Mmm … you know when everyone and their aunt is raving about a product and you just never try it for whatever strange reason you may have? That’s me and the Chanel Les Beiges powders. Let me just say that I’m not quite sure what they are. Pressed powders? Finishing powders? Do they add colour? What?! Beiges? How blah is that?
But while on a shopping jaunt not too long ago, I found myself standing in front of the Les Beiges display at Chanel looking at the very pretty Les Beiges Healthy Glow Multi-Colour powder. The pretty stripey detail reminded me of a pretty blush I own from the brand and I was sort of smitten.
Tell me you wouldn’t be too 😛
I haven’t bought anything from Chanel in a very long time and for some reason, I got it into my head that I wanted this powder. This is a limited edition powder that is part of the Les Beiges line, and comes in 2 shades, imaginatively identified as 01 and 02.
01 which you see pictured here is the lighter shade meant for fairer skintones. 02 is more bronzed and slightly deeper in tone for medium to deeper skintones. Each palette contains a highlighter at top, a Les Beiges powder in the middle and in the case of 01, a blush at bottom or in the case of 02, a bronzer.
Ideally, you could then use this powder in a few ways. You can blend all the colours and use it all over as a finishing powder to add glow and warmth to your skin; or you could pick up each colour individually and use them separately. Well, let’s just say that the latter ain’t gonna happen!
The fact is that the pan, despite the deceptively large size in photographs, isn’t very large. You will need a very narrow brush if you wanted to pick up each colour individually. There is one packaged with the product, a half moon curved brush that lies on a hard piece of plastic covering the powder.
It isn’t too bad, but I found it flimsy and too thin to be of any real use. It’d work in a pinch but I rarely work with anything in a pinch. It either works or it doesn’t and this, for me, doesn’t.
The other thing I noticed was that the tester at the counter felt relatively soft, so when I ran my finger over the powder, it picked up product quite well. But when I took mine home, it feels hard to the touch and there is little product pay off. Am I the only one who feels this way or did I get a dud?
The strange thing is that when you run your finger over the powder and then swatch it on your hand, it looks like there is a lot of shimmer and “glow”. When I pointed it out to the SA and asked if it might be too much to wear all over, her reply was that it was the “glow” and that it’s what these powders were for, plus there was SPF15 for sun protection. Wow… not 😛
Anyway, despite all my misgivings I took this powder home and put it to the test. Can I say I’m wowed by it? No I’m not. I’d rather have bought another RMK Kaleidoscope Nuance Color powder to be perfectly honest.
I found that it was far too fiddly trying to pick up product from each individual stripe. If that’s your intention, forget it. It’s not big enough a pan for you to do so. So, I ended up swirling a brush over all the colours and then applying as a finishing powder to set my foundation. The last step of my base, as it were.
Let me try to show you a swatch (which I always feel a little silly doing for powders but it’s expected isn’t it? Please tell me it isn’t so I can stop this madness 😛 )
Chanel Les Beiges Healthy Glow Multi Colour 01 Powder Left: Swatched heavily Right: Light
When swatched heavily, you may see a bit of a pinky toned colour down the stripe but to be honest, when you use a brush, you don’t get that sort of colour intensity, so you won’t risk walking around with a pink face. I found that the colours were very sheer on skin and the shimmer which shows up on my arm and fingers, don’t show up on my face.
As a finishing powder, I found it alright. It didn’t particularly seem to add a glow to my skin but it did seem to finish off my base nicely. The colour pay off is very sheer and light so if you’re looking for colour, this isn’t the product to get.
I do have to mention the scent. There is a perfumed scent that I didn’t detect in the tester but which is absolutely present in the powder and it smells musty to my nose. I absolutely detest it so if you have a sensitive nose or sensitive skin, be warned.
The packaging is, like everything Chanel, chic. I liked the solid beige compact and the consistent quality of the velvet pouch it comes in. At least some things don’t change.
I can say I’ve assuaged my curiosity but I can’t say I’m sold on this product nor am I about to shout about it from the rooftops. It’s OK. It’s not wonderful nor life changing nor even something I’m about to tell you to run out and buy because it’s simply just… OK 😛
In a nutshell
The Chanel Les Beiges Healthy Glow Multi-Colour Powder is a limited edition powder that comes in 2 shades. 01 is a lighter glowy-pink shade for fairer skins while 02 is a deeper bronzer shade that would suit medium-tanned skintones or serve as a bronzer for those who like that. I found the quality of the powder a little inconsistent. It felt hard and there were very little colour pay off for the Les Beiges powder and the pink blush shade, but the highlighter shade was softer and as a result, there is more shimmer. Ideally you can use them separately but I just swirl the colours together to use as a finishing powder. I find it alright but nothing to write home about. There is a musty perfume scent I dislike and it isn’t a product I’d naturally reach for. I prefer the RMK Kaleidoscope Nuance Color powder which serves a similar purpose and for me, looks far better on skin than this one.
Pros: Chic packaging, Easy to use, Included brush isn’t crappy
Cons: Pricey, Powders have a hard and inconsistent texture in pan, Strongly perfumed
Who will like this: Anyone who already likes Chanel powders or Chanel Les Beiges powders
Here is the ingredient list for the Les Beiges Healthy Glow Multi-Colour powder for anyone interested.
Are you a fan of the Chanel Les Beiges powders? What do you use them for? Are these limited edition powders on your radar?
To be honest, I never quite “got” the Chanel Les Beiges powders so I stayed away. From what I understand, they are supposed to be powders you can use for finishing or as a light bronzer. Seeing as bronzing isn’t my thing, I guess I’d not be dabbling in this anymore. The scent really got to me and I haven’t had much of a good run with Chanel in recent times. Haven’t bought a thing I’m happy with! 😛
Paris B
Chanel Les Beiges Healthy Glow Multi Colour Powder comes in 2 shades – 01 (pink) and 02 (bronze) Price: RM165 Availability: Chanel counters Limited Edition: Yes, Summer 2014
Funny how chanel has the same meh effect on me..except for their nail polish and the occasional lip gloss.
Oh good! I’m not the only one then. Seriously their stuff looks the same all the time. I don’t even get tempted by nail polish or lip gloss so erm… that’s that! haha!
I wouldn’t pick this up myself actually. It’s not very exciting, is it? On the other hand, I am thinking about the Perfection Lumiere Velvet, supposed to be a lighter version of the Vitalumiere Aqua (I remembered you didn’t like this one because it oxidises on you?).
Sadly no, it’s not terribly exciting. I mean, beiges – how exciting is that? 😛 But I was suckered boohoo! 😛 I stay away from Chanel foundations because everything oxidises on me and they don’t carry my shade here so bah! humbug 😛
It looks pretty, but too light. This would definitely have to be a finishing powder.
Yep, I think that’s what it works best at but I think I do better with the RMK or even just plain ol’ Guerlain Meteorites! Expensive mistake this one! >.<
I picked up one of their Les Beiges – the regular one. I liked it as a finishing all over powder to add a glow/hint of colour to my pasty mug in winter. Don’t overdo it, though, it sinks into fine lines 🙁 oh and yea I agree with you about the brush. Doesn’t work well for me but OK if I were to bring this when I’m travelling but nah, not going to bother with this while I’m travelling. Strangers can deal with my scary makeup-less face 😛
I remember you telling me you liked it! I was hoping this would be similar or even better you know, but meh. And the scent bugs me 😛 When I travel, I don’t care about makeup too. It’s not like I’m selfieing my holiday away 😛
Aww man! You know I have a soft spot for Chanel and I was so ready to plonk down some cash for this. But I just never got to it. Maybe it’s a good thing(?). 😛 Gotta love the packaging and how it looks though. Too bad… 🙁
LOL! But I also know we’re opposites when it comes to this so you could still plonk down money for this Sze Ling! 😀 I’m just not a Chanel girl 🙁
I’m not drawn to these LE ones at all, but boy I love my Les Beiges #30 though! It’s the best subtle bronzer for pale skin I own! I’m even debating getting one a bit darker for the summer when my face gets darker too!
I remember you telling me that! Glad to know it works as a bronzer (coz I’m not sure what they do haha!) Because I’m so terrified of bronzer, I’m now using the Meterorites Dore as a bronzer and hey, it works! 😀
I can’t agree with everything you say more!
I purchased both of them as it was an impulse buy (why, why?) and I am holding my review on these for some weeks now since it seems everyone love them but I just don’t.
Also the shade selection is odd. For people with very fair skin the highlighter can’t be used and as for me (MAC NW20) the middle powder is way too much like my skin but in a yellow way, ugh. I like the darker powder much more than this one but I think one would be better off getting permanent shades of this line, than these limited edition ones. Thanks for the honest review.
Whew! I’m so glad that someone else agrees with me Sara, even if it hurts both our pockets to find out! I did realise that everyone out there seems to love these so I felt awkward being the spoil sport. I didn’t find much glow on the skin either that I couldn’t get with my Meteorites so I’m chalking this up to an expensive mistake! 😛
This looks so pretty in the pan. Too bad it is so light and well, just meh. 🙁
Sadly so Gio but that’s just me thinking so 🙂 Lots of other people do love it!
lol at that SA but oh well, maybe she meant good, who knows? As for the powder, I swatched it and was asking myself what is it exactly for? I mean, chanel has amazing blush shades out there and well, powders. I don’t get the concept. they are too light and not dimensional (or colourful? … or is it just a powder with olour? eh, who knows) enough for me. it looks pretty in your swatch (see, it is helpful when you swatch :P) but so overpriced, I would rather get a blush instead.
Hiya Claire! How have you been? And I know, I had to do my best to play nice with the SA LOL! I totally agree with you about Chanel’s beautiful blushes but this was so meh, I don’t even know why I was suckered in. Sigh.. Oh and I’m glad the swatch was helpful LOL! I always feel so silly swatching powders you know. It’s like “What am I supposed to see again?”
i am sticking to meteorites LOL! though this one is certainly more travel friendly and comes with SPF15 (though I do think it’s pretty low for our weather here)
Yes, do! 😛 I’m not crazy about this one to be honest, no matter how travel friendly it might be because the RMK does a better job!
Thanks for the review Paris. I bought the les beiges no. 20 as a setting powder ( went in the shop to buy the chanel loose powder, somehow the SA convinced me to buy the les beiges). I didn’t like it at all. It doesn’t do much for my face. Have you tried the chanel loose setting powder?
Hi Grace, I wasn’t impressed with this one sad to say and I honestly have no idea what the Les Beiges powders are supposed to do! I haven’t used the Chanel loose powder but I hear that it’s very good from those who do use it.
I was so loving this when i tested this at the counter and put myself to wait for your ‘approving’ review so that i can justify getting it. Haha. The tester was creamy smooth and the color it gives off was nice. If it’s going to be dry as what you’ve got… looks like I will put this on hold first.
Hahaha oh dear, sorry to be a wet blanket! The tester I tried felt buttery smooth too and I must admit I was quite taken but when I got home and actually used the product on my face I wasn’t impressed. Still, I’m not sure what I should be looking for as if I were looking for a setting powder, I think the RMK Pressed Powder does a better job and if I wanted a setting powder with a glow, the RMK and Meteorites do a better job. So erm… maybe this is for the Chanel fans? 😛
haha…I’m tempted by the new Meteorites Aquarella….perhaps that do more justice for a glowing complexion? I’m a lukewarm Chanel fan depending on the products. I like their blushers, lip glosses and fragrances most. I’m still occasionally persuaded by the relentless Chanel’s seasonal wind though… e.g. the lengths i went to get the Notorious sculpting powder back then. 😉
Yes! Meteorites everything! Haha 😀 I picked up the Aquarella at Sephora yesterday with then 20% off sale. Didn’t even know of its existence until I saw people raving about it 😛 Ooh you reminded me of Notorious! Now, where did I put mine? haha 😀
The only 2 things I swear by Chanel products are the Vitalumière Aqua and Affinite Le Blush Crème de Chanel. The rest….doesn’t appeal to me.
Ooh the Chanel cream blush is good? I’ve heard a lot about it but haven’t yet caved because I’m just not so sure about cream blushes. Maybe I should give it a try? 😉
Actually this one, it’s not even creme like. More mousse-ish yet applies like a powder. Does that make sense? The name steers people away from it’s actual product but I do like how light it is when applied yet it stays for quite a while 🙂
Ok you have me intrigued, I should check it out 😀
oh I am doing fine 🙂 and as for the powders … I just don\’t get what they should actually do lol. but as it seems, other people like them actually. And as for swatches, I also just like looking at them, sometimes it is helpful when I want to know how the texture and finish looks once applied 😛 And also, it takes more time and effort to swatch something than just taking a picture of the product and writing a monolog. I highly value every swatch and your thoughtful reviews, always like reading them 😀
You echo my thoughts Claire haha! I guess it must be doing something since people love them? 😉 Thanks for reading and the support, and welcome back to blogging!
It looks SO pretty in the pan! Huh. 😀 Well, I should be happy since I won’t buy it so… thank you for that. 😀
I love Chanel JC blushes and their foundations. I’m waiting for their Fall 2014 collection (yes, already fall! 😀 ) since I’m probably getting another JC blush and the eyeshadow palette. Both look just gorgeous and I’ve read that they finally changed their baked formula on their eye shadows. 🙂
Haha Fall already! 😛 I haven’t seen Chanel’s Fall offerings, but I haven’t bought a JC in a while. They’re lovely though aren’t they? And they changed their baked shadows? Gosh, it was about time! The old ones were really crap 😛
Phew, lemming killed! I had my eye on these thanks to the love Lisa Eldridge has been showing them recently, but your review nipped that one in the bud — glad I caught it, even if I’m a little late on the uptake 😉
I dunno Rae, Chanel and I don’t get along very well so maybe it’s just me? Everyone else seems to rave about it though and while I don’t discount that perhaps Lisa Eldridge is much more skilled than I am, that might be why she likes it more than I do 😀
So I know this reply is super late, but I’ve just discovered your blog (and love it!). I’m actually from Holland, but I have been to Malaysia so for some weird reason I feel like we have something in common 😉
I wanted to tell you my experience with this powder: I know that in the beginning it has this weird plasticky feel and you can’t get much product on your brush. But this is just a (again, very weird) overspray and once you use it a week or so it becomes the beautifully soft powder that you tried in the store.
Trust me, it is really, really good and I use it almost everyday now even though I was put off like you in the beginning.
Hope this helps! 🙂
Hi Vicky, thank you for the input! I’ll keep at it and use it and hopefully grow to like it as much as you do. You’re right, the top layer does feel very hard and plasticky and I do wonder why! I shall have to brush at it and hope to discover the lovely soft powder within 🙂 Thanks for leaving a comment! 😀