Happy New Year lovelies!
With the dawn of a new day and a new year, this is probably the most opportune time for me to crawl out of my hidey hole where I’ve been hibernating for the past 2 months and squint into the sun and say “I’m back!” Or maybe I’m not. Where are my sunglasses again? *squint*
Either way, dithering and rambling aside, I’m here to tell you that MWS is for the most part, back on your reading list. While this is a rather insipid post to kick off the new year and to make that slambang comeback (I feel more like a fizzled out firework than the glorious pinwheel spinning across the night sky) that really wasn’t my intention. I’d have loved to spring into your mailbox and feed reader with a huge grin and theatrical flair, all glitter and glitz and fireworks, and then proceed to tell you just how I was going to kick ass now that I’m back, refreshed from being a bear all the winter of my discontent.
But instead, I’m going to invite you come sit down on this comfy couch, sip some tea and slow down a little. I’m not going to make a big announcement about how “things are going to change” or what I’m going to do to make that change because the truth is that I don’t know. So often, what looks like change ends up being just the same old thing so I’m not falling down that rabbit hole again.
My 2 month break wasn’t all about blogging, but it was also a time out for me to sort out a lot of things so I have to say that the direction I’m going with MWS wasn’t quite at the forefront of my mind all the time, hence my reluctance or rather, uncertainty with where I’m going.
What I will say is that I enjoy blogging and I enjoy sharing my thoughts and stories on products and how well (or badly) they perform. I’m going to start rebalancing that with the attendant obligations that come with the territory but I will safely say that I’m not interested in shiny newness anymore. So much that is new is ephemeral (and crap). If I’m interested, you’ll hear what I think. If it doesn’t interest me (whitening, mascara, primers, pretty and fleeting limited edition stuff… pbfft!) you won’t.
I like working WITH brands and certain (very few and very selected) PR people but I don’t work FOR them so everyone’s just going to have to swallow that and take their chances. I know, it’s my blog, I do what I want, yadda yadda…. but I just have to remind myself of that, and that No is also an answer because not everything has to be a Yes. As bloggers, we like to think we blog for you the reader, or for many, they blog for the PR hand that feeds their freebie addiction; but if you really have been blogging long enough, you’ll realise that you blog not for anyone but for yourself. And when you lose that focus and drive, you might as well pull down the shutters.
So, I’m sorry folks, the truth is out. When I blog here in MWS, I blog for myself because I love writing stories, and I’m opinionated and sometimes caustic, and I’m beholden to no one. I blog for me because I like my voice. That I’ve found like-minded people to come along with me for the ride thrills me to no end because how often does that happen, I ask you? 😀
I also spent the past 2 months hibernating and dwelling on various aspects of life where basically I went speeding down the highway of life only to fall down a sinkhole. Someone really should patch those potholes eh? But sinkholes and potholes aside, I learned something about myself. I learned that as much as I could love, I could hate with as much fervour and passion. But I had a choice whether to nurse and channel that hatred and anger into an incandescent flame that would consume me and destroy; or I could take hold of that most basic of feelings, mould it, lance that boil and watch it subside. The scar remains and it should, to serve as a reminder. But I realised that erupting like Mount Vesuvius all the time was not only self-defeating, the fall out, like that of an erupting volcano, would have far reaching consequences. It could be stupidity, setting myself up for more disappointment to come, but I’d like to think it is maturity. If others choose to behave in a childish and oft-times unfit manner, it is their prerogative. We shouldn’t allow ourselves to be drawn down to their level, which is a lesson I learned the slow, painful and hard way.
On this introspective note, both on the blogging and personal front, I bid you welcome this 1 January 2015, to an enlightened and perhaps even a more mellow (but not necessarily less caustic) PB and MWS. The road is winding as I navigate this wilderness, it will be bumpy (damn potholes!) and this wagon has square wheels, but you know what? It’s all mine 🙂
On another note, due to numerous requests, I’ve quietly launched an email newsletter, the MWS Companion which will go out fortnightly or monthly as I see fit to update you on new posts and the like. There’s no need to subscribe if you don’t want to. The blog will still be here, and while daily updates aren’t on the menu for now, it will be updated fairly frequently. But if you’d like to be a Companion then click on the image below to get to the sign up form.
Happy New Year, my lovelies and I hope you all kick ass this 2015. I plan to 😉
Paris B
lyn says
Happy New Year, my dear girl! All the best in 2015 and let’s hope there are less potholes this year 🙂
Paris B says
Happy New Year Lyn! Gotta get DBKL to patch all them holes eh? 😉 Gotta grab more beers this year too hehe…
Giddy tigress says
Blessed new year to you! I totally get where you’re coming from and know how you must feel. If anything, I’m along for the ride. Cheers!
Paris B says
Thank you GT and thank you for coming along for the bumpy ride! 😀 Happy New Year my dear and here’s wishing you a smooth sailing year ahead.
Ebony Jay says
there is nothing wrong with taking a break especially if that is what is right for you! (: I wish you all the best in 2015(:
Paris B says
Thank you Ebony Jay and I wish you the very best for 2015 too! 😀
Hanny Daforcena says
Hello, happy new year to you! I’ve missed you and your blog!
Paris B says
Thank you Hanny! I’ve missed being around the blog too, so here’s to more blogging (albeit a little more sporadically) this year! 😀
LeGeeque says
Happy New Year PB. You do what works for you. If it doesn’t work, you ditch it and you move on to something else that will. We’ll be here 🙂 *clinks champers glasses virtually*
Paris B says
Happy New Year Geek! Thanks for being there for me all through my turbulent 2014 and here’s to a smooth sailing 2015! Some day, we’ll clink champagne glasses IRL ok? 😉
Jennifer says
Happy new year PB! This is a lovely post to start 2015. I’m delighted to see you back. You call the shots. I’ll be equally supportive and enamoured even if you choose to blog about your shoe size or the weather. We may get derailed along the way sometimes and I thought what you did – pressing the pause button; was a great deed to put life and priorities back to the right perspectives. We will make this year count. “Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted” – Albert Einstein
Paris B says
Aww you’re so sweet Jennifer, I thought I was being quite grinchy considering it was my first post of the year! 😀 But thank you so much for the support and for being there! Incidentally, I did blog about shoe sizes and weather once didn’t I? hehe… You are right. What is past is past. It was a hell of a bumpy ride in 2014 and while I don’t forsee very smooth seas ahead, I will make it count! Here’s to a fabulous 2015 for all of us! 😀
ShopGirl says
I like the direction you’re taking, Ms. P!
A new year is good timing for it too. Thanks for being what I really must say is a blog above all blogs.
Happy New Year!
Paris B says
Thank you SG for your kind words and for the support! All the very best to you too with your blog and the adventures to come in 2015 😀
Chow Mei Ling says
I am so looking forward to your ramblings again! Wonderful news to start the year with. Happy new year!
Paris B says
Thank you Mei Ling, I hope not to disappoint! 😀 Happy New Year my dear, I hope it’ll be a fabulous one for you!
joy says
welcome back, Paris! we should never blog about anything we’re not passionate about! when i try, the post usually lingers in a half finished state for about a month 😛
i’m sorry to hear you’ve experienced something that caused you so much negative emotions. really all we can do in life is control our own actions and let go of negativity as soon as possible. here’s to a happier new year!
Paris B says
Thank you Joy! You are right. I have drafts of posts going back years, because they don’t interest me all that much, but I felt I should blog about it. Well, I hope to clear out that dusty draft box soon! 😉 I don’t wish all the negativity on anyone, which is mostly why I chose to shut myself away from a lot of social media. It was a rough time and I’m not sure it’s over yet, but I’ve worked out the direction I’m going and I think that’s most important 🙂 Heppy New Year Joy!
gio says
Welcome back Paris! And a very happy, blessed New Year to you too!
Paris B says
Thank you Gio! Happy new year and I hope it’ll be a fantabulous one for you 😀
fatimah says
I truly understand your notion..I blog for myself too, and I like looking back at my previous posts to see how my voice has changed..over two years of blogging I now know where to put my money on things that are worth having especially when I was never been given anything for a review..for me, it is not just because it’s new or limited edition, i need to like it which normally happens after several deliberation..but that is what makes a blogger original because we each has our own preference..
Anyhow, I wish you the best of 2015..happy new year!!
Paris B says
Isn’t it great to say “Hey, I blog for me so if you don’t like it, tough!” hehe… And you’re right, when you look back at your old posts, you should feel some sort of pride in it, and not see them as having been written out of obligation. When you do get things for review, no matter how nicely you are told that you’re not obliged, there is a sense of obligation involved. I have for the most part, preferred to put my money where my mouth is and buy my own products. At one time, I thought it was a service, sharing about products that I may never buy or may never know anything about, when you are sent them. But over time, I’ve felt it to be more of a burden so perhaps going back to basics is the best way to start the new year! 😀 So here’s to being unconventional bloggers who blog for ourselves! 😀 All the best in this coming year, Fatimah!
lisa says
Happy new year 2015! Personally, hope to live 2015 in the present moment instead of hoping for things to work out well or having expectations on others to be met etc. Well wishes for you in all that you do to end on a positive note whatever the process might be.
Paris B says
Happy New Year Lisa and I love your resolution. I too shall adopt a Carpe Diem attitude because you know, sometimes we place too much expectations or hope on ourselves or on others and then we get disappointed. Ditto products – enough of looking so far forward for new launches. Let’s enjoy what we have now 😀
Tracy@Beauty Reflections says
Happy New Year my friend! I’m glad you are back! Looks like we’ve had pretty much the same blogging revelations-I love it.
Paris B says
Happy New Year, dear friend! Isn’t it great to be older and wiser and therefore not so keen to kiss the hands that hold out the freebies? hehe… I’m glad we’re on the same page on this. Here’s to an excellent 2015 for all of us!
plue says
happy new year! there\’s a very small part in your writing that reminds me of doctor who! ha!may 2015 be a better year for everyone! *hugs*
Paris B says
Happy New Year Plue! Ooh you know, I’ve never watched Dr. Who. I should remedy that shouldn’t I? Now where do I start? LOL 😀 Hope 2015 will be an excellent year for you!
FireAngel says
“…but if you really have been blogging long enough, you’ll realise that you blog not for anyone but for yourself. And when you lose that focus and drive, you might as well pull down the shutters.”
here here. Looking forward to more MWS. 🙂
Paris B says
Yay thank you FA! 😀
Victoria says
Happy New Year my dear. Glad you are back and I like the statement that you blog mainly for yourself. Quite refreshing and honest I must say 😉 Whatever path you may take, you can bet I will still be reading your blog whenever I have the chance. All the best in 2015 Paris.
Paris B says
Happy New Year Victoria! Thank you for sticking by even though you know not what lies ahead. To be honest, I don’t either, but it’ll be one hell of a ride 😀
S. Drama says
I\’m so happy you\’re back, Paris! I went through all the posts I\’ve missed during the last few months and I realised once again how much I love your blog. Knowing you\’ll write more makes me so so happy 🙂 Happy new year! x
Paris B says
Hi S, late but thank you so much for your kind words. I’m happy to be back too. I’ve missed the company of all the regular readers/commentators! Hope the new year has been off to a good start for you 🙂
ishi says
WOW. It is true then, the creative juices simply flow when one is down and out. ;)I suppose that is why popular love songs are mostly about lost love. Very little emotion needed to write about my beautiful little pet/thriving career/new car/well behaving husband/healthy parents…. you get the drift.Don\’t mind the potholes, soon enough they would be gone and life will be smooth sailing again, and you won\’t even notice the potholes are \’somewhat\’ gone. That is how life works. You learn this lesson and you get some respite and then after awhile, time for the next lesson. Life is never bumpy nor smooth sailing all the time. Be strong, difficulties are never permanent. You only have up to look forward to now. Keep doing what you love. Make 2015 a great year for you.
Paris B says
Haha I suppose when one is happy there’s little to say except to bask in the sunlight and enjoy the rainbows right? 🙂 Thank you for the encouraging words and I’m patching the potholes as I go so hopefully, the road smoothens out. Not wallowing in self pity has helped a lot too! 😉 I hope 2015 has been off to a good start for you!
Beauty Bee says
Happy New Year Paris! Here is to blogging which is fun, creative and not forced! 🙂
I’ve become somewhat disillusioned with some parts of blogging/beauty industry, especially in regards to new collections, limited edition products etc. It’s just never ending and I almost feel like people are trying to out do each other with the amount of products and brands they have. It’s gone from being fun and enchanting almost to materialistic and repetitive. I’m going to try and steer away from the later and focus on the magical part of it, even if it means I am writing about less products/newbies. Some people will just have to deal the consequences and somehow live on lol
I really look forward to your new newsletter as I’m sure many of your loyal readers are 😉 ! xx
Paris B says
Late, but Happy New Year Beauty Bee! You know what? I feel the exact same way you do about beauty blogging! All that newness and keeping up with the Joneses with every new collection really bums me because it seems to be a neverending drive to buy! buy! buy! I think it’s a great idea to not follow the crowd. I believe there’s a reason why some items are permanent – they’re good! 😉 I hope you’ve enjoyed the first newsletter that went out today and thank you for the vote of confidence! 🙂
Beauty Bee says
No worries – thank you for the reply 😉
I’m actually doing a little challenge at the moment – my budget for beauty related goods for four weeks cannot exceed $100. That may seem a lot to many, but, a) cosmetics and even toiletries in Australia are expensive in Australia and b) if I can stick to it – it’s less than I would usually spend or ‘blow’, so it’s a saving none the less! The effects usually last longer than the initial four week because I’ve gotten into the habit of triple checking whether or not I need something… at least for a while anyhoo 🙂
Paris B says
That sounds like a nice little challenge and a good money saving one too! Maybe if you don’t blow that $100 in that month, you could put it aside and save for something bigger or better at a later time? It would make for a nice little reward 😉
Marina(Makeup4all) says
Happy New 2015, my dear! I hope the new year will be an amazing one for you, and you have managed to reevaluate everything you had in mind. Sending you hugs x
Paris B says
Thank you Marina and I hope 2015 has had a good start for you too! I remember you had a rough time at the end of 2014 so I hope it’s now past and you’re looking forward to some good times 🙂