Pre-serum! I knew it was only a matter of time before it became de rigueur for your skincare line up to look incomplete without one form of pre-serum or another 😉 The latest offering comes from Japanese brand, Shiseido and it will be their biggest skincare launch to date, globally.
I happened to stumble across the global launch of this while scouring the internet one day, and I have to admit that I found it interesting. Not because of the name nor what it proclaims, but because of the amazingly attractive red, curved bottle! HAHA! 😀 Yes, I’m sorry, I could be a sucker for packaging after all 😛
Launching here in Malaysia (and perhaps regionally) come September 2014, what then is this Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate? Here’s a preview.
Ultimune is a standalone product currently, unaffiliated to the other more established Shiseido skincare ranges. However, it is a product you can use with all their products (and even those from other brands, I’d warrant) essentially to boost the efficacy of other skincare products that follow. That’s pretty much what most pre-serums do, as we’ve seen before this.
Instead of just boosting product efficacy, Shiseido is taking it one step further and telling us that what Ultimune can do is improve skin immunity by targeting Langerhans cells in our skin. Langerhans cells are actigen presenting immune cells on the skin which help combat skin infections (read more about it here since I’m not a scientific person) and what this product claims to do is help these cells work better.
The result would be skin defence against visible signs of aging, the environment and stress and the skin is more resistant, protected and stronger thereby looking smoother and better. And that’s where the name Ultimune cames from, Ult(Immune).
With the greatest of respect to the R&D and marketing team at Shiseido, I have to confess scepticism with regards the claims of boosting skin immunity. Like the almost medical level claims of another pre-serum in the market, I have my doubts, never mind the amount of research I may be shown, that a topical skincare product can do what it says.
I may buy into the product boosting properties, using this before other skincare to boost their efficacy. I’ve used other pre-serums before and I have experienced how those work. I just cannot, in all good conscience buy into the immunity claim.
But as they say, the proof is in the pudding (although I’ve no idea why anyone says that!) so I will suck it up and give this a go, and let you know what I think of it in a month or two.
You have to admit that the packaging is quite something though! A lovely, elegant glass bottle in a luxurious looking red gradational tint, with a slightly incongruous plastic cap and pump.
Shiseido Ultimune is already available overseas and will be available here in September 2014 so I’m quite sure you’ll start seeing product sampling opportunities pop up soon, or you can ask at the counters then for samples so you can see what the fuss is about. I’ll report back after trying 🙂
Does Shiseido Ultimune interest you? Have you used pre-serums before?
Pre-Serums are no stranger to me and I’ve had varying levels of success using them from various brands. Some do seem to make my skin look better, some just maintain how it looks and the odd few break me out. Like all skincare, it’s a gamble but I’ll be the first to admit that it’ll take a bit of a mindset change to get your head around using a pre-serum! 😀 So, do you?
Paris B
Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate Price: RM255/30ml, RM355/50ml Availability: Shiseido counters from September 2014
Sheila says
I reviewed this on my blog a few months ago. I honestly found it a bit overrated as it did nothing for my skin. I have heard a lot of good things about it IF you use it with a Shiseido serum, which is expected but still disappointing. The packaging and scent of this product are just beautiful though, I would keep using it just for the aromatherapy benefits of it!
Paris B says
Oho! Thanks for sharing Sheila! I’ll be sure to remember to link back when I’ve got my review up 😉 I am trying it out now but am not quite sure what I should be seeing so I’m adopting a wait and see approach. At best it’ll not break me out, and at worst it will so am keeping fingers crossed! (Am not using a Shiseido serum though – since I don’t use it in my regular routine, I didn’t see why I should test it with one 😉 )
Tracy@Beauty Reflections says
*cough*cough* skin immunity LOL. This makes me look all side-eyed at Shiseido. I mean C’MON dudes. See, I studied some of this in school, as I took Microbiology in Uni. There’s innate immunity-that’s what we’re born with. And there’s adaptive immunity-but that means you’ve come in contact with a disease causing agent(like vaccines, or had the measles) and we start talking about antibodies, T-cells and antigens. So, if this stuff can activate my T-cells against-WHAT. Like what does my skin need immunity from? Aging? There’s no immunity involved in preventing that. BULL-ONEY. Tracy calls this silly and stop trying to fool people Shiseido.
Paris B says
HAHAHA my reaction exactly, Tracy! I honestly could not help rolling my eyes a little when it was being presented to me. I mean, come on, skin immunity? I’m sure they could have done better. Sigh…
Philippe says
Wait what??
A pre serum? Sounds an aweful lot like that cold plasma treatment from Perricone.
Paris B says
Wait, cold plasma treatment?! I remember trying a cold plasma eye cream I believe, but couldn’t get used to the fishy smell yucks 😛 But yes, Shiseido now has a pre-serum and they’re making a big deal about it too!