Hello friends!
Guess who’s now live and on TV.
No, go on, guess. LOL Ok, enough of the teasing. I’d like to welcome you to my new little project – MWStv, which is basically my swanky name for my brand new YouTube channel. Yes, I’ve only just gone and set up a YouTube channel! Eeps!
I had intended to share this piece of news in the coming week, but it sort of sprouted a life of its own and got out there (as will happen), so I didn’t think it fair to keep it under wraps any longer.
I premiered my very first video yesterday, to the MWS Companions who are subscribed to the email newsletter and I’m very encouraged and thankful for the support given. At least no one has told me they hated it… yet 😛 But while YouTube is known to be a scary place, I have every confidence that the friendly, mature and comfortable nature of the MWS community will extend itself to MWStv 🙂
I’ve got the video for you below if you’d like to watch it here, and I’ll tell you a little of what you may expect (lest I get your expectations up) 🙂
MWStv is an accompaniment to the blog. I’m not going to do all out vlogging because my first love is writing, so the blog is my home. MWStv is my fun summer home by the sea, to take the analogy further. I plan to make it a little more “live action” instead of just me, myself and I talking into a camera; so we’ll see how that pans out. I never thought it’d be my 40’s when I’d teach myself video editing! 😀 This is my first time filming anything, much less editing, so I’m trying my best to learn as quickly as I can as I go. Slick productions won’t be likely in the interim. Even finding the damned video record button on the camera took me hours 😛
But to manage your expectations, I probably will not be teaching things the way many do on YouTube. I’ll leave makeup to experts like Lisa Eldridge and skincare to Caroline Hirons, both of whom do an insanely impressive job that I cannot hope to replicate. I can barely put makeup on myself, much less teach anyone anything and I already have my blog as my primary voice, so product reviews, stories and my thoughts will always end up here first.
I’ll keep the lighter stuff for MWStv – empties, hauls, stuff I like (or maybe don’t like). You know, easy listening stuff 🙂 Think of it as something like the MWS Cafe where we talk about life, love and everything under the sun 🙂
With MWStv I’m guessing that I’d be talking to a slightly different segment of the local YouTube market, as I’m already past my 40’s (only just! LOL) and I have a slightly different view or approach to life and everything else. Besides, as you will soon find out, I’m not a bubbly person, and I have the epitome of resting bitch face LOL! 😀 😀
I haven’t quite thought of what I’d feature next so I’m open to ideas and suggestions of what you’d like to see. I will likely share some bits and bobs of what’s new and upcoming in beauty-land, as there are quite a few new things coming up but beyond that, I’m open to suggestions.
One thing I’d like to do however is have a quick Q&A segment. An “Ask PB” segment, where you can ask anything and I’ll answer it. If you’d rather not leave a comment, I’m just an email away, or there’s Twitter, Instagram or even Facebook. Just ask, and I’ll get to it in an upcoming video 😀
You can watch my first video here 🙂
I’ll be working on the next one, and because video isn’t my forte, nor my primary focus, I will aim for fortnightly releases, subject to availability of content and time, naturally 🙂
So if you’d prefer to read (I know I do, and am only JUST starting to watch some YouTube videos – catching up, you know!) don’t worry. MWS the blog isn’t going anywhere. It will always be here and it will always be my primary home where you will know exactly where to find me for a cuppa tea 🙂
But when you want a little bit of alternate reality (which is what I deem video to be) then hop over for a dose of MWStv where PB comes to life on screen instead of being a faceless voice on the blog 😉
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. I’d love to hear from you, naturally! And if you’re up to it, you can subscribe to MWStv here!
But before I go, I have a special shoutout to Irene for unintentionally discovering the existence of MWStv just literally HOURS before I went live with it to the newsletter subscribers! I was as stunned to see her comment as I’m sure she was to discover it lurking away under all the many YouTube channels out there 😀 Thank you for being my first ever comment Irene, and to Shasha for being my first subscriber! Love you both long long time 😀
Paris B
Love love love you on video!!! you go girl! You are a natural on TV! 🙂
Aww thank you for the encouragement, GT! 😀
You appear pretty natural – it was a pretty great watch!
Thank you Esther! I was a bundle of nerves so it was good to know it came across better than I thought 😀
Oh my gosh! That is so exciting!! I’ma go watch your first vid now hahaha
Thank you Robert! Appreciate the encouragement 😀
Congratulations on the YT channel! I think you did an amazing job. Can’t wait for more videos from you! 😀
Thank you Tine 😀 It’s so much harder than I actually imagined, to be honest! 😛 But fun too 😀
Wow! You are prettier in motion than in still photos! Not only pleasant to watch but you also have a very good speaking voice and good content. Well done for a first try!
Yikes *shy* thank you Kay! I appreciate the encourgement and feedback <3
Hi Paris, I discovered your blog earlier this year as I ventured (albeit in my 40) into proper skincare and rudimentary makeup. I have binged read all your posts. Love the way you write and your sense of humor. And admire that you take the time to reply to every comment. Very admirable in my books. Watched your video and a big thumbs up to you. Keep it coming on.
Finally mustered my courage to post something on your blog.
Hi there Santhi! Thank you for sharing your comment and for the support and encouragement! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed your time on MWS and you know, it’s never too late to look after our skin 😀 I’m glad you posted a comment. I love hearing from everyone!
Oh… I’ve been wanting to start video blogging too. But I get held back when I see myself on the video. Now I get encouraged to do it after watching your video.
I agree, you have to be able to get over watching yourself first. It was hard! LOL Good luck, Jerine 🙂
This is so exciting, congratulations! Love the video, and can’t wait to see more.
Thank you for the support, Gio! 😀
Awesome first video! And love your lipstick too!
Thank you so much Houdini! Appreciate it 😀
I love it! Empties are always welcomed. Next, I would like to see the things that you have swept under. Are there products that you simply leave at the back of your drawer or bottom of the cabinet because you feel only so-so about?
Thank you Cocoa! And that’s a great topic! I’ll KIV it and work on that 😀
Hi Paris, thanks for making my day with the lovely shoutout! i really love reading your blog, learnt alot from you! *omg i’m mentioned on your blog!*
Hi Irene! Haha I still can’t get over the fact you actually stumbled on it! What were the odds eh? 😀