Yesterday was a long long day with a small victory at the end of it but my brains were too fried to inspire anything by way of a blog post. So I decided to take the day off. But this morning, when I woke up, I belatedly realised that my Twitter feed yesterday was filled with talk of the Oscars, or as it is formally known, the Academy Awards.
Oh yeah… it was on yesterday. Expect therefore the flurry of news about who wore what gown, who wore what makeup on the red carpet and who wore… to be honest, I don’t care 😛 Yet I know many people do, whether it is just to see many celebs in one place, or to see who won what for movie and cinematic buffs.
Credit to Ellen Degeneres
I couldn’t resist this epic picture put up by Ellen Degeneres on Twitter. An A-list who’s who of selfies and the tweet that has broken all Twitter records of ReTweets … yet I could pick out just erm… Ellen, Brad Pitt… erm… damn this celebrity blindness 😛
But I was wondering – do you watch Awards ceremony shows? It could be the Oscars or the Golden Globes, or the Grammys or any number of other Awards ceremonies out there… but do you watch them? 😀
I used to, back in the day when I’d try my best to stay home from school to catch the live feed early in the morning of the Oscars. No satellite tv back then! Oh yeah those were the days LOL! I used to be quite a movie buff and would try to catch most of the Oscar nominated Best Picture movies before the Awards so I’d have an idea of who I thought should win.
And I would watch it for the host – Billy Crystal. Before your time? I thought so 😛 But he was hilarious and livened up the pretty staid ceremony some. I think I stopped the year after he stopped hosting it. It just wasn’t quite the same without Billy Crystal and his opening montage of songs and subtle digs at the actors and the movies.
I used to watch music awards ceremonies too. I’m not sure why, because I’m not exactly a fan but I’d watch it, perhaps more for the live performances than anything else. Oh and that was during the NKOTB heyday too 😀
But the one thing I never watched Awards shows for, was the red carpet. It sounds sacrilegious to admit this (especially when so many other beauty blogs out there will be showcasing who wore what on their bodies or face) but I never cared and still don’t care about who wore what. I never bothered about the gowns unless they were exceptionally ugly or lovely, and most of the time, you don’t see enough close ups of faces to see what makeup the stars were wearing. Or maybe I just didn’t care. I actually still don’t, which is why I never bother showing breakdowns of looks 😛
But seeing this picture coming out of yesterday’s red carpet made me grin.
The inestimable Benedict Cumberbatch epically photobombing U2. You have to love the eccentricities of Englishmen 😀
Now this, this makes Award ceremonies fun 😀
Do you watch Awards ceremonies? Do you enjoy them for the ceremony, clothes, makeup or just seeing so many celebs in one place?
I have stopped watching for many years. These times, I just pick out highlights from the news online about who won what, or what funny thing happened during the Awards. I stopped watching when I realised I hadn’t watched any of the Best Picture nominees nor did I recognise any of the music/bands on stage. How about you? 🙂
Paris B
you gotta love Englishmen right? That accent combined their signature quirkiness. And people wonder why I love English boys so much! LOL!
I love watching these shows just to watch the stars all gathered in one place, and interacting with each other =D Its interesting to see some of them getting star struck, just like us regular people, selfie-ing, and of course, looking at their pretty dresses and millions of dollars in jewelry. 🙂
LOL! I have a soft spot for Englishmen too 😀 No one does quirky like the English 😉 I think I just don’t get the celebrity thing coz I don’t recognise anyone. I’m so bad at it or maybe I’m so bad at it coz I don’t care? Hard to say but I can’t deny it’s all so lush isn’t it? You can just feel the excitement in the air!
Nah, I’m a bit over it. The most I’d do is try and guess which designer dressed which star. Dior for J.Lawrence aka Ms Tripalot? 😛
See, I didn’t even know about the tripping 😛 I guess since fashion and celebrities don’t interest me, the whole thing just goes over my head. I used to watch for the movies but since I’m out of the movie loop, I’ve stopped caring too! oops 😛
I love the Oscars and have been watching it for the last 15 years. Since I cannot catch it live on TV as it is broadcast in the morning, I will always catch the repeat at night. I usually do not watch the repeat until the end but I made an exception last night and only went to bed at 1 am last night. Hahaha.
The reason I love the Oscars so much is because I love movies and I do try my best to catch as many Best Picture nominees as possible. 2013 was an exceptional year for movies and all the more reason to catch the show (Still kicking myself for not catching Gravity when it was showing in the cinemas). I also love seeing what the stars wore for the night so before catching the repeat at night, I would have already seen the dresses worn by the actresses on the internet and make my own list on who was wore the best and worst dresses. LOL.
I would think that my interest in the Oscars would wane over the years but it surprisingly has not although my husband does think I am a bit mad. I love Billy Crystal and no host/hostess could come close to his hosting skills but I have learned to move on from him and just enjoy seeing my favourite stars on stage. Interestingly, I do not have the same love for other awards show be it the Golden Globes, SAG, BAFTA or Grammys. Maybe it is because the Oscars is the ultimate award show for the movie industry and winning that golden statute is the highlight in any actors/actresses career 🙂
Haha you remind me of me erm… 15 years ago, Victoria 😀 I did read that Ellen did a great job of the Oscars this year and I actually have no doubt about that because she’s a great stand up comedian and the Oscars really should be hosted by comedians who know the subtleties of making fun of people and movies and events without being mean or crass. It’s so sombre otherwise right? 😀
I watch it for the same reason football fans watch football (for what seems to be like 11 months of the year) – because as a pop culture buff, you can’t not watch it. Besides, it’s only from January to March. Or the previous September, if you take the Golden Globes (or Emmys?) into account.
If I was really lazy, I would’ve stuck to reading Buzzfeed lists of the best moments. Or watch the Fashion Police coverage.
As far as award show hosts go, Stephen Fry as BAFTAs host FTW!
See, you even know when Awards season is! LOL 😀 Ooh I did hear that Stephan Fry did an excellent job. I think it’s his brand of dead pan humour. Quite different from the more demonstrative style of the Americans. But I also read that Ellen did a very good job this year. These shows need good comedians hosting it – it’s too serious otherwise 😛
Ahhhhhh thank you so much for posting that photobomb picture! Oh Benny you adorable cheeky man you…(first name basis in my head yo, lol)
I never keep track of these award ceremonies but will usually find out when they explode all over the Internet the very next day. Only then will I have a look around and see if anyone I like wins something or if someone’s rocking a really nice makeup look.
My thoughts on the Oscars this year from looking at photos: “Cate Blanchett and Lupita Nyong’o look gorgeous!”,”Wait, Harrison Ford is married to Ally McBeal?!!?”,”Bennyyyyy!! xoxo”,”Dunno why Gravity won, I mean sure the setting looks amazing but isn’t it essentially about a woman who has an emotional breakdown in space?” and finally “Is it just me or does Brad Pitt look chubbier than normal?” LOL. I need to get out more.
LOL!! Anis you cracked me up with your first paragraph – Benny! 😀 You know if not for this year’s Oscars I’d not know who Lupita Nyong’o is or Gavity. Seriously, that’s how far out of the movie scene I am >.< Ooh and Harrison Ford is still married to Calista Flockhart? (You know I sort of miss the neurotic Ally McBeal LOL!)
I have never watched an an awards show mainly because of the duration of the programme and the awkward local showtime. I do like looking at the gowns and makeup.
Thanks for posting the Benedict Cumberbatch pic! I didn’t know that went down. He is now even more awesome in my little fangirly heart. <3
Yay another BC fangirl! 😀 I saw it online and it was just so amazing I had to post it 😀
I never watch it. The screening time is never convenient, and it’s just not the same watching repeats. The news of winners will be all over the internet by then. LOL!
Too true! I sometimes like catching just the dramatic bits, like if anyone made a dramatic speech or if someone fell… LOL
I didn’t even bother to switch on the tv yesterday. Lots of more important stuff to do and it was a long day for me that I slept by 10pm due to tiredness. But I guess if I were free and nothing to do but sit on the couch doing nothing, I’d probably just indulge.
I remember it used to run for over 3 hours and then got even longer! LOL You could quite easily pop in and out and not miss anything I’m sure 🙂
I couldn’t watch because I am in office but I tried to catch up the live tweets and yes, that’s when the epic picture came and crashed twitter for some minutes. I watched the 9mins opening for Oscar’s in YouTube and it’s hilarious. Just because I like Ellen as a host. And I felt this years Oscar’s is very lively even the red carpet. Oh! Did Jennifer fell again? :p
I read about the Twitter crash! LOL So amazing right? I read Ellen made a great host but I do have a soft spot for her so I’d probably go watch some of the opening (which is usually the most fun bits anyway 😉 )
I usually watch Award shows, just to see stuff like this! I was DYING when I saw that pic of BC photobombing U2! HILARIOUS. Makes them seem more, human haha!
Absolutely! OMG When I saw that picture I just KNEW i had to get it on the blog somehow 😛
I used to watch the Oscars for years, especially when Billy Crystal was the host. He was the bomb. Most of the time I only watched the highlights (whatever free TV would offer) . Once, in the UK, I stayed up from midnight to 5am just to watch the whole show and it was BORING AS HECK. I don’t watch awards shows like this any more. I just stick to social media to see what people wear 😛
Oh the sort of awards shows I still watch if I can are TVB ones. The way the winners cry when they accept the awards is hilarious. It’s a huge snot fest 😛
Haha our age is showing – everyone else is going Billy WHO?!?! 😀 I know what you mean. Usually after the opening performance, the show drags on like anything until Best Picture. SO BORING! 😛
I don’t watch them live cuz I don’t really have the time to.. but i like to youtube some highlights of the night and just look through some of the photos especially photos of the gowns! 😉 Prada, Dior, Chanel, Vera Wang.. these may be dresses we may never afford, but hey, at least I get to feast my eyes on them! 😛 hehe
Oh absolutely, they make great inspiration for dresses and the gowns are always stunning (although I confess I enjoy looking out for the duds too hehe)
Honestly, I only watched Oscar 2014 because of Ellen and boy, so glad I did! She really made this uptight gala into something so fun and relaxed. Pretty evident in that 3 million RT-ed selfie photo she posted 😉 – kudos to Samsung for the indirect marketing strategy. Brilliant! Otherwise, I really wouldn’t bother watching it much. Grammy’s has been picking up quite a bit too for the past 2-3 years. It feels relevant and current now than it had been before.
I guess the host really plays the biggest role for me 🙂 But Ellen, she’s one for the money!
I read she really did a good job with the Oscars this year which is evident by the various pop culture references she had and Samsung was brilliant! I guess we enjoyed seeing how human the stars can be in sharing selfies and photobombing others but its been so long since I watched an awards show I don’t know if I have the patience (or knowledge of who’s who) to even sit through one anymore. I’d never even heard of Gravity before the Oscars so yeah. So out of it! >.<
Huge Benny fan. The photobomb was so awesome. There’s a gif set going around the Internet of a shot of Ben getting teary eyed at Lupita Nyong’o’s speech. Looove her blue dress! I used to watch the Oscars but can’t cos I have work now…the red carpet is fun to watch, I love seeing those gorgeous gowns! But as far as the actual awards ceremony, it’s a little long and usually I fall asleep halfway through without meaning to (oops!), and wake up towards the end of the show just in time for best picture haha
I saw a picture of the tear in his eye too! You could almost hear a collective sigh go up from all the women at that point hehe If we find it boring and too long, imagine how much worse the attendees must feel in the hall!
Yes Billy Crystal!! I love him as a host, I love him in movies! 😀 His signature voice… and him as Mike Wazowski, the green one-eyed monster in Monsters Inc… Hilarious!! 😀
Haha he’s hilarious right? I haven’t seen him in a movie in a while. But then I haven’t been watching a lot recently too! Lay I saw was The Hobbit I believe. Oh dear…
You know, I have a confession – I cannot differentiate between Oscars and Academy awards and not to mention the heaps of other awards vava voom events out there. I do know when I make dramatic speeches at work, sometimes my co-workers think that I am over the top and I should deserve an Oscars. So that’s how I tell…Oscars means drama queen and that must be darn good 🙂 Because there are dozens more, I almost never catch these awards at all. However, I do catch up on who wore what post the events. TIME does a good job. I love to be the couch fashion award judge lol.
Ooh good news Jennifer, you don’t have to distinguish them coz the Oscars IS the Academy Awards hehe… The Oscars is just the informal name but I can’t tell the rest apart so I’m not even going to try 😛 I think I’m the only person (or blogger) out there who isn’t even pretending to be interested in who wore what. Seriously, I can’t tell the designers apart anyway nor some of the celebrities so I’m not even going there haha!
I also do not care about those shows. I used to watch the MTV awards when I was like 14, 15 years old. But honestly I do not care anymore. Sometimes I feel like I want to watch the Oscars, because of many good movies and actors that get nominated; but all the hype just bothers me, it makes me shut down my computer and not want to turn on a television for about a week until everyone stops talking about it.
Times like these, I’m sort of glad for short attention spans 🙂 At least we know the hype won’t last past a week LOL But what really bugs me the most are the various post-Oscar/Awards show round ups on fashion and beauty. Fact is, I don’t care but then I suppose there are people who do.