Hi everyone!
Last year at about this time, I had a bit of a melt down haha! Things have improved a little over the year as I’ve learned to do things “my way or no way”, which has been a bit of a coming of age for me. There’re still things I’d like to do better so I’m learning to be tougher too. But there was something I did last year that I felt was very good for me blog-wise, and that was taking a break.
So, by way of a gift from me to me on my day (guess you’ve worked out what the Celebrate October giveaways were really about), I’m taking the day and a little time off from blogging. But instead of having you come by today in anticipation of a post and have nothing to read, I’m going to share 21 things I’ve learned about myself in the past year. 21 of course, because I’m forever 21! 😉
Here are the 21 things I’ve learned:-
- I can say “No” and mean it; and importantly, not regret it.
- I am not butter. I will not spread myself too thin.
- Short hair lets me get away with being sassy and cheeky so I guess this is a keeper 😀
- My skin takes amazingly well to European skincare brands and formulas. Amazingly well.
- I can’t multitask as well as I thought I could. Something has to give.
- When an opportunity comes, grab it by the horns. You never know when it will come again nor where it might take you.
- Step outside your comfort zone. The view and experience can be amazing and eye-opening.
- You don’t need hundreds of friends; you only need a few good ones that you know you can depend on for a good time.
- There are always people waiting to bring you down and trip you up, so keep your eyes open and watch out for potholes.
- There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Or dinner. Or tea.
- There’s no need to please everyone so long as what you do pleases someone or the ones who matter. The most important person to please is yourself so do what makes you happy.
- Saving money towards a goal forces me to choose my little indulgences more wisely and appreciate them better.
- You know “The Secret”? It works!
- I can talk to a roomful of people on a subject of which I know little and later be told it was insightful.
- I hold up pretty well in an emergency but it could also be perceived as being too cold and detached.
- Family first. Always.
- I have no idea how to address a foreign ambassador! Your Excellency? My Lady? Hey you? Eeks!
- Eat, drink and be merry. Life is too short to waste calories on crappy food.
- Children are a notion beyond my ken. I love my nephew but I could never do half the things my sister does to bring him up; and I salute her for everything she does while maintaining her own independence and life.
- When you’re happy and positive, everything will fall into place naturally. Vice versa if you are negative and angry all the time.
- I am incredibly blessed in so many ways 🙂
And one more – Take a break once in a while from the regular mill. You will be rewarded with better mental clarity, appreciation and enthusiasm.
Did any of my personal life lessons resonate with you?
Be good, peeps. I’ll be back soon 🙂 If you want to catch up on your MWS reading, the navigation bar up top may help you discover some hidden gems. So, go on, have a mosey around the 2832 published posts on the blog. I’ll still be on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram so feel free to look me up and chat to me there if you like. Email will take me a while to reply 🙂
Paris B
Happy Birthday! Stay happy as always… stay healthy as always… stay pretty as always 21! 😀
Agree with your 21 lessons & many thanks for share out your lessons to us.. 🙂
Thank you Premlaw 🙂 Wishes for happiness and health are always welcome <3
Those are some amazing things that you’ve learned ! Some I find hard to do myself such as the 1,9,11. Sigh , I’ve been told I have inferiority complex , which being stabbed by people in the back multiple times does not help .
But don’t let my rant get you down . Have a very happy special day ahead and you have a blast now ! ~
Happy birthday , Paris !
-Robert .
Thank you Robert 🙂 With age always comes a little wisdom. Here’s a bit of advice – don’t be too nice. I’m serious. Find your own path, be good at what you do, be pleasant, don’t be too nice and you’ll find fewer knives in the back; or at least be able to grow some thick skin to ignore any knives 🙂 Thanks again!
This post touched my heart.Thank you for sharing it with us.*Thumbs up*
Glad you enjoyed it, Anusha 🙂
Happy birthday! Have a fab day!
Thank you Gio, I did 🙂
Happy Birthday, Paris! May all your wishes come true and stay healthy & pretty always.
Thank you for the lovely wishes, Millie! 🙂
Happy 21st birthday! Enjoy your break.. will miss ya!
Thank you Shannen, I did enjoy the break! 😀
Have a blessed birthday Paris and may you find joy and happiness in everything you do :-). I totally agree with you on #7, #8, #20 and #21. It is always good to have the spirit of gratitude and thankfulness with everything that has been given to us.
Thank you Victoria! 🙂 It has taken me a while, but I think I’m getting there with feeling gratitude for everything we’re given or that we experience one way or another.
Happy Birthday! And I really loves this one “Saving money towards a goal forces me to choose my little indulgences more wisely and appreciate them better.” So true 🙂
Thank you Marina! I never realised how much I took for granted till I was forced to save and truly, I certainly appreciate the little luxuries a lot more now 🙂
Happy birthday Paris. Thank you for always sharing. Have a blessed day.
Thank you Ina Yorendra! Sharing is caring, as they say! 😉
Happy birthday Paris..sharing birth date with my hubby…
wishing you happy always and continue doing what you love.
Thank you Wan and ah! Happy belated birthday to your husband too! 😀 What a coincidence.
I totally agree with u on 5, 6 and 8. While a lot of women claim to multitask well, we can never fully focus on all. Most often than not, opportunities come in many forms and one should not close their mind to chances. And I don’t need 100 friends either 😀
Have a good break.
Right? We keep thinking we can do it all at the same time but in fact, we’re just doing many things averagely when we can do one thing well. You enjoy your holiday too!
Happy Birthday, Paris! Have a fab fab fab day and a fab break too – you absolutely deserve it.
I would have loved to see you go, “Hey, you!” on an ambassador. You crack me up. Well, I’m still working on the #1 thing on your list. It’s the hardest thing for me to do right now especially when they hold my kids as ransom on me … for now. Then there’s the friendship part – I only have three good friends and they are my Samantha, Carrie and Miranda, everything I need 🙂
Thank you Jamie 😀 I think if I had gone “Hey, you!” I might now be rotting away in a prison somewhere eh? 😉 As for #1 it’s a delicate balance but I am a firm believer of taking hold of your own life so try not to allow anyone to hold you ransom – easier said than done, I know, but sometimes, it’s for the best 😀
Happy birthday, Paris! I loved reading about everything you learnt this year. Have a lovely break (and yes, you must try more European skincare!)!
Thank you Sunny! I do plan to try more European skincare! My skin loves it! 😀
Happy 21st (and secret ++ years) birthday!!
Agree with all of your insights – only realized many of them way later than you though.
Thank you Rudi and realizing it late doesn’t matter. What matters is the realization and awareness 🙂
Many happy returns of the day.
Here’s looking to the year ahead, reaching the next milestone, continuing to grow wiser and gathering another (at least) 21 illuminating insights.
Thank you jk! I do hope the coming year will be even more enlightening 😀
Happy birthday to you! A little time out is always good. You deserve it! I’m always in awe of people like you who can blog every single day… Have fun!
Thank you Yu Ming 🙂 I’m in awe of myself haha! Kidding – it’s not hard once you get into the swing of things but getting back on that swing is going to be really really hard!
Happy birthday, Paris!
Thank you Amanda! 😀
Happy birthday, Paris. Have a great one. You know what they say, age is just a number so long as you still know how to have a good time 🙂 Enjoy the break.
Thank you Charlene! Indeed, age is just a number – we should never stop having fun! 😀
Blessed birthday Paris! You’re a Gen Y(ah) – Young.at.heart and a generous one too … gave a No. 21plus – see your last para:) Clarity gives energy. Hope you.re having a great day so far!
Thank you Kit and I’m a Gen Y(oung) forever! hehe… 😉 I had a wonderful day, thank you!
Happy 21 always Paris 🙂 Wishing you many happy returns, great health and plenty of joy always. 8, 9, 11, 13, 20, 21…and the rest of the list are really wonderful gems.
Thank you Jennifer! Health and happiness are the best things anyone can have – the rest is gloss <3