Hello hello!
After that 3000-th post yesterday, I reckon you may be tired of just me rambling on and on eh? 😛 So today, I’d like to feature a guest review today of an iconic product from an iconic brand…. that I cannot use! For some unknown reason, every single version of the Shu Uemura cleansing oils break me out. I’ve tried them all, I promise. I break out every single time and I’ve chalked it up to being one of “those things”. I work well with many other brands of cleansing oils though so it’s not the oil nor the technique. It’s the product.
So, when I was requested to give the Shu Uemura Porefinist Anti-Shine Fresh Cleansing Oil a go, I demurred. I no longer use cleansing oils but I was pressed into it so I decided to pass it on to a long time user for her evaluation.
Porefinist is touted to be a very light textured blend of oils targeted at those with combination-oily skin, which not only cleans skin of makeup and oil but also minimizes the appearance of pores and reduces shine. I recall a similar pink version of the cleansing oil from previous years, called Fresh Cleansing Oil, if I’m not mistaken. So, I now hand you over to my buddy LeGeeque, who not only is a long time fan and user of the Shu Uemura cleansing oils, she is a long time use of the pink coloured Fresh cleansing oil, and will tell you about this and how it compares to the old version.
Let’s get some facts straight before we delve into the product. I’ve got dry and and sensitive skin. My major concerns are fine lines, ageing, premature ageing and sun damage. The final simply stems from my irrational fears that I’m not topping up my sunscreen as religiously as I should during the harsh Australian summer months. (According to the sun-worshipper locals I call mates, I am too sun-conscious but heck, what do these sun-worshippers know!)
According to the Shu Uemura website, this particular product – Porefinist Anti-Shine Fresh Cleansing Oil – is marketed for oily and combination skin.
Here’s the shocker. I’ve been using this exact product for the past 7 years! Yes, you would think that for one with sensitive and dry skin, I would be using one that’s more suitable for my skin. Pssst… Let me let you in on a very shallow secret of mine. I chose this because it was… PINK!
New full bottle of Porefinist Anti-Shine Fresh cleansing oil and old empty bottle of Fresh Cleansing Oil
I use the product as advised – a couple of pumps onto my dry palms. Massage my palms and apply that onto my dry skin. I gently massage my entire face in small circular motions. This effectively dislodges makeup and even waterproof sunscreen. I then wet my palms and repeat the small circular motions on my face. This emulsifies the oil and turns it milky white. I repeat that another time before I jump into the shower and wash everything off. (Pssst… Let me let you in on a naughty secret. I even massage this onto my eyes to remove my eye makeup. Just be extra gentle and make sure you have removed your contact lenses prior if you wear them)
According to the instructions, this oil can be used with wet or dry hands, which is helpful if you forget and wet your hands before using it. But I use it with dry hands as advised before. It’s hard to break a habit of 7 years.
Once the milky lotion has been rinsed off, my face feels extremely clean and soft. Every trace of makeup and skincare used from the day would have been successfully and gently removed. There is no tight nor taut sensation to my skin at all. Abiding by the double cleansing methodology religiously, I usually reach for my trusted cleanser to complete the cleansing routine.
For a product that’s marketed for the oily and combination skin, it is not particularly drying nor harsh on my skin. I can attest to this from the numerous re-purchases I have made over the years.
I have used this over harsh and dry winters where my skin is parched from heating vents and I have used this over hot and humid summers where humidity seems to be a gajillion percent. (Hair would be so Simba-like I’m certain he would be envious) The results are the same: clean and comfortable.
So, when I was given the opportunity to try the new cleansing oil called Porefinist, in the familiar pink bottle, I was a little hesitant. I’m not a fan of skincare companies tweaking their formulas. When it comes to skincare, you don’t fix what’s not broken.
However, after about a month of trialling this product, I’m relieved to report that all is well. If they have tweaked the formula, my skin has not reacted to it nor did I notice any additional benefits or improvements. I get the same results as I always have. I have thus come to the conclusion that Shu might have just updated the packaging and the name. So if you are already using the pink oil, just continue with it. It’s practically the same thing with a different name.
At this point, I will not advise you to run out to get the biggest bottle you can land your hands on, if you’ve never used it, so I’d advise you to bribe a friend/co-worker/family who will be travelling soon to get you a sampler pack. It’s a set of 5 to 6 bottles of the different cleansers there are in the range. It’s not as painful on the hip pocket and you get to pick the best version of the cleanser for your skin.
I will continue to be a loyal oil cleanser user as long as it keeps my skin happy. For now, it’s happy, calm and comfortable so I’m happy to fork out a rather large amount of money for this. Just bear in mind that it will last you for a long time so it does work out to be rather economical in the long run.
In a nutshell
The Shu Uemura Porefinist Anti-Shine Fresh Cleansing Oil is basically a renamed version of the existing pink cleansing oil. It has the same light feel, the same pink colour and works well to clean skin without drying it out. You can use it as a one step makeup remover and first cleanser, and then follow up with a second cleanse. It is important to emulsify the product properly as failure to do so can result in clogged pores. The formula says it works with wet or dry hands but I prefer using dry hands as I had been taught years ago. It may not work for everyone but it works for me.
Pros: Clean, soft and comfortable skin. No angry flare ups nor dry, taut skin
Cons: Quite a large initial outlay
Who will like this: Anyone already using the pink version of the Shu Uemura cleansing oil, Anyone who wants to use a lighter version of the iconic cleansing oil
Here is the ingredient list for Porefinist.
Thanks for being my guinea pig, LeGeeque, and I’m glad it all worked out fine in the end!
Are you a fan of the Shu Uemura cleansing oils? Have you tried this pink version?
I was recommended the pink version years ago when I complained of breakouts but it too broke me out! Clearly there was something in the oil that my skin hated. It was interesting for me to know therefore that LeGeeque, who has more sensitive skin than I do, loves this oil! It goes to tell you not to judge a product by one review – always do your research and if you’re brave enough, sample it for yourself! 😀 Are you a fan of these cleansing oils?
Paris B & LeGeeque
Shu Uemura Porefinist Anti-Shine Fresh Cleansing Oil Price: RM110/150ml or RM270/450ml Availability: Shu Uemura stores and counters
Looking at the ingredients list, it’s no wonder this broke you out! Ethylhexyl palmitate and especially isopropyl myristate are very comedogenic. I would also stay far away from products containing this! Shiseido’s Perfect UV Protector contains ethylhexyl palmitate so I can’t use it on my nose.
Thanks for breaking down the ingredients Firn 🙂 Funnily enough, I can use other cleansing oils, and it’s only Shu that plays merry hell with my skin! So I’m glad I’ve got that out of my system 🙂
Similar to Le Geeque, I actually initially picked the porefinist cleansing oil just cause it was pink! I didn’t experience any breakouts, but my skin did feel slightly tight after the cleansing. It does what it says though, which is cleansing your face and removing all the gunk off it. However, I don’t find myself using it as often as I am supposed to, since I alternate between a cleansing cream and porefinist. 🙂
Sometimes I find myself using the porefinist even if I don’t have any makeup on, just for the sake of double/triple cleansing! Its a good product really, and with quite a following for a reason. Its really too bad that your skin does not like this 😀
Haha you guys crack me up – picking a cleansing oil for it’s colour 😀 I have to admit cleansing oils are ace at removing makeup and gunk all at one go. It’s one of those things I miss about them! I don’t use Shu but I used tons of others with good results so I don’t really miss Shu at all 😉
Hola Hola Paris B dearie!! 😀 No not tired at all of your ramblings 😛
This cleansing oil breaks me out too for some reason 🙁 Anyways, I will just stick to my Haba cleansing oil 😀
One thing I like about Shu Uemura’s cleansing oil is their packaging! LOL!! I am quite impressed with the detailed application instruction on the back of the bottle! 😀
Whew! Thought I’d have bored everyone after post #3000 hehe… Ooh so you too break out from Shu cleansing oil! I’m not alone, yay! 😀
LOL, yay yay! 😀 No, never bored at all my dear 😉 in a blink of an eye, we will reach another post #3000! tee~hee! 😀
Somehow, I don’t like this particular cleansing oil, re the one with pink color bottle. For some odd reason, it doesn’t emulsify properly like the other 2 that I have (blue and green bottle). It leaves me with a film of oil on my face after emulsifying it. Odd, really. I don’t have this problem with the other 2. Of course, I would proceed with a facial cleanser after the cleansing oil. Otherwise, I’d end up with clogged pores and breakouts.
Now that’s quite strange! But maybe it’s to do with the formula, because this one can be used with wet hands so maybe it takes longer or more to emulsify? I’m just guessing, because I’m not sure if the others are strictly dry face, dry hands only.
i have tried a few flavors of the SU cleansing oils, and unfortunately, none of them suits me. So i have resigned to fate that me and SU can never be together
You and I both! 😀
I’m using the green version and had the Ultime8 standby-ing. I got both of these super cheap when travelling in Taipei. Love this until I tried the Bobbi Brown Cleansing Balm >_<
LOL Am I guessing they now don’t get as much love anymore? 😉
Yes, you’re right. I prefer BB more but the texture is really thick and hard to spread evenly when apply all over my face.
I find it a bit thick and sticky too in comparison to other balms but I also find that being a little more generous with the product and warming it up between your palms for a while till it melts a little, helps 🙂
Hi Paris, same here! I have tried every single version of this thing, and they all break me out. I thought it is the mineral oil because Shu Uemura’s oils are all mineral oil-based. But strangely, this pink doesn’t have mineral oil. So what can it be?
I buy quite a bit of Shu products and they always pass me different versions to use. But oh man, I can’t take any of them.
Ooh so I’m not alone! Everytime I mention it, people give me a look like I’m crazy or have 2 heads or something Haha! I used to get a lot of samples too because they are quite generous aren’t they? Pity we can’t use them, or those samples would come in very handy!
I always stick to Bobbi Brown Cleansing Oil then moved to Soothing Cleansing Oil without hesitation when they introduced it (well, I had small bottle of sample first before the official launch so that’s why no hesitation to get normal size LOL).
I love this cleansing oil as it can removed even the hardest waterproof makeup and even feel better when wash afterward with warm water (dunno why removing makeup with warm water always the best for me) plus it’s my 2-in-1 cleanser when I’m travelling – as cleanser/makeup+sunblock remover and provide enough hydration during cleansing (not making skin drier after cleansing skin) that sooth my skin that I desperately need when I’m on a trip.
So, as I’m very satisfied with Bobbi Brown Cleansing Oil and current one, Soothing Cleansing Oil is even better, I don’t think I will get tempted to try other brand. If it works perfectly for you, why choose others, right? 😀
p/s: I find that Paris and I have almost similar skin condition and preference so when I read your review, it’s easier to agree compare to other bloggers, hehe. Happy 3000th post (I guess this post is 3001th with special guest :D)
Ooh I liked the Bobbi Brown Cleansing Oil! The smell is so amazing right? 😀 I had a sample of it and really liked it too so I’m happy that it works for you 🙂 Glad to know we have similar skintypes, Fathin. I always find it helpful when I find a blogger who has similar skin types or skintone as me, because it’s just so much easier to gauge if something will work 😀
Hello LeGeeque and thanks for the review. I used to use the Fresh one but it broke me out. It’s not just you, Paris 😉 I didn’t realize it when I was using it, mind you. It was after I stopped using it that my breakouts stopped as well. I am OK with other cleansing oils I’ve tried, but this one and the DHC one broke me out. I have no idea why and I’m really not that pro in analyzing the ingredients, so I just stick to what works (which are many others, actually).
I didn’t realise that it was the oil either! It’s one of those things that make you wonder why your skin is looking so crap and it isn’t until you’re at your wits end that you twig LOL I can’t use DHC too but I attribute that to olive oil. Apparently my skin hates olive oil! Thankfully, my tummy doesn’t 😀
I picked up the sample set when I was travelling earlier this year just because it has this new pink one in it and yeah I bought it on impulse because the new Fresh cleansing oil is endorsed by someone I really like. Hahahahah. I know I am just silly.
Haha well, we all have our little silly moments! I hope it’s working for you though?
I just reviewed the old pink version on my blog! I bought it a few months ago when I visited Hong Kong & I LOVED it! Glad to know that they didn’t tweak the formula too much. Since I do have combination/oily skin, I am curious to see if there will be any of extra benefits that they claim 🙂
Good to know you’re liking it and also that when you run out, the new formula will work as well too! 🙂
Does this oil have mineral oil? I just bought a bottle and now a bit scared to use it! DHC also made me break out so I’m slowly trying to add a step 1 cleansing oil to my routine. Thanks guys!!
The pink one of Shu broke me out too. It does not happen after one or two times using. I had breakouts after 2 weeks using it. There were a lot of clogged-pore acnes on my jawline and cheeks. I swear that my skin had been perfect without any acnes before I used Shu Uemura Porefinist. It has been over one year from that the day I got breakouts, my skin has not returned to the perfect status yet, it still has a little ances and get easy to breakouts again.