It’s a public holiday here in Malaysia today and I’m settling down for a nice spot of Sherlock catching up. This past couple of weeks has been an excellent one for Sherlock fans as Series 3 airs in the UK and ends as quickly as a flash in the pan. I think it’s just the BBC that makes such short 3 episode series – who does that, especially with such a popular series?! Honestly BBC! 😛 I just got hold of the new episodes myself so I’m going to savour them. Slowly, like a delicious morsel of truffle chocolate 😉
But complaints aside, while the final episode airs, and Series 3 opens up in the USA, I see a lot of people complaining about spoilers; and this is true for any popular TV series. No one likes spoilers… or do they? How do you feel about spoilers? Do they spoil things for you?
I’m probably one of those people who doesn’t care about spoilers. I guess I’m impatient that way so I don’t mind knowing what happens next or what happens at the end, because if I enjoy watching a particular TV show or movie I will watch it till the end, regardless of what I know.
Same with books. Sometimes I’m patient and good and plod through a book page by page till I get to the end. Quite often I don’t. I’d start off a book and about a third of the way in, I’d flip to the end to see what happens. More so if it’s a thriller. I just want to know what happens to the protagonist or the villain or if there is a twist in the tale.
I suppose I just can’t wait for that twist in the tale to come naturally LOL! 😀
And it’s the same for me with TV series that I watch. I watch a few and quite often, I come across a series a little late in the day so there is usually a lot of information online already about the storyline and I’m not above taking a little peek now and again just to see how the story develops. Again, I guess you could say I have no patience 😀
Sometimes, knowing how a book ends makes it easier for me because I have a bad habit of wanting to finish a book in one sitting, if it’s exciting and considering I read before bed, it isn’t a good thing. I need my beauty sleep LOL! So knowing how it ends makes it easier for me to put it down.
Do you read spoilers for books or for any TV series or movies you watch? Do spoilers piss you off?
I do, a lot of the time so I usually know how storylines develop or how a book ends before I get there. So for me, a “Spoiler” doesn’t spoil things for me because I still savour the journey getting to that ending. What say you? Does coming across a spoiler piss you off? 😀
Paris B
same here….i’m too impatient to last til the end hence i will check out the spoilers usually when i’m half way through a book or TV series. Movies are not too bad….u just squirm in your seat for 2-3 hours and you are done. TV series are the worst…..hence, i will read up the ending to ‘feel’ whether i should continue watching or not.
Lol! I know! Especially after I’ve left off watching for a while I need to get back into the groove so I check out to see what’s happening, especially if its a lackluster series. Some of them just fizzle out part way don’t they?
Ahhhhh it’s Sherlock! Love love love the series…I just hope we don’t have to wait 2 years for the next series. Benedict Cumberbatch is just *sigh*
Well, what I normally do is stay away from social media if I don’t want to get spoiled…Twitter, Tumblr, etc…
I think that’s the safest thing to do – stay away from social media. The internet can’t be helped but at least we can not go looking for it heh… I read it might take another 2 years to make Series 4 but they may placate fans with an episode by Christmas. We’ll see I guess 🙂
I have the last two episodes of Sherlock, but I haven’t seen them yet. If Cumberbatch (am no Cumberbitch myself) and co don’t have movies to do, another series could come sooner than later. Silly Americans, complaining about spoilers; talk about #firstworldproblems 😛
TV – I read episode recaps just so I know what to watch out for later (best lines, etc) or whether to give it a miss. Life’s too short to watch every single episode. And these days a lot of shows have their writers/producers/cast tweet during the live broadcast and answer fan questions, which are fun to read as it happens and not months or years later after the fact and out of context.
Books – Haven’t cared about spoilers, even during the Potter days because I’m too cheap to buy the hardcover when it first comes out and would wait to get the paperback. Still shed tears reading Dumbledore’s funeral like everyone else. If I can get entire plot on Wikipedia, all the better.
Movies – One word: Wikipedia. If I bother/remember, I’ll look it up before to see if it’s worth watching it in the cineplex.
Haha yeah, the Americans are all up in arms over the fact the BBC shows it first. Like um… it’s a BBC production? Hello? 😛 Like you I don’t do hardcover too so when they announced that a character was killed off, I went off to the bookstore, flipped open the hardcover and looked for the scene 😛 Yeah, pretty much a masochist that way 😀
I hate spoilers only when it comes to movies/series/books that I am really looking forward to because it eliminates the element of surprise for me. I like finding things out on my own pace and witnessing the mystery unfold in front of my eyes.
I think it’s because I tend to get obsessive (read: pshychotic) about things that I love i.e. Sherlock i.e. I Googled Sherlock’s coat after watching Season 1 and 2 (it’s a Belstaff and I think it’s amazing), my ringtone is from the soundtrack, and I spout random quotes from the series in a fake British accent all. the. time. You can imagine how popular I am with normal human beings hahaha. :p
But seriously though, how gorgeous are Benedict Cumberbatch’s eyes? And how adorable is Martin Freeman? *swoons* Randomly the woman who plays Mary is Martin’s real life partner, awww.
Haha I take my hat off you to Anis! Ring Tone! 😀 Although I have to say that’s sort of cool. The coat really got people going. I remember everyone was all over it when it first came out. I think it really got its momentum going with Series 2. As much as I like the way Benedict Cumberbatch plays Sherlock, I really like Martin Freeman’s portrayal of Watson. I thought he was a bit irritating in Series 1 but his character has really grown and I think exposure on the big screen plays a big part in character development too! It’s an awesome series. I hope they don’t make us wait too long for more eps 😛
I read spoilers all the time! I don’t like surprises and I feel better if I know what’s gonna happen next. Besides, that way, I can also decide whether it’s worth my time to watch or read something.
LOL Indeed! So often I’ve read a book only to find it rubbish yet I can’t put it down coz I’ve already invested so much time in it 😛 Should just read the spoiler next time.
I try not to read spoilers if I am watching any series. For example when I was watching Homeland 3, I discovered the ending while reading a UK tabloid newspaper but then again, I clicked on the article to read so it was my fault. LOL. But it did not spoil my enjoyment for the episode. I like reading synopsis and reviews of episodes of series that I follow but have not done that much lately. Plus I do not follow many series – only Homeland and now NCIS season 11.
As for books, I prefer to savour them as I read and I never flip to the ending because it just spoils the whole reading experience. I do like reading book reviews but I avoid those that provides spoilers 🙂
I watched Homeland Season 1 and found it so intense it’s so hard for me to watch Season 2 and 3! I’m told I should watch them back to back for maximum stress and enjoyment LOL! I love NCIS too! I don’t have Season 11 yet (waiting for it to complete so I can get all the eps at one go) but I’m rewatching from Season 1-10 😀 I read about the Tiva ep and I’m dying to watch it but can’t bring myself to spoil it that far ahead LOL
I definitely do read for books but in case of movies and series I’d like them to surprise me so I don’t read them 🙂 its very annoying when a movie or series you are looking forward to since a long time and suddenly someone reveals the entire storyline or suspense 🙁
Yeah, makes you want to stab them LOL! I used to be like that but then I realised that I couldn’t catch up so I started reading spoilers and now I can’t stop! argh! LOL
Hahahahaha!!! I have double standards regarding spoilers. For really good book or a really good movie, I don’t want spoiler (it spoils the fun hence the term spoiler?!??!?).
But a so-so book/movie… yeah go on give me that spoiler. If ending is worse than I expected I might not even want to go through the whole experience. Waste of time. :p You might find that in a lot of those crappy movies, the whole story is told in its previews. You can forget about watching them because you’d know the whole story development anyway.
in case you ask “how do you know if the movie is good” if you don’t watch the whole thing? Well… I rely on this rating from IMDB (phone app available). If it’s higher than 7, it’s usually good. 🙂
Actually when it comes to TV/Books/Movie ratings I take them with a pinch of salt coz tastes do differ and I have quite funny tastes when it comes to books/TV/movies but you know, sometimes the trailer is the best part of the movie haha! It’s so interesting and then you watch it and you go meh! What a crappy movie!
That’s right! Trailer condenses all the exciting parts. Like condensed chicken soup. hehe
For film ratings in IMDB, it usually is quite accurate to my tastes. But recommendations from friends / co-workers… nah… that’s when I take with a pinch of salt. haha The “number of reviews” is just too little to get accurate rating.