If you didn’t realise, the brand new year is exactly 7 days after Christmas Day and the anticipation and momentum of the festive period just keeps rolling on to that last stretch to the year. With many people usually taking time off work and just slowing down in general, it is a good time to reflect on the past year and pick out the highlights.
I don’t like doing “Best of (products)” generally. I prefer taking a more macro outlook at the year that’s past so here are my slightly different “Best of” categories, some of which of course, include beauty picks 🙂 You are most welcome to share yours too because it’s always nice to share in and take part in others’ highlights of the year.
Here we go! My Baker’s Dozen 🙂
Best Makeup Tip I learned in 2013
This has to be the foundation application tip. I’ve modified it slightly over the months as I experimented and I now have it down pat. It gets done very quickly and I always have an even, smooth, light coverage of liquid foundation or BB Cream that is just right. If you haven’t tried it, give it a go. I promise you, you’ll never look back 🙂
Best Lipstick of 2013
I use high end lipstick a lot but the one lip product I get a LOT of use out of is the Clinique Chubby Stick Intense lip colour balm, which should technically be a lip balm but performs more like a lipstick. They are moisturising and apply with nice colour on the lips and are pretty awesome. 2013 has also been the year of lip crayons for me which makes me late to the party but as they say, better late than never!
Best Thing I Did For Myself in 2013
There was something else I did that I’m quite proud of, everything considered, but I’m not yet ready to share so the best thing I did for myself in 2013 was to plan, execute and visit the city of my dreams. I’d harboured a longing to visit Prague for the longest time ever and this year was the year I bit the bullet and just did it. I’m glad I did because I won’t be doing anything this big budget again for a while 🙂
Best Skincare Tip I learned in 2013
Using a face cloth or wash cloth or face flannel to clean my face. That has been a skin-changing tip for me that I learned towards the end of the year that has made me never ever look back. If you see my skin in the foundation tip above, that was how it looked in the middle of the year. I had a bad encounter with spots that wouldn’t go away. It now looks more like this taken quite recently, where I’m wearing just BB Cream on the unhighlighted parts of my skin.
Truly, just the technique of washing my face and a proper skin regimen that actually suits my skin (products aside) has left me a total convert. I actually use less makeup these days than I used to and I’m actually much happier about that! 😀 I’ll document this and my skincare regimen in the coming months 🙂
Best Budget Sunscreen Discovered in 2013
I love my Shiseido Perfect UV Protector sunscreen but you know what? It’s expensive. Make no bones about that! So it’s always useful to have a budget option for the times when the wallet feels a little light or if you feel like cutting back a little on expenses without compromising on performance. For me then, this will come in the form of the Hada Labo UV Whitening Emulsion sunscreen. It doesn’t replace my Shiseido one but it performs a good back up for me.
Best Body Care Discoveries in 2013
I don’t take as much care of the skin on my body as I do on my face which is really silly of course. So this year, discovering that I actually really really love using body oils, I’ve been a lot more diligent and naturally, benefits are reaped! I love a good body oil and while the ones like the REN Moroccan Rose Body Oil and Antipodes Heavenly Body Oil are pricey, I discovered 2 affordable ones from Weleda and Pangea Organics this year. You can buy them here I believe but I think you’re better off shopping at iHerb.com where I got mine 🙂 Use my code (MPW213) and get 5% off your order.
Best Eyeshadow used in 2013
I’d like to say cream shadow stick eyeshadows but I’m going to plump for the Laura Mercier Caviar Stick Cream Eyeshadows. So good, I picked up the mini sticks in their Christmas set. I fell into a bit of a rut halfway through the year when it came to doing makeup so these cream eyeshadow sticks have been a boon. They’re easy to blend, are longlasting and just all round fabulous.
Best Spa Experience I had in 2013
I have to say the spa treatment experience I had at the Banyan Tree Spa in Singapore was the best I had this year. It was budget busting and not something I’d have the chance to experience again in a hurry, but the benefits it brought to mind, body and soul are priceless. Worth a try at least once in your life. I’ve had that once in my life experience 🙂
Best BB Cream in 2013
For someone who doesn’t use BB Cream a lot, finding one I’m happy to use almost daily comes as quite a surprise. The best BB Cream I stumbled on this year was the Guerlain BB Beauty Booster. It quickly usurped the Diorsnow BB Cream for #1 spot in my BB Cream list and has stayed there since. I think it’s going to have to be something else truly spectacular to remove this from the #1 spot!
Best Personal Growth Experience of 2013
I never thought that a post on the Kanebo Cosmetics recall could result in an appearance for me and my blog on international TV but that’s what happened! I’m told the video is no longer available to view which is a pity because there was no way I could have saved it before. But I assure you, it wasn’t a figment of my imagination! 😀 I don’t know if anything big like this will ever happen again but hey, I had my 5 seconds of fame! 😀
Best Concealer Used in 2013
2013 has been a year of minimal makeup for me and I realised that although I tried a lot of stuff, I kept going back to the items that just simply, work. And this NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer works. I wax lyrical about it at every opportunity and I have not used another concealer since I got this. That’s just how good it is. If you want to know how many ways I love it, you’d just have to read my post on that LOL! Incidentally, one of the big beauty news this year was the opening of the first NARS boutique (Pavilion KL) and the availability of the products here in Malaysia. I still haven’t checked it out but based on what I’ve seen online, prices are fairly reasonable, all things considered.
Best Travel Experience in 2013
OK that 3 hour lunch in Cesky Krumlov aside, my favourite travel experience this year has been attending the Bai Pai Cooking School while in Bangkok. It was educational and helped fulfil one of my personal ambitions of learning to cook Thai food. While I have not since replicated most of the dishes I learned, since I’m not much a fan of Thai Green Curry or desserts, I have almost perfected the Tom Yam soup and I’m told it’s quite good 😀
Best Skincare Product discovery of 2013
I wanted to say cleansing balms but I decided instead to pin the blue ribbon on this product that has saved my skin countless times this year from zits, clogged pores and spots. Since discovering the La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo cream I have had little to contend with zits, clogged pores and spots. It clears up my skin in about 48 hours and it’s just perfect for those times when I develop a spot or an area of clogged pores from my experiments. Beauty blogging and being a human guinea pig has its hazards, but having a product to take care of side effects takes the stress out of things 😀
So there you have it folks. My Best of 2013 which is a little different from the norm but which I hope gives you an idea of what I like and what you could look out for or try for yourself. Now, it’s your turn.
Do share your Best Of 2013 with me. You can use my categories as a starting point, or create your own.
- Best Makeup Tip I Learned in 2013
- Best Lipstick of 2013
- Best Thing I Did For Myself in 2013
- Best Skincare Tip I Learned in 2013
- Best Budget Sunscreen Discovered in 2013
- Best Body Care Discoveries in 2013
- Best Eyeshadow used in 2013
- Best Spa Experience I had in 2013
- Best BB Cream in 2013
- Best Personal Growth Experience of 2013
- Best Concealer Used in 2013
- Best Travel Experience in 2013
- Best Skincare Product Discovery in 2013
If you want to know of my “Best of” in a category not named, do ask in the comments and I’ll oblige! 😀 I was anal about using 13 categories only hence I know I didn’t cover many areas 😉
Paris B
Your skin in your Bangkok pic looks amazing! My best beauty and skincare experience this year has to be seeing a proper dermatologist who can address my hormonal acne and she has managed to clear up 80% of my broken capillaries on the left side of my face!
My best travel experience would have to be to Kyoto. I have been wanting to visit Japan ever since I was a little girl. 🙂
Thank you Firn 🙂 It was with the help of some CC Cream though 😉 I’m glad you managed to find someone to help with your skin problems! It’s such a boost to the self confidence to have better skin isn’t it? Despite what everyone says about beauty being skin deep, we all want to put a better face forward to face the world 🙂 And you were in Kyoto! Ah I want to visit there some day too. I couldn’t make it the last time around due to time constraints 🙂
The LRP Effaclar Duo worked wonders for me too. I just wish we could get our paws on it more easily here in Malaysia.
I’m glad to know that Isabel! I love it to bits! I too wish we’d get LRP locally but till then, online shopping is our best friend 😀
I agree with one of the above comment that your skin in bangkok is nice! It looked smooth and even. THANK YOU for sharing the list of best items for 2013, most importantly I should start using face flannels for my skin and see how my skin reacts.
Thanks Liyeun 🙂 Thanks to a touch of CC Cream too! Guess that works haha! Do let me know how you like using a flannel if you start. It’s quite a hassle, but I’ve gotten so used to it now that it feels odd when I dont! 🙂
Given it’s a public holiday, I’m going to go all out and write a thesis in this box 😀 What’s ironic is, you’ll see a lot of repeats because I would have picked a lot from you 😛
Best Makeup Tip I Learned in 2013
Buffing in Les Beiges gently. Keyword being GENTLY. It adds a touch of warmth to my sickly pale skin. I can’t live without it!
Best Lipstick of 2013
Guerlain Rouge G. I have no idea which rock I’d been hiding under but this product is crazy amazing!
Best Thing I Did For Myself in 2013
Ventured into attending networking events. I took a deep breath and attended the first session of Women in IT for the Victoria chapter. It was an eye-opening experience and I’m glad I’m slowly shedding some awkwardness when I’m in crowds.
Best Skincare Tip I Learned in 2013
Layering of serums. From the lightest (most liquidy) to the thickest and watching my skin improve in texture and elasticity. Gone are the dreaded laugh lines across my cheeks!
Best Budget Sunscreen Discovered in 2013
The Hada Labo one you blogged about and the one you love too! I got mum to pick one up for me and I’m trying to figure out how to import a truckload over since I go through them like
winewaterBest Body Care Discoveries in 2013
Nivea shower body conditioner. It works exactly like the hair conditioner – you apply after you’ve cleaned your body and wash it off. It’s worked wonders and is great for mornings because I usually can’t be stuffed with body lotions when I’m rushing in the mornings.
Best Eyeshadow used in 2013
I can’t think of any because I’m usually not an eyeshadow person. 😐
Best Spa Experience I had in 2013
Ohmylord! This has to be the hammam Tine, Bea and I did prior to kbbw. It was mindblowing and it was gross watching the amount of dead skin scrubbed off from my body. Ickh!
Best BB Cream in 2013
Handsdown La Roche-Posay melt-in BB cream. I use it on a daily basis because it’s easy and well, I’m lazy – surprise! surprise!
Best Personal Growth Experience of 2013
Writing a technical paper while working full time in less than 3 days to try my luck as a conference speaker. You really don’t know what you don’t know or know what you know until your thoughts are penned down and structured out as a proper paper. It was extremely hard work but I enjoyed every single moment of it. I’m sure you’ve heard me whinge on twitter but thank you for being my personal cheerleader 😀
Best Concealer Used in 2013
You-lah! Nars Radiant Concealer. I’ve begun using this as an eye shadow primer as well and smudges be-gone!
Best Travel Experience in 2013
Nothing too exciting but I must say an unexpected call-out trip into the country one day would top my list. I took a bushwalk in the middle of the day with some workmates. It was highly-entertaining and there’s something very serene about being surrounded by nature on a freezing cold day (while looking out to not step into fresh roo poo)
Best Skincare Product Discovery in 2013
La Mer treatment lotion followed by La Mer hydrating infusion. I swear these are the 2 products that have faded the dreaded lines on my skin!
Yay! Love the thesis and love that you did this! 😀
I’ve read so much about the Chanel Les Beiges I should go and check it out in person. But you know me, I’m so afraid of all these bronzing things that I probably won’t get any use out of it 😛 Oh and the hammam! I haven’t been back for a couple of years now but maybe next year I’ll go for a session. Will be nice to have all the years of dirt scrubbed off me haha! 😀 Oh and La Mer Lotion. LOVE. IT! Snap!
Best Makeup Tip I Learned in 2013:
I have to say that it is your foundation application tip, also my rediscover of kabuki brushes for full coverage powder foundations.
Best Lipstick … I don’t use lipstick so instead of it I’ll put: Best hair dye of 2013:
This year I have had dyed my hair three times one with Garnier, one with Koleston and one with L’oreal and the last was the one that impressed me the most because of the quality.
Best Thing I Did For Myself in 2013:
Cut my hair really short (I think in English is called a burr) , even though I made it in fall and I felt more the cold, it was a form to change myself at an important moment.
Best Skincare Tip I Learned in 2013:
Hydration it’s the most important thing, and right now I’m learning it again
Best Budget Sunscreen Discovered in 2013:
Bioré UV Perfect Face Milk FPS 50+ PA+++, it’s my holy grail sunscreen since it’s the only one that keeps my skin matte for hours without powder.
Best Body Care Discoveries in 2013:
I think it will be a scrubbing mitt or my body lotion with SPF 15 since sometimes I’m too lazy to apply sunscreen on my body.
Best Eyeshadow … again I don’t use eyeshadow so I’ll say best book read in 2013:
Clara se escribe con K (in English: Clara is written with K) is a book for children over 12 but I really liked the message it gave me.
Best Spa Experience … I have never been in a spa so it will be best music album I heard in 2013:
Taylor Swift’s Red, I really like this girl’s music but with this record I think she really balanced the sons making it interesting.
Best BB Cream in 2013
Damn this is hard, I don’t love it but I’m always reaching for Maybelline’s Dream Fresh BB Cream when I need a quick fix.
Best Personal Growth Experience of 2013
I think entering to college is my biggest experience however I feel that graduating from High School it’s significantly more important for me.
Best Concealer Used in 2013
I really love it although I have to mix it to have my shade, but NYX’s HD concealer has great coverage, stays on and it’s photo-friendly; the way I prefer to use it is by mixing with L’oreal’s highlighting pen and use it on my dark circles.
Best Travel Experience in 2013
Going to Leon, Guanajuato here in Mexico, it was for a business trip of my father but it was really good to see the city centre.
Best Skincare Product Discovery in 2013:
Skinpharma anti-acne serum, doesn’t fry my skin and helps it to be clearer.
Thank you so much for doing this Efrain! I loved reading your picks and categories too! 😀 I think it very brave of you to cut your hair so short but you know what? It was probably liberating for you to go for such a drastic change and it probably made you feel a heck lot better about yourself too right? I always feel that way after a new haircut. 😀 And you’re in college now! I hope you’re enjoying your time because college and university are the best, most carefree years you’ll have (even if not the most financially independent hehe ) Thank you for sharing your best of 2013 with me 🙂
You know something, you’re right it was liberating; at first I was quite afraid I wouldn’t look good but most of my friends told me the haircut was great.
Everybody tells me I have to really enjoy college/university; I still miss high school but you’re right I feel these years are going to be great.
Thank you for sharing yours 😀
Aww of course you’ll miss High School Efrain, it’s familiar and you spent so much time there! When you start working in the future, you’ll look back and see how fun they are so be sure to really enjoy yourself because this is the time you start gaining your independence and learning to make your own decisions 🙂
Paris, diorsnow bb is proving to be a tad drier in the Melbourne winter and harder to apply. Do you find guerlain bb to be easier to apply than diorsnow?
Btw thx for ur nars concealer rec. love it. Stand aside cle de peau.
Gonna try ka Roche posay out!
Hi EL, yes the Guerlain BB is a wee bit more liquid than Diorsnow BUT about as high coverage. A suggestion – drop a drop of serum or moisturiser into the Diorsnow BB to make it more liquid and that might help 🙂 Happy to know the Nars Concealer works for you too! Honestly, I’ve not even been tempted to look at another since and that is really saying something 😀
Took me a while to pick out the highlights of 2013 since it was a crappy year for me…
The best makeup tip I learned was adding a drop of Estee Lauder ANR into my BB cream or liquid foundation. I learned that from you though so thanks!!
Best and worst travel experience was to Makati City in Manila. It was awesome because I was in the company of my best friends but it went downhill when I got sick from food poisoning from a fancy restaurant and then lost one of my favourite suitcases towards the end of the trip.
Best skincare product discovery is Bio-essence Miracle Bio Water. I know its just a face mist but its the best I’ve tried!! It refreshes my face even after a long day and I pretty much spritz it on all the time since I swear it gives me a nice face glow.
I’m sorry to hear 2013 was a crappy year for you Liz 🙁 On the bright side, we are leaving it behind in just a couple more days so hang in there and may 2014 be a brighter better year for you! 🙂
Aww thank you for sharing your travel experience. It must have felt awful to be poisoned by food from a fancy restaurant – the last place you’d expect! I hope your future travel trips will be awesome and make up for this awful one 🙂 Oh and is the face mist good? I should give it a go since I”m sure it’s not very pricey at all 😀 Thanks for sharing, Liz.
2013 has been such a weird year for me. 3/4 of the year was nothing but uncertainty and stress. So I am glad to see the back of it!
Best makeup tip: Picked up from MakeupGeek on her 1 minute smokey eye using cream shadows. Since then, I have been obsessed using Maybelline Tattoos and LM Caviar Stick shadows. Easy, quick and they last and last, whilst still giving me a out together look.
Best Thing I did for myself 2013: Went back to work. Left 5 years ago to be a full-time housewife, and then later Stay at home mom, decided to re-join the work force. This time on my own terms, so totally loving it!
Best Skincare Product Discover 2013: After using high end brands practically all my life, I switched to Hada Labo. Owh. My. Gawd. My skin never felt and looked so. Good!!
Happy 2014 PB x
Thanks so much for sharing, Ika! 🙂 I’m glad you’ve left behind the uncertainty and stress that accompanied it and I’m sure 2014 will be a much better year going forth! Haha Hada Labo is a pretty good range of skincare so you picked well! 😀 And congrats for going back to work and enjoying it. I think that makes all the difference in the world. Happy 2014!
Best Makeup Tip I Learned in 2013: use damp sponge to diffuse streaks and smooth foundation
Best Lipstick of 2013: clinique chubby sticks
Best Thing I Did For Myself in 2013: travelling around asia
Best Skincare Tip I Learned in 2013: exfoliate–> masks–> normal skin care routine
Best Budget Sunscreen Discovered in 2013: hado labo
Best Body Care Discoveries in 2013: nivea body cream
Best Eyeshadow used in 2013: kate eyeshadows
Best Spa Experience I had in 2013: na
Best BB Cream in 2013: kate gel bb cream
Best Personal Growth Experience of 2013: internship, 1st year–> more confident, able to voice opinion, talk more
Best Concealer Used in 2013: lancome efarcnces
Best Travel Experience in 2013: around taiwan, beijing, tianjin, chengde, hk
Thanks for sharing Leesa! 🙂 I loved how you traveled to so many places around Asia! I should visit some of them soon since they are nearer and more affordable to get to 🙂 Congratulations too on completing your 1st year of internship! It sounds like you’ve learned a lot 🙂
Such a great post! I really enjoyed reading it, I may have to do it myself, too 🙂
Glad you enjoyed it Marina and year end round ups are a great way to look back at the year. Some of them quite surprised me! Looking forward to reading yours 🙂
Oh wow, this is a great year-ender survey, PB! I usually gloss over these kinds of posts and move on, but I really read yours word for word. I learned so much things and added a few skincare picks of yours to my list of stuff to pick up ASAP. Thanks so much for doing this and I look forward to more of your posts next year!
Aww I’m honoured, Shari! 😀 Thank you for the words of encouragement and I’m glad you enjoyed this “Best of” round up with a bit of a twist 🙂
yayyyy This is lovely..i loved this post so much.Your skin looking amazing in bangkok pics
Best Lipstick of 2013;
Best Thing I Did For Myself in 2013: cut toxic people out of my life.If you’re toxic, you’re out. And I’m not sorry about that!
Best Budget Sunscreen Discovered in 2013: korean brand hera sunscreen
Best Body Care Discoveries in 2013: Osmia organics body oils..pure delights
Best Spa Experience I had in 2013:Dint get the time to pamper myself
Best BB Cream in 2013: Banila co
Best Skincare Product Discovery in 2013:Ah it has to be osmia organics spot treatment..This stuff really works..its like my magic wand 🙂
Thank you for sharing your picks, Anusha 🙂 I have been reading so much about Osmia Organics recently I really want to try them! And you said the magic word – body oil! Ahhhhhh Glad to know they work and I hope you have a chance to pamper yourself in 2014 – we all deserve a pampering treat once in a while 😉
Reading your posts throughout 2013, the highs and lows in life, beauty scientist at work, travels, food galores amongst other things, I have enjoyed your 2013 as much as you 🙂 Sharing is caring, below are my 2013 highlights. Here’s to a vavavoom 2014! 😀
1. Best Makeup Tip I Learned in 2013 – Use good brushes for a better eye make-up finishing
2. Best Thing I Did For Myself in 2013 – Wake up, relive and reprioritize my life. One swallow doesn’t make a summer. Though Tina Turned crooned who needs a heart when a heart can be broken, I realized that I still need a heart to love those who still love and care for me.. Oh and I finally bought a pair of comfortable leather heels for work. Life is too short for uncomfortable shoes 🙂
3. Best Budget Sunscreen Discovered in 2013 – Hada Labo UV Moist Emulsion
4. Best Eyeshadow used in 2013 – Still Smashbox Eye Wish palette
5. Best BB Cream in 2013 – Hada Labo Air BB cream
6. Best Personal Growth Experience of 2013 – Live and let go. Let go and let God…and maybe some kind Samaritans
7. Best Travel Experience in 2013 – Penang
8. Best Skincare Product Discovery in 2013 – REN Glycolactic Radiance Renewal Mask
9. Best Beauty Events in 2013 – MWS Workshop x REN Skincare Workshop with Paris B and StriVectin X Street Love “A Purplish Affair” Tea Party
Hi Jennifer, thank you for being there through my 2013! It was a pleasure to finally meet you and put a face to the name and those macarons! Yum! 🙂 Happy too to hear that you’re living the life to be lived and you’re so right. A good pair of shoes makes you a star immediately (and takes good care of your back!) Thanks for sharing your best of with us 🙂
I love this post of yours and your skin from the time you posted the foundation tip to the recent one on the highlighting tip really shows so much improvement that I am quite amaze. I know the improvement is not solely due to the face cloth method but I really need to give this method a go in 2014 now that I have gotten myself 6 pieces of 100% cotton face cloths. Hahaha. My list is as follows:
1. Best Makeup Tip I Learned in 2013: Using Lunasol Cheek Brush to apply blushes
2. Best Lipstick of 2013: Shiseido Perfect Rogue lipsticks
3. Best Thing I Did For Myself in 2013: Attending a 40 week bible class in my parish. It is amazing what one can discover about themselves in the scriptures
4. Best Budget Sunscreen Discovered in 2013: The same Hada Labo one in your splurge and save category. I think it is almost on par with your HG Shiseido one (mine as well) and it makes such an affordable option just in case I can no longer afford the Shiseido one
5. Best Body Care Discoveries in 2013: Any of the Nivea body lotions
6. Best Spa Experience I had in 2013: The Asia Spa along Jalan Yap Kwan Seng. Purchase the voucher on Groupon
7. Best Personal Growth Experience of 2013: Educating myself with skincare and makeup items, methods and tips through my reading of beauty blogs
8. Best Travel Experience in 2013: Singapore for a very close friend’s adult baptism during Easter (I was her god mother) and my first time in Universal Studios (I still cannot forget the best roller-coaster ride I had on Cyclone, Battlestar Galletica and also Transformers)
9. Best Skincare Product Discovery in 2013: Using Bioderma Micellar Water (the pink bottle) to replace my cleansing oil for makeup removal
Glad you enjoyed this Victoria and thank you too for sharing your best of list! Haha so you are trying the face cloth thing after all? I hope it works for you 😀 I love that you picked the Shiseido Perfect Rouge lipsticks. I haven’t used them in ages, so I have to go back and take a new look at them. They’re really nice! And Asia Spa you said? I’m going to try that! Oh and are you a ride junkie too? Haha I haven’t been to Universal Studios yet but I hope to. We’ve lost our one and only theme park here so I’ll have to find my kicks elsewhere 😀
Best Makeup Tip I Learned in 2013 – Using a good flat brush to wipe concealer under my eye in a crescent boat shape, then blend out from there (from pixiwoo, using their RT flat concealer brush). I never knew this! And their brush definitely saves work on my part. So easy to use.
Best Lipstick of 2013 – Shu Uemura Rouge Unlimited Supreme Matte formula.
Best Thing I Did For Myself in 2013 – WENT TO JAPAN!!! =D Like you, this place had been on my mind since 10 years’ old?? Since I liked Hello Kitty as a child… … It is one whole story how this Kitty and my aim to go to Japan one day really changed and shaped my life. Perhaps that is why it was so spiritual for me, that is why after being there, I no longer feel like I really need anything else.
Best Skincare Tip I Learned in 2013 – Hmmmm. Haha. None? Good thing you asked. Shows that I didn’t make a deliberate effort to learn something more about taking care of my skin in 2013. Let it be 2014’s resolution!
Best Budget Sunscreen Discovered in 2013 – Same as yours! Hada Labo. I commented in that post that I really don’t like the Hada Labo one. However, I changed my mind because I found out much later that I had been using it all wrong. I am no stranger to Japanese sunscreens and I know I need to shake. But I realised that I have not been shaking the Hada Labo enough! Now, I make sure to count 20 shakes before using, and it is sooo good!
Best Body Care Discoveries in 2013 – Oh no. Another one to work on.
Best Eyeshadow used in 2013 – Burberry #10 Antique Rose. And MakeupGeek is worth a mention. Discovered it towards the end of 2013, and it is really good.
Best Spa Experience I had in 2013 – 5th Dimension Spa at Batam View Resort, Indonesia.
Mandala Day Spa in Boracay, The Philippines. Went there after Japan. Can’t choose between the two because both were so perfect (except the price of course). Both are Singapore price type of spas. And I have since learned that price matters when it comes to spas.
Best BB Cream in 2013 – Still Dr. Jart BB Cream.
Best Personal Growth Experience of 2013 – The course I attended on my Japan trip. Not convenient to say publicly. That trip was actually a learning trip that I paid for on my own, for my own enrichment.
Best Concealer Used in 2013 – Sonia Kashuk Hidden Agenda Palette.
Best Travel Experience in 2013 – It is so hard to choose! I planned all my trips really carefully this year, and I really only went where I really wanted to go.
Batam – on the water living. This was a lifelong dream.
Johor – hauled Inglot! Muahahahahaha. Haul of the year in terms of number of products bought.
Japan – Love.
Boracay – Paradise.
They are all part of my bucket list.
Best Skincare Product Discovery in 2013 – Ole Henriksen.
Particularly love the Black Berry Enzyme Mask and the New Beginning Scrub.
Ahhh 2013 was a year of travel for you Jyoan! Looks like so much fun and I want to try the spas you mentioned! I’m sure I’ll love them and of course, prices do matter when it comes to a spa. After all you pretty much get what you pay for right? 😀 Here’s to more adventures and discoveries in 2014!
I am so happy you have included Bangkok as your best travel experience! 😀
The temperature in the past week has been reducing to 16 degrees Celcius in the morning/night, and 24 in the day time. Very cold (for a tropical country). Not sure how long this is going to last though.
It’s been quite cool at night here too! It’s been quite nice but heating back up again. Just in time for CNY. SIgh.
Thank you for sharing these great recommendations – I normally don\’t fancy beauty blogs because the reviews aren\’t well-written or thorough, but I absolutely love reading yours 🙂 Just stumbled upon it while researching foundations / BB Creams! Am using Diorsnow BB now and super intrigued to try Guerlain BB Booster after your glowing review. Heehee. Will be following closely from now on! Cheers from Singapore, Zee
Hi Zee, thank you so much for your lovely encouraging words 🙂 I love the Guerlain BB Booster! Definitely try it if you like Diorsnow BB. Hope to see you around 😉