Do you remember when By Terry Cosmetics were available here in Malaysia? I bet few of you do LOL! I used to get their counter confused with T.leClerc and then one day, it quietly disappeared. It was before I had a chance to try anything from the brand because it is a luxury brand and my pockets weren’t very deep back then.
Fast forward to November 2013 and what d’ya know? By Terry is back in Malaysia!
I still am not familiar with the brand so I’m always open to hearing thoughts from anyone who has tried her products. But an interesting bit of trivia I learned is that Terry de Gunzburg, the name behind the brand, was the original creator of the famed YSL Touche Eclat brush on concealer-illuminator pen! Now that we’ve heard of haven’t we? I’ve even tried it (although I didn’t like the YSL formula)
It turns out that when Terry de Gunzburg left YSL she took the original formula with her so perhaps the one I tried wasn’t the original that made it famous? I don’t know. But By Terry carries the Touche Volutee, a brush on concealer-illuminating pen that I am told is very popular and highly raved. Guess who’s going to have to try it now eh? 😛
The By Terry brand was recently relaunched here in Malaysia to the local press and I had a quick look at the very large selection of products available. It will be carried exclusively by Ken’s Apothecary in their Bangsar Village 2 store for now.
Another product that I’m told is very popular is the Perfecting Foundation Brush which is a foundation in a brush-on pen form.
Terry wants to make it easy for women to apply makeup hence putting the base products in a brush-pen. It does make it very portable and easier to handle and also takes the guess work out of using a brush. I can imagine also that working backstage at fashion shows, a brush on pen just makes sense. However, for someone like me who is used to using a brush to apply foundation, I am always a little hesitant to use a product like this because the brush isn’t something I’m used to. That said, I liked the texture of the foundation, which I tested on the back of my hand, and I do wonder how this performs.
I also spotted the Light Expert pen which is like a large version of the Touche Eclat, for the face. It is lightly tinted and delivers an illuminating glow to the skin. Quite interesting to be honest. Another item I’d like to try in due course. I’m on this base makeup kick at the moment so anything to do with foundation, concealer, highlighter etc get my interest like nothing else 😛
My idea was to offer the same criteria of excellence, the same standards of perfection and expertise as are found in Haute Couture. I had been recognizing this phenomenon of personalization for a long time. I watched the world of luxury products slip toward a kind of standardization, of globalization, which essentially offered the same product for everyone. In the wake of the overconsumption of the 1980s and the minimalist, revivalist spirit in the early 1990s, I was sure that the next century would begin with people seeking pure creation and individualization.
~ Terry de Gunzburg
To assuage my curiousity, I recently picked up some colour products online, before they were launched here, to see how they fare.
The Rose Balm Gloss (Baume de Rose)(RM189) that looks like a lipgloss is actually a popular By Terry lip treatment product that now comes in a lipgloss packaging. It hydrates and nourishes the lips to give it a glow and has Essential Rose Wax. Being a blush fiend I was naturally curious about their blushes, so picked up the Blush Terrybly (RM245). There are only few and very safe colours.
The Growth Booster Mascara (RM145) is a new addition to the range. What it is is a mascara that helps lashes grow as the name implies. I’m always a little sceptical about these lash enhancing formulas because few if any have actually worked for my puny lashes. However, if it helps strengthen lashes, I would be all over them because I have in recent times stopped wearing mascara to allow my lashes some time off. They were getting weak and I didn’t want to end up losing them all.
What jumped out at me, looking at an overview of the By Terry product range, is just how muted the colours are. The brightest colours in the collection lie in the lip colours which range from nude to lovely creamy reds (and naturally I chose a red)
The eye colours are safe and so are the cheek colours. The pink you see here is about as bright as it gets. This is in line with Terry de Gunzburg’s philosophy that less is more. I have noticed a strong emphasis on base makeup which we were told contains skin caring ingredients, even as they conceal, highlight and cover. There is also a selection of skincare available.
I’m giving these few items a go and while I may like them, I will warn that the prices definitely fall in the luxury range. By Terry is known as a haute couture luxury cosmetics brand and like haute couture fashion, it means that prices fall in the higher end of the price spectrum. I’ll try to get some indicative local prices soon and update. Update: Prices for items I have are updated above as an indication.
Have you tried any product from By Terry? Please share your recs coz I’m all ears!
I’m particularly keen on the Touche Veloutee pen concealer/highlighter thing. My fave used to be Dior Skinflash which I still love but you know, short attention span and all… hehe… hit me with your By Terry recs! I’ll be putting up reviews of the products I bought over time but let me know if there’s any particular one that you want to know more about and I’ll escalate it to the front of the queue 🙂
Paris B
By Terry is available at Ken’s Apothecary at Bangsar Village II. Prices for selected items as above.
Wow…I have never tried this brand, but thus sure got me really interested! I cant wait to get some of this and to read your reviews about some of their products! Why arent YSL and GA coming back already????
Well blame L’oreal for not bringing YSL and GA back! Maybe soon? Who knows eh? Personally I’m not huge fans of either brand as I didn’t check them out even when they were available here (which is probably why they had to pull out LOL!) so I don’t quite feel the loss. But it’s also fun having new brands come in – amp up the competition as it were 😀
I wanted to get that lip gloss product but I prefer Dior’s rose scent. By Terry’s is a bit too artificial.
I tried Dior’s Skinflash pen on your recommendation, but it’s a bit too thick for my liking so I passed on By Terry’s version too! I want something sheer and I’m told Becca does lovely highlighters and so does Rouge Bunny Rouge…
Hmm I will have to go and smell them 🙂 I’m not too much a fan of rose scents so it’s going to be interesting! Sorry to hear Skinflash didn’t work on you. Contrary to you, I find it more of an illuminator hence quite thin! But then, we will have our different preferences. I used to own a couple of Becca products but I found them underwhelming at best so I don’t pay a lot of attention to the brand.
I prefer the Baume de Rose in the pot compared to the tube one. I’m already in my 3rd pot. I got a sample from Luxola and after trying out I’m sold. I’ve always had chapped lips and nothing helps till I tried the By Terry one. Chapped lips no more. I’ve tried Dior n La Mer one as well but nothing beats By Terry. Very very expensive though. I stock up whenever Luxola has a sale.
UGH i guess that means i should try the balm huh? i love my la mer but if it works better than i need to try by terry!
Paris, the Ombre Blackstar eyeshadow stick thingies are very popular! Although I think i may prefer my laura mercier?
Thanks for the heads up Joyce! I did see the packaging of the Ombre Blackstar eyeshadow sticks and was keen on them but I do love LM and for those prices I could get 2 LM! LOL!
Ooh there’s a difference? Thanks for letting me know! I do wonder how I’d like it seeing as to how I don’t use nor even like lip balm LOL! Still it’ll be interesting right? 😀
I’ve tried the under eye concealer and it’s LOVELY but OH so pricey! And I love the lip balm too. And the liquid blush. Sephora used to carry it here, but not anymore as it was ridiculously $$$ but when they cleared out I managed to score some stuff at 50% off!
Agree on the priciness! I’ll have to wait for a sale or perhaps when I accumulate some rebate points eh? 😉 Liquid blush you say? I didn’t pay attention but now I”ll have to look won’t I? 😛
I love love LOVED by Terry products but Sephora in Canada discontinued the product approx 3 years ago and therefore it wasnt easily accessible to me (not a fan of ordering beauty products online). Hopefully it makes its way back into the country …lol Great post.
Rozlyn P.
Ah which items from By Terry did you like Rozlyn? Hopefully the brand makes its way back to Canada soon! I’m quite excited to try these out – new brands are always exciting!
I tried the lip liners. They are super pigmented and the formula is the best I have ever tried. I really do hope it makes its way back to me… I mean Canada lol
Hi Paris I am a secret (not anymore!) lurker of your website for the past year. I am a huge fan of your site and your blog entries – I read them religiously.
I am a Malaysian living and working in Melbourne and your entries remind me of home.
Anyway I am a huge fan of the Touche Veloutee. I have bought it several times now and cannot go without it. I think you will like it alot.
Keep up the great work Paris!
Hi Elina! Thanks for delurking and sharing your thoughts! I have read so many good things about the Touche Veloutee that I think I will have to try it one of these days. I hear it’s quite amazing to conceal and highlight! Hope Melbourne has started warming up. It was all wet, grey and gloomy when I was there last week although I enjoyed my visit. Hope to go back again soon and see more of the city! 😀
Their rose liquid blush is gorgeous, and smells incredible too! I’m also a big fan of their eye cream 🙂
Thanks for the liquid blush rec, Rachel – you do know I’m taking notes right? 😀
OMG! I am attracted to the blush! but the pricing 🙁 I can buy 2 Nars with that price :'(
Yep, it’s quite different from NARS though – much more finely milled and feels like satin. I actually went off Nars blushes a few years ago because I found them too strong and a bit too makeupy so now I go for blushes which are a little more “natural”. Still, they do good quality ones and I’m glad we finally have the store here 😀 Did you check it out yet?
No.. 🙁 Haven’t got the time yet.. Probably tomorrow 🙂 Hehehe.. Nars do look caters for those who prefer strong look I personally call them crazy look 😛 I usually go for that kind of look and brands.. but due to work I have to look au naturale.. hahaha
LOL! I liken Nars to a higher end MAC. Same crazy style but better quality 🙂 I used to go for bright colours too ironically when I’d just started using makeup and wasn’t good at it. Now that I’m better at it, I’m all about natural looks haha!
I nearly bought Carnal Attraction online… I definitely have to go visit when I’m in KL!
Do! At least you’ll be able to swatch and decide if you like it 🙂 I like the little satin pouch it comes in even if it’s fiddly and useless. It’s a nice little touch 🙂
love haute fashion too..but i think i still cant afford this brand…too high end for my wallet!but i wan to read the review of the blusher..
Will be working on the blush for sure 🙂 It looks so pretty!
I bought the Touch Volutee last August/September… and while it was great as a concealer I did not like the scent at all! Too strong and lingered for too long. I’m interested to try their foundations so I might drop by one day to do so! 😀
Yikes! There’s a scent? Not keen on scented products if I’m using them so close to my eyes. Will go take a look,t hanks for the heads up!
I would love to try some By Terry products but honestly, I can’t afford it. Kate Johnson, aka Ghostparties from Youtube loves their Hydraluraonate loose powder(not sure about the exact name, but it sounds something like that), according to her, it leaves a matte but glowing finish
To be fair, it’s one of those brands like Tom Ford I think, that we’d so love to own but our wallets weep when we even think about it haha! Thanks for the loose powder rec. I’ll be sure to take a look when I can 🙂
I’ve heard so many good things about this range but haven’t tried anything yet.
I really like the pieces you’ve got, the lipstick is definitely *you*. A little tip for your lashes: mine were getting weaker lately and I’ve tried applying some almond oil -a really small amount of it- on them with a clean mascara wand, I’ve noticed quite an improvement 🙂
Haha! I thought so too when I saw the lip colour. I was like “That’s me! Alright, into the basket it goes!” 😀 Thanks for the tip for lashes. I have been applying a little oil on it every night too but not almond oil, I use avocado oil. Hope to strengthen them so I can wear mascara again (although I’ve learned to get by without it now ;))
I got to know this brand from a Taiwan magazine and many celebrities love it!!!! I wish I have the chance to try it, o….but it is really too pricy!
Ah well, they don’t call it luxury or haute couture for nothing eh? 😉 I’m sure we’ll have options in more affordable brands – makeup is easy to dupe 😉
I tried the Rose balm when I had a wee makeover at Mecca Cosmetica. I’m so glad I don’t like it because if I do, oh boy, that’s almost $100 just for lipbalm! 😛 I like the clicky pen highlighter thingamabob. I find the consistency nicer than the original YSL Touche Eclat.
Yeah, that is seriously pricey lipbalm! I plan to check out the highlighter thingy after taking a look at yours. Must see why it’s so nice! 😉
Ooooooooh this is really luxurious. Hahaha since my pocket isn’t too deep, or well, I don’t even have a pocket to be honest, I shall pass on this one 😀
Hahaha no pocket 😀 You’ll have one soon enough and when you do, you can revisit it then 😉
Hi there! I’ve been reading your blog consistently and glad you found Australia’s groceries amazing. I love my red rock deli chips too 😉
I recently had a makeup event with Sophie, one of By Terry’s makeup artists and fell in love with all the products. You should definitely try Bronze Moon & Misty Rock from the Ombre Blackstar range, hyaluronic powder (translucent powder/blotting powder) and one of my current favourites – their new Hyaluronic Blush in Peach.
As you probably noticed, I’m a huge fan of By Terry’s makeup range! There are many other products I love from this brand but won’t say more!
Hi Nina, thanks for leaving a comment and thanks also for the By Terry recs! You have me interested in the Hyaluronic Blush – is that the liquid/cream blush? Am still feeling my way around the brand so feel free to share more of your faves. Always good to know what works! 😉
cover expert is nice, al of her foundations so far as i have tried are quite silicone-y, very soft, very silky and soft. Maybe except for the uber-expensive new terrybly densiliss which supposedly has a serum inside. Cover expert gives a very good dimensional matte finish ( genuine, very oily skin may survive for a good 4-5 hours). I notice that she is more on the matte, radiant side of finishes.