Some time a couple of weeks ago, I was looking up the price of Hydraluron serum and I noticed that it was now RM109 as opposed to RM80 back in December 2013 when I first used it. Now, I am quite aware that a price increase over time is inevitable, and in the big scheme of things, considering the price of skincare these days, RM109 is still fairly affordable. But at a RM29 price hike, that is an over 36% increase, not including the 6% GST (Goods and Services Tax) to be levied.
It’s not just Hydraluron that’s gone up in price. Since I started this blogging lark, a lot of prices of beauty products have slowly creeped up over the years and what was expensive back then is astronomical now, and what was “quite expensive” then would be considered “luxurious” now.
And I just wondered how it has affected you, as the consumer? Have you noticed this slow creep of upward prices and does it influence your beauty spending?
I’ve actually cut back a lot on my beauty spending since the year began. Not so much because of the impending imposition of GST here, but mostly because I felt that I was drowning in too much. Yes, apparently there can be too much of a good thing! LOL! 😀
For me however, it was more of a quantity rather than price issue, because I noticed that for the past 2 years, I do most of my beauty spending online. Sometimes, it’s not because they are always cheaper, or because I’m unsupportive of local economy, it was because I just did not have the time to go out to the malls and trawl the counters. There are not many local online etailers that are reputable nor carry the items I want, much to my surprise.
But it hasn’t stopped me noticing the upward trend of prices of makeup and skincare products globally. These days, I’d be hard-pressed to find a good facial moisturiser for under RM100 or a good antiaging serum for under RM200. Yes, I can go to the pharmacy (drugstore) but my skin doesn’t take kindly to pharmacy brand skincare. If you can handle it, kudos! I place great emphasis on skincare so I splurge and it’s actually getting harder to justify that splurge.
When it comes to makeup, I’ve noticed that most department store lipstick now cost upwards of RM100, when previously I could pick one up for less than that. Eyeshadow palettes now inch towards and surpass the RM200 mark and you can barely find anything to buy under RM100 at luxury brands like Dior and Chanel and Guerlain. Estee Lauder lipsticks used to be RM80 just a year ago and the new ones will be RM102 soon. Luxury brands like SK-II, La Mer and Cle de Peau, which belong in their own stratosphere, too have gone up significantly in price over the years.
Even at the pharmacy, prices have gone up. 7 years ago, I wrote a post about buying a whole face of makeup for RM200 or less. Today, I’d be hard-pressed to repeat this feat unless I go for brands like Essence or Catrice; not awful brands by any stretch of imagination, but they’re not the more established L’Oreal or Maybelline or Bourjois. Maybe I should repeat this experiment just for larks eh? 😀
This is just a cross-section of the price increases I’ve been noticing over the years. As I said, rising prices are inevitable. Cost of ingredients go up, so does marketing and advertising costs and in the case of luxury brands, the need to retain the image of luxury; hence the astronomical prices. But for the consumer, it does impact our beauty budgets, because income levels rarely go up as quickly as prices.
I like my luxury but I sometimes feel it’s all too much. So I’ve actually consciously cut back. Part of the reason as I’ve said, is the quantity. The other part is because I can’t bring myself to pay some of the asking prices anymore. Well, not for a mere “I’ll just test this new lipstick/ eyeshadow/blush etc for the blog in 5 different colours” If I have the opportunity to try it, great. If I don’t, c’est la vie.
Also, when an eyeshadow palette now costs RM200 I think “It better be worth RM200 because I could buy a month’s fresh groceries with that money!” Well, ok maybe not a month – groceries have gone up in price too!
Perhaps my priorities are changing, or I’m just getting more discerning, or perhaps also a little jaded. I know it’s awkward for me to say so, especially because I’m holding myself out as a beauty blogger with a “duty” to share my thoughts on new products, but that’s the truth. Rising prices of beauty products do impact my beauty spending habits and I’d like to think, in a good way, for I no longer spend willy nilly but am more discerning and picky about my beauty buys 🙂
Are you affected by the rising prices of beauty products? Are you cutting or controlling your beauty spending?
I’m curious, because as in my Hydraluron example above, we’re talking a 36% increase in price. RM80 was a reasonable price to pay and while RM109 isn’t exactly unreasonable, RM29 does make a significant dent in the wallet. It means RM29 you have to divert away from buying something else, and while again, it’s not that much in the big scheme of things, it’s still money that’s hard-earned. So, how are you managing your beauty spending amidst rising prices?
Paris B
I will only buy what I really use. No more snapping up LE just because. I still have tons of make up that I hardly made a dent. With 2 kids groceries shopping comes first 🙂
I feel the exact same way Iza! I’m not a lot more careful buying LE items, and will only get the ones I really really want. End of the day, I’ve decided I’d rather splurge on a good meal or something for the home instead LOL! Can’t eat makeup can we? 😀
I’ve definitely buying less these days, only buying stuff I’ve seen good reviews online and only what I know I’ll use.. Shuu Uemura, whose skin care I’ve used in the last 2.5 years have gone up in price twice already.
Seriously about Shu? I don’t use their skincare, but I do notice that skincare has gone up in price generally across most brands. It does bother me because while I may not splurge on makeup, I can’t not buy skincare can I?! 😛
I’m cutting back on my spending ever since I started working last two months. With all costs being my own burden and a fresh grad salary, I definitely cannot spend so much on makeup and skincare. I only buy or restock on what I need, and I always look for sales and events (like The Markets, where I got my CANMAKE products restock at 1/3 original price) so that I can save more. Maybe if I earn more later I can revise my spending. After all, the need of individuals differ from their age group, spending behaviour and family factor 🙂
You hit the nail on the head! Yes, our spending needs and patterns will change over time which is why we have to be a little more alert I feel, to prices of things. At one time, I do agree, I was a little cavalier but then I bogged myself down with financial commitments and suddenly you realise that you can’t just be free and easy all the time with money. It’s a finite resource and we have to be careful. It’s a good thing you’ve realised it early. It stands you in good stead for the future!
I’ve been buying less since last year. Prices of everything have gone up, not just beauty related items. It is actually quite ridiculous considering majority’s wages stay about the same. And now, an additional 6% on mostly everything. I’m willing to pay if the extra is put to good use but this is a whole other topic. So back to your question, it has definitely affected how and what I buy.
Yep, I have noticed the sharp upward trend in prices of goods in general too. It’s really quite dampening on the spirits and I sometimes wonder if some of us complain, how much more are those in the lower income bracket faring? It’s sobering.
I don’t mind paying more for skincare, if it’s good. I’m not a makeup fiend, so I don’t splurge there.
You know what Cecilia, I used to think the same, but when my Dior night cream that I swore by almost hit RM500 I told myself nope, I couldn’t cope LOL! Had to find substitutes. But if that was my only indulgence then I suppose I’d be more willing to spend. Instead, I have a whole host of indulgences! Bad! LOL 😀
My beauty budget fluctuates and when I have extra money, will buy Estée Lauder and when I am short on dough, I will switch to drugstore products which is most of the time. Luckily my skin is ok with drugstore brands (Avene and Olay). I bought Lunasol Skin Modelling Foundation (RM180+) based on your review and it was great but now I have switched back to Revlon Colorstay (RM50+)..cause I am on a tight budget these days sine I am in between jobs and cost of living in KL is quite astronomical! Oh and I don’t spend much on many makeup items etc my must haves are liquid foundation (Revlon), mascara (L’oreal) eyeliner (Majorlica)and concealer (Revlon) 🙂
Hey, Revlon Colorstay is a good foundation too! 🙂 But I get what you mean. We have to live within our budgets and you are wise to know that you can find a substitute if you try hard enough. Avene and Olay are also decent drugstore brands and I wish we got some of the good French pharmacy brands locally because they are usually much more affordable than department store brands, but just as effective or sometimes, more so. That’s where I’m happy about online shopping, because it opens up a whole new world of brands, prices and discounts! 😀
Great topic, Paris! I’ve consciously started cutting back on beauty expenditure for about 2 years plus now. It first started off with going on a self-imposed make-up ban but then I began to feel the pinch of rising skincare prices too. Make-up I can do without but not skincare! And as you pointed out, the increase was not exactly insignificant. My BB cream price increase was more or less similar to your Hydraluron example.
I’m searching for cheaper alternatives but, like you, my skin doesn’t take too kindly to drugstore brands.
For the past 6-7 years, I’ve been travelling regularly and I quickly realised that some of my skincare items are significantly cheaper at duty-free shops at the airports and so I stock up on essentials such as my moisturizers and serums there. We’re talking RM30-RM50 price difference so the savings are pretty huge.
I also sign up for notification of promotions from online stores. I’m a huge fan of Escentual’s 1/3 off French pharmacy products. Even with shipping charges, the products still end up cheaper than if I were to purchase them locally (now that some are available locally). There is of course some effort required in price-comparison but now that I can do it from the comfort of my computer chair, I don’t see any good reason not to.
I’ve also purchased my skincare from one particular store (in AEON) and established a relationship with one of the SAs there so I get notified of promotions (e.g gift sets or free deluxe samples) and AEON voucher promotions. In my case, I only buy from them when there is an AEON voucher promotion so I literally get cash back for my purchases.
Above all, I try to buy only what I need. There are only so many layers I can apply on my skin!
That’s good practice Isabel! In fact, so have I! Cut back I mean, even if it doesn’t seem that way – isn’t social media a big lie? haha! 😀 But yes, I can ditch makeup (goodness knows, I have enough to colour an army) but with skincare it’s a lot more tricky. For me, I tend to look online. Sometimes, there are online sales or prices are just cheaper if bought online even if it comes from halfway across the world. That’s the beauty of the internet right? oh and duty free too of course! Larger sizes at lower prices. Definitely helps to save there 😀 I think often, we just have to make a little more effort, to help ourselves save a little money. Every sen saved, is a sen earned! 😀
I absolutely feel the same with you Paris. I’ve also cut back a lot on my spending with makeup and now will only buy the things that I will use and need. It is ridiculous on how things go up in price in such a short amount of time!
The prices go up but our income remains the same, such is the plight of the economy!
I think that’s a common lament about our wages staying constant. But we just have to be a little more careful and a little more discerning. No more buying just because “we feel like it” right? but it’s nice to sometimes have a little splurge once I’ve saved up and I do it with my packed lunches! I pay myself a small sum of money I’d otherwise have spent for lunch and treat myself once in a while. It’s fun 😀
Reading all the previous comments that people left, everyone seem to be cutting back on either skin care or makeup items.
I bet everyone have definitely realised the hike in pruces for not only coametics but also everything else, such as groceries. With the 6% tax coming in (tsk tsk), everything will then increase more in price. Sigh. We can’t stop the economy I guess.
Personally, I, similar to everyone else, have decreased my purchases of cosmetics and have made it a monthly ‘treat’ instead or sometimes longer. I also think compared to rhe UK, Malaysia has it better since ahopping at department stores can give you quite an amount of cash back whereas we don’t do much here (plus the 20% vat pfffft).
I find it harder to justify the prices of makeup rather than skincare haha. Mainly because one thing can do the job of the other and having a lot of one item (e.g. eyeshadows) can leave them collecting dust.
The 20% VAT in the UK/Europe kills me! But I’m always quite glad at the airport though hehe… But yes, everything is going up and it’s not just localised to here, but worldwide, I’ve noticed. I think we just have to be a little more careful with our money and you are also right about makeup. I still look at pretty things, but I find myself less inclined to buy. Perhaps my priorities are changing or because I’m just less easily swayed these days. That’s a good thing, right? 😀
The same has passed in Mexico, prices increases and now we also have the fact that dollar went higher so now even shopping online isn’t really a good idea, so yes my habits have changed.
First of all, even when I try to use good skincare I use many drugstore products even my sunscreen is from there (I prefer saving money even if that means I’m getting really oily but my skin is protected and doesn’t break me out.
In case of makeup I try to save but with the lack of many shades at drugstore base product ends up with an strange under tone o shade.
Sigh, in Mexico too, Efrain? I think this is a worldwide phenomenon. Prices going up, wages staying stagnant 🙁 But I guess then it’s up to us to do our best to stretch our dollar! It’s also great to know that drugstore skincare have actually improved these days in terms of quality. There are many good products at affordable prices now which is a good thing! Oh and online shopping is another boon too 🙂
Even on my most irrational days, I cannot justify paying 102 for lipstick. Even if the color is to die for! I have cut down too because of rising prices….
Haha I’ve been that irrational, but then I’m quite picky about my lipstick and a good lipstick these days does go for about that price. Scary huh? 🙁
Prices of makeup and skin care have been rising in the US, Asia and Europe. I have dramatically cut down my purchases not only because the prices have become quite ridiculous, but also because I have acquired too much stuff. It’s just stressful to look at all the unused items sitting around. So I got rid of many things. If you shop in the Paris airport duty free, you can find French makeup at prices lower than in the city itself.
You are right, Esme. I too have realised that I have too much stuff and the thing is that skincare expires! We can’t store them forever. Thanks for the tip about Paris airport duty free. That’s one of the fun things about travelling – duty free! 😀
Such an apt topic Paris! 🙂 Personally, I think the price hike is still manageable, however, I think some cut backs are necessary in order to maintain some form of balance between spending vs saving in the long run. So now, instead of splurging in some random piece of makeup, I’d probably buy something that has amazing quality at its price, and will last me a long time. So, LE’s will be something that needs to be thought through instead of simply purchasing it simply because its LE! (I’d make an exception for them Guerlain balls tho!)
Skincare cant be compromised, so if that has to cost me, its one I’m willing to invest on. 😀
I think it may be time to spend more money on clothes rather than makeup hahaha!
Good point about not not living too much for today Shasha 🙂 At the end of the day, we still have many years to go and many more financial commitments to come so having some saving and a little nest egg is a very good idea. I did find that when I was fairly debt free at one time, I was a lot freer with my money. Now that I’m up to my eyeballs in debt, I have to be a lot more careful. Doesn’t mean I don’t buy stuff, but I think about them a lot more before putting down the cash. Which is why I’m shying away from most of the seasonal releases this year (except dem Guerlain ballz yo!). As for skincare, I’m playing around with alternatives. Some more expensive, some cheaper but heck, whatever works! 😀
‘what was expensive back then is astronomical now, and what was “quite expensive” then would be considered “luxurious” now’
-So true! I thought this was happening only in India.
I don’t mind if the price of imported goods go up; recently custom duty has been increased in my country, and has been doubled for luxury goods, therefore their prices have shot up. But if local beauty brands also increase their prices (which has been happening in the past year) I refuse to support them. Also, L’Oreal already has factories here, so I again refrain from buying any of their products that I feel are overpriced. I just wish all beauty bloggers in my country would also hold back, our voice does matter!
You know what Lana? From the comments I’m getting it looks like rising prices is a worldwide phenomenon! Kind of puts a lot of things in perspective doesn’t it? And you are right about making a stand against astronomical prices. We don’t have many local brands of note but I often feel that a local brand ought not to price themselves the same as an imported brand. Maybe you can start a movement against the overpriced brands/products in your country. As you say, your voice, especially as beauty bloggers, really do matter! 😀
Hahaha! To study forever for my microecon test yesterday and then to come here and read your blog entry! What a coinicidence!
As for makeup, I do not buy Asian brands online anymore. I make a list for friends overseas who are travelling to me. Usually by the time they make another trip, I’m ready to replenish. This saves me on price mark ups from the high tariffs companies have to pay to bring in the brand. Prices have gone up, so I only buy what I need now. I also do not buy drug store skincare anymore. I prefer brands like Laniege, so I have friends bring it to me. Or, I go to my local Asian store for their 1+1 deals.
Oops! Reminds you too much of school? 😉 It’s always great to have friends and family who travel right? But I have to say that it’s quite a smart move on your part. I do notice that these online sites that carry Asian brands really overprice their stuff. Maybe because it’s hard to get otherwise. I don’t have as much of an issue with Western brands. Often, it’s just cheaper for me to buy my Asian brands locally because it’s cheaper than buying from Japan itself! Not Korea though. It’s still cheaper to get their brands in Korea 🙂
I might be lucky that I’ve always restricted myself from hoarding make-up, with the exception of lipsticks of course! Even then, it’s hard to find good quality lipstick under the RM75 mark! I may be picky with my lipsticks but I have strayed from drugstore lipsticks long ago because I find that the quality is poop. I bought two lipliners from NYX a few months back but I never use it now because it cracks and doesn’t look pretty after a few minutes. Maybe I’m just bad at using them, I’m not sure. Some Stila products have been reduced its prices like the single eyeshadows (RM30+) and some of the cream blushes (RM40+), not sure if it has always been marked at those prices though.
Also, I just discovered that the Tartelette palette is finally here and I was so excited to take a look at it last week. It’s so buttery smooth but I haven’t gotten it yet because BO LUI!! Hahahahaha I don’t have an eyeshadow palette yet because I want to wait for the Lorac PRO palette, even if it will take me another decade :’-)
I have to agree with you about lipstick quality Hani. I do find that there is a significant quality difference between a RM80 lipstick and a RM25 one. Not to knock the cheap brands, but I just don’t quite like them. I was thinking about the Tartelette palette too! But haven’t dragged myself down to Sephora to look at it before I decide. I don’t know why I can’t find any site that ships Tarte internationally. It’ll save me a lot of bother 😛
I could validate my spending for a while at a certain luxury pricepoint but when the rent is due… I cannot stand the fact that so much good stuff has gone up a lot in price. Sure ingredients barely change in price but the economy is hard on everyone so also brands. Everyone needs to make more money.. and indeed you’re going to have to look hard to find good quality at a lower price. I stick to pharmacy stuff if I ever quit blogging, it’s the stuff I can afford easily with good results. The occasional expensive thing will slip in no doubt 😀
Yep, it looks like a worldwide phenomenon re: prices. But you’re lucky to have access to good pharmacy brands. Locally, it’s a lot harder coz we don’t have those awesome French pharmacy brands and if I’m honest, local products just don’t make that cut 😛
I’ve gotten very choosy about what I spend my money on. For example, I will NOT buy a bottle of tiny, fancy cleansing oil for $50US, when I can buy an entire bottle of jojoba oil from the pharmacy for $7US and it will last for a year and do just as nice a job of removing my makeup. (Plus, no fragrances or odd essential oils mixed in that bother my skin.) I save my money for serums and facials. I think that if most people spent part of their skincare budget on a really good, regular facial from a professional aesthetician, they’d find that the products they use at home would work even better.
Good point Michelle especially if you have access to good quality oils for cheap 🙂 I love a good facial too. On top of everything else, it’s so relaxing!
I pay the bills first and savings is really important,so must put aside some money in emergency account,then grocery stuff if I have to which I don\’t do it because I live with my family,so I already save money from there hehe…I read somewhere that its the best to plan your cooking beforehand,for examples: you plan what you want to cook for a week(breaksfast,lunch,dinner),lay out all the recipe and see what ingredients you need to get,then buy all ingredients you need for that one week,it can save your money (car and its more save if you buy in bulk/large potion) and your timethen,I will see if theres a need to buy for my skincare/makeup routine…I only buy skincare/makeup that I really do need and its better if its multitasking,witch hazel use as a toner/brush cleaner,argan oil for my face and body…I find that I like light makeup,so a good cc cream is enough and have a good spf(sunblock is already save here),lip tint that can be used for both lip and cheek,etc…try to save money and space too LOL but I do splurge sometimes…only a really really good product and important,like anti-aging product,need to compare the prices and review too…lastly,I put aside some money to give to other people who really need it(charity)…these saving task always changing but I do hope it will get better and better in the future <3
You are doing the right thing by paying yourself first, Hiru. It’s good practice and will stand you in good stead in the future 🙂 You are also right about the best way to do your grocery shopping. Weekly meal plans are a good idea as when you go shopping, you only shop for what you need, not just buy willy nilly. Happens to me sometimes LOL! I’ll be walking down the grocery aisle and see something and go “Ooh I think I want to cook with that” and then I forget all about it when I get home! 😛 It’s also nice of you to think of the less fortunate 🙂 Every little bit will help everyone
I had cut down years ago not just realizing the prices of some brands increased almost every year, but to decrease my beauty stocks. There were just too many new and unopened bottles being stored in the closet where I never knew when would I use them. So I decided to stop crazy shopping and that saved a lot!
LOL sounds like me 😛 Part of the reason I can even talk about cutting down is because my beauty cupboard is already full. Not something I’m that proud of, so I’m working to use up what I’ve stocked up before! Problem is I keep getting distracted “Ooh, new serum, let me try” 😛