There’s just about 2 weeks to the Chinese New Year and for those of us who haven’t been diligent about keeping house, this is the time we go into a little frenzy spring-cleaning. Out with the old, in with the new! Out goes the cobwebs and dust and disorder, in comes good fortune and prosperity and an orderly life. At least, that’s the idea 🙂
I’ve been doing a lot of cleaning and if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that we should wear gloves when doing the household chores.
Strange beauty tip you think? Not quite.
I thought about this because I noticed that my SIL doesn’t wear gloves when doing the washing up of dishes despite me nagging her at it and supplying her with gloves. I didn’t use to either, if I’m to be honest, but all that changed when I realised that my hands have the most sensitive skin ever, and a good friend who not only plys me with gifts of beauty, sent me some Hygiene Plus Silktouch vinyl, non latex gloves. Fan for life!
Do you wear gloves when doing household chores? Do you have a favourite pair or brand?
The thing about detergents and cleaning solutions is that no matter how mild they claim to be, they can be very drying and corrosive to our hands. Even if you think you have tough elephant skin for hands, if you’re working with dust, it can irritate skin too and cause lots of problems.
In my case, I’ve realised that my hands are very sensitive to detergents. So anything from laundry detergent to dishwashing liquid or sometimes, even shampoo (!!) can cause the skin of my hands to dry out and peel and this going on for WEEKS! No amount of hand cream helps if I’m careless. I seriously look like I’m molting. Not a pleasant sight!
The other thing is that if I work with dusty areas, my hands too start feeling itchy and develop rashes sometimes. So the best thing to do is slip on a pair of gloves and go at your chores. It protects your hands from detergents and dust and keeps them soft and smooth 🙂
My gloves of choice are the Silktouch gloves from Hygiene Plus that I get from Australia. I’ve never seen them locally, nor a similar version. These are non-latex vinyl gloves that are thin yet strong with reinforced finger tips, feel oh so comfortable to wear and best of all, do not leave that horrid rubber smell on fingers!
I’m not allergic to latex, but I hate the smell of rubber gloves so after being introduced to these, I don’t use any other. I found these at Woolworth’s at Westfield Doncaster for just a little over AU$1.xx and my friend tells me she sees it at some Safeway and Woolworth’s stores but not all. It can’t be found in Cole’s and we have no idea why. The other option of course, is disposable plastic or rubber gloves but I hate how those feel!
The Silktouch gloves in S come in pink and fit my small hands very well so it’s easy to work with. Don’t you just hate it when they make the fingers too long and there’s all this empty space at the tips? I can never work properly with those on. These are very long lasting too and unless I accidentally poke them with a kinfe (as I did my last pair) they don’t break down nor leak the way rubber gloves do, so 1 pair can last me a very long time with proper care. As I said, I’m a fan for life and these are all I ever really want whenever anyone returns from Australia 😀
Do you wear gloves when you do household chores? Do you have a favourite brand or have you seen any non-latex gloves available locally?
If anyone has seen similar types of gloves locally, please let me know. For now, I have them shipped in. I know, crazy but hey, I do my own housework and I still have soft, non calloused hands (ahem! ahem! 😉 ) so I must be doing something right eh? 😉
Paris B
They are very good aren’t they? I’m guessing you can only get them at select stores because, well, demographics. They always go on sale so pick them up on sale. Non-sale price is about $2.50 but they get slashed quite a fair bit and I stock up too when they’re on sale. Besides, pink. 😛 Can’t go wrong 😀
They are excellent! I think we should go into a JV and bring them in here haha! 😉 I didn’t realise the different sizes had different colours – so easy to identify!
Hahaha I like how u mentioned you still have soft, non-calloused hands. I hv very dry fingers as well but I never like wearing gloves due to the latex. Sime just moves so i felt uncomfortable. Now that you have introduced this ine from Australia, I shall HUNT. THIS. DOWN.hehehe
Yep! No one believes I do my own housework v^_^v I somehow feel that the latex gloves dry out my hands but then I hate the smell more than anything. If you have a chance to get these, do. They are amazing!
definitely a glove person! i have not found a favorite brand yet but i hate the rubber smell too >< now, who's is coming back from aust, i need that udder gloves!!!
ok la. will post some to you la. Just fix your S key in your keyboard first. 😛
You definitely need the udder gloves! No smell, soft and lasts so long!
I know I should but I don’t. The gloves I’ve tried makes me feel to clumsy when I’m doing my chores and I especially hate it when my hands begin to sweat after a bit. It feels so icky!
Absolutely spot on! Many I’ve tried don’t fit my fingers so they feel clumsy. I can’t help the sweating in them, but at least I don’t have to contend with the smell after I’m done!
I’ve been waiting for this review! I do use gloves when cleaning the bathroom but never for dishes. The rubber gloves don’t last very long especially with some scrubbing work going on… and my hands sweat so it’s just a disgusting feeling altogether! I’ll have to get my SIL to bring a couple of pairs of this Hygiene Plus ones back this March for me to try. Thanks for recommending!
Glad to oblige Yu Ming 🙂 Good things must be shared! She may need to check a few places coz apparently not every store stocks them but I promise, they’re worth the hunt 😉
LOL Finally this post is out! 😀 Thanks dearie Paris B! 😀
Hmm.. I think I should wear gloves when washing up the dishes too 😀
By the way, the Silktouch gloves are made in Australia right? Can 1 pair last you 1 to 2 months?
Haha! Didn’t realise so many people were waiting for this one 😛 It’s not like a limited edition makeup palette or something LOL! 😉 I definitely recommend wearing gloves when doing the dishes. Despite the claims of mild detergent, the fact is that the mildest detergent we use probably is in our shampoo or body washes and those can’t cut grease! I honestly can’t remember if these Silktouch gloves are made in Australia but my first pair lasted me well almost a year! They don’t break down like rubber gloves and while it will harden over time, it is useable. My first pair now serves as my bathroom gloves while I use new pairs to do the dishes. So yeah, definitely will last you 1-2 months 😀
Please ping me when you’re getting your next shipment in. I want in on a pair just to try out. I’m allergic to latex and I can’t use any of the gloves here in Malaysia. I’ve tried the plastic kinds but they are so slippery!
Haha won’t be for a while I’m afraid, since I’ve stocked up 🙂 I haven’t seen any similar vinyl gloves sold locally although if I come across them I’ll share. I can’t do the plastic disposable ones. Horrible things!
Umm yes to gloves! Aside from detergent being harmful to the hands, I don’t want random bacteria taking up residence under my fingernails. I don’t have a favorite brand, but gloves of some kind are a must.
Good point about bacteria, Rebecca! Especially when cleaning things like drawers or wiping down surfaces, I think wearing gloves isn’t so much of a vanity issue as it is a hygiene issue too!
No housework for a year and no callous. Yay! But just 3 days of wringing the mop, it’s back !!! Does wearing gloves really prevent callous? Then count me in your next shipment.( I’m serious ) Yes, my fingers are too short for the rubber gloves that I can get here. That’s why I don’t like to wear gloves.
No housework for a year! Lucky you! 😀 Wearing gloves will help protect your hands from developing callouses because you don’t get so much abrasion on your skin since there’s a layer between your hands the the mop for example. But for mopping, I go with the spin dry mops – no need to wring! I have no plans to bring in the gloves for now to be honest, but if I do get any, I’ll let you know 😉
Ah! I decided to buy a pair after I read your Australia trip haul post! I normally don’t use gloves when I wash dishes and such but since buying them they’re indispensable to me now! They really do help to keep my hands nice and soft too ^_^
Yay! A converted Silktouch fan 😀 You’re lucky to be able to get them there so easily although it will last you ages if you take care of it and don’t poke holes in it like I did LOL
Oh Paris, I wish I’d read this post before moving out of my parents home! I’ve started to wear gloves when doing house chores after a couple of weeks of doing the cleaning on my own and kind of ruining my hands. Nothing that a good hand cream and some time couldn’t fix but now gloves are definitely a must have 🙂
Good thing you noticed it early S! I didn’t at first and didn’t even notice the co-relation between my peeling skin and detergent! Hope your hands are now back to their soft selves 😉
oh, i know i should but sadly i don’t … it’s because i feel like it’s taking forever if i use gloves. i don’t feel satisfied with the cleaning when i’m using gloves plus, it’s uncomfortable. Btw, Happy New Year PB!
Happy new year Issa! 😀 I used to feel the same way too but you know what? These days when I do wear gloves, I feel like I get the job done more quickly because if I don’t, I’ll wander off halfway and do something else. But with gloves on I get the job done so I can get them off more quickly haha! 😀
I should, there is a tough hand cream that a friend swears by, and he is a fishmonger….
Yes, a good hand cream helps but prevention is better than cure! 😉
Hey Paris, great tip! I really should wear gloves (because my hands and nails are perpetually dry) and I HAVE some around, but I just… never remember to! Thanks for reminding me. I have a big cleaning session scheduled for tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll remember to wear my gloves this time!
Haha! I know, gloves are just one of those things. By the time you find them, pull them on and do the dishes, you could already be done! If not for my super sensitive skin I wouldn’t bother either 😉 Hope you got your gloves on for your cleaning!
Guilty as charged. 😛 Does it help if I slather on hand cream every night before bed? (Trying to console myself here.)
I never wear gloves when going on about cleaning the house. Dishes, bathroom, kitchen and everything else. Never liked how they feel and makes me feel like I’m going to drop a plate every time I try to use them. And don’t get me started with the latex ones. My nose just doesn’t like the rubbery smell of it. Weird, I know.
Haha Yes it will but prevention is better than cure right? 😉 I know what you mean actually. I was the same and if I didn’t have sensitive skin on my hands I wouldn’t wear gloves either! Often I try to cheat and tell myself, heck, it’s just one plate, I’ll just wash it without gloves on but when I pay for it with peeling skin for 2 weeks after that I realised I couldn’t. Not even just one plate 🙁 I hate the rubber smell of rubber gloves too so you aren’t weird! I wish non-latex gloves were more easily accessible 🙁
I always wear gloves when doing household chores as I need to protect my hands. I have seen an ex-colleague who has good skin even in her mid-forties but whose hands looks like a mid-50 woman because she never wear gloves when doing household chores. Such a pity because she looks younger than her age until you look at her hands.
I have found a very good pair of aloe vera coated gloves from the brand Scotch Brite that keeps hands soft and one pair can last a very long time despite my rigorous washing and scrubbing of both my bathrooms. LOL. I think it is still a latex glove but it does not leave my hands with sticky residue which other gloves does. I have attached the image of the glove here:
I think it cost around RM8 a pair and can be found in most major hypermarkets.
I usually use disposable gloves for general house cleaning – wiping all the furniture and using newspapers to wipe mirrors and windows as I do not want the print to stay on my nails and fingers. I only do not use gloves when hand washing my work clothes and washing dishes but I always make sure I use hand cream regularly 🙂
I’ve seen those gloves Victoria! I usually buy the Scotch-brite ones before this (the yellow is unmistakeable!) and I have to say they are definitely among the better quality ones out there. Don’t ever try to buy something cheaper! Learned the hard way 😛 And you’re right about our hands showing age more quickly than our faces. So often we take care of our faces but other than applying hand cream occasionally, we don’t take as much care of our hands and we depend on them to do a lot!
I take my hat off to you for handwashing your clothes! I am guilty of just dumping everything in the machine 😛 In my defence, I put it on a low cycle and use net bags 😀
I wear gloves while cleaning bathroom and dishes ! These gloves look awesome and will give it a try as I too don’t like rubbery smell ….
Then you’ll love these or any non latex/rubber gloves Shreya 😀
I’m terrible. I have those exact gloves but I never use them simply because I’m too lazy to 🙁 No wonder my hands are so dry and cuticles so gnarly 🙁
Aiyo! You’re so lucky to be able to get them easily, use them! 😛
Erm… I used to wear gloves for washing up the dishes back in the uni days. Yes I would totally protect hands from the detergents. And then slap on hand creams after washing up (because you know, you got to clean your hands again with the hand wash to rid the gloves smell…?). 🙂
Oh yeah! In the UK it was worse coz water was either freezing or scalding. I’ve only just recently used hand cream at night but I suppose every bit helps 😛
wear gloves to keep the hands soft and smooth