Every year at about this time, we are blanketed by a haze that not only irritates our breathing passages, it plays merry hell with our skin. So, it is at this time of year that you will see a lot of articles and advice for you to drink more water because staying hydrated helps keep your nasal passages clear.
We also need water to keep ourselves hydrated and to well, literally stay alive! But not long ago, I had a bit of problem that saw me drinking less water in a day than I should. I was only drinking about 2 mugs a work day, which was really ridiculous. Slowly but surely, I later noticed some effects on my body that troubled me, but went away when I started upping my water intake.
At work, I usually have a bottle on my desk to keep myself hydrated. It saves me from walking up and down (although that’s actually one way to keep myself from dozing off!) But what it also does is remind me that I have to drink, and I do.
But following the trouble I had not long ago, I stopped this habit of keeping a bottle on my desk. After just a week or so, I started noticing some negative signs in my body that had me wondering what was wrong. It didn’t strike me it was my reduced water intake until much later.
So here are the 8 signs my body was telling me that I wasn’t drinking enough water. I’m no medical or science expert, so this is purely based on my personal experience. If you are noticing any one of them, before you run out and buy that latest skincare or health supplement, think instead of your water intake. Have you experienced any of these symptoms?
#1 Skin breakouts
I noticed when I was drinking less water, that my skin started breaking out. This was around my chin area, which I had found was usually related to digestive problems. I was rather perturbed by this, doing my best to get rid of the bumpy skin without much success, when I realised that it might have been to do with my water/fluid intake.
When I upped my water intake, I noticed that the breakouts were happening less. Existing bumps under the skin didn’t go away, but I wasn’t getting any new bumps. I’m not certain it’s 100% related, but I figured it might be to do with the body not flushing out toxins regularly. When you drink a lot of water, you do end up going to the toilet more often and that is actually a good thing! So, if you’re experiencing sudden inexplicable breakouts or rough skin, start by increasing your water/fluid intake and see if that helps.
#2 Dull Skin
Which leads us to the 2nd thing I noticed, dull skin. My skin had a dull cast to it that no amount of exfoliation or serums or creams could help. I spent a lot of time during this period learning to use highlighters to fake this “glow” (which isn’t a bad thing, now I think about it 😛 ) It was as if it was less plump even, and looked tired. I’m not saying that drinking more water will give you plumped, glowing skin, but it is one way to get there.
Our body needs water to transport blood cells and nutrients throughout the body, and if you don’t sufficiently replenish the water in your body, this function might slow down. The first thing that goes is the skin because it’s actually the least important thing to keep going. Your body will have to keep your essential organs functioning first, to help you stay alive, so the skin condition will deteriorate. I noticed that when I went back to drinking more water during the day, my skin looked much better.
#3 Yellow Pee
One of the first signs you’re not drinking enough water is indicated by your urine. We don’t like talking about pee on a beauty blog do we? LOL But it’s an essential indicator and might tell you more about your health than you realise. If you aren’t sure if you’re drinking enough water in a day, your pee will tell you. The more yellow it is, and the more it smells, the poorer your water intake. The aim is for your pee to take on a clear, almost colourless … erm… colour, when you’re notice also that it doesn’t smell very much. That’s a sure way to know you’re drinking enough water!
The reason for this is because our bodies excrete toxins and waste through our pee, and if we don’t drink enough water, this waste that is being excreted is concentrated. Think of it like a science experiment. If you have a chemical that’s very thick and dark in colour, when you dilute it with a lot of water or liquid, it will lighten and take on a clearer appearance and any scent also dissipates with dilution. For our bodies, it’s a good thing because our kidneys don’t have to work as hard at extracting and excreting waste. It might be TMI, but it gives me a certain pleasure to see clear pee LOL! 😀
#4 Constipation
This was something I noticed quite significantly when I don’t have enough water. For some reason, I get very constipated! Ok, I know it is TMI, but just as our kidneys need water to ease the excretion of toxins and waste, so do our intestines. The less water you have, the harder your body has to work to extract whatever liquid they can from your food intake. So, just think about that for a bit, and see if you don’t realise just how you can get constipated 😛
Needless to say, when I upped my water intake, things eased up eventually. Whew! Incidentally, I also noticed that if you get constipated a lot, it can reflect on your skin as well. I always notice an increased number of breakouts and congested skin when that happens. I often wonder if there’s a co-relation. Perhaps there are more toxins in our body that eventually purge out through our skin?
#5 Poor Digestion and bloating
Aside from constipation, I noticed that I had a lot of trouble with my digestion. I’d get bloated very easily and eating any sorts of food left me feeling uncomfortable. I wouldn’t even have appetite most days, which was awful because I love eating!
When I drank enough water, these problems tend to go away of their own accord. I did some research and realised that it was because our bodies need water to help with the digestive process, and to aid in the breaking down of the food we eat. If we don’t drink enough water, there is an imbalance in the Force (hur hur!) and things just go haywire.
For me, this eventually leads to problems #1-4 above. It is all co-related some how!
#6 Dry Cuticles and Skin
I also find that poor water intake leads my cuticles to dry out and peel. I’d get hangnail or bits of dry skin around my nails, which not only looks unsightly, also prompts me to peel at them and injure myself. Keeping myself well hydrated tends to reduce and eventually solve this problem. But if I don’t, boy does it come back with a vengeance!
As for my skin, dehydrated skin is one of the obvious symptoms as well of insufficient water/fluid intake. I already have dry skin so imagine if you will, skin that is even more dehydrated than normal! It’s no wonder it was breaking out as per #1 above!
#7 Poor Concentration
This wasn’t very obvious, but I definitely experienced poorer concentration. I’d find it hard to focus on doing anything for very long, and my mind would wander quite alarmingly. I didn’t notice this consequence much until I restarted my regular water intake again, when I noticed that I was doing better at focusing on what I was doing.
#8 Lethargy and Tiredness
If you are feeling tired and lethargic for what seems like an inexplicable reason, be assured that I did too. Again, I didn’t notice how much staying hydrated helped me stay less lethargic, until much later. According to science, our bodies need water and fluids, to carry electrolytes around our body, which keeps us energetic and literally keeps us going. The harder we make it for our bodies to work, the harder they have to work and quite often, it may only be working half as efficiently as it should. So, if you too are feeling lethargic or tired all the time, pause for a moment and consider if you’re drinking enough water. If you aren’t, try upping your intake and see if it helps.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Water, the elixir of life, health and beauty! 8 signs you aren’t drinking enough” quote=”Water, the elixir of life, health and beauty! 8 signs you aren’t drinking enough”]
How much water is enough?
Most of us remember the general rule – 8 glasses of water a day. But how big a glass? 8 ounces or 237ml glasses are the general rule. However, it’s a little more technical than that (link). Each of us needs different amounts of water, depending on size, weight and lifestyle. If you exercise a lot, naturally, you need more water because you lose water through perspiration.
The general recommendation however is at least 2.2 litres a day. Believe me, it’s not easy hitting that target daily! I find that it’s easier when you have a water bottle with a fixed measurement, as that’ll help you. My daily water bottle is about 1125ml and I try to take in at least 2 bottles a day.
While the general rule is that we’re measuing fluids, not plain water, I personally stick to plain water. I don’t have problems drinking plain water so I’m good. Tea or coffee, while liquid, are diuretic so they can actually cause you to lose more water. Fruit juices, while again liquids, can help you pile on the pounds due to the sugar content. So, personally, I just stick to plain water. I don’t even infuse my water with fruits, as is popular now. I don’t like the taste of infused water, which I feel is neither here nor there. If I want a fruit juice, I’ll drink a fruit juice. If I want water, I’ll drink it plain.
Have you experienced any symptoms from not drinking enough water in a day?
I was surprised actually at how my body reacted to the reduced water intake. This is even before taking into consideration the most easily noticeable symptoms of dry mouth, bad breath and thirst! If you’ve experienced any other symptoms, please do share. We can all learn from each other 🙂
Paris B
Disclaimer: I am not trained medically nor scientifically. This account is purely based on my own experience
Santhi says
Your blog is so timely. I have been noticing most of the changes you listed above mainly skin dullness and indigestion. I do keep a bottle on my table but some days it remains unopened, Yikes!!! The air conditioning at my work place is always on the chilly side and doesnt help either.
Water is plain water for me too. So cheers to more H2O. Hope brightens my skin up.
P/S: Looking forward to your review on Sunday Riley serum
Paris B says
Gotta work on that Sunday Riley serum review! Thanks for the reminder Santhi, and yes, water – you don’t know how much it does for you until you don’t have enough of it! Hope you’re drinking more 🙂
Tracy says
Yup! My body needs LOTS of water. I drink probably 6 L a day easy, and when I don’t? Like last week in California! My skin doesn’t like it! I broke out on my chin as well. When I got a good detox mask and started drinking more, it improved. Water is SO important. Great post!
Paris B says
Oh I find that when I travel, or on weekends, my water intake drops and then I start looking and feeling like crap! Funny right? We just don’t notice these things until we don’t have enough and then boom! Breakout city
xin says
LOL!!! #4 – the toxin has to come out through one way or another right 😉
my daily water bottle that i bring to work is 950ml. Usually i have a cup of green tea, and one whole lemon juice in a glass of water through out the day. Plus all the water intake from non-bottle, I think I only drink about 2L a day. Someone once told me to drink based on the body weight x some %, so with that calculation, I was told to drink like 4L a day. SERIOUSLY??? And of course, I tried and failed. LOL.
Paris B says
Yes indeed! All that toxins, although after my food poisoning, I’m 100% detoxed! LOL Sigh… I read about that calculation too. It would make sense, but it’s not easy la to drink so much. Especially when you find yourself having to trip off to the toilet every few minutes! Happens to me when I get overzealous, although it’s also a good time to take a break 😀
Fathin says
Hmm, I didn’t expect lack of water could cause dry cuticles, I think hair also can get affected, too. Maybe that’s why when I feel so dehydrated, my nails are easier to break and my hair feel less luster.
I usually drink 2x of my 1 Litre bottle (though if fill up until to the top, could get 1.4 L, hehe) Now that the weather is getting hotter and hazier, I think it’s better to increase our water intake, too. And if you get more exposed to outdoor and do intense activities, I think that also affect on how much you need.
There’s also an article about the best time to drink water. Such as 2 glasses after wake up will help you clear out your bowel. I think it gets viral in my facebook community recently 🙂
I like that pee indicator. It might sound weird and disgusting but that can help to check whether you are hydrated enough and maybe if you get infection. If I’m not mistaken, the worst is when the colour is dark brown – usually when people run in marathon, they might get this colour (that what my friend told me based on his own experience, haha). I think if you take certain medicine, it also affect the urine colour and smell.
Paris B says
Oh yes! It can affect hair for sure. After all our bodies are mostly made of water, so I suppose that’s why we need it so much 🙂 With the current weather situation (damn this haze!) it’s best to up the water intake to flush our bodies of all the bad stuff we’re breathing in. Haha yes! Our pee is so important but people are so queasy about it right? I didn’t know it can turn brown (OMG! I’d be horrified! Lucky it hasn’t reached that for me) but gosh, I’m glad I don’t marathon hehe… 😉
Tine @ Beautyholics Anonymous says
I know I’ve not had enough water when
1) I start getting mouth ulcers
2) My upper lip line is so dry that it cracks and bleeds.
These are sure signs of dehydration for me as well as the symptoms you mentioned. I have a bottle with me on my desk at all times to remind me to drink. Sometimes I can go all day with only one glass of water! Eight glasses of water is the recommended amount of water to drink but it’s not strictly for everyone. When you feel as though your lips need a bit of lip balm, that’s when you know you need to drink more water! 🙂
Paris B says
Oh yes ulcers are a definite sign. I find I tend to not drink enough when I travel or when I’m out. Sometimes, it’s also to do with the hassle of finding a toilet. You know how that is right?
May says
#1 definitely true for me. Though it’s not scientific proven but I guess your body will tell the truth, I just have to trust my body’s signal. I guess the hydration helps in balancing the skin’s moisture and oil.
Paris B says
Oh absolutely! I’m a big fan of listening to your body because at the end of the day, it’s the only thing that will tell you what’s right or wrong with you. After all, we aren’t all the same, so why should we be following others right? Just do what your body tells you to and you’ll be fine 🙂
addy says
Ooops! My body gives those signs all the time but well, well..someone had refused to listen to them. Naughty naughty girl! 😛
Paris B says
LOL!! Time to listen, Addy! Your body needs all the help it can get 😉
JackieA says
I have leg cramps besides all the other symptoms if I don’t get in at least 2 litres! My goodness, it is age I tell you! I also have a small icon of water droplets in my daily planner which I like to tick off – don’t worry, I scold myself all the time for being so anal!
Paris B says
Speaking of leg cramps, Jackie, I just found out that it’s a sign of dehydration! I’ve been having it these two days (sore legs) because of how much water I lost due to purging during my bout of food poisoning. Been upping the water intake! Eh you’re not alone in using a planner for keeping track of your water. I’ve seen many others do the same! 🙂
Lily says
Yellow pee, that’s a sure sign of not drinking enough water. Also, I try to drink a glass of water every 2 hours. Also, dehydration means bad breath!
Paris B says
Oh yes, bad breath! That’s a sure indicator, except sometimes, the ones experiencing the bad breath don’t realise it Yikes! >.<
Swati says
Wow. This is awesome! Never really knew dehydration can cause poor concentration. I am definitely having the small bumps these days so may be water is the solution. Let’s see. Constipation is definitely one of the symptoms for me. And, another is drier and stretchy and yes dull skin as well.
Paris B says
Yep, I didn’t realise the thing about concentration either, until I had to focus on some work, and found that drinking enough water made sure that I stayed focused. But it’s pretty extreme if you ask me 😀
Vera says
Hello! True indeed, the morning show just covered that day time – increase water intake and 2-3 hours before sleep in the night time decrease it to avoid any water retention or “too lazy to get up for the toilet” case.
One of my friend who is into science shared that one is truly dehydrated when the eyes appeared grey/yellow and you when you pull the skin, it’s elasticity is slow to bounce back due to the blood thickening.
When I used to do sports & cross country running, my teacher has a set of instructions on how much of water to take for every 30mins. in order to maintain stamina & not break down. Anyway did you SEE the price of a normal bottled water at the newstand and 7-11. Pretty costly.
I appreciate some of the stores e.g. Jusco, Parkson and even the 1Utama mall offers free water to the public.
Paris B says
Good point on not drinking too much water before bed. I didn’t know about the poor elasticity of skin so thanks for the tip! You know, I find that bottled water tends to be a bit more affordable at petrol stations. Strange, I know, but it’s true! They are more marked up at convenience stores.
Jasmine Flower says
Great blog! For me I always carry bottled water everywhere I go..I’ll keep a bottle at my desk, my bedroom and one in my bag! I do invest in a few good water bottle like BPA free or aluminium stainless steel one, The “S” brand. Citrus zinger bottle is my latest bottle..sometimes I guess I do enjoy some zest in my water. As for winter I’ll have my flask of warm water to keep me warm & hydrate. When I travel I’ll tag along this “ultra” durable, flexible reusable “V” bottle. It’s totally hassle free, it can be folded or flattened when empty and I can refill my water @ the airport.. Now the thing is finding the loo ????
Paris B says
Hi Jasmine, good call on carrying water wherever you go! I’m trying to do the same, except failing because I can’t find a proper bottle haha! Some bottles are so tiny, if you know what I mean. I tried using the Sigg, but didn’t like the taste of water in it. Haven’t tried the V bottle though (you lost me there! Which is that?) 😀
Bugs says
I used to have phlegm and need to clear my throat every time before I speak since I can remember ( from childhood ), until a company workshop I attended at the age of 29, that I was told to drink water every hour, and finally realized that a person actually need to drink water. ( shocking but true, I was this stupid! ) And guess what, I no longer need to clear my throat ! Now, whenever I need to clear my throat, I know I have not been drinking enough water. I carry a water bottle everywhere even when I go shopping mall.
Once I read, 30ml water to every 1kg is how much plain water an average person should take per day. I can’t remember where I read it or how true it is. My water intake is more than the recommended amount for my weight. Our body is the best teacher, just listen to it and we can’t go wrong.
Paris B says
Thanks for sharing your experience Bugs and I’m glad that it was something as simple as drinking water that helped clear your throat! So often we don’t realise the little things that water can do, till we have enough of it 🙂 I’m with you on listening to your body too. Sometimes, I drink 2 bottles of water and think “Gosh, I still feel dehydrated” and I drink more. Other times, 2 bottles seem more than sufficient. Our bodies know best!
Layla J says
I have THE worst time to do anything if i didnt drink enough water the day before, its harder for me to wake up, my body is fatigue and i cannot focus! btw I drink 3L daily, it took me about a month to increase my intake 1L to 3L but its worth it! I used to drink less than 1L earlier in my life, how i wished someone wouldve forced me into the habit earlier on! Ah well better late than never
Paris B says
Thanks for sharing. I do agree. Not drinking enough water can really mess with our body systems and the worst part is that we may not even realise it.
Shirley says
Absolutely true all the symptoms on dehydration! But it is also important for the heart. I have a prolapsed mitral valve ( floppy valve). The cardiologists told me to keep hydrated and I know if I don’t I am more likely to get an irregular heart beat. I read recently a glass of water at bedtime can help prevent a heart attack. Keep drinking girls!