Happy New Year 2014!
I know we don’t like waking up to a brand new day in a brand new year and have people ask “What are your resolutions for this year?” I used to make them and break them all the time. And then what I did was just pick one. One thing I wanted to do in a year that would make myself better, one way or another.
This was my pick in 2013 and I must say that for the most part, I kept it up as best as I could. I know some of you shared your one resolution in 2013 you hoped to keep and if you did, I’d love to know if you managed to stick to it. Remind yourself if you’ve forgotten.
But for 2014, I’d like to not call it a resolution. I’d like to call it self-improvement. How are you looking to improve on yourself in 2014?
As much as we think we’re perfect (heh!) we all could probably do with one or two areas of improvement. I most certainly do and there are in fact 2 things I want to challenge myself to keep to this year.
How about you? Did you manage to keep to your 2013 resolutions and are you ready to take my 2014 challenge? Come on – give it a go! 😀
The 2 things I want to improve on myself this year are:-
- To take better care of my oral hygiene
- To waste less
Embarrassingly enough, I hadn’t gone to the dentist in about 2 years. I didn’t even realise it until towards the end of the year when my teeth started feeling very sensitive and uncomfortable. I was worried it might be a cavity or a worse problem and finally went to the dentist.
Fortunately, there were no cavities but it turned out that I’d been unconsciously grinding my teeth and wearing out the enamel which explains the sensitivity. If I had been visiting the dentist regularly enough perhaps he might have caught it and I could have done something about it. But for this year, I’m resolving to take better care of my teeth, floss more regularly and I’ve already keyed in a reminder for my half yearly dental visit so I don’t forget this time.
The second thing I want to do is to waste less. Not of just one thing, but for everything.
Locally, prices of many essentials are going up but that wasn’t really my impetus although it is as good as any. While we can’t help inflation, we can help ourselves waste less, be it money, food, beauty products etc.
So here’s what I’m doing:-
- I’m cutting back on buying stuff unless I absolutely need something
- No more hoarding
- No more “back ups” because realistically I never get round to them unless they’re essentials like cotton pads
- No more buying too much perishable food that I can’t get finish before they go bad
- No more buying food items that I “may” want to eat but live in my fridge for months
- Clear out the fridge more regularly
Mostly, I’m aiming at having less food wastage because I often feel awful when I have to throw out expired food or wilted vegetables and fruit that I forget to eat. But as I’m intending to have more homecooked dinners next year I think it’ll be easier to control.
Plus I’m also going to look for some sort of phone app that helps me take control of my pantry. If you do know of a good one, please share! 😀
So that’s what I want to improve on this year. I’ve already started actually so I’m just keeping the momentum going through the new year 😀
How are you looking to improve on yourself in 2014? Did you manage to keep your 2013 resolutions?
If you weren’t sure what you resolved to do in 2013, refresh yourself here. Hopefully you managed to stick to your promise and turned out to be a better you. If you didn’t take my 2013 challenge, take my 2014 one. We’ll revisit this at the end of the year – good luck, peeps! 🙂
Paris B
Jenn says
Happy New Year to you and your family, Paris! 🙂
This year two of my top “improvements” to make are 1) to bathe before 8pm (old bones are starting to ache now, no joke! o.O) and 2) to not think about work and check my phone before I sleep. It’s bad for my eyes (as I like to do that in the dark in bed) and it keeps me awake >.< I'd also like to eat healthier (eliminate as much processed food as possible) and exercise more! Wish me (lots of) luck!! 😀 😀
Paris B says
Happy New Year Jenn! 😀 Hope to bump into you some time this year 😀 I hear ya on bathing late. You know, there’s some merit to these old wives tales I swear. As I get older, I appreciate them more! Oh and I’ve cut out the digital element from my life at least an hour before bed and you know what? It helps me sleep better and that’s awesome you’re cutting out processed food. I’ve been doing it consciously for the past couple of years and now, it’s almost second nature. I don’t eat sausages or processed meats anymore, and try to opt for whole foods as much as I can. Of course, the occasional indulgence is fine but my tummy does protest. It’s not used anymore I think LOL 😀 Good luck and I hope you manage to stay on track 😀
Tracy@Beauty Reflections says
Happy New Year my friend! Love ya! xo
Me too. I need to waste less food. We’ve been trying hard already to do that, but I’m really going to buckle down on not buying things I don’t need. I’ve been wondering myself if there’s a phone app to take stock of pantry items so I don’t buy another tin of tomatoes since I already have 4 LOL. Let me know if you find one! I’m going to start looking for one right now!
Paris B says
Love ya too Tracy! 😀 Love that we’re both on the same track re: wastage. I have been looking for a phone app but so far nothing is working very well. I’ll try Food Planner again but I’m not sure how well it’ll work for me the second time around LOL Maybe evernote?
xin says
Happy New year to u! Same like jenn, I have been trying to bath and wash my hair before 8pm if I’m at home, I was told that my back has fong sap due to washing hair late at night. Sigh.
Another resolution is to sleep before 12, absolutely no game an hour before bed time ><
Easy to achieve I hope?
Paris B says
I actually didn’t know about the late night hair wash thing but I’m going to try to shower earlier too these days! After listening to you and Jenn LOL! Oh and yes, sleeping early. I was quite good about that but lately fell off the bandwagon so gotta start again. This baby needs 8 hours >.<
Ishi says
We use Food Planner app and my husband absolutely love it; enough to pay them money so that they don’t wind down…you don’t get adverts too, if you pay.
This app helps with our weekly grocery shopping and tabulates inventory based on what we put on our ‘to buy’ list and the requirement of the recipes of our weekly planned meals. It is not 100% fool proof, we do renegade on the plan off and on when we decide to eat out, or just be lazy and microwave a bag of instant noodle or two. So there is some wastage still, but much less so.
As for self improvement in 2014, as always, plenty. The top 3 are:
* Exercise more, already doing some exercise, but this has always been a secondary item in my schedule and needs to be a priority now. At my age and with work/life pressure it is so easy to be prey to hypertension and all those diseases I read about that plagues Malaysians in general;
* Spend more time with the needy. It is so easy to just give money. So in 2014, I need to make space in my calendar for those causes I support;
* The 3rd one requires more commitment. If I take the plunge , it will shackle me for the next 3 years at least…and that is to finally sign up for the phd course. The ground work is ready, but.. but…but…When this happens, it will be in september, so I still have time to blow off with my books (not the academic types) till then.
All of the above is such a sap on my time and time management will be key to pull them all off.
Paris B says
Hi Ishi, I used to use the Food Planner app but then they upgraded it and it didn’t work very well anymore so I deleted it. I tried Out of Milk too but didn’t work well either. Maybe I’ll give it another try else I might have to do it the hard way with Evernote haha 🙂
As for your 2014 goals, there is a lot you plan to do but I’m quite certain they’re all very achievable! #2 is very noble and I salute you for making that your initiative. And going for a PHD! Wow hats off to you. I guess in 3 years time, you’ll be Dr. Ishi 😀 All the very best with that! 😀
Florence says
I grind my teeth so much the dentist asked me to wear night guard every night. my dentist even told me it’s hereditary so there’s no specific cure to teeth grinding 🙁
Anyhow, one of my resolution is to eat healthier (more vege especially). I’m looking to change to a healthier lifestyle 🙂
Paris B says
Hereditary? 🙁 Seems like both my sis and I do it but my parents don’t hmm… maybe we’re just more highly stressed hehe… Eating more vege is a good resolution to have. All the very best in keeping it Florence! 😀
Rebecca says
I can totally identify with both of these things. I’ve already been trying to work through my stash and just buy less recently. I also could remember to floss more often (right now, I don’t think I do it enough). Using an electric toothbrush has helped a bit though!
Paris B says
I hate flossing, Rebecca! LOL But been forcing myself to do it after meals where possible and hopefully, slowly it’ll be a habit. I actually have been using an electric toothbrush all these while but I’ve been told that it can be too abrasive to the teeth and also to the gums so I decided to switch back out this year and see how my half yearly check up goes 😀
Jennifer says
Happy new year Paris! Now, where do we begin with 2014 housekeeping? 😛 I am with you on managing impulse/temptation purchases, hoarding and no more “back ups”. Dental visits? I have a terrible record of number of years that I have MIA, so take heart you’re not the only one or worse one 😀 The fridge is not my territory, so I maintain a distance from it, otherwise I am sure I’d be hogging the fridge which will annoy my mum. In 2014, I strive to:
– Follow through a proper skincare routine (perhaps innovate it as well) and cut down on late nights because it is taking a toll on my skin. More importantly, to better manage time and make time to attend regular facials!
– Ensure proper and timely food intake and manage work stress
– Continue with weekend gym routine and expand to at least once a week run at KLCC park. Pity that all the years that I have been there, I only marvel at the park and the life bursting from the variety of crowd from the glass window of my ivory tower. I have only jogged there once with my bestfriend and she has left the firm. But I am a natural loner, just need to pick up the momentum for a short evening run to wind down a long of work
– Start to clean my house regularly. Organize and tidy up my room
– Start to spend quality time with mum and not lose my temper regularly
– Meet up regularly with friends. If you don’t make time for them, they will not make time for you either
– Attend blog events if such opportunity arise
– Travel, if opportunity and money permits
So there we have it. I know 2014 will be a challenging year, personal and work wise. There’s another 365 pages of a brand new chapter, I am sure we can have sweet mementos for keepsake 🙂 Wishing you the best in everything for 2014!
Paris B says
Happy New Year Jennifer! 🙂 I can absolutely resonate with all your resolutions because at the back of my mind, they’re mine too 🙂 I’m definitely looking to ensure I keep my house more tidy this year. I’m horrible at keeping house >.< Also I have to agree with you re: friends. It's an effort everyone has to make and it usually pays off in the long run 🙂 Here's to an excellent 2014 for us all!
Effa Haniza says
Happy New Year Paris! It is one of the great things that I found you and your blog for the past couple of years. I’ve learned so much! Thank youuu 😀
I definitely looking forward to improve myself this year. Keeping positive at all time! Huhu
1. Finally getting a driving license at the age of 27 years old! 😛
2. Improve myself in my career (although I would actually prefer to be a SAHM having a 2yo toddler and 2mths baby *wails*)
3. To take better care of my skin. Its currently dry and dehydrated after not bothering for the past couple of months. *sighs*
Ok that’s about it. Haha.. And perhaps finally getting the bag that has been on top of my wishlist for so long! C~
Paris B says
Happy New Year Effa! I’ve loved having you with me on my journey too and I’m glad you picked up something helpful 🙂 Good on ya for your resolutions 🙂 All the best to you in getting your driving license – it’ll be very liberating 😀
Parita says
I really don’t have strict resolutions but yes I definitely want to cut down on buying products until and unless I absolutely need them! also want to try using up the already existing pile of products before buying new ones!
Apart from makeup I am planning to become more health conscious and start exercising again..i have been exercising but its always on and off but hoping to be regular in 2014
Paris B says
I’m trying to be good too! Also, I want to enjoy the products I actually have as opposed to just glossing over them all the time 🙂 All the best keeping to your goals, Parita! Hopefully there’ll be good news to report at the end of the year 🙂
carrotoh says
Hi hi! thanks for sharing your NY resolutions and I have made some of your mine too! Love this post!
Paris B says
Hiya! Thanks for dropping by 😀 Here’s to a year of better teeth for us both 😀
carrotoh says
mine is not better teeth. been maintaining my teeth all these while after i did whitening since last year. for this year, i want to stop being a hoarder which I did good when I went bangkok! let’s keep it that way!
Paris B says
Ah teeth whitening! I was thinking of trying it but scared of even more sensitivity >.< Not being a hoarder is good. Life is cluttered enough as it is LOL
liyeun says
Yo, Happiest New Year to you, Paris! I had my ups and downs in 2013, so I hope to learn from my past mistakes to avoid anything similar to occur in 2014! All I can say is sometimes one’s own kindness can eat one up. Pity. Anyway, now that I have started to blog, I wish to take good care of myself physically, mentally, emotionally and financially (whoa, that’s actually a lot and challenging!). Also, perhaps start to take up yoga class or something, I am getting older, bones are aching! LOL
Paris B says
Happy new year to you Liyeun 🙂 Haha sounds like you’ve set out some goals for yourself which is great. That’s the fun bit about blogging 🙂 I do yoga at home sometimes if I skip a class or two. I’ll share an app I use that I really like soon. 🙂
Sunny says
Happy new year, Paris! You just have to find a dentist you really like, and then the appointment will feel like a fun field trip (at least that’s what happened in my case)! I’d definitely like to reduce waste in the fridge as well. It’s strange how with such a small fridge we have, some things just manage to stay hidden till they’re not good anymore! I do clean it out every 2 weeks though (prior to trash day), so I guess it’s not THAT bad. I also almost never buy frozen food, so at least the freezer department is under control 😉
Paris B says
Happy New Year Sunny! I do like my dentist but I just forgot to keep up with my half yearly visits when things got really busy and hectic in the past couple of years 😀 It’s my poor memory that’s at fault here. I know how you feel about fridges. Man I think some things in mine have probably evolved in to a life form! Haha!
Natasha says
Hi Paris, I can vouch for Phillips sonic toothbrushes — they beep when you are finished and the sonic waves really keep teeth and gums clean — it was recommended by my dental hygenist and it really works! Finding the right dentist can be tough, but once you find one with a gentle hygenist, be loyal for life! Prevention is crucial.
This year some of my resolutions include remembering to drink water more often;be more gentle with my skin as I go through the big SHIFT and everything is changing; and to make strength training a habit.
Food waste, especially around the holidays is another concern. We improved a lot last year, but still have a ways to go… I just have to accept that we just don’t eat frozen leftovers… if it’s not finished after 3 days, we are not eating the rest… so I need to make smaller batches… which is not that hard except when I make chili…
Paris B says
Hi Natasha, thanks for the toothbrush rec. I haven’t used the Phillips Sonic one but I have been using an electric toothbrush for many years and only decided to stop recently because I was told it can be too abrasive to the teeth and gums. Will see how my half yearly check up does 🙂 I like your resolutions – they are achievable and are easy ways to ease into things. I have noticed the difference drinking enough (or insufficient) water does to my skin so I’m definitely hoping to maintain my water intake too! All the best to you, Natasha 😀
gio says
Happy New Year, Paris!
My resolution is to exercise more. I was very lazy last year.
Paris B says
Happy New Year Gio! I was up and down as far as exercise went last year too but hope to step it up this year! All the best!
LeGeeque says
I think I was pretty good last year – stuck to my plan of purchasing only 2 bags in a year. I think I bought only one? Woohoo!
I’m planning to be a little more discerning with my purchases this year. I have a list of things I’d like to get and I’m going to be very strategic and methodical about it. NO straying from DA LIST. 🙂
Paris B says
Happy New Year! 😀 I can’t wait to see what you get this year and yes, a list absolutely helps! Well, unless you’re in Europe then it’s free for all y’hear? 😉
AnT says
BLESSED NEW YEAR 2014 dearest Paris B and to all the loyal readers of MWS! 😀
One of my resolutions last year was to shower before 9pm? Sigh. Out of 365 days, only managed to maintain less than 10% of the 365 days 🙁 However, still before 10pm 😀 LOL!
I had not gone to the dentist in 2 years too LOL!! Will do so after CNY 😀
One of my resolutions this year is to control my anger (yes 😀 anger management). I managed it quite well last year but still not good enough. Anyhow what comes around goes around. I truly believe in Karma. This is the only thing motivated me to control my anger LOLL! 😀
Paris B says
Hiya lovely! Happy New Year to you! Haha before 10pm is a step forward! Maybe this year you’ll make it before 9pm 😀 Make your dental appointment soon – the easiest way to stick to something is to just do it, I find. Else I’d just say Oh I’ll do it later and never do 😉 All the best in keeping your temper, AnT. Hopefully not too many idiotic things happen to cause you to lose it 😉
AnT says
Hiya dearie! 😀 yes, will make an appointment soon 😀
LOL idiotic things happen quite frequently, truly challenging for me now that I have to manage my anger 😀 LOL
Victoria says
Happy New Year!
I never make resolutions because I do not want to put myself under unnecessary pressure but funnily enough, I made a mental list this year and even bought a notebook to write things down. I basically want to spent more time with my husband, to exercise more by jogging regularly (really slacked on this in 2013) and by signing the both of us up for yoga class, to do something about my career as it is currently in a rut, to control my credit card spending, to take at least one holiday with hubby and to perhaps pick up a new skill.
I hope to be able to accomplish some or all of it by the end of 2014 but a strong discipline is definitely needed 🙂
Victoria says
I forgot to add that I am also due for a visit to the dentist and have been putting it off for 4 years out of sheer laziness! Hahaha, I am amazed my teeth have not fallen off yet.
Paris B says
Oh man, you do not know how relieved I was when the dentist proclaimed a clean bill of dental health, and that all I needed was some scaling! I swore never to slack on this visit again!
Paris B says
Writing things down is the best way to remember them and to commit to something. That’s what I find anyway. So, good on ya! You’re on the right track 🙂 Sounds like you have your year planned out so all the best in keeping up with it. I’m sure you’re disciplined enough to keep to them 😉
kuri says
Like you, I stopped with the resolutions when it became clear that I wasn’t making any progress. Since last year I’ve been periodically working on cutting down on my stuff, particularly makeup and clothing. I am close to using up all of my skin care samples, finally! Hair conditioners are really hard to use up too. It’s hard not to buy though, especially with lipsticks. But since i have more makeup than I could ever use up, it really makes sense to cut down and throw out the stuff that I don’t like. I find that the clutter weighs me down mentally, so there’s an added benefit to getting rid of it.
Paris B says
I used to say I resolve never to make resolutions. Clearly I managed to break them as the years went on because I found that having a goal or ambition was better than just drifting around letting the days pass. It’s great to know you’ve been doing well at cutting down and back on things. I’m doing the same myself and you’re also absolutely right about clutter and how it affects us. I have to declutter occasionally too, just to get my tangled life straightened back out 😀 All the best with your whittling 😉
jessl says
Hi Paris,
For me, my new year’s resolution is around my 4yr boy. It would be early to bed and early to rise for him; read to him more and ensure he’s got healthy dinner everyday.
This would be mean lots of discipline from my part in order to get him “disciplined”. 😀
Happy Wonderful 2014 to you !!
Paris B says
Hi Jessl, you know, it’ll be so good for both of you too! All the best staying disciplined and keeping the little one disciplined too 😀 Happy New Year my dear!
Sarah says
Happy new year, Paris!
Cleaning out the fridge more often helps a lot with lessening food wastage. I find grocery shopping when I’m not hungry helps too.
This year, I plan to eat better and exercise more. I started working on these two things during the last quarter of 2013, and I’m quite happy with the things I have learned so far. Just need to improve on it. Oh, and watch my spending. I was pretty good about impulse purchases last year. But like LeGeeque, this year I’ll be spending based on a list.
Paris B says
Good point about cleaning out the fridge, Sarah. I’ll most certainly get down to keeping to a more regular schedule for that! Good job on starting with how you aim to carry on this year. It’s always a good thing to start and let the momentum carry you over into the new year instead of just saying I’ll start in 2014 and never do 😀 Good job and here’s to a better 2014 for us all 😀