Do you wash your face after going for a facial?
I was asked this very interesting question once, and I’d kept it at the back of my head ever since; curious about what the majority of people think.
I go for facials as often as I can but while I was more adventurous before in my relative youth, I am now much more cautious about choosing a facial salon, which will be a story for another day 😉 For now, I’m curious to know if you do or do not wash your face after going for a facial. And I’m sure you’re wondering what I think about this too 🙂
The general opinion is that you shouldn’t, since you have just had your face pampered and massaged and cleaned and moisturised for over an hour with products that are usually a little more concentrated in active ingredients than the ones you use at home. If you wash your face after your facial, you’d have to re-apply your skincare and it just isn’t as effective, or so they say.
So, being a detractor, I have to say that I do wash my face after going for a facial.
Yes, it does seem like I’m undoing all the hard work put in by the facial therapist and wasting the products slathered on my skin, but it is for this latter reason that I wash my face.
Quite often, I find that during a facial, they apply product more generously than I would at home. I’m no stranger to layering multiple products, but I apply them in thin layers, using little product. During a facial, I find that products are applied generously on skin and often, after I’m done, although I feel relaxed and my skin looks lovely and fresh and glowing, it feels heavy. It’s not surprising, since there is so much product applied on it, before you leave the salon.
Another reason is because I may not go straight home and straight to bed after going for a facial. Sometimes, my facial is in the middle of the day and then I go out, or do stuff or exercise, that may involve me sweating, and it would be quite awful not to wash your face then right?
What I do is wash my face while I’m having my evening shower, washing away the grime of the day. I don’t do a deep cleanse face wash of course, since I never reapply makeup after a facial, but I do use a regular face wash as a one time cleanse.
After that, I do apply my regular skincare but using less products so I usually do a simple wash-tone-moisturise routine as my evening skincare routine on facial days. I figure that my skin has already absorbed the products from the facial, and I just need to keep the basics to keep my skin feeling comfortable. So far, so good 🙂
Do you wash your face after going for a facial? If you do, why do you do it and if you don’t, why not?
I tried not washing my face before, but it was just too uncomfortable for me as I like a nice fresh feeling to my skin before bed, so that’s the other reason I wash my face despite already having a facial. I figure that if I put back some of the hydration and moisture, I’m not over doing it. There’s no right or wrong way to do it, but I am curious what you do 😀
Paris B
I do wash my face after a facial, not right after but usually a few hours after. That’s because I find that the facialist usually uses way too much product that it’s really heavy and uncomfortable on my skin. I let it sit for a few hours and then wash off anything else that hasn’t yet absorbed. I figure if it hasn’t absorbed yet, it probably wouldn’t ever absorb so better wash it off.
Also like you, I may not go straight home after a facial, or it takes place during the day, after which I go out and walk around and do stuff. It’s good practice to wash your face before going to bed anyways, just to wash off all the daily grime and oil that’s accumulated.
This is an interesting question, and I look forward to reading what other people will say!
How interesting, it appears most of us behave the same way Sheila 🙂 I just can’t stand that thick, heavy, oily feeling on my skin after a facial and I could never go to bed without washing my face!
I do wash my face after facial, if I am heading to bed. Not if I am out and about. But I usually got use a milk cleanser for the job since my face has been scrubbed so much during the facial, and mostly my purpose is just to wash off the dust and grime 😉
Yep, I go with a gentle cleanser too before bed and a simple bed time routine. Can’t do without either LOL
Yes of course. The dust, the grime and who-knows-what-else has to be washed off. I like my face to feel clean and fresh before I go to bed.
Same here! It’s the same way I like to shower before bed – just feels nicer to go to sleep clean 🙂
I do wash my face after facials for the same reasons as urs… As much as i try not to touch my face after facial, but i feel that walking around post-facial (yes, even if its to the carpark) can allow dirt to hang on to my face due to the sticky layers of products they slathered on… I just prefer a less heavy n fresher feel on my face when i sleep, so a light cleanse will do…
Besides, it just doesnt feel like a complete bath if my face is still dry at the end of it… 😀
Haha so true, Seraph! I can’t imagine taking a shower and not washing my face, especially since I wash my hair every time! Imagine how awkward that would be 😀
I just had my first facial!! It felt great while it was being done, however after walking around for ten minutes it already felt grimy. I got home about 30 minutes later , left it on for 30 minutes more , and then washed it off. Couldn’t stand it. My skin felt dirty. Don’t think I will do that again. Prefer a dermabrasion type facial.
i wash it before going to bed as i want a clean face, and i use night serum. Same as you do, after facial i be doing something else, so i might have some dirt from moving about on my face, wont want to have that in bed
It’s so interesting how many of us do this! I thought I was being silly but it turns out, I’m normal 😀
Good topic! I do facial very often and most of the time I do it in the evening. So, I try to delay my night time skin care routine so that the facial products last in my face longer hahaha. But like what you said, facial products tend to be very very heavy and uncomfortable so I can’t stand not washing my face at all after facial. Also, I try to avoid going out as much as possible after facial, to avoid outdoor air pollutants haha 😀
Ooh yes, I’m always a little torn when my facial is in the late evening. It’s like it’s time to do my night face, yet it feels so icky because it’s all so heavy! Dilemma 😛 But I wash it anyway – can’t stand going to bed with all that on my face!
I definitely do at the end of the day when I’m having my shower. In fact, my skin tends to get a bit oily with all the handling and products layered on after a facial. Just a simple, gentle cleanser and like you, toner and moisturizer is sufficient thereafter. Can’t imagine not washing my face!
Me neither! It’s actually so interesting how alike we all are haha 😀 I didn’t imagine so many people would be washing their faces after a facial!
It really depends on the products used for the facial :-). Not a fan of being super greasy aftewards and for the rest of the day though 🙂
Especially not if the facial was at the beginning of a day! Definitely needs a face wash at the end of it 🙂
I always wash before bed since at my facials, I always apply sunblock after. I do appreciate the deeper and more profound hydration that I get from the procedures/products they use but if I don’t clean off all my sunblock, I’ll get a breakout the next day!
That’s a good point! When I have a facial earlier in the day, sunblock always goes on, although I sometimes cheat if it’s an evening facial 🙂 But still, with all the heavy layers of products, I found that I can sometimes break out if I don’t wash them off, so I figured it was better to be safe than sorry 🙂
I like to schedule my facials in the morning , and try to make sure I get to spend the rest of the day at home, to relax and let the good stuff absorb in (that’s what I’d like to think). Hence , I don’t wash my face until evening. For my night routine, I do put on a heavier night cream as I think my just-purified pores will be more receptive to the night cream 🙂
That’s an interesting thought about using a heavier night cream KL 🙂 I tend to schedule mine in the evenings because it feels disorienting sleeping in the day (since I sleep at most facials LOL) so my dilemma is always whether to wash off or not when I get home, but it always leans in favour of washing off. Maybe I’ll try your tip of using a heavier night cream too! 🙂
Yes, even I always get my facial done right after work (around 6pm). I feel the need to re-wash my face before I went to bed~
It just feels so unclean otherwise doesn’t it?
You have a very good point although I usually don\’t wash my face after a facial. My esthetician put on loads of serum in leu of moisturizer at the end, so it doesn\’t do any good for me if I wash it right away. Luckily my favorite spa is 10 minutes away on foot, so I can quickly come back and take a nap. I do wash my face before bed even on a facial day, though. 🙂
Hey Lena, I like how you get lots of serum vs moisturiser at the end of your facial and living so near your spa is such a bonus! It’s nice to be able to let all the goodness sink into the skin right? but before bed? yes, that face wash is quite essential for me too. It just feels so much nicer going to bed feeling clean 🙂
Well. It depends to:
1) Time
If day time, obviously I would wash off.
Usually the specialist would advise to go “light & easy” on the skin, since a lot of “hard & harsh” work has been done – cleansing, steam, extractions, scrub (even peel), masks – all these removed all the dirt & also skin.
Thus it takes time for our skin to regenerate, heal back.
Also some facials esp. those rich with Vitamin C., the specialist would advise you to “try not to stay under the direct sun” as it will cause the skin to turn reddish/blemish.
Which is one of the reason, why I prefer to do facials that ends in the evening. Away from the sunlight.
2) Location
Previous, I prefer facials near my housing area.
But nowadays most are located at commercial & shopping malls, so the smoke/air pollution tends to stick back to our skin.
3) Products
Some facials will apply some sort of cream e.g. UV cream, day cream & even light foundation so that you don’t have to apply makeup. So usually, I will wash it off.
But guess what, I did some research & spoke to some ladies thru the forum & social sites.
A few years back, I discovered that some saloon they did all those promos because:
1) their products about to expire. Yes, while changing, I had a look at their products & the so called “expensive” capsule they sold to me at promo. price.
I bought the vouchers to try.
2) I discovered that this year, I only went for professional facials for twice. (YES! OMG!) but my skin is better! I use more natural products now e.g. DIY yoghurt mask, besides Hada Labo, Melvita (hehe smells weird a bit), St. Ives & a few other light products for skin care. I also use “lesser” makeup.
I honestly believe that some of my “holes”, pores & etc. were due to extreme facials extractions & techniques. My recent discovery from Shizen’s workshop (last month), from their light box, they discovered some alarming amount of old scars. So facials may clean but it may also do much more damaged 🙁
3) My OLDer brother. Haha.. you must be wondering what has a male got to do on this post. Well, my bro. is those none fancy pansy on brand & facial type of person. He smokes, drinks, exercise & do the most basic cleansing. Yet, over the years he has very healthy jet black hair & very good skin.
I have seen his products: some are just natural soap for the face, olive oil for the hair, clay mask & that’s it. Oh & for some reason, he believed sunlight is good, sweating/sauna is great for blood circulation & detox. He used to have some rather negative & strong remarks on facials, but at tht time (being younger & foolish), I just want to appear more confident, fresh & lovely.
Anyway, last week I discussed on these wth a lady from an organic company & she confirmed & agreed that – sunlight provides Vitamin & all that great stuffs my bro. used are mostly natural thus his skin & hair are good. Also not using tht much of makeup is great. 🙁 Huuu how easy it is for a guy!
Hiya! Thanks for the long, thoughtful comment! 😀 I like facials in the evenings too, but mostly because it feels disorienting sleeping in the day haha! And yes, as much as I’d like having a facial place I could actually walk to, it’s practically impossible these days. Looking for parking is bad enough, much less walking back to the car, even if the facial is outside of a mall. Actually, worse, if it’s outside of a mall LOL!
Oh and I was horrified to read that salons used products that are near to expiry! WHAT?! That’s terrible! I am quite careful about salons I visit, because I’ve come across a few unethical ones in my time, but this thing about using old products really stun me. I think your bro is lucky haha A lot of how our skin looks has to do with our genetic make up as well, so what works for one person may not work for another (sadly enough) but it’s good to know your routine works for you. I’m just too meh about doing diy masks so although I do sheet and other masks at home, I still love the pampering I get at a salon (and a nice little relaxing nap to boot!)
Re: On expired products.
Yes & the ones I’ve experienced are well established IN THE shopping mall too. When I digged further, apparently they had bad reviews from Singapore too. I’m always a curious cat thus I do have a look at the environment, room, products AFTER the facials & etc. After that, I had serious facial scars & burn.
Apparently, it’s a well known strategy among many facial salon to promote sales & etc. there were once I enquired about the products promos.
So far, I’ve been a long time customer to 2 facial salons. After some of their best girls left, it just did not feel right. Either too pushy, not clean or aiyah just not right lah, so I left LOL 😀
It’s funny you made a post about this, but I literally just had a facial. I haven’t washed my face though. I would say I’m like the general population, I don’t wash because it would waste the products. Generally, I do my facials when I have nothing planned that day. So I don’t sweat, etc.
But on the other hand, I definitely know what you mean when you say it makes you feel uncomfortable. The layers are so thick, that my face feels sticky, rather than smooth.
Ultimately, I don’t wash my face after facials. But I am an evening showerer also, so I do eventually wash everything off.
Serendipitious! 😀 I think most of us do the same thing. Allow the goodness of the facial to soak into our skin and then do a quick wash in the evening with our shower. I am an evening showerer too (high 5!) and it always feels so lovely go be clean before bed. Helps me sleep better too!
I have not had a facial in a long time and would definitely like to have one before the year ends. LOL. I do not wash my face after a facial because I tend to schedule my facials either late mornings or early afternoons. Plus beauticians/facialist usually apply sunblock and I need to remove that and continue with my night time routine before I got bed.
Ooh definitely go and have one before it gets too uncomfortable to. I know of people who complain that it gets uncomfortable to lie down on your back for a long time when you get bigger 😉 Oh and yes, definitely a good point about washing off the sunblock. I sometimes cheat and skip it if my facial is in the evening though 😛
I am always tempted to let the facial cremes sink into my skin since we spent a bomb on each session. But towards the end of the day, my nose area gets kinda oily, even with a 6pm appointment. So everything goes off before bedtime.
Yep! That’s how I feel too. Sometimes, it feels so lovely just after but that glow soon turns into a greasy mess as the hours go on so I can’t ever stand it!
Slightly off topic PB, but where do you like to go for facials?
I usually go to the Kanebo salon (Bangsar Telawi area) but recently went to La Mer at MidValley. Clarins is nice too if you don’t want anything that has extractions. I tend to go to proper brand salons instead of the more obscure ones, more for personal peace of mind so I know what is being used, as opposed to mysterious creams and ampoules and serums that I know nothing about 🙂
I usually have my facial appointment after work. When I go home, I’ve to walk the dog, cook, or maybe heading to the gym. So yes, I do wash my face after facial 😀
Just feels off otherwise right? I always feel like an oil slick!
Uh I always thought that I was the only one who washes their face after facials.. but reading this I can breathe more freely haha. What I always think is that the time between traveling from the facialist to home (approx half an hour) is enough time for all the ‘antioxidants’ to be absorbed into the skin. Additionally, I too feel that sometimes what they slather onto the skin is just too heavy haha.
Uh dont get me started on finding the right facialist. So much effort erkks hahaha.
Haha I’m so glad I’m normal too, Robert! It’s just one of those things we all think we harbour a guilty secret about only to realise everyone else does it! Oh and you’re right about trying to find a facialist. I tend to pick my salons based on their use of brands I’m familiar with, but ultimately it always comes down to the person doing the facial for you and that can make or break your experience.
My facial sessions are normally in the evenings after work. I attempted a broad daylight session before and went back to work with people thinking I got assaulted lol. The extraction was really bad then. I’m with you that post facial, there’s a heavy feeling. Perhaps they’ve been very generous with the products. By the time I got home, I usually don’t wash my face as I jump to bed soon though. Once in a while I do get the icky feeling though. Lol. Like someone has touched my face over and over again. Yes silly I know because hygiene should be primary factor at facial parlours. If I go for the La Mer one, I’ll be sure not to wash my face after that!
Haha you’re funny Jennifer 🙂 I cant bring myself to go to bed without a quick bath (if I’ve already had my bath earlier) or at least washing my face if I’ve been out. Just bugs me otherwise and I can’t sleep! I know, weird right? Think of all the $$$ I’m washing off my face and down the drain 😛
Hiya Paris. LOL! Thanks for your reply. I read your reply, then read my comment again…I felt a strong need to correct myself before I send a strong whiff of bad scent. Given any chance or time of the day, I must start my day with a shower, mid day shower if I am home and evening shower before dinner. If it gets too warm, I jump into the shower again before bedtime. This brought a memory where my tour guide sometime back chuckled over the fact that Malaysian tourists are generally big time shower fans regardless of the weather (be it spring or winter). I wash my face as often too but during repeat showers like those prior to bedtime, then I won’t wash with cleanser. Haha. Yes, it is a lot more comfortable to shower and I like the refreshing feeling 🙂
Haha oops! Didn’t mean to imply that you didn’t shower before bed either 😀 I didn’t know Malaysians were so big on showers but as a student, I’d shower and wash my hair no matter what season it was and as you can imagine, in the dead of winter, it was quite a challenge! Funnily enough, I’d only bump into the Asians in the showers back then haha!