haha. By the way, why do we call the tool “toothbrush” not “teethbrush” 😛
I tend to do my skincare while walking around the room as I always feel restless, hehe. Unfortunately, for makeup, I have to stand still in front of a mirror- don’t want to accidentally poke my eyes with the mascara wand or eye pencil or put my lipstick on my nose LOL
Haha I like your logic – anything with water = bathroom 😀 For me, I even keep my masks and makeup removers in my bedroom. Only cleansers go in the bathroom, including the balm cleansers. You know, I actually read somewhere about how keeping products in the fridge aren’t exactly hygienic either, nor advisable as the fridge might be too cold and might cause the formula to change. So, personally, the only time I put anything in the fridge is a sheet mask. Otherwise, I just keep them somewhere cool and out of direct heat 🙂 I can’t imagine you walking around while doing your skincare haha! I tend to be quite regimented as I plaster on layer after layer, so I’m pretty confined to my dresser 😀
Just cleanser in the bathoom, everything else in the bedroom… I just move things between bathroom and bedroom when I need to use them.
Sounds pretty much like what I do 😀
Apart from the showering, body scrub, hair cleaning, deodorant, body powder, I have only my facial cleansers, scrubs, make up remover & wash-off masks in the bathroom.
The rest are in the bedroom, on a table/ vanity tower next to my stand mirror.
I am with you in terms of hygiene n humid condition of the bathroom not really a suitable place for ur delicate products. Plus the more products u have in the bathroom the more cluttered it gets, the dirtier everything is.
Absolutely with you on the less is more thing for bathrooms! I often go overboard with shower stuff in the shower stall and sometimes, that can result in everything being a little icky after a while.
Bathroom – everything’s within reach post shower. And to address the issue on humidity, I have a small fan to keep air circulated. Also, I have been blessed w a pretty big bathroom (total area approx 30 sqm including my dressing room) ?
hey so i am 12 years old and I do my make-up in the bathroom i have powder,a light tinted cream, mascra, i do some eye shadow,some blush, lip stick. should i do it in the bathroom or bed room
HELP!! I don’t know what to do
You can do it in the bathroom, if there’s good lighting in there, but I wouldn’t store your makeup products in the bathroom.
thank you so much!
Hello , I found this article of yours while searching on google about a nice place to store skincare products in Bedroom . I usually keep them on open shelves in my bedroom . One thing is that my narrow bedroom is almost taken by my king sized bed ,so i have to place the shelves near the windows. The windows are closed and covered by pink curtains almost all the whole time . May be beacause of clear window glasses and curtains’ light color , there is still a little bit of sunlight(like i cant make my bedroom completely dark in the day time).And my skincare bottles are only about 2-3 feets away from the windows. Now in the middle of summer here in burma , high temperatures(abt 38) and bright sunlight outside make me anxious and worry that my skincare products might be less efficient . Will it be okay to keep them in day light (not under direct sunlight) ?? I used to keep them in drawers about 2 years ago but recently purchasing more and different kinds of products became my favorite thing to do . I enjoy placing them on the shelves ( like a collector love to show off his collections ?)
I will be very pleased if u can give an opinion ??
In the tropics, I’d suggest you keep new products in cupboards/drawers, away from heat and light. Heat and light is very damaging to skincare. For opened products that you use daily, a little light and heat won’t damage them, as you’ll be using them, but I’d still keep them away from direct heat and light so choose the most shady part of your room.