There have been these “Random things about me” posts and tags going around for a while and I’ve been tagged on Instagram to share random facts about me but I mostly chose not to do them. I’m not a very interesting person and I’m not all that random, so I figured there isn’t anything very interesting to say.
But I was told by someone recently that just because I didn’t find myself interesting didn’t mean that others would as well. So I thought “Alright, let’s do this” So here are 40 Random Things About Me and if you didn’t find it very interesting, don’t say I didn’t warn you! 😀
- I like country western music and oldies. I can sing along to a lot of oldies which can be embarrassing, or just amusing.
- But I can’t really sing and I don’t delude myself into believing I can, so no karaoke for me!
- I just moved house this year for the first time, and I don’t want to do it ever again! It’s exhausting! (But ultimately very fulfilling)
- I didn’t wear any makeup till I started working. In university, all I owned was one brown lipstick and 1 powder foundation both of which lasted me all through university.
- I still rarely wear makeup on weekends unless I’m going out or meeting people and don’t want to scare the general populace.
- I don’t eat tofu or most soy based products. I am not a proponent of them either as I try to avoid processed foods and tofu is processed. Think about it.
- I love to drive and I love cars.
- I can’t dance. No rhythm no soul.
- I learned classical piano for almost 12 years. I can’t play a note anymore (sorry Mom!)
- I’m very analytical and logical. I often feel like Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation although I often wish I could switch off feeling like an android can.
- I love watching anything sci-fi.
- I love reading but I hate chick-lit and romance novels.
- I don’t read self help books either.
- I read a lot of crime fiction and fantasy novels. I’m a huge fan of Terry Pratchett and have almost all his books which I read and re-read often, discovering something new with every reading.
- My sense of humour lies in word play so I love dry humour. Not a fan of slapstick and comedies with canned laughter really bug me.
- I have an over-active imagination.
- So I tend to over-plan and over-think things. That’s why I have bouts of insomnia.
- I do my best thinking and planning in the shower so sometimes, I take really long showers.
- I can read maps and I love it, although the GPS has made my map reading skills practically obsolete.
- I can fix things and put things together and I like working with my hands.
- When I’m stressed, I cook.
- I love cooking and experimenting in the kitchen, but I cook from my gut and according to my tastebuds and I don’t really follow nor create recipes.
- I can’t bake. It involves following instructions that are too precise and I can’t do that.
- So it follows that I don’t eat sweets or desserts. I’ll eat most savoury foods but am happy to pass on sweets, desserts, cakes, ice-cream, puddings…
- I’m a conspiracy theorist. Yes I’m Mulder and I believe in aliens and Government cover-ups because y’know, it’s true *dons anorak*
- I don’t enjoy going to the gym. I signed up with one once and swore I’d never join another.
- I hate exercise. One day, I swear I’ll end up looking like Jabba the Hutt.
- Everything I know about computers, HTML and coding, I taught myself.
- I was told once that I should be a children’s book writer. Maybe I could be the next JK Rowling *snort*
- I enjoy solving puzzles and mysteries.
- I have a very short fuse and I bear grudges.
- I only keep in touch with 1 person from school and we’ve known each other since we’re 3.
- I have trust issues and am very wary especially when meeting new people.
- Which is why I have a reputation of being icy, which is something I’ve accepted as a personal quirk, but which used to bug me when I was younger.
- Which is also why I don’t have many close friends but those who are, I cherish and am very loyal to.
- I’m not very fashionable and I don’t particularly enjoy reading about fashion.
- Which is why I stick to a very simple style of dress that I hope comes across as classic, if not old-fashioned.
- I’m not very good with wearing accessories either and when I do, I tend to wear earrings or necklaces only. Silk scarves are a mystery to me and one I can’t solve.
- However, I have an unabashed love for designer bags, and I can spot one from a mile away. I still own my very first designer bag that I bought with my own savings the day I turned 30.
- Today, I turn 40. I told my sister a few years ago that I’d reveal my age if I was still blogging at 40 and since I am, I’m keeping my word 🙂
Told ya I wasn’t very interesting 🙂
But this is also a good time for me to let you know that as I do at this time of year, I’m going on a blog break. I know I haven’t been quite on the ball with the blog this year as I have been in previous years and I just need to step away and back for a while, to gather my thoughts and to gain some perspective on things.
It’s been quite a tumultuous time for me in recent times (mostly off blog and not blog related) and I don’t want to be half-hearted about the things I do. So today is a good day to tell you that I’m going on a break and that it will be longer than usual. I cannot tell you when I’ll be back, but I promise I will eventually. It will just take me a while, and no, it’s nothing to do with getting older 😀 I’m actually comfortable about getting older. It happens and we just have to age gracefully and accept our limitations 🙂
Thank you all for all the support in reading the blog and for your comments and emails and sharing you’ve done with me all this time. I’ve spoken to many people who tell me that MWS readers and commentators are the best because you guys are intelligent and actually “talk” to me and we hold lovely discussions and you help each other out, and I truly appreciate that. I hope to come back and “talk” to you again soon 🙂
In the meantime, I would likely be most active on Instagram @ParisBMWS if I pop out of seclusion, so if you’re wondering what I’m up to while on a blog break, it’ll be best to look for me there. Otherwise, there are over 3070 posts you can dig through in the archives or just use the navigation bar at the top. Maybe you’ll discover some new tips or discussions or posts you might enjoy 🙂
Be good! I’ll be back once the dust settles 😉
Paris B
Happy Birthday Paris. I enjoyed reading your blogs, get sucked by Guerlain meteorites and will never turn back due to you 🙂
Thank you Peggy 🙂 There is so much to love about the Meteorites! I hope your Xmas ones have arrived 🙂
Enjoy your break Paris and happy 40th birthday!
Thanks Lily 🙂
Happy birthday! Forever 25 😀
Thank you lovely! And 25 is a good age to be! 😉
I hope you have a wonderful 40th birthday, Paris. You will be sorely missed during your blogging break! <3
Thank you Rae! <3
Happy 40th Paris. Welcome to the club!
Hope you will a great celebration with your loved ones.
On a different note, I am sad that you are going on a break. But do hope that you will come back recharge once again.
Hi Shasha thank you so much for the lovely wishes! 🙂 I know it’s been a while but I do hope to get my head around starting to blog again. There’s just a wee bit too much going on right now for me to come back but I will. Just not sure yet when will be a good time.
Blessed Birthday PB! Enjoy your well deserved break…..
Thank you JackieA 🙂
I LOVE THIS POST! What you sayin, not interesting? It’s very interesting and certainly great for us to know you a wee bit better. Reading your list makes me think how alike yet different you and I are and I think it’s awesome. 😛
Happy birthday love. Enjoy the break, you certainly deserve it! xx
Haha Thanks Tine and I do see how we’re similar yet dissimilar too! That’s the fun part about being individuals and accepting others right? 😉 Thanks for the wishes. I’m actually enjoying my break so much I don’t know how to return 😛
Happy birthday ParisB!
Thank you Onnjaejun 🙂
Thanks for sharing this 🙂 It’s a refreshing read and a great way you shared yourself. This post gave me an inspiration to make my own list… hehe
Glad you enjoyed it Crystal and you’d be surprised at how a personal quirk you didn’t think was very interesting can actually be!
I wouldn’t have thought that you are 40 – you look young and great, and why shouldn’t you? 🙂
I hope that your blog break goes well and that you come back refreshed. I take breaks from my blog as well. I don’t have Instagram (yet) so I’ll just try to be patient for your return.
And thank you for sharing your 40 facts.
You are so sweet, Jennifer thank you! 🙂 The break has been going well but I guess I’ll have to work on a return schedule at some point in time. Hope to see you around whenever I start blogging again <3
Happy, happy birthday, Paris! Isn’t 40 the new 30? Thanks for the self revelation. Such honesty. I’m kinda icy too and don’t fancy touching base with old school friends either.
*shake hands*
Haha thank you so much Ginny and I do hope that this new decade will bring me new joy and more personal growth because the 30s while great, kinda sucked towards the end. Ooh and I have to High5 you on the not keeping touch with old school friends. I guess I’m just not THAT sociable haha! 😀
Happy Birthday Paris! We both share the same birthdays! hahaha
Hope you have a great day ahead and an even better year! Loved meeting you and hope to see you soon again.
Happy belated birthday to you too Samia! It’s not often I meet someone who shares my birthday so yay! 🙂 Thank you for the well wishes and perhaps you’ll meet soon, who knows 🙂
Happy Birthday Paris! I could only hope to look half as good as you do when I get there! You’re my local skincare blogger icon as I noticed your skin esp this year has been looking flawless!
Been a silent reader and lover of your blog for the longest time ever! You’re one of the most comprehensive msian blogs out there on a large and wide spectrum of skincare and beauty products, and to think it all started off a few years ago googling for reviews of some beauty product! You’ve become my daily dose of
beauty caffeine,1st port of call i read to see whats new and available locally.
Whenever I wanna try something new, albeit the higher end stuff, I always go
‘hmm, lets see what Paris has to say abt this!’
Enjoy the break hun, well earned and deserved, and I’d much rather you take a
time out to recharge to come back passionate abt the blog, rather than feeling
like you’re doing it half-hearted!Will miss the posts, on the other hand my wish list will breathe a sigh of relief!
Thank you Su, and you are much too kind! 😀 But I’ve been working hard on my skin and it’s paying off so whatever you’re doing, keep at it and don’t give up! Once you find the right products, stick with them. I’ve personally been experimenting a lot less, which is counter productive as a blogger, but better for me in terms of my skincare 🙂 It warms my heart to know that you’ve enjoyed spending time with me on my blog and that the reviews have been helpful for you 🙂 I’m still not quite sure when I’ll be back blogging but I hope not to drag this out too long. Once I have things sorted out at my end, I’ll work on returning 🙂 Thank you again for the support! <3
oh my god you’re forty but you look like idk 27
Haha far too kind, Mary thank you 🙂
Have a Happy Birthday celebration and thanks for sharing!
Thank you Klee! 😀
HBD to an ah-mah-zing 40 yo! May you enjoy a well-deserved break and feel recharged from it. Sending you blue skies & everything nice your way!
Thank you so much Shah 😀
Happy Birthday 😀
I hope to look as good as you when i turn 40 😀
Thank you Paula and that’s a lovely compliment! I’m sure you’re already looking good as you are 😀
OMG You’re 40! I turned 30 2 weeks ago and I still can’t save up for a designer bag.
and Amen to no self help books and saying no to the gym. I feel like we share a secret wink.
*gives secret wink* No gym bunny here! I hate the culture haha! And happy belated birthday to you! It took me a year of strict savings but I did it and the funny thing is, it gets easier as you go along 😉
Happy Birthday, dear. <3
You've been one of the most prolific bloggers I know, so this break is well-deserved.
I'm working my way slowly to returning but it'll take a while. 😉
We still have our makan session akan-datanging; can't wait to meet you! 😀
Thank you so much Mag 😀 I don’t have half the distractions you do so your time off is even more understandable! 😉 Yes yes, I have to get my butt headed south. Still working on the right time. But I’ll be sure to let you know 😀
Happy birthday to you Paris!
May everything be well starting today, cos it will be!
Though I’ve mentioned before, I wouldn’t mind saying it again, that your blog has been the morning cup of coffee since I spotted your blog few years back, and will continue to be for as long as you don’t stop posting..
Take a break, enjoy the moments, and be back for more loving posts.
Take care!
Thank you so much Hui Ting 😀 And for the encouraging words too. I do hope to be back for more caffeine laden posts 😀