My timing was so “good” that when I got back last week, it was quite late at night and I fell headlong into work the next day and was pretty busy the whole week. So, unpacking has been slow and you know how that’s like right? Slack off for a bit to unpack and suddenly the suitcase sits there for months on end. Reason why you should always unpack the minute you get home. I eventually found some time to and I thought I’d show you what came home with me from Down Under.
Let me preface this little haul by telling you that many things in Australia are pricey, especially if you’re talking beauty products. I found out that Revlon, for example, is sold at similar prices dollar-dollar with prices locally which means that with the exchange rate, a Revlon Lip Butter could cost you RM65. Top up a little more locally and you might as well walk away with an Estee Lauder lipstick that costs RM80.
You also saw how marked up the Hourglass Ambient Lighting Palete was in my previous post, so, when it came to beauty buys, I barely bought any. I looked of course, in the beauty halls of Mecca Maxima and Kit Cosmetics and spent a nice time trawling the aisles of Priceline but I eventually walked away with very few beauty buys. Instead, I spent most of my shopping money on candles, candles and erm… candles and groceries! 😀
I knew I was going to pick up Glasshouse Fragrances candles based on recommendations from friends and readers alike, so when I got to David Jones, and saw the scented candles section, I forgot everything else. These were what I’d come to buy!
I started out thinking I’d get just the small 60g ones but eventually I bit the bullet and came home with a large 350g candle in Positano – a fresh scent that I knew I’d love. I also picked up a bottle of the pricier La Maison Glasshouse range in No. 4 Les Baies Sauvages which has a distinct berry scent and reminds me a lot of Diptyque Baies. The difference lies in the price and the formulation of the scent, and I loved the heavy cut glass holder of La Maison Glasshouse.
If anyone knows where I can get Glasshouse Candles locally or in Singapore, please do share! I fear this is an addiction that I’ll have no cure for! The Circa Home Red Spiced Pear candle is another scented candle in a Christmas scent. Unlike most heavy spicy Christmas scents, this smelt lightly of pear yet with a hint of spice which is why I picked it up.
From Priceline came a couple of products from Face of Australia that I knew would be hard to find elsewhere. The Gentle Makeup Remover is really good stuff and not terribly pricey at AU$8.95 so I picked up a bottle to replenish my empty. It’s a distressful thing when a favourite eye makeup remover can only be found overseas LOL! 😛 I also picked up one of their lip crayons to see how they were like since I’d read lots of good reviews.
A couple more beauty products were from Dr. Lewinns because they were on sale. I picked up an extra bottle of the Dr. Lewinns Line Smoothing Complex (remind me I have to blog about this!) and a Reversaderm Micro-Cellular Age Correcting Peel that I thought looked interesting. Peel stuff always interest me and this brand got the thumbs up from 2 beauty bloggers I was with so you know, you gotta trust them beauty bloggers! 😉
My favourite time however, was spent at the supermarkets. Man! I love grocery shopping anywhere I go, so going to Woolworths and Coles were among the highlight of my visit. I know, sad LOL! 😛 No one leaves Australia without bringing home some Tim Tams so who was I to buck the trend eh? They made good souvenirs too.
For myself, I made sure I got gloves. Dishwashing gloves, not swanky leather or woollen gloves. I know, it’s random but hey, it’s beauty related no? 😉 Ever since I was introduced to these Hygiene Plus Silktouch Vinyl gloves by my friend, I have had my dishwashing gloves imported in every time I hear of anyone visiting or returning from Australia. I doubt anyone really wants a review of these, but if you do, let me know and I’ll tell you why I scorn the regular rubber dishwashing gloves 😀 Oh and if you ever see these here in Malaysia please please let me know so I can stop importing and hoarding them.
Which leads me to my final and favourite purchase of the lot.
CRISPS! 😀 Or as they call it chips!
Tim Tams were for other people but for myself, I lugged back in hand luggage, preciously cradling them every step of the way home lest they crush, precious bags of Red Rock Deli crisps. Sure, we get them here as well but at atrocious prices so who was I to pass up 2 packs for AU$6 eh, eh? I gave 2 bags to my brother but I’m hoarding these 2 now and savouring them with every fibre of my being. Ah yes, no one gets between me and my precious crisps 😀
That, my friends, was pretty much all the shopping I did in Australia in the few days I had free. I can safely say I didn’t plan to lug back this much, nor did I expect to buy so many candles but I went for stuff we couldn’t find here (except for the food which we can but heck, who cares eh?) and I have to say that it was a very nice, small, well-rounded haul 🙂
Does anyone else go grocery shopping overseas as well? What might I have missed buying from Australia?
I know I certainly got some incredulous looks when I said I was going to buy lots of dishwashing gloves, which I did. Friends were just as amused that I’d rather go grocery shopping than beauty shopping. Guess this is what happens when a beauty blogger grows up haha 😀 Still, I didn’t do too badly eh?
Paris B
I love Red Rock Deli chips…so yummy! So much so that Woolworths sent me a 50% discount for them this week!
Haha! Gosh at 50% off I’d just grab a whole carton of them! I’m slowly savouring them so I don’t run out too quickly. We get them here too but at a very high price so I’m usually too miserly to indulge 🙂
Just came back from Perth and went to each and every Safeway that I got passed and sigh….can’t find ANY of the gloves. Not even a tag – atleast I could know if it is out of stock but nothing. Mostly Ansel brand that I could find but just not Hygiene Plus or even if there were Hygiene Plus, they were disposable ones that comes in a box and not silktouch. =( Arghhhh
Brought back some RRDs though, but guess what, 2 packs burst in our luggage, I guess it must be due to the air pressure. One of them was my precious sea salt + vinegar.
🙁 Sorry about that Fann – my friend did warn me it was sometimes hard to find the gloves. My RRD burst too but luckily it was just at one end, and they were in a bag, so when I got home, I quickly clipped it with a bag clip and put it in an air-tight container. Still crunchy! 🙂