I woke up this morning, and as the sunlight crept through the cracks of my curtains, the realisation struck me like a hammer, prompting me to open my eyes wide, after I’d swiped my phone alarm onto the floor. I’m Eight. 8.
I, Paris B, am 8 years old today.
Naturally, in human years I’m not (I’m a lot older) but my blog existence and online persona today celebrates the 8th year of existence, with just as many hiccups.
As I do at this time, I tend to reflect on how I’ve survived the blogging jungle and what I would do or do differently. In my 6th year I confessed my blogging sins and in my 7th year I talked about passion. I didn’t know what to talk about this year, because I almost didn’t make it to my 8th.
I’d toyed with the idea of closing the doors and drawing the curtains last year. The feeling lasted a while, as I tried to get to grip with things. Perhaps, what I wanted to deal with was disappointment and failure and not a small amount of frustration with the way things were going. But then, I realised just what it was that I had, that I knew would carry me into my 9th and hopefully 10th year of blogging.
I had you.
Yes, you. You, reading this blog post.
You, ‘talking’ to me through the comment box. You may not think a lot of the comments you leave, but every comment tells me that you relate to what I blog about, whether you agree or disagree, and I appreciate it. In fact, I welcome it and encourage it which is why I love the discussive posts we have, where you share your thoughts, and give me your ideas and suggestions. Unfortunately, this does not include you who leave nasty comments (thankfully just 1 or 2 that I bin) 😛
You, who may not comment on the blog, but who ‘talk’ to me on Instagram. It’s a social media medium I’ve chosen to cultivate above all others, because I’ve realised how much more interactive and personable it is and everyone loves a pretty picture (which isn’t saying that I take pretty pictures, but I try 😛 ). Naturally, I mean you too, who respond to me on Twitter and Facebook, the latter of which, I try but fail to grasp 😛
You, who write me emails of quiet support, and ask me questions and force me to think of the right answers. I appreciate your trust in me and it frightens me sometimes when people tell me they trust my recommendations, because I’m not a trained expert. I can’t tell you if an ingredient is good or bad, or if your oily skin would benefit from using XYZ product, or how to apply eyeshadow without looking like a panda. I can only tell you what I have experience with and I never know if that might translate to the same experience for you. Yes, it frightens me to bits.
You, who most recently, subscribe to my email newsletter and who reply and ‘talk’ and respond to my email newsletters, telling me about your experiences, your day, your festive preparations, and sharing your plans and fears, and hopes and dreams. (I have Tine to thank for giving me the push to start the newsletter) It’s my fortnightly highlight to send it out and receive your responses.
I have You.
You uplift me, you make me smile, you make me think, you give me blogging ideas, you frighten the bejesus out of me, but although I say that I blog for myself, I and MWS would not be celebrating our 8th year of talking about beauty, skincare and makeup, without all of you.
For now, that’s enough to keep me going. Thank you 🙂
Paris B
That’s so sweet, PB. Happy 8th year. My 4th year is coming up next month, and truthfully, it’s the longest hobby I’ve kept. Hats off to you for thinking of blogging for 10 years (that’s like 100 years in real time LOL). So here’s to the 8th year mark and hopefully another 8 to go? *cheers*
Thank you Lily 🙂 Yeah, 10 years is crazy, but hey, it gives me something to look forward to and a party to plan maybe? Haha! Well unless I get disillusioned again 😉 All the best in your blogging journey too!
Congratulations and happy 8th! In this age where people are connected on the internet, MWS certainly feels like a friend to me (and many others, I’m sure). I’m glad to have had the opportunity to share your ups and downs which, incidentally, makes your blog so much more than just another beauty blog. The human factor behind it is precisely what makes MWS feel “real”. As a regular reader, I would like to tell you that I really do appreciate that.
So, once again, many happy returns and looking forward to more valleys and hills with MWS!
p/s: I enjoy reading and looking at all the food stuff too! *greedy* 😉
Thank you so much Isabel 😀 You know, having had so many “familiar faces” with me along the way, you are right. It does feel like talking to old friends, so thank YOU for leaving comments and sharing your views, because it gives me something to look forward to! 😀
Congrats! Hope we get another 8 years (if we are lucky) 😉
Thank you Ayu 😀 I hope to last that long too! 😀
Congrats on another fabulous year! And many more to come 🙂
Thank you Lyn! 😀
Girl!!! Happy 8 years — that is such a milestone.
Sending you so much <3 <3 today 🙂
Thank you so much Rae!! <3
I’m glad you have decided to continue!
You are one blogger who writes well (most of the sweet young things out there can’t write with proper grammar!) and remains true to the spirit of blogs, which began as online journals. I also like how you give fair and mainly factual opinions on products without having to stoop to a barely-disguised advertorial writing style. And since we are skin twins, I genuinely enjoy reading your skincare and foundation posts!
Hope to meet you in-person one day.
Thank you Firn! 🙂 Yes, I often think I’m pricing myself out of the market, staying too niche and too true to the “blog” label but heck, this isn’t something that can support my lifestyle, so why not just enjoy the ride 🙂 Oh and I love hearing from skin/foundation twins because hey, I’m very suggestible! 😀 Hope we have the chance to meet some day – we never know right? 🙂
has it been 8 years already? that’s really scary 😛
I know! But gosh, what a ride it’s been 😉
Wow 8 years it’s a HUGE milestone Congratulations on that 🙂 I am one of your very regular and very silent reader I read your every post that appears in my mail and I rarely comment ( which is a bad thing) but today I want to say THANK YOU for all the honest reviews and recommendations ,I trust your views and they have helped me a lot!!!Hope you keep enjoying blogging and keep doing this for a long time 🙂 Stay Blessed <3
Thank you so much Sataa 🙂 I do tend to remember those who do comment, even if irregularly and I thank you for taking the time to! I hope to hang around for a while yet 😉
Happy Birthday, Paris B! Thank you for such an informative and well written blog. Here’s hoping for more! Cheers!
Thank you Cecilia! Appreciate the support and community spirit! 😀
Happy Birthday, MWS/PARIS B!!! I’m glad you’re still around and kicking! MWS is about one of the two or three beauty blogs I visit everyday, besides my kdrama recap site, to look for beauty info/entries. I’m thankful that you’re still blogging. I’ve come to really appreciate what you advise on beauty and life. You’re like a big sister to me, I feel, so thanks!
Thank you Zaag! 😀 I’m happy that MWS ranks up there with your kdrama sites hehe… And you’re so sweet to enjoy the other non-beauty posts too! Thank you for saying I’m like a big sister. It’s that whole big sister vibe that I give off I think haha! Once a big sis, always a big sis! 😀 Thank you 🙂
You’re 8??
Jowza, i got some catching up to do! And that so close after my own birthday hehe
Happy blogday Paris xxx
Thanks Phil! And happy (very) belated birthday! Still suffering the ill effects of partying too hard? 😉
Congratulations! I have been a silent reader of your blog for few months now which i stumbled upon while i was ‘googling’ about a product. Your posts helps me to get thru the train ride to and from work everyday sinced. I appreciate your efforts and your honest opinions and thank you for all the interesting posts.
Thank you Lululemon! I like that I’m your train ride companion! 😀 Hopefully, it helps make your ride go more quickly 😉
Oh Paris please do keep up your blog! Your blog was one of the blogs that I connected the most, not just because of the reviews, but honesty and sincerity were so prevalent in your writings that I enjoyed every single one of them. It was truly wonderful that I had a chance to become your reader some 5 years ago, and some of your jokes really do crack me up! (diddly squat, loved that term 🙂 And the comments that you personally replied? I was thrilled every time I had your reply 🙂 It’s not just product reviews that you have just posted, but also reviews in life. And I appreciate every single word/pictures that you have communicated to us via either blogs or instagram(a good photo does lift the day!). Thank you Paris, Congratulations and Happy Turning 8!
P.S As in Chinese’s saying, 8 is associated with ‘Huat Ah!’ 🙂
Hi Qing, huat ah! 😀 😀 So ‘ong’ right? 😀 Thank you so much for your well wishes and sweet comment and for all the support. It means so much to me and hey, my blog would be diddly squat without all your support! 😉
ah.. the day when I stumbled on your report on The Star years ago and I have been following you since. Finally meeting you in person in 2013. And your sweet surprise for me early this year. I’m so glad you decided to continue this blog. Do you know how many hearts you’ll break if you “close shop”? And thank you for thanking us. Made me so emo back there. I wish longevity for your blog.. looking forward to read your 50/60/70/80… random things about me post. *pinkie promise*
Haha that’s very sweet of you Shannen although I don’t think hearts will really break – people have really short attention spans and memories these days 😉 But it has been very lovely meeting you and was it in 2013?! Gosh, time sure does fly doesn’t it? 😀 The day I’m still blogging at 50, I think that would be a real milestone. Can’t imagine what we’d be talking about then – which tongkat has best support? 😉
Happy 8th Birthday Paris! I’m glad we met! And I’m glad I have you when I’m feeling down and out about blogging. I love your honesty and skincare expertise! Here’s to another 8 years LOL….oh boy…that sounds so far away hahaha! xo
Thank you Tracy and I’m so glad we have each other to moan to about our down times too! Haha some day we have to meet!!
Hip hip hooray for 8th years and more to come! You have made the best choice ever to start this blog to begin with! Lots of hugs!
That was very sweet, thank you Alyssa! 😀
Thanks for your encouraging words and advice. Although i am a relatively new stalker, lol, passion, am very grateful for your passion and honesty. May you never run out of it 🙂
Thank you for your well wishes, Irene, and for leaving a comment. It means a lot to me! 🙂
Dont. Ever. Quit!
Your blog is one of the most honest and well written blog i’ve ever read, and we can alway count on you to provide those true reviews ( no good means no good!).
Thank you so much!!!
Awww thank you Anne! I will try to continue telling us all when no good means no good yes? In the end, someone has to say it 😀
Congratulations, what a milestone! Here’s to many more!
Thank you Gio and you’re hitting a big milestone this year too I’m sure! 😀
Congratulations and Happy Blogging Birthday! Glad you decided to stick with it.
Thank you Mrs Tubbs! I’m glad I stuck by too 😀