Towards the end of every year, just as everyone is feeling a bit tired of the glitz and glitter surrounding the Christmas season, and feeling just that little bit more stuffed from feasting, a ripple goes through the beauty industry when the Pantone Colour of the Year is announced. I only mention the beauty industry, because that’s where my finger on the pulse is, as it were.
Suddenly, with this announcement of what the “Colour of the Year” is, we see brands, magazines, blogs et. al. explode with suggestions on how we can wear this colour and more importantly, where we can buy this colour so we are “with it”. For 2015, the Colour of the Year is Marsala, a rather vague browned red shade; and as I’ve noticed in the past few years, Sephora is right there with a host of new makeup representing this colour.
Honestly though, do you care?
Do you care what the colour of the year is, or where you can buy something in that shade so you feature the colour on you at some point? Does it matter to you what some high flying executives in a printing company decide should be the sell out colour in a specific year? Do you take an interest?
I think you have an idea of how I feel about this LOL 😉
I’d never heard of Pantone until approximately 8 years ago. It was only because I had to get some printing done and the designer worked with Pantone colours. It was then I learned what it was and how their colour system worked, so you get the exact shade you want. It’s a bit like a universal colour system as it were, so if you specify a particular code, you get the exact same shade every time, regardless of manufacturer. It’s very useful in the printing industry, I learned.
A few years after that, the beauty industry picked up on the Colour of the Year of 2011, Honeysuckle. It must have done well, because there’s been no turning back. Sephora has even collaborated with Pantone to create whole ranges of makeup based on or around the Pantone Colour of the Year, which started with Tangerine Tango in 2012, Emerald in 2013, Radiant Orchid in 2014 and now Marsala in 2015. From the numerous blogs on the range, and its sold out status, it seems popular.
For interest, here are the Pantone Colours of the Year through the years which I extracted from Wikipedia.
But seriously again, DO YOU CARE?! 😛
I don’t. I honestly do not give 2 hoots about what the colour of the year is or how I might wear it, nor do I even care enough to own something in that shade. In fact, when the announcement is made, I usually start rolling my eyes at the buzz of activity. Seriously, we aren’t that starved for news are we? 😛
To me, this is just one big marketing push both from Pantone and from Sephora and if there’s one thing you can be sure of me, is that I hate being pushed anything. The more I’m marketed to, the more I dig my heels in and resist.
Perhaps it’s just me. Perhaps, if I were in the print or design industry, it might stir up vague feelings of interest. As I’m not (and not very creative to boot) this irritates me at worst, and just goes over my head at best. In one ear, out the other. Halfway through the year, we won’t even care what the bloody colour of the year is.
Oh and as for Marsala, it’s a lovely wine for cooking and makes a very good base for kickass tiramisu. That is all I’ll say on the subject 😀
So, Pantone Colour of the Year – do you care? Weigh in with your views!
You know mine. I cut across the grain, not flow along with the tide so I hate anyone dictating to me what my or anyone’s colour of the year should be. Besides, wear what flatters you and makes you happy! So no, I don’t care a whit what Pantone (nor the beauty industry) says about colour.
Paris B
LeGeeque says
Nope. Not at all. Why would I want to let a bunch of designers dictate what and how I wear my colours? I’ve got more important things to worry about. Like watching my nails grow and paint dry. Or hand washing my hair strand by strand. (I really should stop being a smartarse)
Paris B says
LOL yeah, that’s what I think. Actually I don’t care that Pantone churns out this colour of the year. What really bugs me is all these makeup brands then waving it in our faces like it’s gospel and we’d better own a shade or be left out. That, I hate.
Tine @ Beautyholics Anonymous says
Not a hoot. I think it’s boring to set just one colour for the entire year. Plus it’s a huge excuse for brands to market their products according to “ooh Pantone colour of the year!”. To that I say big whoop. Having said that, I did enjoy 2013’s because the colour was very pretty. 😛
Paris B says
Yep, it’s the push from the various brands (especially Sephora) that set my teeth on edge. Nothing against the colour – if someone wants to dress in green all year it’s their prerogative. But to have makeup pushed in my face because it’s the “colour of the year” makes me want to toss it back in their faces 😛
Lavender says
Hey Paris
I totally agree with u. Nobody should dictate what is our color. We will be so silly to follow them blindly if that color makes us looks dull or lifeless.
Paris B says
Hi Lavender! How have you been? 🙂 And you’re right about blinding following the colours chosen, because not every colour works for everyone. For example Marsala. I think it’s a really hard colour for most people to wear, but for those who have a deeper skintone, I think it would be lovely.
Jessying says
No I dont even bother lah. Not that the colour will suit all skin colour and we will definitely will know best what colour suits us!
Paris B says
LOL Indeed! I can’t believe the Sephora makeup for Marsala sold out. The colour looks so boring in makeup (and unwearable for the eyes!)
plue says
nope, couldn’t be bothered with pantone colour.
but i am quite surprised to see 3 aqua-ish colour to be on the list!
Paris B says
Well perhaps in Pantone’s eyes, a slight tweak makes it justifiable LOL! 😀
Jennifer says
Lol, I’m similar to you – the more something is pushed, the more I resist!
I was only somewhat interested when it was emerald, because I like greens on my eyes. And yet, after all, I didn’t buy any Pantone thing or any emerald thing just because it was the color of the year. I don’t even think that I’ve looked to see if I had anything color of the year in my collection.
Paris B says
Isn’t that the truth, Jennifer! For me, being aggressively marketed an item or an idea means I shut down and shut off LOL! I too agree that Emerald was a very pretty choice but like you I didn’t go out to buy something emerald just for the sake of it being the colour of the year. Yet, it amazed me that people did! Nothing against it, just amazed at how well people take to aggressive marketing haha!
Rupali Rana says
So true, i also cared for the emerald colour in 2013. Last year i din’t even bother to find out what was the colour of the year by Pantone. this year i got to know somewhere about Marsala.Who likes this colour? i dont-i would never buy something which i do not like- as simple as that. it would not look good on me either.its the most boring colour ever.
Paris B says
I think Emerald really resonated with most because of how lovely it is as a colour 🙂 I did wonder too how Marsala would translate in makeup and I wasn’t too impressed. As a lipstick, it’s too ageing, and for the eyes, it is a potential disaster. Still, it didn’t stop the brands from trying to sell us more stuff right?
Tracy@Beauty Reflections says
You know, I used to care…but now? Nope. I realized it’s just all hype. Making us buy MORE stuff we don’t need in the end. I’m not a fan of this shade either to be honest, it’s a bit hard for me to wear. The other shades were easier for me to pull off makeup wise. But eh-I haven’t gotten a single thing this year for this Marsala shade and life is the same!
Paris B says
Haha thanks for being honest, Tracy! 😉 Yes I do agree it’s just hype and spinning the wheels of commerce. Like makeup addicts need an excuse right? Or maybe they do, hence this whole spin on colour LOL! What amused me is people putting their own take on what could be a Marsala coloured product instead of buying it off Sephora. Isn’t it the same? Giving credence to an idea that just spurs more spending.
Shreya says
I really don’t care because I tend to experiment a lot with colors 🙂 That’s what makes me happy …. so why should I bother about any pantone color !
Thanks for the lovely post <3
Paris B says
Thanks for sharing Shreya 🙂 I agree, we should just wear whatever makes us happy – that’s what makes makeup fun 🙂
Anis says
Wow, am I the only one here who loves this colour? LOL. I have always adored reddy brown shades and terracottas and oranges and have always looked the best in them (at least to me lah).
As for the concept, I don’t mind it really. I feel it’s similar to the idea of LE collections, where people who like the collection will love it and people who don’t are like “meh” except it’s a shade of colour. But I am pretty excited for the inevitable sale that Sephora will have for these products later on this year woohoo! 😛
Paris B says
Haha thanks for speaking up Anis! 😉 It looks like you’re in your element this year then because there’ll be a lot of reddy brown shades available and hey, if you think you look good in them, I’m sure you do! 😀
Peiqing says
LoL…. i have never heard of Pantone colour of the year until now. I am like n years late???
But like who decides the colour of the Year? Like isn’t Pantone still a private organisation afterall?
Paris B says
Hahahaha all it means Peiqing is that you’ve had a lot more important things to think about like living life! 😉 Yes Pantone is private and apparently it’s decided by their executives. Talk about holding in your hands the power of dictating what colour women will paint their faces every year LOL!
gio says
I do get a bit excited when the Pantone colour of the year is one I like. I love emerald green and was great to see so many makeup and clothing brands come up with stuff in that colour a couple of years ago. But I would never purchase something just because it’s in the Pantone colour of the year. You should wear what you love and suits you, not just follow what someone else says.
Paris B says
I think most of us liked Emerald – it was pretty 🙂 But I didn’t own anything in Emerald haha 😀
Sze Ling says
Nah…I don’t even think twice about it. LOL. At most, you’d get a “Oh really?! Cool!” from me. 😛
So, clearly, it doesn’t even affect what color I choose to wear. 😀
Paris B says
hehehe, at least you didn’t go “OMG! That’s the colour of the year! I shall revamp my makeup” and run out to Sephora 😛
tirurit says
I don’t really care, BUT if it is the spark for us getting nice new products then I welcome it with both hands
Paris B says
Ah you reckon then? It’s the whole jumping on the colour bandwagon with new products (and that push to buy) that really bugs me more than the idea of the Colour of the Year 😀 But hey, we all see things differently 😉
tirurit says
Well, I like looking at the shiny! But of course, if it was something that would not flatter me (remember the emerald green from a few years ago? There was a blush for heavens sake!) then I would pass
Paris B says
An emerald green blush! And they were seriously thinking that anyone would blush green? Or maybe it was targeted at she-hulks LOL 😉
Tubbs says
Gosh, how exciting! I must rush off and … Not! What a colossal waste of marketing activity!
Paris B says
LOL!! You know, considering everything’s sold out at Sephora, they’re the ones laughing all the way to the bank!
Beauty Bee says
I think it was Francois Nars who said, \”What is the point of wearing makeup which is the same as everyone elses (Or something similar *scratches head*)?\” and I whole heartedly agree!Makeup should make you feel happy, confident and feel unique. The colour of the year and all of these other \’trends\’ are just a ploy to a) get your money and b) make you blend into the crowd. No thanks! I also think creativity is going out the window. Almost every \’MUA\’ on instagram posts makeup looks that a maybe technically great, but are not creative at all in my opinion as it\’s all been done before (overdrawn lip line – check, fake lashes – check, ott contouring – check, 3 toned eyeshadow – check, photo shopped plastic looking skin – check). I\’ll end my rant here lol.
Paris B says
TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU! <- and yes, I'm shouting because I absolutely agree! You are so right about how everything is so same-same. Same styles, same looks, same approach, same everything. I refuse to follow MUAs on Instagram because of this. Firstly everything's so OTT (seriously, does anyone walk out of the house with that much makeup on?) and secondly, it's impossible to tell them all apart haha 😀 Ditty blogging but that's our rant eh? 😉
Ng says
I do note the pantone color, as I’m not very good with colors in general (some mild color blindness, so I’m definitely less confident when it comes to playing and matching colors).
Since a lot of fashion and beauty will be on the hype train, there will be a lot of ideas for me to pick from. Also, Pantone gives some nice suggestions for color pairings, so I work from there to come up with new looks or pairings from my existing wardrobe/makeup (and appreciate the sudden reminder of some good but forgotten items in Pantone color).
Paris B says
That’s an interesting way of working colour into your wardrobe and very clever too! 🙂 Yeah, once the colour of the year is announced, every brand/niche will jump on the bandwagon telling us just what we can use and where we can get them. I suppose the whole marketing gig gets to me because everyone does it at one go and it overwhelms me. But if you sift through it, what you say makes sense too!
joy says
like most here, i won’t rush out and buy something just because it’s the color of the year. again, like most here, i loved it when it was Emerald. i was thrilled by the large range of selection i was given for my favorite color. that said, i do like the idea of a color of the year. i like that it exposes to shades we might not to think to try. the hype generates different ways of incorporating color that can be inspiring. like most things in life, you have to use your intelligence to prevent from being lead but that doesn’t mean everything about it is negative.
Paris B says
Good point on using our heads, Joy 😀 I think so often, it’s the herd mentality that makes people do things and few people stop to just sift through what’s out there and pick out what suits them instead of just blinding following trends. For this is what it is after all, a trend 😀
Dafne says
You don’t need marsala for tiramisù… and marsala it is not just for cooking, but it’s a wine for tastings too. It’s not only red, but also white and “gold” (yellow)
Paris B says
Thanks for sharing Dafne, I guess the people at Pantone didn’t realise that Marsala comes in different shades when they chose the colour 🙂 As for using it in tiramisu, I’ve seen many recipes call for it and I’ve tried it. It works, but I usually use brandy because it’s easier for me to get my hands on that 😉
Evan Chang says
I do actually. It’s exciting! Seeing different colors of clothes, makeup and the ways of how people use the colors that come out every year. It just adds more flavor to the color.
I especially like this year’s color because it reminds me of some shades of autumn.
But I do understand where you’re coming from. I guess that you should just take it as it is and not get swept away by the hype
Paris B says
Happy you’re disagreeing, Evan – it’s always interesting to hear other peoples’ opinions on the subject! 😉 I think I’m less fussed about fashion following the colour trend but I do get fussed with makeup for some reason LOL Not sure why it just rubs me the wrong way (or maybe there’re just too many damned blogs pushing the trend 😛 )