Last week, we were discussing whether we washed our faces after going for a facial and I was quite gratified that so many of us do the same thing i.e. wash our faces when we get home. Among the most interesting discussions however, I noticed how many of us take an evening shower, which necessitates us washing our faces. And as usual, the curious cat in me perked up.
I started wondering if most of you showered in the mornings or in the evenings, or perhaps even both?
Here where it’s so hot and humid all the time, it’s tempting to shower not only twice, but maybe even three times a day! I know of people who do. So, how about you? Are you a morning showerer, evening showerer or perhaps twice a day? 😀
I can’t do without my evening shower that’s for certain. It’s not just the grime and dust and dirt you accumulate through the day, even while sitting at your desk, but also the feeling of relaxation.
Taking my evening shower allows me to figuratively wash away the stresses and cares of the day, while literally washing off the dirt and grime you pick up. Even if you stay indoors all day cooped up with air-conditioning, you are liable to sweat and excrete oils from your skin that if not washed off, can feel uncomfortable and clog pores.
After all, nothing beats stepping under a hot shower at the end of the day. I always feel more relaxed, more comfortable and more ready to wind down for the day after a nice long hot shower.
However, my morning showers are optional. I never got into the habit and I may sometimes take a shower in the morning, if it’s been an unseasonably warm night, but more often than not, I don’t. Part of the reason is because I habitually wash my hair whenever I shower and it feels weird not to, or it feels uncomfortable, and I’d rather not faff about with hair in the morning. I also am not a morning person, so I can’t bring myself to get up and exercise before the day starts, which would then necessitate a shower. Ultimately, I’m just not a morning showerer LOL 😀
So do you shower in the morning or afternoon or do you shower twice a day?
If I’m at home, I sometimes shower twice a day though. It helps me get through the day because when you’re cooped up at home in our heat and are too miserly to have the air-conditioning on all day, then a cool shower in the afternoon is a refreshing treat! 😀
Paris B
Twice a day – spring, summer, autumn, winter 😛 Actually, I lied. It could be 5 times in summer if I’m at home on weekends to scrub off sunscreen and reapply if I head out multiple times 😛 I don’t usually wash my hair in the morning, just a quick one to wash my face and wake myself up. Evenings are non-negotiable. In fact, it’s the one I look forward to the most. It’s almost a ritual. I have either a glass of wine or a bottle of beer sitting on the window ledge. I usually have music and a candle going and I take my time washing my hair and my face. I sip my drink while waiting for my hair to be conditioned. And I continue sipping my drink applying skincare and body lotion before I jump into comfy PJs. I wouldn’t trade that ritual for the world and I don’t understand people who don’t shower before going to bed 😛
PS-having ducted heating helps with morning showers in winter 😛
I look forward to my evening showers too but I don’t have a ritual for it. Just make sure I have lots and lots of hot water because nothing beats a long hot shower at the end of the day. It immediately relaxes you! And no, I don’t get people who don’t shower before bed either 😛
I shower at night (body only) and wash my hair in the morning.
I’m always so thankful for obedient hair. If I blowdry it at night, it stays in perfect condition the next morning. Little mercies! 😀
Evening shower is a must.
Morning shower depends on whether I’m going out. Which basically means shower every weekday morning as I’m a working gal, even if the weather is blardy cold. I don’t mind skipping morning showers but unfortunately I have oily hair which is simply un-presentable to the outside world, hence the need for hair wash before stepping out.
Sounds like you’re a prime candidate for dry shampoo! I never really found the need for it thanks to obedient hair for which I am very thankful for, but maybe you could try it to save some time in the morning (or some sleep? 😉 )
Evening shower is a must! I can’t sleep with dirt and grime and whatnots from the day D: Morning shower? Doesn’t really happen. 😀
Haha *high5*
Both!! Need my wake me up in the morning, and I need my hair washed before going out. When I’m on holiday in a cold country, sometimes I skip the morning shower :X but I will feel icky though
That’s the thing about habits right? It’s really hard to break a habit once its formed 😀 I have tried taking morning showers and they are rejuvenating, that much I’d agree!
Both times, of course, especially in this hot, humid Malaysia. Even during rainy season 😀 But once a while, on lazy weekends, I tend to push my morning shower to afternoon then have another shower at night LOL I think there are few times exceptions – when I got chicken pox (barely shower as that was adviced, I dunno what;s the reason for that no-shower rule) and when I travel to countries with four seasons during winter time (so cold that I can stand shower once in morning, brrrrr).
I don’t know about not showering during chicken pox either, but they say that about being sick anyway right? I know I always feel better after a good shower when i’m sick, but sometimes, it makes me feel worse too!
I shower morning and evening without exception – even in cold climates and even when I’m ill (I can hear my mum tsk-ing!). There are sometimes a third shower if I’ve been sweating lot as I can’t stand the stickiness of sweat on my body.
I shower when I’m ill too! It makes me feel better almost immediately, like you’re washing away all the germs.
I shower twice daily, thrice when there’s an exception. Morning shower is a must, no matter how lazy I am. Haha. It refreshes me. I like to smell nice.
When I do morning showers, I like using a perfumed shower gel. It sometimes acts as my alternative to perfume! 😀
I’m an evening shower person ^v^
Yay! Makes you feel so fresh and comfy before bed!
I always shower twice a day – morning to wake up and feel & smell fresh, and another at night before bed. I’d feel dirty and smelly if I didn’t. Just a habit I developed since young. And yes, it means wherever I am, whatever the weather is like 🙂
I think it’s absolutely fascinating how alike we all are and how different, and how set in our habits! 😀 I could never not shower at least once in a day. I don’t know how people can 😛
With this humid and superbly hot weather, in fact, I have 3 showers a day without a miss! I can’t go to bed without a shower. :p Sometimes, it just make me feel relax. But, too frequent of showers can actually dry me out., especially I have Eczema. Choosing a good and gentle cleanser or soap will be a hard task for me.
Yep, especially if you take a lot of hot showers, it can dry out the skin. I think gentle body cleansers like cetaphil or eucerin may be helpful in times like that. I have to be careful with shower gels too. Some are so harsh, they make the skin of my hands peel!
On lazy mornings (which is most of the time… hahaha!) or when i’m pressed for time, its just face wash and brush my teeth… if i’m feeling hardworking or uncomfortably hot, then a shower it is, without washing my hair tho… at nite, it is a MUST for me to take a good warm shower, washing all that dirt n grime from my hair and body before plopping on the bed…
I’m actually quite surprised that there are many who dont do morning showers… i thot i’m the only lazy one around… hahaha… but i know of someone who showers in the morning but not at nite…
See, I always thought I was the only one not showering in the morning too and voila! So many of us are in the same boat haha! It gives me comfort to know I’m not the only “smelly” one in the mornings (yay for perfumes! haha!)
Morning (body only) and evening so twice a day! I don’t wash my hair in the morning because I’m too lazy to blow-dry it plus I thought my bed hair looks good enough to take on the day.
You know, people would style their hair to look like they just fell out of bed looking good, as I’m sure you do, so rock that bed hair! (I do too 😀 )
I shower twice a day! That’s the standard!!! But when it’s summer, I think 4 times??? Yay!
hahaha Summer brings out the worst in all of us!
I shower and wash my hair in the morning. I’m a bad sleeper and if I showered at night (which I sometimes do when I feel dirty), I’d have to shower in the morning again anyhow, plus my hair would look awful.
Ah you mess up your hair in your sleep? 😀 I’m kind of thankful that having short hair means that if my hair looks a little off, I can just act like it’s my style 😀
I always shower in the evenings or after the gym (late afternoon).
It’s the laid back approach to hair, I let it air dry and if I don’t do anything with it during the day after a morning shower.. it’s a hot mess.
At night I can comb it into place, have it dry and then overnight it sets in that style.
Not to mention you need that deep clean of your face so at night is ideal with plenty of water and splashing cleansing all over the place 😀
Yes! Can’t imagine anyone not washing their faces at night either (and I know that happens ick!)
I’m a night showerer for sure! I like being clean when I go to sleep. I don’t know if it’s just a stereotype but I think it’s an Asian thing to bathe at night. I used to think it was determined by climate but even in temperate climates like Japan, folks here have to shower/bathe at night. My hubby is Aussie and morning showers are a must to feel fresh and ready for the day. It works out well for us since we only have one shower in the house! However, when I was living in Singapore and worked in an office, I would take a shower in the morning and night. I would wash my hair in the morning and since my commute was an hour, my hair would be dry by the time I get to the office – I had very long hair but the hot sweltering mornings would always dry my hair naturally.
That’s an interesting observation about it being an Asian thing, Yu Ming. Perhaps you could be right even, as the Japanese and Koreans have things like hot springs so hot water was always something they were probably used to having and thus, evening baths weren’t unusual.
Definitely both. I’ve sat next to people on public transport in Singapore in the mornings who smell like they haven’t showered before leaving the house. I cover my hair with a shower cap in the mornings as I already spend enough time doing skincare, I have no time and patience to blow dry my hair. I prefer to let it air dry since it’s healthier too.
Ooh I know what you mean about morning commutes. I’m sort of thankful I don’t have to do it, but if I did, I’d probably do the morning shower too just as a community service to everyone else sitting or standing around me LOL!
i work in the hospital – so i definitely have to shower and wash my hair before i hit the bed. i can’t wake up early enough to shower before work! ;b
And lose all that precious sleep? That’s how I feel too 😛
Yes, two times a day – morning and before bed – and I’m truly grateful I live a life where this is possible. I like to wash the day off me so if I had to live with only one session – it would have to be that last shower before lights out.
Sadly, there are still places in the world where access to clean water is scarce for drinking let alone washing so it’s important to use water thoughtfully.
That’s very true, Shopgirl. Water is something we all take for granted until we experience water cuts and then, we get a taste of what it’s like without clean, running water and it’s horrible! Waste not, want not!