This sounds very “first world problems” but here in the Klang Valley, due to the super dry and hot weather we’ve been having and some water problems, some areas have had to endure water rationing until the rains arrive. I just received a notice that my area would be hit this week, which naturally had me in quite a tizz.
I’m not prepared for these things!! 😛
We won’t be having running water for 2 days so that means I have to collect enough water to survive 2 or even 3 whole days. 3 days! How many pails do I need again? I don’t have enough 😛 Thankfully, for the most part, I’m at work for most of the day so I’ll manage.
However, my biggest concerns are after I get home, and my personal hygiene. I’ve been used to grabbing a hot shower before bed and washing my hair, and importantly, cleansing my face. So as I collected my water, I had a thought.
If you could only collect enough water for EITHER a good shower OR to properly wash your face, which would you pick? Thought provoking yes? Go on, choose one 😀
Find it hard to choose?
Yeah, me too! 😛
But if I was absolutely forced to, I’d pick saving enough water to properly wash my face.
Ok so technically, I don’t use THAT much water to wash my face but I do want it properly cleaned after the ravages of the day especially as I’ve got makeup on, so I’m making sure I have enough water for that. I’m also quite particular about facial cleansing, now that I have my routine down pat and since I derive benefits from it, I want it to remain that way. Vain? Yes 😀
I also couldn’t get by without having a proper shower either but will make do as best I can with the water I have and a wash cloth so I use less water. It’ll also be a good time to try dry shampoos right? 😛 (I can’t imagine getting by without washing my hair – argh!)
Over to you, friends. Choose or lose!
Would you save enough water for a shower or to properly wash your face?
Oh if you have recommendations for dry shampoo available locally (no Batiste unfortuntately) please do share!
P/s Incidentally there was water from the tank so I could have my shower yesterday, and rest assured I have saved enough water to have both a shower AND a good wash of my face so no, I won’t be stinking up the air anytime soon. It’s also what perfumes are for hehe… 😉
Paris B
I’m now so busy .. storing water .. all basin n pails are filed up.. its gonna b challenging4 all of us now.. and the awful news we had for the mh370 its so sad.. i hope everything will be solve.. n i hope there is survivors to tell their experience.. i know its very slim.. but now our hope n prayers are needed for them …
It’s absolutely challenging, Shieja. There’s so much we have to go through now, aside from the missing plane and the haze and the water and everything else. It’s like we’re being put through a wringer! I hope this water crisis eases up soon. We need rain… LOTS of rain!
I will choose water to shower and wash my hair too. I can’t substitute cleaning my scalp/hair with dry shampoo. They don’t work. Face wise there’s always bioderma water. Not a big deal for a day or two. Hope the rain will come soon….fast and furious…
Absolutely with you on praying for lots and lots of rain. The haze here isn’t helping things either! I’ve been using more bioderma as well recently if only so I don’t have to double cleanse everyday. Still feel like something’s missing though!
Tomorrow will be day 2 of my water ration saga. Tough choice indeed, face or hair? The best feeling was brushing teeth with high water pressure running at the office post lunch today…The saddest feeling was washing my face with limited splashes this morning as I was getting ready for work. The scariest feeling is waking up tomorrow, face or shower or hair…with just half a tub of water left.
Haha, drama queen at her best when dealing with water ration saga. Upside is, I can actually drive to my friend’s place in the next neighbourhood 5 minutes away or the gym near my workplace. I will decide if I will sacrifice 60 minutes of sleep. I hope water supply resumes soon…Hope all is well your side and you have collected sufficient water and perfume stash 🙂
Like you I’m making as much use of the water at the office as I can! I don’t have a gym membership so I can’t even make use of facilities to shower and clean up in, or that would be my logical choice. The worst feeling for me was seeing brown water coming out of the pipes after the water came back. I was like, how do I bathe in this?! Yuck! 🙁 I’ve collected enough for the weekday, but I’m dreading the coming weekend with no water supply. I think that’ll be the most trying time of all
Neither! I will save enough water for brushing my teeth and toilet business 😀
Well, if I really, really need to choose and have enough water for my dental and toilet, I’ll say shower. Because I can wash my face and body at one go and I will probably not using much bubbles as usual (soap, facial wash, etc etc)
LOL! Yes, the toilet! It’s going to be such a trying time for us all – especially when we have to consider making decisions like this. Hard to believe I’m living in a city eh? 😛