Last week, I received a flyer in the mail with the image for Chanel’s Spring 2014 makeup look. I put it up on Instagram and declared it too pink for my tastes. I stand by it. Ok, so the coral lipstick does grab me a little but overall, I’m not crazy about the collection at all and I’m passing. In fact, I’m personally passing on most Spring collections this year. Pinks, ribbons, pastels don’t do it for me. Wake me up when Fall collections come in ok?
I might still showcase one or two but will pick out the more interesting items. Yet for some strange reason, I was quite taken by the look done for Chanel.
So I went and rummaged around my collection to see what I could do. You could say that I was quite inspired by it 🙂 So here is a quick “Inspired by” look that I did using some items I own. In the process I found myself rediscovering Inglot shadows and how lovely they are. I’m not planning to get more, but I’ll definitely get more use out of the ones I already own.
I hope no one is really looking for a “dupe” because I can’t come up with any. This was what I was inspired to do, testing myself with a pink/coral eyeshadow and a coral lip as Chanel did.
I used these products:-
Eyes: Inglot Eyeshadows reviewed here – Coral (361 matte) and Pink (431 Pearl) in inner corner, blend of brown (465 Double Shine) and some dark purple (434 Pearl) on outer lid that turned out more purple than expected. Lined with Guerlain Kohl pencil and RMK mascara.
Cheeks: Dior Vibrant Color Blush in 676 Coral Cruise
Lips: Dior Addict Extreme Lipstick in Riviera
For some reason my browns came out purplish which surprised me. I didn’t even realise how purple they were till layered over the pink and coral. Next time I try this, I’ll have to use a deeper brown shade.
It turned out that I was quite happy with how it looked and to my surprise, I did manage to sort of pull off wearing pink or coral toned eyeshadow! So while this isn’t an example of how to wear the Chanel Spring 2014 look, it helped drag me out of my comfort zone and taught me that I never know if anything will work, till I try. And that’s the lesson of the day, folks! 🙂
Rediscovering Inglot eyeshadows wasn’t a bad thing either 😀 All in all, I declare this experiment a success.
Did you get anything from Chanel’s Spring 2014 collection? Did any other brand’s Spring collection catch your eye?
Not this year for me. I’m sleeping through Spring and will see what Summer has on offer but I have a feeling it might be Autumn before I actually wake from my slumber. My wallet heaves a sigh of relief 😀 But I want to know what YOU got – quick, share! Maybe you’ll awaken some lemmings 😀
Paris B
LOVE your inspired look! I think a lot of us can actually come close to recreating looks like this. I’ve come to the point in my makeup journey where not much looks all that “new” anymore. BUT I did get a lipstick from the collection! And it’s pink! 😉
Thank you Tracy 🙂 I’m quite happy to see that I can wear pink eyeshadow after all. I just need to find the right shade to pair it with 😉 AI do like pink lipstick though, its so fresh and young
I got myself some items from both Chanel and Dior (posted in my blog). I orefer Chanel’s over Dior’s this Spring, although Dior seems to have more products and eye shadow palettes to offer. That Riviera looks orangey here while it pulled a little pink on me. Interesting to see the same shade works differently on others. ^^
Nice picks from the Spring collections. I’m holding off even on the Dior blushes cos of the bows lol! Just can’t handle it 😛 I love Riviera. It sort of looks different under different lighting.
I like the eye look a lot, Paris! It’s different!
Thank you Larie 🙂 It was very different for me but I liked it! Yay
I super love the eye combination!! So beautiful!! 😀 Your skin is amazing la – so glowy and refined! So jealous!! Haha! 😀
Haha thank you Jenn 🙂 there is some lighting and makeup involved of course! 😉
I like how the brown turned out purple! Unexpectedly pretty and the coolness of the purple keeps the eye makeup from looking too “swollen”.
Ironic how most of the products used were by Dior! I LOVE spring collections as I can’t wear strong eye and lip colour at work, and I don’t go out for clubbing enough to do vampy lips that often.
Thank you!i usually stay away from purples too because my eyes tend to look swollen with it but cool shades definitely help a lot! I did think it ironic how I eventually picked 2 Dior products to complete the look haha! I guess I just find Sprig a bit too light but I love how fresh the colours are 🙂
Your eye look is lovely. So different from usual and glad to know you got out of your comfort zone for this 🙂
Thank you 🙂 It took some guts for me to post this one lol! Won’t make a habit of it though 😉
Blushes. There are very pretty blushes this Spring, and I got myself my first Chanel cream blush that everybody seems to love. Intonation is a beautiful pinky coral and so flattering on the skin. I’m going to check out Dior’s blush too.
I’ve heard a lot of good things about Chanel cream blushes and I have to admit I’m tempted myself but I’ll hold off for now. I hear the ones from Bourjois are just as good if not better so I want to give those a try 🙂
Well done you! You got a coral eyeshadow to work. 😀 The Chanel flyer did not wow me, unfortunately. Don’t mind the tweed jacket if I have bucketloads of dough to spare?:P
“Wake me up when Fall collections come ok?” <— reminds me of Wake Me Up When September Ends by Greenday 😛
Haha yeah I did didn’t I? I was quite surprised that I was even taken by the look but I think it was just the challenge of getting pink to work. Oh and I think I may have subconsciously been referring to the song lol
u actually look nice in pink! haha.its a successful experiment as what you said! And the pink lippie is soooo beautiful!
Thank you Anne 🙂 I was quite pleased with this though I wouldn’t make it a habit of being inspired hehe… The lipstick is nice though. If I was a little more into Chanel lip products I might but I find them a bit drying 🙁
looking good with the inspired look. and the last photo – getting there!
Haha thanks 🙂 getting there!
Hey Paris, oh you definitely pulled that coral off! Spring collections are my least favorites, but the coral lippies still pretty much have me at hello. I do still want the coral cream blush from this collection, but I already own 3 for the moment and cream blushes don’t stay good for that long, so I’m hesitating.
Thank you Sunny 🙂 I always love Coral Lippies but I tend to associate them with summer or rather warmer weather. A bit strange to see them in Spring eh? I haven’t tried the Chanel cream blushes but I’m holding for a bit. Want to try Bourjois first, since I don’t use a lot of cream blushes
You look great PB! Happy New Year! 🙂
Thank you Issa! happy new year!
Nothing for me but that blush really looks stunning! <3
The Chanel? Or the Dior? Hehe…
It looks great on you 😉
Thank you Marina!
The only spring thing that has caught my eyes is the Burberry eye palette in “Sage Green 15”. Instead of all those pinks, here’s a green. I’m hoping to get to test this out soon. Just crossing my fingers it don’t get sold out any soon.
Hmmm I didn’t even read anything about Burberry Spring! In fact, Burberry has been so quiet recently and I’m told that they have a stock problem worldwide. Sage Green sounds so pretty! I haven’t worn a green shadow in a while. I think I’ll start again, yay!
You did a wonderful job at recreating this look! I love how it turned out. The colour combo is beautiful and looks great on you.
Thank you Gio! I’d love to see you try this too! 😀
So beautiful Paris, I want to try this look. I think you nailed it! That Dior blush, oh I want!
Thank you Jacqueline! Do try it, I’d love to see your interpretation and the fun thing is, we can interpret it using our existing products! I love the Dior blush. I think its really nice but be warned it can be quite sheer
That’s a great look on you ^_^ I’m partial to colourful and bold eye make up and now I’m inspired to use a brown shadow on the outer portions of my eyelids. Normally I use a similar colour in a darker shade for the outer portions of my eyelids for a smokey effect.
Thank you Sam Bear! Do try the brown shadow. It makes wearing bright colours easier especially in a more somber setting.
rediscovering is a good thing. :p As for pink/coral eyeshadow, I remember Tracy showed how to use a RED eyeshadow in her post last year. Genius idea. Perhaps I could finally experiment with my neon palette eh? Maybe some surprising discovery will come out of it rather than this “take out from box, open it, scan through all colours, big sigh, and promptly put it back to the darkest, most distant corner of my stash”… :p
Anyway, I thought I was going to pick up the Dior Quad for the Trianon spring 2014 collection. Looked so pretty in the photo. When I popped by to see the real thing… tsk tsk tsk… so pale and pastel I cannot see myself wearing!! 🙁 Good for my wallet then. 🙂
Haha yes try the neon with a matte deep shade and I think it’ll work. I still won’t do red but slowly trying pink and coral and liking the effects! I went to look at the Dior Trianon collection today and walked away feeling most disappointed. I actually told the girl at the counter I was disappointed with the collection and she looked so crestfallen, poor thing LOL! 😀
Thanks! I shall try it! 🙂
Yeah poor girl. Not entirely her fault, is it? hahaha