Every time I’ve sat down to tell you about the Cle de Peau Radiant Fluid Foundation, I’ve found myself checking myself. It’s by Cle de Peau which means it’s a luxury product, which means it’s expensive. Very expensive for a 30ml bottle. Which means I’ll have people moaning at me about how expensive it is. So I’ve sat on it for over 4 months since its launch last year, dithering…
But I’ve raved about it at every opportunity to anyone who’d listen, or who’d ask. I’ve convinced a friend to buy it (and I think she loves it as much as I do!) So, I finally decided that ok, I’ll talk about it on the blog. Again, please bear in mind that this is expensive, so please don’t moan about the price – it’s not as if I haven’t warned you 😛
The thing though, for the asking price, I do wish that Cle de Peau had thought to put the product in a packaging with a more luxurious look and feel. The liquid foundation comes in a pump bottle, but the deep navy body is plastic, and so is the golden cap.
It often boggles my mind when I see incongruity like this. Perhaps the cost is in the product itself (because it’s an amazing product!) but I’m quite sure a little bit of the cost could have been spent on making it look better and more luxurious. At least give it a little heft. Or perhaps the idea was not to make it too hefty so you won’t demur from taking this foundation everywhere you go – because if you travel a lot, you’ll want to. It just looks amazing when worn. There’s that word again.
When you lift off the cap, the navy blue packaging extends to the pump. It’s quite a sleek packaging, I’d give them that despite my complaints, and you don’t even have to shake it up. I do, out of habit but even when I don’t, it’s never once separated on me when pumped out.
With regular use, the nozzle and surrounding pump can get a little grubby but not so that you can’t just wipe it clean with a piece of tissue.
I use the shade B10 which is one of the lightest shades, but I do find that it has a decidedly pink cast. I won’t complain because I can handle pink based foundations and often seek them out. Cle de Peau also makes the Radiant Fluid Foundation in O (Ochre) which may suit those with warm tones better.
Here is a comparison swatch next to some other foundations I wear and love, so you have an idea about the shade selection. The shades do shift across the cool-warm spectrum but they all look fine once I wear them and blend them out, which confuses me, but hey, there you go. It’s makeup 🙂
L-R: Chanel Perfection Lumiere Velvet B10, RMK Gel Creamy Foundation #201, Cle de Peau Radiant Fluid Foundation B10, Lunasol Skin Modelling Liquid Foundation OC-01, Urban Decay Naked Skin Foundation 1.0
I wear the pink based range in RMK foundations but you may notice how much more pink based the CdP one is next to the RMK. Lunasol and Chanel are both more yellow toned while the Urban Decay one is pretty neutral.
But swatches aside, what is it about this luxurious Cle de Peau foundation that has me hesitating to tell you to empty your wallet and run out and buy it RIGHT NOW? Well, you know how we all want to have that wonderful lit from within glow to your skin, while maintaining an even tone and looking like we have been air-brushed in real life?
Well, this Radiant Fluid Foundation gives you all that! I call it my photoshop in a bottle 😛
I only need a very thin layer (I only use 1 pump of foundation, draw 5 lines on my face and then I use a flat top foundation brush to blend it out. The gist of the technique is here and is the only technique I use to apply all my foundation) and it just gives me the appearance of a perfect, dewy complexion. It hides any redness in my skin, it evens out my skintone, it adds luminosity and a glow and it does all that without feeling heavy, oily or greasy; and it stays put. All day long. In the case of this foundation, dewy and glowy does not equal shimmery and greasy. At no point in the day do I ever feel like I need to do something about the shine, because it isn’t a shine, it’s a GLOW.
While using this foundation, I’ve never had it settle into my pores or lines. I do apply a thin layer of powder or Guerlain Meteorites powders to set it which I feel is useful in our hot and humid climate. In a drier climate, I don’t think it’s even necessary. I have normal-dry skin and this one glides on like a dream over my skin.
I find that the product offers a lot of “stretch”, where I can make one tiny drop go a very long way in terms of coverage. 1 pump therefore allows me to even out the skintone all over my face, and offer extra for me to layer on over areas where I need more help. When I use this foundation, I don’t use a concealer, because it gives me enough coverage once I layer it on. Besides, I don’t want to mar the beautiful finish of this lovely product with mere concealer (even if it’s my HG concealer) and I get a beautiful finish just using the foundation.
Coverage is buildable from light to medium-full if that’s your preference. I only ever go for a medium coverage at best, because I like it natural. It’s ok if my freckles or pigmentation peek through, it makes me human 🙂
For an example of a before-after situation using this foundation, here is how it looks on me.
These photos are unretouched and are straight out of my camera. In the bare-skinned picture, that’s without a lick of makeup on, but I do have daytime skincare and sunscreen on. You will notice the dark shadows under the eyes, the redness around the nose and chin and the pigmentation around the cheeks.
On right is with a thin layer of the CdP Radiant Fluid Foundation blended all over. If you use my method of application, you’d realise that it’s a very thin layer of product on skin. I didn’t apply an additional layer on on my cheeks. You may notice how the shadows under my eyes have been markedly reduced, the redness around my nose neutralised, the skintone looks more even and although the pigmentation on my cheeks are visible, it’s not as noticable. Skin has a soft glow to it, and yes, it looks photoshopped. It isn’t (I don’t know how 😛 ), it’s just my photoshop in a bottle 🙂
So, if you ask me if I love it, the answer is a resounding YES! It never fails to make my skin look amazing and I have to physically stop myself from peering closely in the mirror every time I pass one or go to the bathroom, because I just can’t get over the beautiful finish of my skin, or how naturally glowy it looks. It’s… amazing. I have no other words 🙂
The Cle de Peau Radiant Fluid Foundation is a lightweight liquid foundation that offers light to medium-full coverage, and can be easily layered on skin. It does not feel heavy or oily or greasy and it does not settle into my pores and lines. What it does is give my skin a beautiful candlelight glow from within, while evening out my skintone, and leaving me with a finish that I liken to that of photoshop. You don’t need a lot of product as a little goes a long way, and it stays on me all day long (I have normal-dry skin and don’t go out in the sun a lot) If this were a bit more affordable, I’d say that this is one everyone should own, or try at least once. But as it’s a luxury product with a luxury pricetag, tread warily.
PROS: Lightweight liquid texture, A little product goes a long way, Easy to layer without looking thick or cakey, Easy to blend, Does not settle into lines or pores, Makes skin look dewy, luminous and glowy and photoshopped except it’s not
CONS: Luxury pricetag, Packaging could look and feel more luxurious
WHO WILL LIKE THIS: Anyone who can afford it, Anyone who wants dewy, glowy, luminous, even skintone that is like photoshop in a bottle
I have nothing but praise for this foundation and I’m very thankful that I was given the opportunity to try it, but I’ve already set aside my “CdP Radiant Fluid Foundation Replenishment Fund” because this is one I’d repurchase (and at the rate I’m using it, I will! Can’t wait for that day!)
Have you tried this or any Cle de Peau Beaute foundations? Are you willing to splurge on foundations?
I had previously been curious about the CdP cream foundations in a tube, and I’d heard a lot of raves for the stick concealer (which I haven’t tried). If they’re as amazing as this one is, I’d have to give a go, but because I know this one works, I’m sticking to this. I’m willing to splurge, but this even had ME gasping at the price. Ouch! 🙁
Paris B
Cle de Peau Beaute Radiant Fluid Foundation SPF24 Price: RM395 | US$125 / 30ml Availability: Cle de Peau counters, Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus
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I like how it looks so natural on your skin. Yes, it looks like your naked skin, but photoshopped. CdP prices always make people moan or faint, so I’m not surprised at the price. Good to know the quality of the product is worth the $$ though 🙂
Yeah, I tend to get really harsh with highly priced products so it was great that this one lived up to expectations. That price though – I can’t imagine many people being able or willing to shell out for it >.<
Altho u have warned me at the beginning, I still choked upon looking at the price tag 😛
It is, however, very natural looking. I can see it adds glow to your face.
Haha right? When I saw the price I was all :O :O and had to pick my jaw up from the floor. It’s great that it’s a wonderful product, but I’d have loved for it to be a wee bit more accessible, price wise
NOOOOoooooooo hahahaha it sounds wonderful! And you look wonderful and radiant! Sigh… I wish I could but my lifestyle doesn’t warrant the expense. But if it did, you bet I’d get it!
Haha thanks! This doesn’t fit everyone’s budget that’s for sure. In fact, if I hadn’t tried it myself I’d never have even attempted to try it!
I thought it would be okay if I saw the price in US dollars but it definitely was not okay! It does look amazing though!!
LOL! It’s not OK in any currency, Hillary 😀 CdP does tend to make me gasp at their prices of all their products. I thought I’d be sensitized but when I saw this price, I couldn’t help a gasp either
OMG I want it! Off to find a CdP counter! 😀
Test first! Test first! 😉
Sounds lovely! Do you need to use a makeup base when you use this foundation?
Nope, but then I don’t use a makeup base with any foundation. It’s just the way I test products – I like them to stand on their own, not be propped up by other products because I believe a good product should be able to stand on its own. That said, I do know that some people prefer using a base (even CdP has one which is supposed to be very good but I haven’t tried it) so who knows, it might look even more amazing with a base! 🙂
This looks great on you! So natural and glowy! But I agree about the packaging. For that price, I’d have expected something more luxurious.
Thank you Gio and yes, CdP does need to work on their packaging in general I feel. It just doesn’t quite live up to the luxurious price!
Oh my! You don\’t say …the after photo was awesome. I like the Photoshop effect and softens the finishing, however you call it. This is one lethal bottle. Don\’t judge its price by its bottle. So I was looking at the swatches, one thing led to another and I was reading the Lunasol and Bourjois foundation reviews again lol. A walk down memory lane for me on learning about foundation from your blog. I\’m using BB cream at the moment. I still find getting the right shade of foundation can be marginally or extremely challenging especially those off the drugstore shelves unless it\’s Dior or those high end counters. Still. You\’ve shed light and hope on this Photoshop in a bottle 🙂 and I\’m glad for that.
Yep, the effect is stunning (and so is the price! LOL!) BTW I do still love the Bourjois and Lunasol ones especially the Lunasol. I wore it all throughout the CNY break and it was amazing! Reminded me just how much I love it and I highly recommend giving it a go 😀 The nice thing about Japanese brand foundations is that they are usually amazing and it’s always easier to find a colour match since we are naturally, of the same stock 😉
Oh this looks good! Sadly it looks like they skimped on the packaging.
Oh Cle De Peau!
Too bad I can’t wear it though, my skin is very yellow based 🙁
But my goodness.. RM 400 for a FOUNDATION!? I think I would have to skip a few meals for that if I want to buy that T_T
I hope Dior would bring their airbrush foundation in soon, I heard its really good
Hey Evan, they do do a yellow based range! Not helping am I? Haha! Dior’s Air foundation is due in in April I’m told. I’m looking forward to that one too!
LOL Paris, how could you do this to us? It looks amazing! I agree about not wanting to use concealer if I find a foundation that I really like – freckles are fine to me, too, it keeps everything still looking natural.
Haha good things must be shared? 😉 I suppose I’m just not that keen to look airbrushed to perfection although there was a time when I would have chased that rainbow! 😉
400 bucks for a foundation? Well, excuse me while I’ll go and faint at the corner now.. But you do look amazing… sighh..
LOL! Are you revived, DJ? 😀 But I know, the price is staggering. I do think it would have been great if they dipped the price a little because it’s an amazing product 🙁
Oh Paris, you should get your hands (& face) on the CDP concealer. It has a #Icansurviveindesertislandwiththis quality. But then again, why need to look so perfect when no one is looking?
Yikes! See, you aren’t helping me either Espenine! I thought I was safe from the lure of the concealer! haha 😀 I’ll take a look next time and see if I faint at the price 😛
I just realized this is a Japanese brand! Since I’m going to Japan, I’ll definitely check this one out since my current liquid foundation is almost out! Hopefully, its much cheaper there. -crosses fingers- Seriously, your evil posts make me buy more stuff.
Haha yes it is Liz! I’m not certain of the price in Japan but it never hurts to look, and also, look at the duty free store in the airport because it might end up being cheaper there! *Fingers crossed* Oh and try it too. A friend managed to test and get some generous samples before buying in Japan so it pays to ask 🙂
Why oh why can’t we get this brand here?? Talk about expensive stuff I’m lemming after. Heard they make the most expensive face cream so far, something with Amanda Seyfield as the face?
Ooh yes that La Creme or whatever they call it. It’s mind boggling and I haven’t tried it (but of course) but I’ve tested it at the counter and to be honest, it just feels like any other cream 😛 But who knows. Maybe it’s like photoshop in a tub? 😛
Oh, it looks wonderful on you! I need to sample this. I’ve been going through my foundations, and they just don’t cover up redness at all. I don’t like using a concealer just for redness, so if this works on me that would definitely be worth the price tag.
By the way, I hope you don’t censor yourself because you’re afraid of our reactions. The pure, unadulterated Paris is the best! That said, I understand – trolls can be pretty cutthroat.
I seem to remember you’re based in Japan, Kuri. If so, give Lunasol a try. Their foundation is really very good and it covers up redness very well too with just very little product. I love it! (And it has a friendlier price tag too!) Oh and thank you 🙂 I won’t censor myself (ok I will spare us the rude words LOL) and I’m glad to not have serious trolls to be concerned about, though the moaning about prices do get to me sometimes – I can’t help the prices! 😛
Sorry for the late reply – the notifications got lost in my inbox.
I do have a sample of Lunasol Skin modeling water cream foundation which I like but it doesn’t have quite enough coverage for my taste.
Yeah, I guess we are all in different places regarding our makeup budgets. (I think if you find a product that really works for you, that is worth a lot of money. But cost vs. performance is important – I like looking for the best value, and I don’t always need the absolute best quality – it depends on the product.) Cle de Peu really does charge luxury prices though! Tom Ford and Serge Lutens too, haha.
To be honest, I find CdP’s prices a little off putting. Especially for their skincare because while I love my skincare, I think there’s a limit to everything! For perfumes, I can understand the higher prices because of the scarcity of ingredients and the quantities needed to derive the oils, but in makeup and skincare I think we should set our limits (unless of course, budget isn’t a concern) because sometimes, I believe these companies take us for a ride 😛
Woah USD125 for a 30ml bottle of foundation??? But your review has set my foundation junkie heart aflutter! I’ve got to get a sample of this to see if it’s worth it 🙂 I love Chanel’s Vitalumiere Velvet which has similar features like the the cdp one – a little goes a long way and covers redness and dark circles and minor blemishes pretty well despite its sheerness.
Take a look when you’re back in Japan! A friend sampled it in Japan and bought it there although I don’t know if it was any cheaper. But I was told they were generous with samples 🙂 I haven’t tried the Vitalumiere Velvet, but the Perfection Lumiere Velvet is really good too and lightweight.
I thought you were going to talk about a magical serum. 😀 Your skin does look so natural with this foundation! But then, you are not one who do heavy coverage, aren’t you? 🙂 I wonder, dusting the Meteorites balls or the Hourglass Ambient light over it, will it be OTT? :p
Haha thanks! And no, I’m not the heavy coverage type. I do often dust some Meteorites over. It gives an even lovelier effect, if that can be imagined haha 😀
Paris, I spent the whole year trying to finish all the foundations I have (which I like and works best for me, the rest were given away to those who would have appreciated them more than my drama queen skin) and Cle de Peau has always been on my Christmas list. Thanks to your review, this will soon be part of my vanity family. ? hefty price to pay but every girl should be allowed to splurge on herself especially during Christmas – weeks away but i’m starting early this year
Good on you for trying to finish up foundation! I’ve given up on that endeavour LOL! But this Cle de Peau I really love, and you don’t have to use a lot – just 1 pump should do it. So, splurge… but you might find that it’s the ONLY thing you splurge on for the rest of the Christmas shopping hehe… 😉 I hope you’ll like it as much as I do!
But…. that price? :O
Yep, it’s quite prohibitive but if the budget permits, it’s really nice!
Thank you for the recommendation. Bought it today, very excited. Leaving Japan on Sunday… 🙁 We’re having a brilliant time. 🙂
YAY! I managed to catch you in time! 🙂 Japan is such a wonderful place – happy to know you had a great time, and I hope you enjoyed all the food too!