I was asked once before, what got me hooked on wearing lipstick and my answer was “Japanese lipstick”. I measure every lipstick I wear against the yardstick of a Japanese brand lipstick because their textures embody everything I ever want in a lipstick – lightweight, creamy, moisturising, glowy and flattering. This was before the Western brands started coming out with the Dior Addicts and Rouge Cocos we are familiar with now. Trust me, the Japanese brands got there first, and every now and again, I feel the need to revisit my first loves.
While it may seem like I have a strong focus on Western brands, the only reason I’m even wearing makeup today is because of Japanese makeup. I’m a huge fan, but it’s hard to keep up when information is very low-key and hard to come by, and quite often new releases look the same as old releases.
But if there’s one thing I have to say about Japanese brands as well, is that they are given to the dramatic when naming products. The newest Japanese brand lipstick I had the pleasure of trying recently has the rather fanciful name of Dramatic Melting Rouge and is by Shiseido Maquillage.
Ok, I confess to not being a big fan of Maquillage. I played about with a few products when the brand first came about, but I was never very impressed, preferring to stick to the Shiseido mother-brand; so I’ve pretty much forgotten about it over the years. These new lipsticks however, do have me wanting to take a second look at them because yes, they are pretty amazing products.
To match the fancy name, these lipsticks come in a rather pretty golden cap that is eye catching. Personally, I’m not a fan of the packaging because I find it too gaudy. But Maquillage is targeted at a slightly younger makeup-wearing crowd, who I know, will be drawn to this packaging. As they say however, it’s what inside that counts.
Inside, we are told that this lipstick is infused with a beauty oil that protects lips, cares for dry lips and infuses your lips with beautiful colour, shine and brilliance. I can safely tell you that the Dramatic Melting Rouge ticks the boxes on all counts.
The lipstick slides on your lips like melted butter and makes your lips look almost instantly smooth. I don’t need all that crap about layering lip balm and using a lip primer under lipstick. If a lipstick doesn’t look impressive on its own, I scrap it. I don’t believe in using another product to make a product work (which is why you don’t hear me talk about using primers and lip balms under lipstick. It doesn’t work as it should? It’s tossed).
But with this one, I just slick this one and bam! Smooth, tinted lips with a glossy shine. The proof as they say, are in the swatches and here they are.
I swatched these on my lips just once. I don’t have very lined lips, but if you take a look at some other lipstick reviews, where I show close up of my lips, you can sometimes see how the lines may be visible. Here, they just look beautifully smooth. Man, I’d forgotten that a lipstick can make my lips look this good! 😛
I was sent 2 shades for consideration:
- RS329 Rose Rendezvous – This is a lovely everyday rose shade that naturally flatters most complexions. It isn’t as strong in colour in person as you see in the picture, but it completes your makeup without ever once looking garish and in your face. I wear rose coloured lipstick on a day to day basis because of this.
- RS526 Melty Red – If you love red lipstick then Japanese lipstick won’t be the one to turn to. Their reds are never the beautiful creamy reds that I get from Chanel or Dior or Guerlain. They tend to be a more sheer version of a red, often with brown tones, so they are always wearable on a daily basis without ever making you look like you’re trying too hard. If you want to ease into wearing red lipstick, start here.
For completeness, this is how I’d look when I wear these shades.
They are flattering shades aren’t they? With a lovely shine and gloss that isn’t in your face, while making you look alive and young and glowy. For interest, I wore all Japanese brand makeup in the FOTD too but everything from the base, eye and cheek makeup were from Lunasol. I don’t own anything else from Maquillage LOL! 😀
I’d peg these at a light-medium opacity. If you like strong, creamy colours you may not like these because you will find them too transparent. But if you don’t usually like wearing lipstick, I’d invite you to take a look because you might just change your mind after these 🙂
The Shiseido Maquillage Dramatic Melting Rouge lipsticks are a new range of lipsticks under the Maquillage label, a Shiseido sub-brand. The texture of these lipsticks are lovely, being at once smooth, glowy, transparent and flattering. I find them sheer-medium in opacity although you can easily layer them to full opacity without it ever once feeling or looking heavy on your lips. The product too leaves your lips looking smooth and unlined and quite perfectly kissable. I have an insane desire to pick up more and I haven’t felt this desire in a long time!
PROS: No scent, Smooth texture, Lightweight, Easy to build up colour without it looking heavy, Flattering shades on everyone, Glossy shine that doesn’t look overdone, Not one bit drying!
CONS: I find the packaging a little gaudy but I’m in the minority, Product is a little soft so be careful about leaving it in the hot sun or it might melt
WHO WILL LIKE THIS: Anyone who likes lightweight, glossy lipstick, Anyone who is familiar with the style and texture of Japanese brand lipstick, Anyone who likes a lip colour that isn’t too in your face
Oh and if you wonder why I have a low tolerance to scent in lipstick, the primary reason is because the Japanese lipsticks I cut my teeth on (not literally) had no or very little scent. Even these days, I find that most pure Japanese brands do not infuse scent into their lip products, which makes me very happy.
I will warn you that it’s a wee bit soft so don’t leave this lying around in the hot sun. I haven’t tried it, but you might just return to find a puddle of oil where your lipstick should be 😛
Have you tried this range of Maquillage lipstick? Do you like anything else from Maquillage you think I should try?
I’ve been thinking about the new cheek colour or blush that they call Dramatic Mood Veil. It looks really pretty in pictures but I haven’t gone to play around with them. Reckon that’s worth a go? 🙂
Paris B
Shiseido Maquillage Dramatic Melting Rouge comes in 10 shades Price: RM90 (before GST) Availability: Shiseido counters nationwide
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Wow, the lipstick on your lips are gorgeous! It gave the satiny look and the colours are awesome, too. But I agree with you, if want to get true red lipstick, don’t get their shade but if want a wearable daily red, then choose RS526 Melty Red. I love the other shade, RS329 Rose Rendezvous – it looks so cute on you and I will totally wear this for daily when I want to feel pretty instead of glam 😀
Thanks Fathin, the texture is gorgeous! I love them so much, I picked up 2 more LOL 😀 I haven’t done that in a while
Oomph. Love the colors!
They’re beautiful Rage, and wear so prettily! I haven’t been so excited about a lipstick in a while hehe
Nice swatches Miss P! Both looks great on u.. Did u cut your hair? Its super cute!
Hiya Shija! Thanks and yes, thanks for noticing! I cut it shorter, same style just shorter and will be going even shorter next round! Addictive I tell you, having short hair haha 😀
I’m not keen on the packaging either. It looks a bit cheap. But the shades are gorgeous. They both look great on you.
In person, it’s really blingy haha! But the texture makes up for it. I even got 2 more even though I’m not crazy about the packaging!
This formula looks great!
And I’m more of a cream blush girl but their Dramatic Mood Veil had me tempted….doesn’t that have like, five different sections to the pan?! All meant for different bits of your cheeks. Something about the over-complication of the blush process really appealed to me!
Yes yes, that’s the blush! The different sections are a bit small so I’ll just be swirling all over to mix the colour 😀 The gridlines look very interesting too!
Oh I\’ve just got them last 2 weeks! and i love how moisturizing they are! I’m also looking into the blusher, i am sooooo tempted to have them, too pretty! Please review!
I bought the blush finally! Haha! I’ll review them later and I even picked up 2 more lipsticks! Addicted, man! 😀
I got this and love it too! This got my attention cos the model in the ad slicked it on her lips so sexily. :p
LOL! Really? Now I have to look for that ad 😀 The texture is just awesome isn’t it? I love the way it makes my lips look so flawless
think i saw it at their pharmacy, the packaging doesn’t feel as good as it looks in the picture definitely. It felt very plastic so I didn’t pick up any
Yep, it looks pretty but is just plastic. But the texture! Pengsan. I should have asked you to pick up for me LOL!
The packaging seems bulky… but so pretty! And shiny! Before lipsticks I was ADDICTED to lip glosses. And I bought so many Japanese glosses. My go to brand was sony makemania curvy silicone which was apparently the #1 lip gloss at the time. Not sure if it still is.
Anyway from there I got interested in lipsticks and same as you, love Japanese lipsticks. I only own one Shiseido lipstick and I don’t love it.
I haven’t tried Maquillage though. May have to try one of their lipsticks.
It’s not much bulkier than most lipsticks to be honest, just not as hefty 🙂 I like the Shiseido Perfect Rouge lipsticks, but they tend to be more “Western” in feel. These are sublime! Try to get a hold of them if you can 😉
That packaging!! GORGEOUS!
As a lipstick should be! 🙂
Hee, that packaging is bling-y. But how gorgeous it looks on. I’m always looking for a wearable red, but the rose looks gorgeous too, and I don’t have a rose 🙂
I love the texture of Japanese lipsticks. I too normally go for the main brand products rather than Maquillage.
You’re so lucky to be in Japan then, Kuri! Every brand (Almost) makes a really good, affordable lipstick. I’ve never been disappointed yet! A friend says this can be found in the drugstores so have a look next time you’re out 😉