You know, I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with bar soaps. On the one hand I grew up using a bar soap so it is rather nostalgic for me, and on the other hand I swore the day that I bought my own shower stuff, I’d go with a shower gel. It was just more convenient all around!
So hmm… I guess that pretty much sums up my experience with bar soaps. I was however, recently sent a Soap in a Tin of Raspberry Soap by The Scottish Fine Soaps Company and while I wasn’t quite jumping up and down with glee, I was quite intrigued for a couple of reasons.
The chief reason was that it says that it is Made in Scotland and I love Scotland! I love haggis (yes I do!) and I love the wild countryside and men in kilts (ahem! ;)) Oh and men in kilts with a lovely Scottish accent! Mmm… Where was I? Oh yeah, so although I don’t quite love the grey gloomy weather, I do love Scotland. So, I said, ok – let’s give this a go.
The Scottish Fine Soaps hails from 1974 and from the little research I did, seems to occupy quite a niche market in soaps. They make triple milled soaps, which is a method of making soap where the soap crystals are rolled three (or more) times to form a paste which is then pressed into moulds. Triple-milled soaps produce soaps that are smoother and longer lasting.
The Soap in a Tin is beautifully presented, wrapped up in brand tissue paper and contained within a tin box. A 100g bar is pretty large as you see in the picture and much to my surprise, was hard. It feels solid but lathers up with just a little bit of water.
You literally wet your hands, run them over the soap, put the soap aside and rub your hands together to create the lather and you get lovely rich lather that is quite enough to shower with. Very luxurious and if you think about it, very economical too!
Raspberry Soap, like the name suggests smells of sweet, tangy raspberries. The soap, when lathered up infuses your bathroom with the smell of raspberries. When I used this to shower, it left my skin feeling squeaky clean. You know that feeling right? It feels like all the dirt of the day has been sloughed off your body, and after a bout of sweaty yoga, you bet I’m ready to have it sloughed off! That said though, I’m afraid it’s not quite a feeling I like on a daily basis (which is why I use body washes instead). On the upside, my skin did not feel dry, despite this squeaky clean feeling but on the downside, I can’t help feeling like I have to immediately put on some body lotion or body oil.
I think though with the gifting season coming up, these do make good ready-made gifts for someone who appreciates using good bath and body products. Just tie a ribbon around the tin and you’re good to go! Locally, it retails at RM34.90 from The Brand Story which isn’t very pricey at all. Pricey, if you compare it to the regular cheap soaps, but affordable when compared to other luxury scented soaps. If that’s something you like that is.
In a nutshell
The Scottish Fine Soaps Soap in a Tin is a hefty bar of triple-milled scented soap (comes in multiple scents) presented in a retro looking metal tin. The tin allows you to transport the soap from place to place e.g. to the gym but if you use it at home, then you can use the tin to store stuff like I do. It’s a nice size and well made. The soap itself is hard but lathers up very easily into a thick foam that feels very luxurious on skin, without drying. However, I do find that it gives skin a squeaky clean feeling that is nice after a bout of sweaty exercise but not so nice when all you want is to feel a little pampered.
Pros: Lathers up very easily, Not drying on skin, Can last a long time, Does not crack or melt easily
Cons: Squeaky clean feeling on skin takes some getting used to
Who will like this: Anyone who likes using bar soap and wants something a little more luxurious and unique as compared to what is available in the market currently
Here is the ingredient list if you’re interested.
In Malaysia, the Scottish Fine Soaps Company is distributed by The Brand Story who retail online but who will be setting up stall at a bazaar at Great Eastern Mall on 17-28 October 2013 (get updated on their Facebook page). They sell a few niche brands including The Scottish Fine Soaps Company, Ecoya, California Baby and Marius Fabre, if you remember. If you visit the stall and tell them you found out about them from My Women Stuff, you’ll get 15% off your purchases! Never too early to shop for Christmas, I say! 😉
I hope to go down and check them out because I saw they bring in Ecoya scented candles and I have an unhealthy (to my wallet) obsession with good scented soy candles! 😀
Has anyone come across this one before? Do you like using a bar soap?
This was my first time hearing about this brand. I can’t say I’m a fan of bar soaps. I’m good with them till they start getting melty and messy and that’s when my patience wears thin. Part of the reason I prefer a body wash. I can’t deny a good soap can last a really long while though (and stretch your dollar further!) 🙂
Paris B
The Scottish Fine Soaps Company Soap in a Tin come in various scents Price: RM34.90 Availability: The Brand Story website
Oh I know all about that whole Scottish thing! One of my colleagues is from our Scotland office and I am enthralled everytime he comes….AND he wears his kilt on occassion here as well! Such a good gift idea since Christmas is only about 11 weeks away and this reminds me, I need to make my ‘naughty or nice’ list!!
OMG If I worked in your office I doubt I’d get any work done LOL! *puts self on JackieA’s nice list* 😉
Oh this SO pretty! I adore the tin it comes in. I never liked bar soaps until I encountered a L’Occitane one that I received as a Christmas gift which I used as hand soap. The little block lasted me a good few months and it lathered right down to the very last bit instead of hardening like the normal ones do. When it comes to soaps, I think paying more for quality does make a whole lot of difference.
Glycerin soaps are a different story altogether. They seem to just vanish into thin air…
I love haggis too! Never expected that I would but there you go!
I actually really like black sausage too 😛 I used to make black sausage risotto all the time LOL Best not to know what’s in it eh? 😉
But you’re right about triple milled soaps vs glycerin ones. Pricier ones absolutely last longer and smell a heck lot better too! And you’re also right about them not hardening and cracking although I have found that soap care is just as important. I’ve found that bar soap can last so much longer than using a shower gel. It’s no wonder that my Dad scoffs at my fancy shower gels haha!
I could live in Scotland. I love gloomy cold weather hahaha! That squeaky clean feeling is kind of nice sometimes actually and once in awhile I don’t mind it! Sounds like a nice soap!
HAHA Scotland sounds like a wet Canada. It rained every single time I visited! Although when the sun is out, it’s a beautiful country.
Men in kilts with Scottish accents! What a great image to start my day with 😀
I’ve been using bar soaps only for a long period of my life, I had an awful allergic reaction to a couple of different shower gels and bar soaps never gave me one. Lately I’ve tried Le Petit Marseillais shower gels and they’re perfect for my skin so I’ve put soaps aside for the moment. But now I feel like going back to them again! This sounds really good and I like the packaging as well 🙂
teehee… and what an image to carry you through the day, yes? 😉 Ah it’s interesting to know that you found bar soaps better than liquid soap! I have to say that bar soap probably does contain less chemicals and additives because oils are easier to solidify than keep liquid. This one is nice. It’s been a while since I’ve used a bar soap again and I like how this doesn’t get all melty and gross with use 😀
Hi PB,
Very good info about the bazaar..i’ll prob drop by and get sniffing 🙂 the tins look adorbs! Need to get some for some deco in the washroom~
I’m planning to hit up the bazaar too Shasha! 😀 I think the tins really got to me more than the soap haha! I read that the brand makes an Oatmeal soap too and I think I might like that. Oatmeal soaps tend to be a bit more moisturising 🙂
Ah I loooovee Scotland as well ! The sceneries there are amazing ! I haven’t tried the haggis though.. Sorry but it just.. Doesn’t look appetizing to me , heh.
Personally I’m not a fan is bar soaps as they tend to “slip off” from my hands when showering and end up on the shower floor . Eeeekkks ( sorry a little OCD ). But I’ll check their bazaar out when I go to KL on the 22/23 . ~
-robert c.
LOL I made it a point to try it the first time I visited. Doesn’t look good, but goodness! Delicious! hehe… You may not like to know what goes into it though LOL! Oh and i hear ya about soaps slipping about! There are other items other than these soaps stocked so I plan to go and check it out. Nothing like seeing things for yourself (and then stocking up online!) 😀
I stopped using bar soaps for awhile but ever since my mom started soapmaking at home, I’m in love with them again! Plus I know she only uses good oil and pure essential oils which make them so hydrating! I’m lucky to be able to just ask for a new bar everytime I run out. Haha!
Oh that’s nice! Soap on demand hehe 😀
You lost me at ‘men in kilts’. What’s this about the soap? LOL!
LOL!!! Excellent imagery eh? 😉
I love soap bars… And this looks so cheery…. and I can feel the holiday vibes dancing in my veins….the influence of all things in tin and red and old school nostalgia…. I love Ecoya candles too…. They are so lasting.
Eeps! I haven’t smelled Ecoya candles yet but I”ve read so many good things about them! Which should I be looking out for? I plan to pick up a couple 😀 Oh and yes, this particular tin is certainly Christmas appropriate! Tie a ribbon and tada! Simple present done!
Mmm, would really love to try these! And yes to Scottish men 🙂
I have recently bought a soap from Costes, it retails for 11 GPB but is amazing and worth the price, IMO.
MMmmm Scottish men heheh… I haven’t come across Costes but you know, I’ve found that a good quality soap like many things, rarely come cheap! So it’s probably absolutely worth paying for 🙂
Wow, the packaging is super gorgeous, and the soap looks too pretty to use 😉
Soaps like these are one of my weaknesses ;p
Haha I agree about the soap being too pretty to use, Yuri! But where’s the fun of a new product if you don’t use it eh? 😀
It is such an adorable one. However, metal tin and soap… they don’t go together I tell you. Unless you don’t plan on storing the soap in the tin when you do use it. :p
LOL! No the tin isn’t to keep the wet soap. Rust anyone? 😛 But it’s useful for keeping the soap when travelling I guess? I don’t know. I don’t usually travel with soap but after reading another reader’s comment, I think I will. It just makes sense!
I love the metal tin! I have this thing for metal tins… and handsome Scots, teehee!
I usually wear soap bars, since I don’t like liquid soap all that much. I find that soap bars lather well and last longer. Besides, I like buying soap when abroad – I am the crazy one that travels carrying bricks of soap – and bars are much easier to carry. Plus, they don’t leak during the flight. 😉
You are a genius for getting around the liquid rule, Mari! OMG I have to learn to carry soaps when I travel too! It just makes so much sense and I can just cut the bar to the size I need!
In theory it’s a great idea, but it’s no stroll in the park to cut those monster bars into manageable-sized soaps. One particular olive oil soap was as tough as a stone! I had to hack into it and was left with irregular shards. A real massacre. ;_;
Since then, I’m preferring the wrapped, ready-to-use soaps.
Haha good point about sawing away at a block of soap, Mari! I guess a good hard bar will be really hard to chop up and if it’s easy to, it might just be too soft!