Ohai everyone!
We haven’t had an Open Cafe session for a while now have we? This year has flown by in such a blur of news and releases and new products that you know, we need once a while, to stop and pause, and reconnect. So, here we are at the first MWS Open Cafe session for the year, where we can all hang out and chat in (almost) real time, about anything at all! If you want a question answered quickly, this is probably the quickest way you get an answer off me haha! 😀
New to the MWS Open Cafe? You’re in for a treat! 🙂
Basically, this is your chance to stop by and have an ol’ chit chat aka gossip session. Have a question? Go right ahead and ask. Beauty or not it doesn’t matter. I’ll answer it all, within reason in almost real time (I’m feeling a bit at a loose end today).
Maybe you just want to share a piece of happy news, or want to ask some quick advice from the knowledgeable community. For example, I never know what to buy guys for gifts, do you? Do they need yet another tie or socks? LOL
Or perhaps you have a request for a post or review you’d like me to do at some point in the future? I take requests and I usually get round to them… eventually. Are you travelling over the holiday period? Or have you already done your travelling for the year and if so, where was the most fun place you visited this year?
What’s that drink above? I have no idea to be honest! I had it as part of a set lunch at the Majestic Hotel KL a couple of weeks ago. It was served between courses as a palate cleanser and was very refreshing! I believe it had freshly squeezed lime and lemon mixed with some fizz and some blue liquor (non alcoholic) and then poured over crushed ice. Such a thirst quencher!
I’ll be replying comments in almost real time all day today so for the next 24 hours or less, the floor’s all yours. Previous MWS Open Cafe sessions in the past few years have always been fun. I’ve missed holding it and “talking” to you guys, so let’s do this. If you want to be notified of an email reply, don’t forget to check the box under the comment box 🙂
See ya in the comments, folks! The MWS Cafe is open 😀
Paris B
CAFE IS CLOSED! Thank you everyone for coming in and sharing your stories and your day with me. I thoroughly enjoyed chatting with everyone and I hope you did too. There is a lot of insightful info in here! I hope to open up a similar session again in the future 🙂
Sometimes I like to stay at home during the weekends, and there are times I go to the malls on weekends for specific reasons – to pick up some items or to meet up with someone. Otherwise, it’s home time. I’m not fond of crowds because I have had bad experience with ignorant and rude people, especially on the weekends. I don’t need such people to ruin my shopping mood.
What are you must have items (re skincare and make up) when you travel? I bring about everything when I travel, but in travel size. My previous trip, my skincare items were about 10 – 11 items. Lol. So much for travel light. For clothes, many tops and 2 bottoms.
I think crowds (and hassled frazzled people) bring out the worst in everyone. It’s no wonder that service and sometimes be lacking on weekends or festive Seasons. Another reason I prefer shopping on a weekday. I get better service and attention 🙂
When I travel I used to bring samples. These days I bring travel sizes of current skincare or if they are below the 100ml limit then I bring the full sizes. I guess my experimentation days are all but over which is great for my skin, not so great if I want to keep blogging haha!
I have my fair share of good and bad times this year. I hope and look forward to next year. Hopefully, it will be a better year than this year, especially the recent happenings in my life. Not happy about it, but what is bound to happen, will happen eventually. Here’s to a better next year. 2014, you better treat me good.
Last but not least, thank you for what you have done. I truly appreciate it. I look forward to more interesting posts from you, and I hope you have a good 2014.
I hope the kinks in your life have been ironed out or at the very least are in the process of being ironed out, Angelina. Here’s to a much better, smoother, happier year in 2014 for you 🙂 Hope to be able to live up to the interesting posts bit and not disappoint! LOL 🙂
Hi Paris!! Just a quick note on how I love my blog it’s my daily read when I wasn’t working and now I’m working, after work heheh. Just wanna say thank you for eliminating my boredom and getting updates from beauty brands. 🙂
And I want to ask, when you travel especially recently to Prague, did u travel alone? How is it like traveling alone? The essentials and whatnots and is it generally safe to do so? Thank you Paris!
Hi Biianca! I remember seeing you around and you’re working now! Gosh, you know that makes me feel old watching all you young ones grow up. *sniff* heh
I was in Prague with a friend but from what I see it’s generally safe. Just be careful as you should be in any city in the world, don’t stay out too late and don’t go to quiet areas alone and you should be good. I saw quite a few single travellers while I was there. Oh and if you do plan to go solo go in late spring or summer when days are longer so it doesn’t get dark so early which gives you a little more time out. If you go when the days are short you may not derive as much pleasure out of it because you’ll find yourself indoors a lot of the time or home early because you don’t want to be out when it’s dark. Hope this helps! Prague is a beautiful city and absolutely worth a visit 🙂
Hi there! Im a pretty silent reader too, i commented once or twice with quick questions, but thats it. I love your blog, it reminds me of KL! I moved to the states five years ago and have only been home three times, its fun to know whats hot in the beauty world back home 🙂 I’m a huge reader, i have tons of books in my small studio apt loo, what books do you like? In terms of makeup, blushes and highlighters are my vice. I do not own a super huge collection due to budget constraints but i try to get one per month at least lol. I just got into makeup early last year so im still a newbie although im 24! And i suck at eye makeup, my liner disappears and i cant seem to wink it out due to my hooded monolid, and with limited lid space and no crease, i always feel lost when i watch tutorials, any tips?
Hi Josephine! Aww it must feel awful being so far from home and not being able to come home as often as you like, yet what an adventure it must be in the States! 🙂 I hope to visit some day although I’m not sure when. At least once I hope before these old bones can’t take long haul flights anymore lol 😀
I love reading so you’re a girl after my own heart! I go for fiction mostly with crime, fantasy and thriller mysteries taking top billing. I don’t do chick lit or romance because I find it all too insipid. I’ve been down that road but I suppose with age comes a little cynicism 🙂 I’m all about blushes too LOL I didn’t get into makeup till I was about your age so don’t feel like you’re missing out on anything. You aren’t and there’s a whole world out there to discover!
As for eye makeup, I think you might benefit from the Japanese technique of applying eyeshadow. There should be some tips out there, or pictures but I find that for hooded monolids, the Japanese do it best and that’s how I learned to do my eyeshadow. The conventional “western” way of applying shadow just didn’t look good on me and it wasn’t until I picked up Japanese makeup and followed their style, that I appreciated my eyes 🙂 Generally, apply the darker eye colour along your lash line about halfway up your lid, applying more on the outer lid. As your lid will disappear under when your eyes are open, apply until you can see some shadow. Then take a medium lid colour and apply on the top part, and blend. An idea of how I do my eyeshadows is here and here and I’m not sure how helpful they are, as I’m no makeup guru, but it might give you a starting point from which to experiment 🙂
Hi PB.
Whilst chilling in my sister’s living room flipping through the adverts on Christmas sales (visiting her and my parents in NZ), I came across the cosmetic brand name Australis. The name rang a bell so after checking your blog, I know where I am heading to later in the afternoon and what I am getting. The nearest pharmacy and the mascara. Also just tripped over your open cafe so here I am.
Hmm.. doing it the lazy way – do you happen to know any other Australian brands of make up/skin care to recommend or that is worth checking out?
I had done some cross referencing and ringgit against NZ$, it’s only worth getting stuff which we cannot get in Malaysia coz after converting, the same item is cheaper in Malaysia.
Hi JK what fun! You’re in NZ! My parents just got home ot long ago from there and they loved it. Their photos were beautiful! I hope to visit some say soon 🙂
As for shopping what I understand is that it’s quite like Australia there so a lot of things are very pricey. I know Antipodes is from there if you want to check them out but I think prices are close locally. I’m not sure if they have Face of Australia products but they’re nice especially the lip crayons and eye makeup remover or even the stick foundation. Otherwise I’m not quite sure what else to get there that you can’t get here except lots of honey maybe? LOL! Enjoy your holiday and I think it’s summer fruit season now so please gorge on peaches, nectarines and cherries on my behalf. I’m already jealous 😉